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Pre-Conference Questions TEACHER NAME: ____Teacher X____ Grade Level: ____6th______________ Preconference Date:__10/19/11______ Time: ________

Teacher completes this form for each formal observation. Teachers retain the right to make instructional decisions/changes during the observation. Date/Time of Observation: __________10/20/11_____________________________________ Subject Planned: ________________________________________________________

What state curriculum standard, performance indicator, or accomplishment is the objective for this lesson? In the event that students are working on individual objectives, choose 2 or 3 students and provide their objectives.

Objective 4.01 Authors Purpose

What specific data have you gathered about your students current abilities in relation to this objective/these objectives, and how have you used that information in the design of this lesson?

Review the previous objectives / discuss w/ other 6th grade ELA teachers

What teaching strategies will you use to teach this lesson?

I am planning to introduce the Lesson of and then allow the students to understand Objective by working at stations to complete activities

How are you planning to differentiate instruction for low-achieving students? High-achieving students? Activities Then as a follow-up they must complete an activity with the group (S) may choose activity

Will technology be integrated into the lesson? If not, do you have other lessons that sue technology to deliver instruction? I will deliver beginning of lesson w/ a short video clip I will then have computers set up for students to use to research information

How do you involve the students parents in their childs learning?

Parents are presented w/ progress reports concerning childs learning. Daily Agendas signed Will the lesson integrate diversity or global awareness content or activities?

Global awareness with (1) of the chosen activities *Diversity & Global People groups around the world

How does the lesson integrate 21st century skills and content into lesson activities?

The activities will be designed around solving problems Collaborative work groups Critical Thinking skills

How will you assess student learning? Identify specific data.

Products completed Assessment by exit ticket

How will you determine the students retention and ongoing application of learning from this lesson?

Work on Objectives Focus and Review next day Informal assessment w/ warm up activity

Explain any special situation(s) of which the evaluator might need to be aware?

OBSERVATION NO:________ EDUCATOR NAME: _________________________________ DATE: _________________ Educator completes this form for each formal observation; however, the evaluator/observer and the educator are to discuss the contents of this form.

1. As you reflect on the lesson, how did it actually unfold as compared to what you had anticipated happening as you did your planning?

2. Provide the data/information that you have used to determine your students progress toward this lessons goals. Include individual and group information.

3. How will you use your students performance today as you envision the next step for these students in learning?

4. If you were to teach this lesson again to these students, what changes would you make?

5. As you reflect over this lesson, what ideas or insights are you discovering about you teaching?

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