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City of Chardon Planning and Zoning Code


Schedule 1139.03 Permitted Uses.

Land Use Category

Restricted Business

General Commercial

(1) Residential A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Single-family dwelling, detached Single-family dwelling, attached Two-family dwelling Multi-family dwelling Dwelling unit(s) above non-residential use Family day care home for 1-6 children (Type B) Family day care home for 7-12 children (Type A)

(2) Group Residential A. B. C. D. E. Adult care facility for 3-5 persons (Adult family home) Adult care facility for 6-16 persons (Adult group home) Residential facility for 5 or fewer persons (Foster family home) Residential facility for 6-8 persons (Family home) Residential facility for 9-16 persons (Group home)

(3) Community Facilities/Institutions A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Church/religious assembly Community Center Congregate care facility/nursing home Cultural Institution Day care center, child or adult Library Public safety facility Public service facility School (public/private) college/university, trade or vocational school. School (public/private), elementary/secondary School, specialty/personal instruction Utility substation/distribution facility, indoor

C C C C C C C C C P* P C


J. K. L.

M. Utility substation/distribution facility, outdoor

Chapter 1139

Commercial District Regulations

City of Chardon Planning and Zoning Code

Land Use Category

Restricted Business

General Commercial

(4) Recreation A. B. C. D. E. F. Assembly hall/ membership club/conference center Commercial recreation facility, indoor Commercial recreation facility, outdoor Health Club Public park/playground Theater, indoor

P C P C P P P P P P P P C C C C P* P P P P P* P* C P* P* P

(5) Office/Professional Services A. B. C. D. Financial institution/bank Hospital Office administrative/professional Office medical/dental/health services clinic

(6) Retail/Personal Services


Animal hospital/clinic

Animal boarding facility /kennel with no outside facilities Animal boarding facility kennel with outside facility Drive-thru facility in association with a permitted use Freestanding drive-thru facility Funeral home Limited Retail Establishment

D. E. F. G.

H. I. J. K. L.

Outdoor storage and display Plant nursery/greenhouse Restaurant Retail establishment Service establishment, business

P* See accessory uses P P P P C P P P P

M. Service establishment, personal (7) Lodging


Bed & Breakfast Establishment 6 Hotel/motel


(8) Motor Vehicle/Transportation A. B. Automobile service station Car wash

Chapter 1139

Commercial District Regulations

City of Chardon Planning and Zoning Code

Land Use Category

Restricted Business

General Commercial

C. D. E.

Equipment sales/rental/service (includes agricultural implements) Gasoline station Motor vehicle body shop Motor vehicle sales/rental (including boats) Parking structure Vehicle repair garage


G. H.

(9) Storage & Distribution/Industrial

A. B. C. D.

Scientific research, development, training and testing facility Self-storage facility, indoor Warehousing Wholesale sales and distribution, indoor


(10) Other A. Telecommunication facility See Chapter 1143 See Chapter 1143

(11) Accessory Uses A. B. Accessory building Fences and walls Home occupation 5 Off-street parking area and loading facility Outdoor dining (as an accessory to restaurant use) Outdoor display/sales Outdoor storage, equipment/vehicles Outdoor storage, goods and general materials Signs Trash receptacles


C. D.
E. F. G.

I. J.




Lot Requirements
Restricted Business

General Commercial

(1) Minimum Lot Area (2) Minimum Lot Width

1 acre
100 ft.

20,000 sq. ft. 100 ft.

Chapter 1139

Commercial District Regulations

City of Chardon Planning and Zoning Code

Lot Requirements
Restricted Business

General Commercial

(3) Maximum Building Coverage





Minimum Setbacks
Restricted Business General Commercial



(1) Minimum Setback from Street ROW (2) Maximum Setback from Street ROW (3) Setback from Side Lot line abutting nonresidential dist. (4) Setback from Rear Lot line abutting nonresidential dist. (5) Setback from Side Lot line abutting residential dist. (6) Setback from Rear Lot line abutting residential dist.

30 feet 65 feet 15 feet.2 30 feet 25 feet 30 feet

50 feet NA 15 feet 30 feet 25 feet 30 feet

1139.09 HEIGHT REGULATIONS. Buildings and structures which are P permitted uses shall comply with the height limitations in Schedule 1139.09.
Building Heights
Restricted Business

General Commercial

(a) Minimum Building Height (b) Maximum Building Height

NA 45 feet2

NA 45 feet

1139.11 OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. Off-street parking lots shall comply with Chapter 1155 (Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations), and the parking requirements below:

Chapter 1139

Commercial District Regulations

City of Chardon Planning and Zoning Code (a) Schedule 1139.11 Minimum Parking Setbacks. Minimum setback for an off-street parking lot shall be measured from the street right-of-way or property line, as specified herein.
Schedule 1139.11 Minimum Parking Setback

Minimum Parking Setbacks

Restricted Business

General Commercial

(1) Minimum Setback from Street ROW (2) Setback from Side and Rear Lot line abutting nonresidential dist. (3) Setback from Side and Rear Lot line abutting residential dist.

