SW UMS302 MaintenanceGuide10

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StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.

Preventive, Fault Handling, Emergency

Maintenance Guide
Product Document

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

Document History: Version # 1.0 Date 30/Aug/2011 Edition cause First Release Extend from UMS2.6R3 Author(s) Wenbo CAI

Document Approvals: Version # 1.0 Date 02/Sep/2011 Name Leon Visa D.P.M

StreamWIDE All rights reserved

Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 2/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

1. 2. Purpose of this document ....................................................................................................................................4 Preventive Maintenance Guide ............................................................................................................................5 2.1. Equipment Room Environment ...................................................................................................................7 2.2. System Environment ...................................................................................................................................8 2.3. System Configuration ..................................................................................................................................9 2.4. System Running ........................................................................................................................................10 3. Fault Handling Guide .........................................................................................................................................11 3.1. Case List....................................................................................................................................................11 3.2. Troubles specific for 1 subscriber ..............................................................................................................12 3.2.1. Unable to Login to Web Interface .........................................................................................................12 3.2.2. Unable to access via Telephone Interface (TUI) remotely ...................................................................13 3.2.3. Messaging not working, subscriber hear greeting but message cannot be left. ...................................16 3.2.4. SMS Notifications not working ..............................................................................................................17 3.2.5. Unable to receive Fax ...........................................................................................................................18 3.2.6. Call UMS but no prompt heard or blank deposit message ...................................................................20 3.2.7. Cannot navigate into UMS Menus ........................................................................................................22 3.2.8. Call Notification does not work ..............................................................................................................25 3.3. Troubles specific to all users .....................................................................................................................28 3.3.1. Calls are not routed to UMS ..................................................................................................................28 3.3.2. Call Notification does not work ..............................................................................................................31 4. Emergency Maintenance Guide .........................................................................................................................34 4.1. Purpose of this chapter .............................................................................................................................34 4.2. Overview....................................................................................................................................................35 4.2.1. Emergency Faults and Emergency Maintenance .................................................................................35 4.2.2. Points for Attention for Emergency Maintenance .................................................................................36 4.2.3. Requirements for the Emergency Maintenance Personnel ..................................................................37 4.2.4. Preparation Required before Emergency Maintenance ........................................................................38 4.3. General Emergency Maintenance Process ...............................................................................................39 4.3.1. Rack Electrical Power Problem .............................................................................................................39 4.3.2. Network Problem causing Messaging System unreachable ................................................................40 4.3.3. Swengine service is interrupted ............................................................................................................41 4.3.4. Database service is interrupted ............................................................................................................42 4.3.5. Web service is interrupted ....................................................................................................................43 4.3.6. SMS service is interrupted ....................................................................................................................44 4.3.7. Email service is interrupted ...................................................................................................................45 4.3.8. MWI service is interrupted ....................................................................................................................46 4.4. Finding and rectifying Emergency Faults ..................................................................................................47 4.5. Contacting Streamwide Support Center ....................................................................................................48 4.5.1. Trouble ticket.........................................................................................................................................48 4.5.2. Trouble ticket numbering ......................................................................................................................48 4.5.3. Issue processing ...................................................................................................................................49 4.5.4. Issue closure .........................................................................................................................................49 4.5.5. Priority-based issue categorization .......................................................................................................49 4.5.6. Repair time warranty .............................................................................................................................50 4.5.7. Escalation levels ...................................................................................................................................50 4.5.8. Continual Improvement .........................................................................................................................50 5. Glossary .............................................................................................................................................................51

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 3/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

1. Purpose of this document
This document describes maintenance guidelines for the Streamwide Messaging System: - Preventive maintenance guide - Fault handling maintenance guide - Emergency guide

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 4/51

2. Preventive Maintenance Guide

This chapter describes the standards round inspections:

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

Equipment environment System environment System configuration System running

The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Section 2.1 Equipment Room Environment 2.2 System Environment 2.3 System Configuration 2.4System Running Describes The indexes of environment The round inspection standards of the system environment. The round inspection standards of the running platform. The round inspection standards of the system running.

