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1. The main disadvantage to our house is that the only .. to the garden is through a bedroom. D. communication A. passage B.

doorway C. access 2. Ive had my car examined three times now but no mechanic has been able to ... the problem B. focus C. specify D. highlight A. pinpoint 3. Our hosts had prepared a ..... meal with seven courses to celebrate our arrival. A. generous B. profuse C. lavish 4. She had ...... mind which kept her alert and well-informed even in old age. A. an examining B. a demanding C. an enquiring D. spendthrift

D. a querying

5. The police decided to ..... the department store after they had received a bomb warning. D. expel A. abandon B. evacuate C. evict th 6. Architectural pressure groups fought unsuccessfully to save a terrace of 18 century houses from..... D. dismantling A. disruption B. abolition C. demolition
7. I had to take out a bank loan when I started up in business and it took me two years to pay it ..... D. off A. out B. up C. over 8. After months of bitter arguing the couple had to accept that they were........ B. incompatible C. dissident A. incongruous 9. We cant eat this bread. Its ..... . A. stale B. rotten D. disaffected D. rancid

C. bad

10. A special committee was set up to ....... on the problem of football hooliganism. D. report A. investigate B. inform C. research 11. The ministers .......... of party politics is well known to the public.
A. disgust B. objection C. dislike D. opposition

12. A. 13. A. 14. A. 15. A. 16. A. 17. A. 18. A. 19. A.

The BBC has ..... a young composer to write a piece of music for the Corporations centenary. D. decided ordered B. consulted C. commissioned
The painting was a valuable family possession, which had been ......... from generation to generation.

handed over

B. handed down

C. handed out

D. handed across

Although he was a hardened criminal, his one .....feature was his love of children. D. acquitting saving B. redeeming C. recovering I meant to sound confident at the interview but Im afraid I.... as dogmatic. came out B. came through C. came off The restaurant is popular with film stars and the .... . B. same C. similar like She cant be interested in the lessons, .......... that she always arrives late. B. seeing C. noting viewing

D. came over
D. such D. judging

Although I explained the situation he didnt seem to .....the degree of danger he was in. D. grasp seize B. grab C. catch Hes applied for a(n)....lot of jobs but hes only been short-listed once. dreadful B. awful C. enormous D. wide

20.Before I went to drama school, I had to.....quite a lot of family pressure for me to study medicine. D. reconcile A. resist B. restrain C. refuse

21. Strong protests were made, ...... with demands for an international enquiry. D. included A. joined B. added C. coupled 22. I couldnt tell what time it was because the workmen had removed the........ of the clock.
A. hands B. pointers C. arms D. fingers D. mind

23. A. 24. A.

Will you.....the baby for a minute, while I make a phone call? control B. settle C. attend

The factory is working below......because of the shortage of essential materials. D. density range B. scope C. capacity D. sloppy

25.Its twenty years since I worked in Germany and my German is pretty........ . A. scratchy B. scruffy C. rusty

26. A. 27. A.

It ...... me as strange that my front door was open when I got home. seemed B. occurred C. appeared I ..... one of my special deserts for dinner, if you like. B. ll make C. m making make

D. struck D. m going to make

28.There were so many in the crowd that I couldnt hold the camera steady. D. agitating A. jostling B. jerking C. obstructing

29. A. 30. A.

Frankly, I couldnt care less! he said with a ......of his shoulders. twitch B. flick C. hunch Following the accident, he was prosecuted for........driving. rash B. heedless C. irresponsible

D. shrug D. reckless D. discarded D. released D. defaced D. prey D. veer D. delegate D. infected D. desired D. one journalist D. saw

31.The case was ...... by the judge for lack of evidence. A. disallowed B. dismissed

C. abandoned

32.Once shes ....... a few tears shell resign herself to the situation. A. shed B. split C. sobbed

33. A. 34. A. 35. A. 36. 37. A. 38. A. 39. 40.

Several of the advertising hoardings had anti-sexist slogans. deleted B. mutilated C. erased Unfortunately, Im rather..... to forgetfulness in my old age. apt B. prone C. open You would be well advised to.......clear of the casinos in the city. stray B. stick C. steer

The ability to ........ work is the sign of a good manager. A. discharge B. appoint C. deputise Only after buying the cottage did we discover that it was.....with mice. inflicted B. infested C. invaded She ......affection from her children but they neglected her shamefully. yearned B. craved C. hungered

Against her parents wishes, she wants to be ......... . A. a journalist B. the journalist C. journalist We ....... each other later that day, but I had to phone and cancel. A. were seeing B. see C. are seeing

41. The job requires a(n).....for hard work in difficult conditions. A. ability B. skill C. faculty D. capacity 42. She swam strongly and ... cross the river easily, even though it was swollen by the heavy rain.
A. was able to B. can C. could D. is able to

43. A. 44. A. 45. A. 46. 47. A. 48. A. 49. A. 50.

Im afraid I cant tell you what he said. It would be a .....of confidence. rupture B. break C. rift

D. breach

She took up so many hobbies when she retired that she had hardly any time.......... . on her hands B. in hand C. at her hand D. at hand He was a hardened criminal without a scrap of........for his crimes. pity B. reproach C. remorse D. penance D. conclusion

When he examined the gun, the detectives suspicion turned into......... . A. certainty B. confirmation C. reality

I can lend you five pounds to help you .....until youve had time to go to the bank. D. out by B. up C. on The book took me the ......part of a year to write. most B. greatest

C. best

D. largest

The air-sea search operation is continuing although hopes of finding survivors are......... . D. reducing dimming B. fading C. dissolving After the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as an insurance .....further losses.

