Building OSMF & OSMF-based Projects

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Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

OSMF project structure Using Adobe Flash Builder 4 and Flex 4.5.1 Using Adobe Flash Builder 4 and Flex 4.1 Using Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Using free command-line tools Installing and configuring command-line tools Operating systems Software requirements Installing the Java JDK Installing ant Setting up the environment Use cases with command-line tools Building the full project Building OSMF.swc Building and testing the OSMF framework Building Strobe Media Playback Building a sample application Building and running tests and visualizing the results Configuring the test suite Creating a new application project Activating logging Building in debug mode Building with a specific version of Flash Player Common errors Missing library Missing file Running out of space in the memory heap Appendix A. Build configuration parameters Appendix B. Build script targets

This document explains how to use various build tools with OSMF (Open Source Media Framework). It is intended for developers building OSMF itself as well as OSMF-based applications, such as: a media player using OSMF or the Strobe Media Playback ("SMP") sample player OSMF-based applications or plugins new functionality for OSMF The build tools covered are: Adobe Flash Builder 4 with the Flex 4.5 SDK Adobe Flash Builder 4 with the Flex 4.1 SDK Adobe Flash Professional Creative Suite 5 free command-line tools

OSMF project structure

No matter what tool you use, it's helpful to first get familiar with the structure of the OSMF project. You can download OSMF here:

Downloading OSMF requires the use of a Subversion ("SVN") client. Many free Subversion clients are readily available online.

Folders found in /trunk: Folders Description

Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

Contains OSMF framework and other OSMF-related test projects. /framework /OSMF /OSMFTest /OSMFIntegrationTest Contains the SMP player and other SMP-related test projects. /player /StrobeMediaPlayback /Preloader /StrobeMediaPlaybackTest Contains plugins, samples and additional libraries that use OSMF. Note that folders should obey the naming convention, where all projects with folder name: "*Plugin" represent plugin examples "*Sample" represent sample applications "*Library" represent libraries projects

/samples /AdobePassPlugin /AdvertisementSample /ChromeLibrary ...

/testing /Certification /ZeriCertificationUtils /ZeriCertificationPlayer /ZeriCertificationTest /NetMocker /NetMockerTests

Contains testing project libraries and certification-related projects and corresponding test projects.

/buildtools /libs /FlexUnit4 utils.xml antlib.xml

Contains libraries and scripts for the command-line tools. You must configure this folder in order to make the command-line tools work properly.

Other files found in /trunk: Files build.xml Description Main build script, can be used with the command-line tools to build the entire project or a part of it; for more details, see Appendix B. Properties file for the command-line tools that sets the different parameters of a build; for more details, see Appendix A.

Using Adobe Flash Builder 4 and Flex 4.5.1

1. Download the latest Flex 4.5.1 SDK from the following link: 2. Unzip the download to /Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1 3. Add the SDK to your workspace in Flash Builder 4 (Project > Properties > Actionscript Compiler > Configure flex SDKs > Add and select the unzipped folder) 4. Change the default SDK version to Flex 4.5.1. 5. In your project properties, under Adobe Flash Player options, select Use a specific version and choose 10.2.0. 6. Make sure the additional compiling arguments contain:

Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

-swf-version=11 -define CONFIG::LOGGING true -define CONFIG::FLASH_10_1 true -define CONFIG::PLATFORM true -define CONFIG::MOCK false

These parameters are: swf-version : required for stageVideo support CONFIG::LOGGING : configures the framework to send log traces, (recommended to be set to false for release builds) CONFIG::FLASH_10_1 : makes the Flash Player 10.1 features (DRM, HTTP streaming) available CONFIG::PLATFORM and CONFIG::MOCK control the mocking of stageVideo for unit tests. They are usually in opposition (one true, the other false). To use stageVideo, please use the above recommended configuration; to run unit tests, please negate the values. 7. Remove the older version of OSMF that is shipped with the Flex 4.5.1 SDK. To do so, select File > Properties > Flex Build Path > Library path, select osmf.swc under Flex 4.5.1 SDK on the Library Path panel, and click the Remove button.