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Date: 30/Aug/2011 5/51

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 6/51

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Equipment Room Environment

Round inspection of the equipment room environment: Content Power/Status air-conditioners Temperature Humidity Cleanness Antistatic environment Space Power supply Acceptance Standard The air-conditioners in the equipment room run normally. The temperature ranges from 15 to 30 C C. The humidity range is 40%65%. The concentration of dusts with diameter 4 3 more than 5mm is less than 310 /m . The equipment room uses the antistatic raised floor and the floor is grounded. The space is enough and the equipment room is well ventilated. At least two channels of independent power supplies provide power for equipment. Check Method After turning on the air-conditioners in the equipment room, check whether they can run continuously and normally. Check the temperature with a thermometer. Check the humidity with a hygrometer. Check whether the raised floor is connected with the ground cable. Check whether the ventilation equipment runs normally. Check whether two channels of power supplies are connected to the rack or subrack.

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 7/51

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System Environment

Round inspection of the system environment: Content Running status of system fans CPU and memory status Hard disk status and file system Acceptance Standard All fans of the host and disk chassis run normally. Air exhaust is normal. The temperature on the equipment surface is room temperature and is not hot. The number of CPUs, Memory,hard disks are same as configured. All components run normally. Check Method Observe the air exhaust status of equipment air outlets and touch equipment surfaces. Running the following commands on the servers as the root user: # free -o # df h # cat /proc/cpuinfo Running the following command to check the versions of the OS # cat /etc/redhat-release

Versions of the OS

OS version

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 8/51

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System Configuration

Round inspection standards of the system configuration: Content Software version Acceptance Standard SWEngine V3.X Check Method Running the following command # /etc/init.d/swengine version Floating IP One floating IP addresses must be allocated: Running the following command : # vi /etc/hosts # ifconfig /etc/hosts file localhost Adjust the addresses according to the current system & network architecture. Check the /etc/hosts file. :

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 9/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

System Running

Round inspection standards of the system running : Content File system Space Acceptance Standard The usage of each file system does not exceed 75%. The usage of the memory swap area must be less than 90%. No abnormity prompts such as warning, error, fail and panic, and no prompts of system process restart in the log. No abnormity prompts such as warning, error, fail and panic in MAIL. Check Method Log in to each sever, and running the following command: # df -h Memory Swap Usage System Log Running the following command as the root user: # top | grep Swap Running the following command as the root user: # vi /var/log/messages Check the mails of the last week, running the following command as the root user: # mail Times of the active and standby systems The time difference of the two-node cluster does not exceed 1 minute. Running the commands to view the time of the active and standby systems: # date

MAIL of the root user

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 10/51

3. Fault Handling Guide

3.1. Case List
Troubles specific to 1 user

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

Unable to Login to Web Interface Unable to access via Telephone Interface (TUI) remotely Messaging System not working, customers hear greeting but no message can be left. SMS Notifications not working Unable to receive Fax Calls are not routing to Messaging System Call Messaging System but no prompt heard or blank deposit message Cannot navigate into Messaging System Menus Cannot enter secret code Call notification dont work Callback dont work Call screening dont work

Troubles specific to all users

No calls going to Messaging System at all Call Notification dont work Callback dont work CSV statistics not received

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 11/51

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3.2. Troubles specific for 1 subscriber
3.2.1. Unable to Login to Web Interface

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 12/51

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3.2.2. Unable to access via Telephone Interface (TUI) remotely
Unable to access via Telephone Interface remotely


No User try by short Number at home? User try by his own Number out of home?





No User hear Vmail menu?

No User hear Vmail Invite message? Yes

Yes Check files: /var/log/swmessaging/ums_va.log And /var/log/swengine/sigserver.log On Voice Servers, for checking if the call arrive on voice servers

No Call receive by Voice Servers?


Check if RTP work between voice server and user. Make a tcpdump on voice server.

- Check Network - Check Voice Gateway

3 1 L2 2 L2

5 L2 4 L2

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 13/51

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2 L1 3 1
RTP work for both side? No



Escalation to STREAMWIDE

No User can navigate in Vmail? No User can enter secret code?


Check if DTMF correctly receive by voice servers. Check files: /var/log/swmessaging/ ums_va.log And /var/log/swengine/sigserver.log On Voice Servers




DTMF received by Voice Servers?



Check /etc/swengine/ sigserver.cf to know if voice server is DTMF INBAND and RFC2833 or RFC2833 only.

