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Weaver Update
Winter 2011 Ministry Update

Prayer Requests
Pray for safety as we travel across Hungary, promoting the BI at various churches and youth groups. Pray for at least 50 new students next year! Pray for a dramatic giving increase in the BI Scholarship Fund. The pressing need for more staff members. Pray for the students who made a dedication to serve the Lord with their whole life at the Missions Conference. Pray for the Lees and their ministry with street children in Romania. Pray for our neighborhood Bible Club and the outreach event coming up in the Spring. Pray for the students we mentor on a weekly basis. Paul disciples three young men, and Jill disciples one young lady.

WOLH Missions Conference 2011

Whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.
January 21-23rd marked the 15th annual WOL Hungary Missions Conference. This years theme was entitled For the Least of These, with an emphasis on reaching lost people in urban settings with the Gospel of Christ. Cities are growing at a rapid rate. In fact, it is estimated that by the year 2050, over 70 percent of the earths population will live in urban areas. Our guest speaker for this years conference was Tom Mahairas, President and Founder of CityVision in New York City. Pastor Mahairas has traveled the globe, preaching the Gospel in cities, and inspiring others to do the same. He himself was saved out of an inner-city lifestyle, filled with drugs and alcohol. During the conference, Pastor Mahairas challenged our students to serve the Lord with their whole heart. In fact, many decided to step forward and dedicate their lives to the mission field! You can see several of these students pictured above. This years Faith Promise Offering was extra special, because it was given to David and Felicia Lee, graduates of our Bible Institute in Hungary! The Lees now work with street children in Bucharest, Romania. It is their hearts desire to see many Romanian street children saved from the dangerous temptations of the world, and offer them hope in Jesus Christ. Originally, the Faith Promise goal was to raise $8,000 to send 30 of these street children to summer Bible camp. However, our conference audience of about 120 people were so touched by the Lees and their ministry, that almost $18,000 was pledged! Our audience exceeded the Faith Promise goal by 202%! It is such a blessing to think about how God will use these funds to bless the Lees and their ministry in Romania. Another exciting aspect of this years conference was our online audience. For the first time ever, the Missions Conference was able to be viewed around the world through a live internet stream. Throughout the course of the weekend, over 250 family, friends, and alumni shared in the conference online. From the messages given, to the fellowship shared, the 2011 Missions Conference was truly a weekend to be remembered!
The Missions Conference videos and recorded meetings can be found at: wolh-missions-conference David and Felicia Lees ministry website can be found at: Tom Mahairas ministry website can be found at:
Matt. 25:40

A successful and exciting Missions Conference. Almost $18, 000 pledged towards the Faith Promise Offering! 202% of the goal! Spiritual growth in the students. New BI applicants every week. The opportunity to serve the Lord on a daily basis. Wonderful supporters like you!

Student missionaries in a skit.

Pastor Tom Mahairas

Paul teaching a seminar about missions.

Weaver Update: Winter 2011


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the Web: We are on

Imagine investing just one year of your life in order to know Gods Word better. One year that will establish a strong, biblical foundation, upon which you can build the rest of your life. This is the message we are trying to share with young people around the world; one year at the Bible Institute in Hungary is an investment that will reap incredible rewards! It is so exciting to think about the ministry opportunities God will give the 33 members of our student body this year. We are continuously motivated to get the word out about our Bible Institute and the opportunity it presents to anyone who desires training in the Word of God. This year alone, our BI Promo Team has traveled to over 15 youth groups, conferences, and Bible clubs to share about the Bible Institute, and to encourage the young people to come. We are asking you, as friends and supporters, to think about how you can help us share this same opportunity with some potential Bible Institute students you may know!

Follow us on Facebook!
Follow Paul and Jill on Facebook as they minister with Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute. You can join their group, Paul and Jill WeaverMissionaries to Hungary, or find their names and request them as personal friends.

The Investment of a Lifetime!

Many of our Bible Institute students cannot pay their entire school bill, because they come from poor, under-developed countries. Yet, it is our desire at Word of Life Hungary for every young person to be able to come to the Bible Institute, regardless of his or her financial situation. However, we cannot reach this goal alone; it takes money from faithful partners like you! In order to supplement our low tuition rates for Hungarians and Eastern Europeans, we must rely on special gifts to the Bible Institute Scholarship Fund. Unfortunately, giving towards the Scholarship Fund has dropped considerably over the past several years. We are in desperate need of faithful supporters, such as yourselves, who are excited about training nationals for the ministry, and will give towards this very worthy cause. No amount is too small. Would you consider giving just $5 a month? It is truly an investment in eternity! If you would like to make a donation towards the WOLH Bible Institute Scholarship Fund, or for more information, please visit our website at and click on the Scholarship Fund tab, or email us at

Contact Information:
Phone: (317)495-1491 E-mail: Skype:

Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute Scholarship Fund

Please take a moment to read a highlight about one of our scholarship recipients. Name: Ivan Nimcevic Age: 31 Nationality: Serbian
Ivan is currently a first-year student at the Bible Institute. He came to Word of Life Hungary after a former BI graduate from Serbia encouraged him to get more Bible training. An engineer by trade, Ivan has spent the past few years preaching in his home church and seeking Gods will for his life. His desire is to enter the ministry full time as a pastor or missionary. As a BI student, Ivan continues to travel to Serbia on the weekends, in order to preach in his home church. He is very excited about all he is learning at the Bible Institute, and he plans to return for secondyear. Paul is mentoring Ivan on a weekly basis as he studies Gods Word and prepares to enter the ministry. He is very grateful for the faithful supporter who gave to the Scholarship Fund so that he could come to the Bible Institute.

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