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The party !!!

Gabriele: Angela! You wont believe what happened last night! Angela: What? Is everything Ok? Gabriele: Well, yeah, but Im still in shock. Angela: What happened?

Letras 4 Semestre Ingls IV Prof Regiane Caldeira

Gabriele: I went out last night with a few friends. Just out to dinner, no big deal. Angela: Right Gabriele: And I left my kids at home alone to do homework. Angela: That sounds ok. Gabriele: Yeah well, I came home and opened the front door and I couldnt believe the scene. Angela: What happened? Gabriele They were having a party! Angela: No. Gabriele: Yes! Angela: What were they doing? Gabriele: Well, first of all, one boy, Luis, was skateboarding in my living room. Angela: Thats terrible! Gabriele: And one young man, Aaron, usually such a nice boy, was eating a hamburger on my sofa. And ketchup was falling out. On my sofa. Angela: Your new sofa Gabriele: Well, thats not all. One boy and girl, Morgan and Evelyn were dancing on the coffee table . Right on top of the table. Angela: I cant believe it! Gabriele: Neither could I. Well, then I saw Mariah and Frankie playing a video game. On a Wednesday night. We never play video games, except on the weekend! Angela: Incredible! Gabriele: It gets worse. Alejandra- Thats Glorias daughter and Neville, were playing volleyball. In my house. Inside, not outside. In my house. Angela: Wow, Im shocked. Gabriele: And then two girls named Fernanda and Moreen were eating ice cream. Straight out of the container. It was too much! Angela: What about Carlos and Sophie, your kids? What were they doing?

Gabriele: Having fun! Carlos was singing karaoke. Very loudly and very badly and Sophie was reading a magazine. Angela: Oh, I feel so bad for you. Gabriele: Well, youd better believe the party ended that moment. All of those kids went home five minutes later. Sophie and Carlos cleaned it all up. And no parties for them next year!

1-Answer the questions:

a-Why was Gabriele so annoyed? Gabriele was angry because their children were having a party

b-What Carlos and Sophie were supposed to be doing? Having fun! Carlos was singing karaoke. Very loudly and very badly and Sophie was reading a magazine.

c-Where was Gabriele? Gabriele was out to dinner with some friends

d- What was happening when Gabriele returned home? There was going to a party

e- What Sophie and Carlos had to do after all kids went home? Carlos and Sofia had to clean everything

f- What was the punishment Gabriele established for them? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Thank you !!! Have a great weekend !

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