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Moon Sign Yearly Predictions

2012 Horoscope for pisces

Famous Pisceans: Robert DeNiro, Paul Newman, Richard Benjamin, Michael Jackson, John Ritter, Jerry Seinfeld, Armand Assante, James Mason, Hillary Clinton, Gillian Anderson, Kim Kardashian, Alicia Silverstone, Gene Tierney Characteristics of the Pisceans: Pisceans are trust worthy persons. They are very emotional, sensitive and enthusiastic persons. They are very much conscious about their image and are compassionate. They dislike living in a small circle. Their strengths are being extrovert, compassionate and friendly and their weaknesses are blind optimism, being day dreamers and laziness. Pisces 2012 Yearly Horoscope - General Overview The natives of Pisces in 2012 will be filled with good sprit to complete your target. This is the right year for spiritual pursuits and inner transformation. A rejuvenation of mind and spirit will guide you towards new ideas and beginnings. Some of the Pisceans in 2012 will be away from home and may go for pilgrimage. Pisces Horoscope 2012 indicates that you have chances to get blessing from your ancestors/religious persons. Short journeys may bring losses. You are likely to have serious conflicts with others. Opponents will find your mistakes and errors to blemish you. Refrain yourself from disputes with others. An open mind and willingness to compromise will save you from making a mistake that could cost you a friendship. If you are considerate and sensitive, you will build a rapport with others that will help you in the future. You could be called upon to perform a humanitarian gesture in the early part of the year. Serious domestic troubles, estrangement and disappointments are indicated for the natives of Pisces in 2012, so be cautious. You must act discretely, avoid impulse and rashness. There may be fear, anxiety and irritability. An encounter with someone will bring very powerful changes in your life. You should adhere to patience, perseverance and endurance. This will get you anywhere. Avoid hasty decisions. Almost all relationships will get strained. Beware of your emotions. Put time and effort into your surroundings. Pisces Horoscope 2012 Health Forecast Mixed result is seen with regards to health. Pisces Horoscope 2012 indicates that there are possibilities of dental & eye ailments. Be wary of your diet as there are possibilities for food poisoning. Health of your spouse and child will remain good in 2012. Parents and family might cause medical expenses to the natives of Pisces in 2012. Do not skip regular exercise and stick on to your dietary plans. Keep your mind sound as there is more possibility for you to get into anxiety; this will drain your energy. Meditation and relaxation is

must. Anger management will be a blessing in disguise to keep you fit. Fathers health may cause some concern. Perform Ganesha Homa to Overcome Physical Distress Pisces Horoscope 2012 - Financial Forecast Pisces Yearly Forecast shows that you may have some challenges throughout the year. You may have to spend money for home, medical, childrens education etc. Expenses towards charity and philanthropy are also foreseen. Pisces Yearly Forecast indicates that investments have to be done with utmost care. Unexpected gains through old investments will bring happiness. Speculative investments should be avoided. More expense towards amusements, pleasure trips and entertainment will bring down your bank balance. Some of you may procure loans to meet their ends. Pressure from debts and debtors will push you towards taking loans. The natives of Pisces in 2012 will have to be really prudent in handling money, so as to avoid fiscal burden. Perform Subramanya Homa to Mount Financial Status Pisces Horoscope 2012 Love & Romance Forecast Pisces Yearly Forecast for Love and romance indicates that dreamy Pisceans will be denied of congenial love life; don't let love cost you. Emotional issues will be brought to the surface. The natives of Pisces in 2012 will have to stay calm and sort the matters out. Someone you are dealing with will twist things around. Don't give in state facts and get to the root of the problem. Verbal wars will hamper the peace in the spousal relationship. Avoid unwanted talks and get into past. Act mature and adopt forgiveness. This will help you to bond more between the duos. The most important thing is that you have to resort to the important quality of listening. This will bind you with any relationship and will help you to understand others needs. The natives of Pisces in 2012 will have to keep away impulsiveness and impatience. Exchange of gifts and surprises are likely between the couples during the later part of 2012. Perform Ganesha Homa to Relish the Charm of Marital Harmony Pisces Horoscope 2012 Business & Career Forecast Pisces Yearly Forecast for Business & Career indicates that ups and downs in profession are foreseen and may require efforts to stabilize. To begin with, you may require putting in some real hard work to achieve your goals. Calculated risks can be considered. Some long-term pending jobs may come through, bringing good news. You can pursue your ventures with zeal and ardor but try not to depend on others and be self-reliant. This year indicates displeasure from authority figures, suffering from excessive heat and quarrel with friends and association with wicked people. Pisceans, who are trying to make entry in the glamour world, will have to make an extra push to break into your dream industry. Natives of Pisces who all are in business may face limitless challenges and losses up to the third quarter of 2012. You may get separated from your business partners and possibilities of your old customer, turning away to your competitors are seen. The natives of Pisces in 2012 should try to avoid signing any new projects until the month of May. There will be delays and obstacles to fulfill

your commitments. Commission agents will face losses in 2012. There are possibilities of your business funds getting blocked. Slow movement will bring frustration to businessmen on the whole. People in jobs will get good reputation. Name and fame for social workers are also on the cards for the natives of Pisces in 2012. Getting into desired job will be onerous. Delays and disappointments may prevail in career advancement. Maintain cordial relationship with everyone in work place. People associated with mines and iron and steel, insurance brokers, engineers etc will score well in 2012. Perform Jupiter Homa to Enhance Your Professional Excellence Pisces Horoscope 2012 Educational Forecast Pisces Yearly Forecast for 2012 indicates that students need to work hard and concentrate to come out best in their studies. There will be dejections while joining to the desired institutions, some of the students may change their schools and institutions. Students may get opportunity to learn new things. If expecting to go overseas for better education or career opportunities then there is a good chance of getting such opportunities during the later part of 2012. Good rapport with friends is seen. Some of the Pisceans may get into some addictions, which will hamper their studies as well as their health. Perform Lakshmi Narayana Homa for Success in Studies Recommended Ritual Remedy for Pisces in 2012

Saturn Fire ritual/Homa Rudra Fire ritual Homa

Home remedies to be observed for the entire year:

Serve elders Seek blessings from ancestors and parents Do charity to physically challenged people Chant mantra for lord Saturn 108 times daily OM SHAM SHANAYISHARAAAYE NAMAH

Favorable Months for Pisces in 2012 January, February, March, April, May, June & July Unfavorable Months for Pisces in 2012 (During these months you are advised to pray to your favorite deity and perform recommended rituals) August, September, October & November Let this year take you an inward journey and bring transformation

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