Escalation to STREAMWIDE


6 L3

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 14/51

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 15/51

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3.2.3. Messaging not working, subscriber hear greeting but message cannot be left.
Vmail not working, customers hear greeting but no message can be left

Support have DB access?



Check in DB if for that mailbox (MEDIABOX table) the MEDIABOXRECORDSTATE is set to Y

Ask to someone have access to DB



Escalation to STREAMWIDE

Try to change the value to Y

No Customers hear greeting and message can be left




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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 16/51

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3.2.4. SMS Notifications not working
SMS Notifications not working

Look on voice server in /var/log/swmessaging/ums_va.log for the mediabox if you have a line with: Sending sms notification

Do you have this line? Yes


Check in DB. In MEDIABOX table: SMSNOTIFICATIONSTATE needs to be Y

Check the network between voice server and Kannel server and check Kannel server No This parameter is set to Y Network and Kannel server work? No Yes




Set this parameter to Y

Check if Kannel is running

No Kannel is running? Start Kannel: /etc/init.d/kannel start SMSNOTIFICATIONCOUNTMONTH < ALLOWEDSMSNBMONTH No

Yes User deplete his SMS Credit No SMS received? Yes


Escalation to STREAMWIDE




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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 17/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

3.2.5. Unable to receive Fax
SMS Notifications not working


Look in /var/log/swengine/sigserver.log on voice server if you have for this call an invite with m=image 11386 udptl t38

No Do you have this line? Yes

Voice Gateway dont make Invite with T38. Check Voice Gateway

Look in /var/log/swmessaging/ums_va.log on voice server if you have a line with: Fax Not Allowed For MediaBox

No Do you have this line? Look in /var/log/swmessaging/ums_va.log on voice server if you have a line with: pages received Escalation to STREAMWIDE No Do you have this line? Yes


Look DB in MEDIABOX table for this Mediabox if FAXSTATE is set to Y


1 L2

2 L2

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 18/51

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1 2


No FAXSTATE set to Y

Check in the Mediabox folder if you have the Fax file.

Yes No Look PROFILE table of this Mediabox in DB if ALLOWEDFAXSTATE is set to Y Look PROFILE table of this Mediabox in DB if ALLOWEDFAXSTATE is set to N Do you have this file?


Escalation to STREAMWIDE





Escalation to STREAMWIDE

This Profile don't allow receive FAX

This Profile allow receive FAX but FAX is deactivated on this Mediabox. Try to change FAXSTATE to Y.




StreamWIDE All rights reserved

Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 19/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

3.2.6. Call UMS but no prompt heard or blank deposit message

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 20/51

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 21/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

3.2.7. Cannot navigate into UMS Menus

Cannot navigate into VMS Menu


Check in /var/log/swmessaging/ums_va.log if you have line looks like Key pressed: X for you call

Yes Do you have it?

Check in /var/log/swmessaging/ums_va.log if you have line looks like AddToQueue /home/swmessaging/Sounds/en/pr ompts/ for you call


Check in /var/log/swengine/sigserver.log if you have a line looks like received dtmf X from mediaserver for your call

No Do you have it?


Escalation to STREAMWIDE

1 L2

2 L3


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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 22/51

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Make a new call and make in the same time a tcpdump -i ethx -s 1500 -w debug.cap (where x is RTP interface number)

RFC2833 or Inband DTMF



Check in tcpdump if you have RTP packet with Event DTMF X

Send tcpdump file to STREAMWIDE Have it?




Network Filtering between Remote IP phone and VMS

Escalation to STREAMWIDE



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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 23/51

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Check in folder seen in /var/log/ swmessaging/ums_va.log the sound file size with command: ls -l filename

No File size > 0?


Network Filtering between Remote IP phone and VMS

Escalation to STREAMWIDE



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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 24/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

3.2.8. Call Notification does not work

Beware Message need to be in status new, if email notification with attachment activated with archive you never have call notification.

Call Notification dont work


Check in /var/log/swmessaging/ ums_va.log if you have a line looks like Call postponed for 2010-12-08 15:14:00 for your call

Yes Do you have it?

Check in /var/log/swmessaging/ ums_va.log if you have a line looks like BEGIN of CALL NOTIFICATION for PhpPid = 9264 : Checking msg where PhpPid = previous incoming call identifying


No Do you have it?

