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March - April 2005

year XXX
Paterikon – The Book of had made up to then, dissipated as if it
never existed. What eventually lifted
Our Spiritual Fathers him out of this misery was an intrinsic
Alina Victoria Paraschiv, Bucharest need to be saved. So he turned to the
heavens and asked: ‘My Lord, what
shall I do?’ The stepping outside of his
One day while living in the desert,
dwelling can be interpreted as a
troubling thoughts upset Saint
symbolic gest of taking the decision to
Anthony. He decided to pray to God,
seek help for the hopeless situation he
and he said: ‘My Lord, I want to save
was in. Outside he received a message
my soul but troubling thoughts will not
from God through an angel. The
let me be. What shall I do? How can I
answer to his problem was within him,
be saved?’
because he has lived it before. He just
Stepping outside, he saw a man of great needed someone to point it out for him.
likeness to himself alternatively
We are often overwhelmed by Freedom and love are
working and praying as Saint Anthony
oversight and desperation, and we must simple words. They are
himself used to do. This man was an
understand that these are temptations not simply actions. True
angel of God sent to him to show him
and we should treat them as such. With freedom means
the way and to strengthen his faith. He
God’s grace, all we need to do is what something much more
heard the angel saying: ‘Do as I do and and different from a me
we already know that we must do:
you will be saved’ When Saint first kind of individualism.
work and pray. The dissatisfaction that
Anthony heard this, he felt happy and Genuine love
we sometimes feel is a temptation
full of hope. consistently requires
trying to throw us off God’s way.
some very hard
This story is found in the book named [English version by dr. Simona Eracovici] decisions. Community
Paterikon (The Book of Our Spiritual neither comes naturally
Fathers) written in the 4th century AD, The prayer nor is purchased
in Egypt. The Paterikon is not a book cheaply. (M. Scott Peck,
exclusively addressed to monks, even of St Ephraim of Syria The Different Drum:
though they are the main characters in Community-Making and
it. It is a book for everyone, offering Recited mostly during the Great Lent, the Peace, Arrow Books,
spiritual advice and great insight into prayer could be a proper guide for the 1990, p. 21).
the solitary lives of many generations fast of the mind, which takes the whole
of monks, devoted followers of Jesus life of a Christian.
Christ. Within this book we can also
seek answers to many of our spiritual Lord and Master of my life,
needs and ways of dealing with Give me not a spirit of idleness,
everyday temptations. meddling, love of power and idle talk.
The story above deals with a situation But grant me, your servant, a spirit of
that we can all relate to at some point soberness, humility, patience and
in our lives. Saint Anthony, an love.
otherwise experienced monk, felt Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see
overwhelmed by an unusual state of my own faults, and not to condemn
laziness, disgust, carelessness and my brother, for blessed are you, to the
melancholy. All the spiritual gain he
ages of ages. Amen.
Procura pentru ridicarea pensiei din România
Cetăţenii români care se află în pentru ridicarea pensiei (pus la încă dosarul de pensionare în
Australia / Noua Zeelandă în mod dispoziţie de Ambasadă / România vor completa procura
temporar sau permanent, şi care Consulat), în două exemplare, cu pentru deschiderea dosarului de
beneficiază, conform legii, de toate datele. După autentificare, pensionare, cu toate datele, şi o
drepturi de pensie pentru vechime procura va fi transmisă în vor transmite persoanei
în muncă sau pentru caz de boală România unei persoane împuternicite, împreună cu
ori pentru invaliditate, pot solicita împuternicite, numită mandatar. celelalte acte solicitate de
autorităţilor române competente Mandatarul reprezintă interesele instituţia competentă din
respectarea drepturilor băneşti ce solicitantului, prezentând procura România.
li se cuvin. În vederea susţinerii către Casa de Pensii teritorială, Procurile pentru ridicarea
acestor interese, ei pot fi aflată în subordinea Ministerului pensiei au o valabilitate de 18
reprezentaţi prin mandatari. Muncii, Solidarităţii Sociale şi luni de la data autentificării şi,
Persoanele interesate vor Familiei. începând cu 17 iunie 2003, sunt
completa formularul de procură Persoanele care nu au deschis scutite de plata taxelor consulare.

A fi o comunitate înseamnă, printre altele, să ■ Baulkham Hills Holroyd Parramatta Migrant

împărtăşim idealuri şi criterii comune. Dar mai Resources Centre

înseamnă şi a ne oferi unii altora o mână de (BHHP MRC)

ajutor. Rubrica de faţă propune organizaţii şi 15 Hunter Street, Parramatta 2150
nume de persoane care pot fi de folos atât Tel: 9687 9901
românilor nou-veniţi în zona Sydney, cât şi celor Translating and Interpreting Services
mai demult aşezaţi. Toţi avem nevoie să ştim la DIMIA Contact centre – general enquiries
cine să apelăm, atunci când apar probleme. Citizenship information line
Aşteptăm şi alte oferte de nume şi organizaţii ■ Ec. Carol Cruceanu
utile. Judecător de Pace (Justice of Peace)
■Consulatul General al României, Sydney Mobil: 0410 599 250
84 Elizabeth Bay Road, Email:
Elizabeth Bay, NSW 2011 ■ Dr. Ovidiu Florică, MD FRACS
secretariat: tel 9331 87 99; Suite 11, Level 3, Hills Specialist Centre
fax: 9357 15 65 499 Windsor Rd, Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153
secţia consulară: 8354 02 68 Tel: 02 9639 1342
email: Fax: 02 8905 9379
■ Informaţii generale pentru locuri de muncă şi
drepturile angajaţilor în NSW:

In and through community lies
the salvation of the world. SPONSORS
Nothing is more important.
(M. Scott Peck, The Different
Drum: Community-Making and
“ Eastern Eurotours
Suites 1 & 2, 66 Appel Street
Surfers Paradise, QLD 4217
the board:
Rev. Doru Costache, PhD
Prof. Cristina Tănase
Dr. Simona Eracovici
Peace, Arrow Books, 1990, p. 17). Ph: (07) 5526 2855 Dr. Emil Eracovici
Fax: (07) 5526 2944
NEWS Tel. gratuit: 1800-242-373 layout design: Ion Nedelcu (Bucharest)
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Dna. Cornelia Stănescu

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