See 1139.11 (b)

10 feet 10 feet 25 feet

10 feet 25 feet


Design Standards for the C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-4 Districts.
C-1 C-4
General Commercial

Design Standard In an area with a predominate architectural style, particularly historic styles, the character of existing architecture should be considered in determining compatibility. One exterior wall of a building that faces a public street right-of-way or parking area, or is within 45 degrees of facing such, shall include offsets in the faade, with a minimum 5 foot change in plane at intervals not to exceed 50 linear feet. See Figure 3. The roof framing shall also be offset. Maximum gross floor area of 50,000 square feet per detached building. Utilize natural and traditional materials on a building exterior including but not limited to, brick and stone masonry, clapboard siding, wrought iron, or such other materials or synthetic products with the appearance of the foregoing. OR

Restricted Business

Chapter 1139

Commercial District Regulations

City of Chardon Planning and Zoning Code

C-1 C-4
General Commercial

Design Standard At least 90% of the exterior finish material on a facade that faces, or is within 45 degrees of facing, a street, parking area or private circulation area shall be constructed with brick, cut stone, cast stone, wood or glass. Synthetic stucco, EIFS and other synthetic materials which simulate natural or traditional materials are permitted to be used for incidental architectural detailing. A coordinated signage design plan indicating the nature and location of all proposed signs, as required by Section 1157.13(i), where multi-tenant buildings or multiple buildings are developed. Roof top mechanical equipment shall be obscured from ground level view using building materials that match the structure materials or which are visually compatible and blend therewith. Similar exterior materials to those used in an existing or replaced structure are required in projects involving the renovation, expansion, repair, or reconstruction of an existing or demolished building. Products that simulate similar materials may also be considered. The following materials are not consistent with the Citys architectural character, are not permitted as the primary building material and are to be used only as insignificant components of the building or on areas of the building not visible from the street, public parking areas or adjacent properties. Concrete block; Chapter 1139 Commercial District Regulations

Restricted Business

City of Chardon Planning and Zoning Code

C-1 C-4
General Commercial

Design Standard Mirrored or reflective glass; Unfinished materials and industrial materials such as: split faced block, exterior insulated finishes, metal siding, and fiberglass panels; Bright or primary colors, and/or awnings that are in stark contrast to other structures in the surrounding area or the design of the structure. An addition or renovation to an existing structure to match and complement existing style of structure. Architectural style and elements embodied in or compatible with adjacent buildings (e.g. Italianate architecture on the west side of the Square). See Fig. 5. Textures and colors shall be complementary (use of historic color groupings provided by paint companies). At least 80% of the frontage of a lot abutting a public street shall be devoted to the principal building. See Figure 6 below. A transition line shall be provided between the first and second stories. The height of this transition line shall match the height of the transition line on the neighboring or adjacent buildings. If abutting properties are vacant, then the ground floor shall be at least ten (10) feet in height measured from finished floor to finished ceiling. A wall on the ground floor of a building that faces a public right-of-way or parking area, or is within 45 degrees of facing a public right-of-way, shall be constructed with display-type windows covering at least 65% of the wall area, measured from two and one-half (2.5) feet and eight (8) feet above Chapter 1139 Commercial District Regulations

Restricted Business

City of Chardon Planning and Zoning Code

C-1 C-4
General Commercial

Design Standard the average grade of the building faade,. No more than ten percent (10%) of windows may be opaque. The Planning Commission shall apply the standards in this subsection to architectural features of new, renovated, or expanded buildings in the zoning district. Compliance with these standards may be achieved by incorporation of various design details including; Arched, decorative lintels over windows and doors; Wide window and door surrounds, columns, or pilasters at door and window openings: Full pane windows or windows with single, vertical muntins. Molded cornices with heavy brackets. In areas with predominate architectural style of which the above are not characteristic, the character and components of the surrounding architecture should also be considered in determining compatibility. The wall on the ground floor of a building that faces a street or parking area, or is within 45 degrees of facing a public right-ofway, shall be constructed with display-type windows covering at least 50% of the wall area as measured from two and one-half (2.5) feet and eight (8) feet above the average grade of the building faade, constructed with display-type windows. No more than 10% of the windows may be opaque.

Restricted Business

X 65% of the frontage of a lot abutting a public street shall be devoted to the principal Chapter 1139 Commercial District Regulations 8

City of Chardon Planning and Zoning Code

C-1 C-4
General Commercial

Design Standard building. See Figure 6 below.

Restricted Business

Any part of the ground floor of a building visible from a street area of public circulation or parking area shall have no more than twenty linear feet wall length without windows, or six linear feet of wall length without windows or other architectural features such as piers, columns, defined bays, or an undulation of the building

The Planning Commission shall apply the standards in this subsection to architectural features of new, renovated, or expanded buildings in the zoning district. Compliance with these standards may be achieved by incorporation of various design details including: (See Figure 4.) Pitched roof with gables; Dormer windows; Decorative lintels over windows and doors Columns or pilasters. Multi-paneled windows with shutters, and where appropriate, painted in contrasting colors. Walls without openings such as transparent windows and transparent doors are not permitted on the front facade of any building. X X

Chapter 1139

Commercial District Regulations

City of Chardon Planning and Zoning Code

C-1 C-4
General Commercial

Design Standard Pedestrian activity shall be encouraged and safe pedestrian connections shall be provided between buildings in a multibuilding development and between principal buildings, parking lots, and public sidewalks

Restricted Business

Chapter 1139

Commercial District Regulations


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