Yes Escalation to STREAMWIDE

1 L2

2 L3


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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 25/51

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Check in your profile if Allow Call Notification is Yes

Allow Call Notification? Yes


Change Allow Call Notification to Yes Check in DB for this mediabox if CALLNOTIFICATIONCOUNTMONTH <= ALLOWEDCALLNOTIFICATIONNBMONTH defined in Profile

3 L1



Escalation to STREAMWIDE

This Mediabox have deplete Call Notification quota for this month.



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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 26/51

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Check in /var/log/swengine/sigserver.log if you have a line looks like STA Outgoing SIP call from: MediaboxNum to CallNotifNum callid:493D2BAA00000038@ ip:outputgatewayIP:5060

No Do you have it?

Escalation to STREAMWIDE


Take tcpdump file and send it to STREAMWIDE

Check your outgoing Gateway



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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 27/51

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3.3. Troubles specific to all users
3.3.1. Calls are not routed to UMS
Calls are not routing to Vmail


Make a Call to this Mediabox number

After X ringing. Ring back tone change?



Check Voice Gateway. No Transfer to Voicemail.


Do you hear Voicemail greeting?


Yes Do you hear Busy Tone? END Yes


2 L2

Check /var/log/swengine/ sigserver.log on Voice server. Search Invite message for this Call.

No Do you have Invite message? Yes Check /var/log/swmessaging/ ums_va.log on Voice server. Search line like The Mediabox nnnnnnnn does not exist in VMS for this call. Check Voice Gateway.


1 L3

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 28/51

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Do you hear Silence? Yes


Check /var/log/swmessaging/ ums_va.log on Voice server. Search line like: AddToQueue /storage/ MediaBox/nn/nn/nn/nn/ inviteprimary.al for this call

No Do you have this line?


Check /var/log/swengine/ sigserver.log on Voice server. Search Invite message for this call.

Check in MEDIABOX folder if you have this file? No No Do you have this file? Yes Invite customer to put a secondary greeting or go back to default primary. Retry a test call. Do you have invite message?

Yes Check Voice Gateway.

Escalation to STREAMWIDE

Check if RTP work between voice server and user. Make a tcpdump on voice server.


3 L4

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 29/51

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Do you have this line? Yes


Escalation to STREAMWIDE

The MEDIABOX not provide END



RTP work for both side? Yes


Escalation to STREAMWIDE

- Check Network - Check Voice Gateway


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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 30/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

3.3.2. Call Notification does not work

Call Notification dont work


Check in /var/log/swmessaging/ ums_va.log if you have a line looks like Call postponed for 2010-12-08 15:14:00 for your call

Yes Do you have it?

Check in /var/log/swmessaging/ ums_va.log if you have a line looks like BEGIN of CALL NOTIFICATION for PhpPid = 9264 : Checking msg where PhpPid = previous incoming call identifying


No Do you have it?

Yes Escalation to STREAMWIDE

1 L2

2 L3


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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 31/51

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Check in your profile if Allow Call Notification is Yes

Allow Call Notification? Yes


Change Allow Call Notification to Yes Check in DB for this mediabox if CALLNOTIFICATIONCOUNTMONTH <= ALLOWEDCALLNOTIFICATIONNBMONTH defined in Profile

3 L1



Escalation to STREAMWIDE

This Mediabox have deplete Call Notification quota for this month.



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Date: 30/Aug/2011 32/51

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Check in /var/log/swengine/sigserver.log if you have a line looks like STA Outgoing SIP call from: MediaboxNum to CallNotifNum callid:493D2BAA00000038@ ip:outputgatewayIP:5060

No Do you have it?

Escalation to STREAMWIDE


Take tcpdump file and send it to STREAMWIDE

Check your outgoing Gateway



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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 33/51

4. Emergency Maintenance Guide

4.1. Purpose of this chapter

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

This chapter describe how to handle Emergency faults for Streamwide Messaging System. Definition of Emergency faults Requirements for Emergency Maintenance Personnel General Emergency Maintenance Process

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Date: 30/Aug/2011 34/51

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4.2. Overview
Overall Emergency Procedure :

Contact the Streamwide Support Centre for technical support at the earliest when an emergency fault occurs. (see Section 3 page 16)