A. far

B. from

C. against

D. towards

51. The doctor prescribed tablets to help.......the pain. A. lighten B. calm C. relieve
52........the regular written work, you will be required to submit a long essay. A. apart from B. beside C. in addition 53.He still suffers from a rare tropical disease which he ........while in Africa. A. infected B. complained C. gained 54.I was proud to be ...... out for special praise for my performance. B. singled C. separated A. selected 55.Theres no point in telephoning him. Hes certain ..... by now. A. to leave B. to have left C. left

D. rid D. beyond D. contracted D. distinguished

D. having left
D. run

56. If you dont stop smoking, you.....this risk of developing chronic bronchitis. A. bear B. suffer C. make

57............had they recovered from the first earthquake when they felt the second tremor. A. never B. scarcely C. no sooner D. just 58.Giving up smoking is just one of the ways to........heart disease. A. push off B. put off C. ward off 59.The windows dont fit very well and it makes the room awfully........... . A. airy B. draughty C. breezy

D. throw off
D. ventilated


All courses at the college are offered on a full time basis unless...........indicated. A. further B. otherwise C. below D. differently D. imitation

61.There is no ......for hard work and perseverance if you want to succeed. A. alternative B. substitute C. equivalent

62. A. 63. A. 64. A. 65. A. 66. A. 67. A. 68. 69. A. 70. A. 71. A. 72. A. 73. A. 74.

I havent got the time to do my own you with yours. leaving aside B. not counting C. let alone Youll feel better after youve taken a.....of cough medicine. B. helping C. dose rat ion Theres a small hard......on my wrist. I think Id better see the doctor. B. lump C. bruise swelling

D. apart from
D. portion D. rash

People in financial difficulties sometimes fall unscrupulous money lenders. D. sacrifice prey B. fool C. scapegoat What the company needs is a who can take on a variety of roles. B. changeable C. versatile variable D. diverse

The crime the middle of a busy street, in full view of people returning from work. B. committed C. performed D. practised achieved

There has been a great deal the press about the results of the murder trial. A. speculation B. prediction C. contemplation D. sensation A good friend is one who when youre in trouble. stand for B. stand up to C. stand by She asked my advice ..... subject she should study at university. B. for what C. as to what on to what The electronic anti-theft device was far from easy to my car. B. install C. insert implant

D. stand over
D. to what D. immerse

You may think him rather on the quiet......when you first meet him, but he can be extremely witty. D. part hand B. side C. level As he was caught in .....of an expensive weapon, he was immediately a suspect. D. control possession B. ownership C. handling The meat was beautifully cooked, I agree, but the vegetables were a bit too salty for my........ .

A. appetite B. desire C. liking 75. The new Garden City is well worth...........if youre in the area. B. a visit C. to visit A. being seen

D. favour D. the sight

76. Speed limits on the protect pedestrians as well as motorists.

A. serve B. prove C. succeed D. intend D. confirmed 77.He was ....of forgery and sentenced to two years in prison. A. charged B. convicted C. accused

78. I hate........formal examinations. I find it difficult to organise my thoughts in a limited time. D. sitting A. passing B. making C. writing 79. His parents hostile attitude...........him to leave home.
A. drove B. urged C. made D. suggested 80.Hes .....a bit with his history classes so Ive arranged for him to have private tuition. D. dragging A. straining B. struggling C. fighting

81. You have managed to bungle every task Ive given you so far. ........., I am prepared to give you one last A. notwithstanding

B. regardless

C. furthermore

D. nevertheless

82.The most important........that he was responsible for was the use of video in teaching. D. introduction A. novelty B. innovation C. reformation 83.I tried to explain why I had been delayed but he excuse as pathetic. A. ignored B. disregarded C. dismissed D. refused D. recollection

84. I have absolutely no...........of the conversation you refer to.

A. reminiscence B. reminder C. recall

85. I cant imagine why hes been missing classes and getting poor marks. Hes normally so..... . A. conscientious B. attentive C. laborious D. observant
86.Only later .... how much damage had been caused. A. did she realise B. she did realised C. did she realised D. realised she D. obsolete D. yet D. mind D. condense D. were

87.The introduction of diesel engines sadly made the old steam trains...... . A. archaic B. extinct C. derelict

88. A. 89. A. 90.

She had....another rejection letter today. That makes thirty so far! still B. but C. again Why dont you have a night out? It would take your worries. thoughts B. heart C. head

It would be helpful if you could...........the report into three or four pages. A. resume B. decrease C. reduce A. would be B. should be C. was

91. He was told he could join the Scouts when he...........old enough.
92.Youd better pack those glasses extremely carefully if you want them to arrive ...... . D. complete A. entire B. intact C. whole 93.He realised that his fondness for her was turning into a foolish........ . A. fascination B. infection C. infatuation

D. affliction
D. startled

94. Oh, its you! You, jumping out of the shadows like that. B. amazed C. impressed A. struck

95.In an effort to increase his newspapers.....,the editor introduced a weekly competition. D. dispersion A. propagation B. distribution C. circulation 96.He was........ a mile of the hotel when he ran out of petrol. A. within B. inside C. only D. hardly

97.The stuntman seemed to show a total disregard......fear as he performed his daredevil tricks. D. about A. of B. over C. for

98. A. 99. A.

Whats done is done. Its no .....wondering if you could have prevented it. B. value C. use help Unfortunately our local cinema is on the...........of closing down. B. hint C. edge verge

D. point D. threat D. caution

A. alert

We decided to ....the coastguard when we realised that the yacht was several hours late in arriving.

B. alarm

C. arouse

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