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Also known as BC (Easier to remember than IA and it rhymes!) Volume 1, Issue 12 (Wow, Im doing higher math!

) Copyright 2012 by Jeffrey H. Kahn All rights reserved

Idiots Anonymous
May 2012

Gov. Christie needs money!

The State of New Jersey has definitely benefited from Gov. Christies term in office. Still one must take a step back with the obviously not thought out regulation to renew ones driver license now for an eight year period instead of four years! It is not that I object to an eight year renewal process, I certainly do not relish spending any time at all at the DMV, but my challenge is to allow the consumer the choice of either 4 or 8 years to renew. Times are tough and there are many who desperately need to put food on the table to feed their children! That extra $24.00 would be a welcome reprieve. What about the senior citizen who is 73 years old and would like to drive only for Clo a couple of years more or someone who moves out after three years, will they get a refund? The real reason Governor Christie is doing this is the state desperately needs the revenues. I can perceive of The Forever License where the consumer will be forced to pay $1,000 for life, never have to renew his or her license again; and would include up to 10 cars registered for free, inheritable and transferable for a reduced fee, and taxed upon doing so of course. If Gov. Christie really wants to get revenues for the state why not offer as well a shorter term license as before and as an incentive to purchase the eight year, give the consumer 10 % off on all parking and traffic violations as well as court costs! The more laws you break, the more money we make! Job security for police officials! Now thats public relations! I dont think we are going to be seeing too many more Pennsylvania license plates from illegal aliens! The Federal Gov. is now mandating new identification regulations to purchase a license! At last something really good! Finally I would like to ask Gov. Christie if his bed time is at 8 PM? Why dont you hold your town hall meetings later when more can come?

New Service!
Too lazy to send a card and if you dont your wife will kill you! Now we will TEXT A BLESSING with messages that no one will ever understand! U R ): LOL!

We all need help!

By Father John Upshun It so happened that a man was standing precariously on the top of a tall building with his psychiatrist near him utilizing all of his shrewd learning and years of experience to convince him not to jump. He talked and talked and suddenly the man, to his horrid surprise, leaped off the ledge plummeting far below. The psychiatrists face turned pale white as he witnessed this gruesome scene. Then bending down he screamed at the falling man with all his might, YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE GRAVITY OF THE SITUATION! That is true, my friends, that sometimes in life we dont understand the gravity of what we do. So I ask of you all to take a minute and reflect upon who you are and where you are going. It is important to know the gravity of every situation and when you fall, pick yourself right up and keep on going again. Oh, and make sure you look both ways before you cross at an intersection. And make sure your shoes are tied so you dont trip. If you want to stop somewhere and pick up a treat, thats ok, but dont spend too much money. And watch out for crazy bicyclists who insist on riding on the sidewalk and dont warn you that they are speeding right behind you! Truly it would be a nice thing to be careful not to step on any insects, like those ant hills between the sidewalk cracks. They are all the Almightys creatures! And dont pick your nose in public! If you do, dont tell me during confession! If you have a great story or question or comment, joke or problem or anything, please email: Mr. Chawnaw Hershel Kahn at
I am practicing for real life. Ill let you know when I get there!

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