Emergency Faults and Emergency Maintenance

Emergency Faults that might occurs on the Streamwide Messaging System are : - Rack Electrical Power Problem : Messaging system is located in dedicated Racks that are connected to 2 independent power sources. And all Messaging servers are connected to theses 2 independent power sources. If an electrical fault occurs, Messaging System might be affected and become no more available - Network Problem causing Messaging System unreachable : Messaging system is connected to the Customer IP network through Ethernet switches. If theses Ethernet switches fails down, Messaging system might be unreachable. - Swengine service is interrupted : Swengine service is the core software of the Messaging system. If Swengine process is interrupted or down, Messaging System will not be able to provide messaging services. - Database service is interrupted : Database service is used to store all subscribers settings and all call informations. If the Database process is interrupted or down, Messaging System will not be able to provide messaging services. - Web service is interrupted : Web services are used for provisioning the Messaging system but also to provide a Web interfaces. If the web process is interrupted or down, Messaging system will not be able to be provisioned and subscribers will not be able to access their web user interface. - SMS service is interrupted : SMS service is used to send SMS notifications to subscribers when a message is left in their mailbox. If SMS service is interrupted, no SMS notifications will be sent. - Email service is interrupted : Email service is used to send EMAIL notifications to subscribers when a message is left in their mailbox. If EMAIL service is interrupted, no EMAIL notifications will be sent. - MWI service is interrupted : MWI service is used to send Message Waiting Indicator to subscribers when a message is left in their mailbox. If MWI service is interrupted, no MWI notifications will be sent.

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4.2.2. Points for Attention for Emergency Maintenance
Emergency maintenance personnel of a carrier needs to pay attention to the following points : Attend necessary training of the Messaging System Contact the Streamwide Support Center for technical support at the earliest when an emergency fault occurs. When an emergency fault occurs, locate the fault by finding wich component or service is affected and fix the fault.

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4.2.3. Requirements for the Emergency Maintenance Personnel
To ensure efficient emergency maintenance, the emergency maintenance personnel should understand the Streamwide Messaging System , be able to locate and fix the emergency faults and be familiar with the on-site environment. The Emergency maintenance personnel should have the basic knowledge about : Ethernet and IP network configuration and devices Operating system : Linux RedHat 5 (64bits) Database : Mysql5 or Oracle 11g

The Emergency maintenance personnel should have the Streamwide Messaging System Training courses : Messaging System : Introduction & Operation Messaging System : Configuration, Use & Maintenance

The Emergency maintenance personnel should know how to perform Remote Acccess to the Messaging System.

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4.2.4. Preparation Required before Emergency Maintenance
To increase emergency maintenance efficiency, the emergency maintenance personnel should make sure of the following preparations : Network architecture & Design of the Messaging System in a Messaging Support Document VLAN, Ip address of all Messaging System components in a Messaging Support Document Login and Passwd of all Messaging System components in a Messaging Support Document Remote Access procedure to connect to the Messaging System detailed in a Messaging Support Document List of all Hardware and Software versions of all Messaging System components in a Messaging Support Document Phone Numbers and emails of the maintenance personnel of the device supplier and of the Streamwide Support Center in a Messaging Support Document

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4.3. General Emergency Maintenance Process
4.3.1. Rack Electrical Power Problem

The following flow chart describes the process of handling fault related to Electrical Power problem :
No Electrical Power on Messaging System Contact Streamwide Support Center

Each Power Cord of Messaging System is connected to the Rack PDUs ? Yes


Connect Each Power Cord To the Rack PDUs

Rack PDUs are connected to Electrical Source Power ? Yes


Connect Each Power Cord To the Rack PDUs

Contact Electrical Maintenance Personnel

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 39/51

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4.3.2. Network Problem causing Messaging System unreachable
The following flow chart describes the process of handling fault related to Network problem :
Messaging System unreachable Contact Streamwide Support Center

Verify that ALL components of Messaging System are UP and reachable (ping test) ? No


Contact Network Team To Fix Ethernet switches problem


Verify that Ethernet switches are UP & Running? Yes Swengine or Database services interrupted (see 25.3 / 2.5.4)

Verify that ALL Ethernet Cables of Messaging system are connected ? No


Connect all Ethernet to the appropriate port of Ethernet switches. (Follow the network cabling & design of Messaging System)

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 40/51

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4.3.3. Swengine service is interrupted
The following flow chart describes the process of handling fault related to Swengine service problem :

Swengine Service interrupted

Contact Streamwide Support Center

Check if Swengine process is alive and running ? Yes


Restart Swengine Process. Run the command : /etc/init.d/swengined restart

Check calls logs : - /var/log/ums_va.log - /var/log/sigserver.log

No Calls are received and OK ? Yes

Send Swengine logs (sigserver.log, mediaserver.log) to Streamwide for Analysing the cause

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Date: 30/Aug/2011 41/51

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4.3.4. Database service is interrupted
The following flow chart describes the process of handling fault related to Database service problem :
Database Service interrupted

Contact Streamwide Support Center

Check if Database process is alive and running ? Yes


Restart Database Process. Run the command : /etc/init.d/swengined restart

Connect to database and run a test request : SQL> select count(*) from PROFILE

No Request return the Nb of Profiles ? Yes

Check calls logs : - /var/log/ums_va.log - /var/log/sigserver.log

No Calls are received and OK ? Yes

Send Voice Application logs (vmsva.log) to Streamwide for Analysing the cause

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 42/51

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4.3.5. Web service is interrupted
The following flow chart describes the process of handling fault related to Web service problem :

Web Service interrupted

Contact Streamwide Support Center

Check if Apache process is alive and running ? Yes Check if Network Pb Connect to Web interface

No Restart Apache Process. Run the command : /etc/init.d/httpd restart


Browsing in web interface OK ? Yes

Send Web logs (ums_xml.log,ums_wui.log) to Streamwide for Analysing the cause

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 43/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

4.3.6. SMS service is interrupted
The following flow chart describes the process of handling fault related to SMS service problem :
SMS Service interrupted

Contact Streamwide Support Center

Check if EM client deamon is alive and running Yes


Restart EM client daemon Process. Run the command : service sweventmanagerclient-daemon restart

Contact Network Team

Send manually an SMS

Yes Check if Network Pb ? No No SMS received ? Yes


Check if SMS-C Gateway Pb ? Yes Contact SMS-C Gateway Team

Send Application logs (ums_va.log) to Streamwide for Analysing the cause

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 44/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

4.3.7. Email service is interrupted
The following flow chart describes the process of handling fault related to Email service problem :

Mail Service interrupted

Contact Streamwide Support Center

Check if Mail deamon is alive and running Yes


Restart Mail Process. Run the command : /etc/init.d/postfix restart

Contact Network Team

Send manually an email

Yes Check if Network Pb ? No No Mail received ? Yes


Check if SMTP server Pb ? Yes Contact Network Team

Send Mail Application logs (maillog.log) to Streamwide for Analysing the cause

StreamWIDE All rights reserved

Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 45/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

4.3.8. MWI service is interrupted
The following flow chart describes the process of handling fault related to MWI service problem :
MWI Service interrupted

Contact Streamwide Support Center

Check in No ums_mwi.log if Messaging is sending MWI

Check if Network Pb


Messaging is sending MWI


MWI received Yes

Send MWI Application logs (ums_mwi.log) to Streamwide for Analysing the cause

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 46/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

Finding and rectifying Emergency Faults
Typical faults scenarios are described in the Streamwide Fault Handling Guide document. It describes all usual typical fault regarding the Streamwide Messaging System such as : Calls are not routed to Messaging System No sound heard from Messaging System DTMF not recognized by Messaging System SMS notifications not received by subscriber Subscriber cannot login to Web interface Subscriber cannot enter his secret code Subscriber do not receive Call Notifications Callback does not work CallScreening does not work Statistics are not generated Unable to receive Fax messages

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 47/51

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4.5. Contacting Streamwide Support Center
To ensure that issues will be resolved in a timely and efficient manner, Customer should contact the support center via BOTH following phone number and email address.

Email Phone

support@Streamwide.com : +33 6 33 60 33 60

The support center may be reached during standard business days and standard business hours (Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm GMT+1:00) NOTE: Outside standard business hours (nights, week ends, national holidays), an emergency support team is still available. Customer should use the same email address and phone number as previously mentioned.


Trouble ticket

A support technician creates a trouble ticket and launches simultaneously a Support Task for the technical team responsible for handling issues. To ensure the proper creation of the trouble ticket, the Customer should provide the following information: Customers Corporate Name Detailed description of the encountered issue When issue has been experienced (Date and Time) Name, phone and e-mail for the primary point of contact


Trouble ticket numbering

Once this information has been provided, a Support Technician issues a Trouble Ticket Number to the Customer. This number will be used to track a customer issue. NOTE: This number ensures that the issue is correctly tracked and correctly addressed. It is reserved for the Customer. Under no circumstances, it should be given to any end-user. Customer should provide this ticket number every time it would contact the support center. Equally, it is very important to NOT distribute the emergency contact information to end-users as well in order to not disturb the standard process of issue resolving.

StreamWIDE All rights reserved

Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 48/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

4.5.3. Issue processing
Once a trouble ticket order has been issued, a technical staff will handle the work order. It will define the set of action items in order to resolve the issue.


Issue closure

When an issue is closed and require no further action, the technical team informs the customer that its product or service is up and running. When the Customer acknowledges this information, the technical team closes the support task. The technical team sends an email including the causes of the impairment, the encountered downtime as well as the repair duration.


Priority-based issue categorization

A priority-based system has been set up. It is intended to classify support calls in order to resolve Customer issues in a timely and efficient manner. The table shown below is an example of how issues are classified, depending of the type of problem encountered.

Issue Classification Critical

Example of issues * Unable to leave a message into a significant number of mailboxes (>10% of the total number of mailboxes, or more than 20000 mailboxes) * Unable to leave a message into a significant number of mailboxes (<10% of the total number of mailboxes and not less than 500 mailboxes) * Failure of a redundant module (except hardware failure) * Usability issues



This issue classification might change based on a contract between StreamWIDE and the Customer. If there is a disagreement about an issue initial classification, it may be modified according to the Customers will. However, it will be asked to the Customer to provide the precise reasons for making this change once the issue has been solved. In addition, an issue classification may as well be modified while it is being addressed. If an issue is wrongly classified in a frequent manner, the Customer and StreamWIDE can meet and define a new way of classifying issues. If, despite such modifications, wrong classifications still occur, Customer and StreamWIDE can define a penalty process.

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Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 49/51

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

4.5.6. Repair time warranty
Repair time should be in accordance to Service Level Agreements with the Customer.


Escalation levels

Levels of escalation are defined according to the duration of the repair process and the classification of the issue. Times and dates are recorded and start when the Customer contacts the support team.

Type of Issue >>> Critical issue >> Major issue > Minor issue

Level 1 >>> 1 hour >> 2 hours > 4 hours

Level 2 >>> 3 hours >> 4 hours > 8 hours

Level 3 >>> 5 hours >> 24 hours > 48 hours

For each escalation, the following contact information should be used.



Phone Number
During Business hours:


Level 1

Support team

+33 1 70 08 52 64 or +33 1 70 08 52 62
Outside Business hours:


+33 6 33 60 33 60 Level 2 Level 3 Technical Manager Zakaria Nadhir General Manager Lilian Gaichies +33 6 82 99 47 53 +33 6 82 99 47 90 znadhir@streamwide.com lgaichies@streamwide.com


Continual Improvement

To reduce number of troubles and to increase quality of the technical support service, StreamWide sets up a Quality Improvement Process. It implies to plan quality meetings on a regular basis. These meetings are useful to discuss about dysfunctions which have been reported and to suggest preventive actions to avoid the recurrence, with help of StreamWide Quality Manager. Besides, to evaluate technical support effectiveness and to maintain improvement of the Technical Support Process, indicators and quality objectives are established and reviewed each year during the management reviews meetings.
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5. Glossary
API DNS Application Program Interface Domain Name Server

StreamWIDE Messaging v3.0.2 Product Document e

DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol IAD IVR LAN LED MWI NAS NFS NTP PHP Integrated Access Device Interactive Voice Response Local Area Network Light Emitting Diode Message Waiting Indicator Network Attached Network Network File system Network Time Protocol Hypertext Preprocessor

PSTN Public switched Telephone Network RPM RTP SAN SIP SMDI SMS originally Red Hat Package Manager Real Time Protocol Storage Area Network Session Initiation Protocol SCSI Musical Data Interchange Short Message Service

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol UMS VMS Voip XML Unified Messaging System Voicemail System Voice Over Internet Protocol Extensible Markup Language

StreamWIDE All rights reserved

Author: Wenbo CAI SW_UMS302_MaintenanceGuide10

Date: 30/Aug/2011 51/51

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