Using Adobe Flash Builder 4 and Flex 4.1

1. Change the default SDK version to Flex 4.1. 2. When using the Flex 4.1 SDK, you must update the playerglobal.swc that is included in the Flex 4.1 SDK. To do so: Download playerglobal.swc from the following link: Copy it to the following folder: /Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.1.0/frameworks/libs/player/10.1 If you have created a 10.3 folder to copy the playerglobal.swc into (/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.1.0/frameworks/libs/player/10.3), in your project properties, under Adobe Flash Player options, select Use a specific version and choose 10.3.0. 3. Make sure the additional compiling arguments contain:

-define CONFIG::LOGGING true -define CONFIG::FLASH_10_1 true -define CONFIG::PLATFORM true -define CONFIG::MOCK false

These parameters are: CONFIG::LOGGING : configures the framework to send log traces, (recommended to be set to false for release builds) CONFIG::FLASH_10_1 : makes the Flash Player 10.1 features (DRM, HTTP streaming) available CONFIG::PLATFORM and CONFIG::MOCK control the mocking of stageVideo for unit tests. They are usually in opposition (one true, the other false). To use Stage Video, use the above recommended configuration; to run unit tests, negate the values. 4. It is recommended that you remove the older version of OSMF that is shipped with Flex 4 SDK. To do so, select File > Properties > Flex Build Path > Library path, select osmf.swc under Flex 4.1 SDK on the Library Path panel, and click the Remove button.

Using Adobe Flash Professional CS5

1. Download the latest Flex 4.5.1 SDK build from: 2. Close the Adobe Flash CS5 application. 3. Go to { Adobe Flash CS5 install directory } /Common/Configuration/ActionScript 3.0 ( for ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5\Common\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0 ) 4. Make a new directory named FP10.2 5. Copy the playerglobal.swc from [ /Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1 ] /frameworks/libs/player/10.2/ to the FP10.2 folder. 6. Duplicate the FlashPlayer10_1.xml from { Adobe Flash CS5 install directory } /Common/Configuration/Players to FlashPlayer10_2.xml 7. Modify the first two player arguments from:

Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

<player id="FlashPlayer10" version="10" asversion="3"> <name>Flash Player 10</name>


<player id="FlashPlayer10.2" version="11" asversion="3"> <name>Flash Player 10.2</name>

8. Also modify:

<playerDefinitionPath as2= "$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP10;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP9;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP8;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP7" as3="$(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/FP10/playerglobal.swc" />


<playerDefinitionPath as2= "$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP10;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP9;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP8;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP7" as3="$(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/FP10.2/playerglobal.swc" />

9. Open Adobe Flash CS5 and in the Publish Settings select FlashPlayer10.2 10. Compile. NOTE: You may need to install the fonts provided in StrobeMediaPlayback/assets/fonts on your system. NOTE: To run OSMFTest (the unit test suite), include the following files in your project library folder: FlexUnit.swc FlexUnitOptional.swc NetMocker.swc You may also need to update the SWC file path when you import the OSMFTest project.

Using free command-line tools

The free build tools discussed here consist of a collection of scripts and other configuration files that leverage ANT technology. These tools provide all you need to build the OSMF framework, the SMP player, samples, and unit tests of the framework from a command-line console. You can execute unit tests of the framework from the command line, as well. The structure of the build tools is based on multiple file build scripts that enable the individual build for each project. Each project contains a build script, and these individual build files can be called from a main build file (placed in the trunk) to ensure the build of the entire project (framework, player, samples, tests and any other applications) or a part of it (only the framework, only the player, samples, tests, etc.). To enable building, each project contains: build.xml - a script that allows the build and, for test projects, it enables a user to run tests. projectName-build-config.xml (ex. OSMFTest-build-config.xml) - a file used to pass Flex configuration parameters. This file is used as a template to generate a build with a valid flex-config.xml file. Keep in mind when editing this file: You can use both relative and full paths. Tokens as "#osmf.swc.path#", "#smp.swf.path#" and "#output.bin#" are replaced with the path's values from the properties osmf.swc.path, smp.swf.path and output.bin, either the default ones or ones you have set. Additional files needed at build: - a file found in trunk, this is used to pass default values of different parameters (you must make a copy of this file in your project or set the path to this file as -Dproperties.file={ Path to file } at run). The main script (build.xml) in the trunk allows the build of the whole or part of the project. The default target of the main build script consists of:

Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

building the core - building OSMF and OSMF-related test projects. building libraries - both sample libraries and test libraries. building the player - building StrobeMediaPlayer and StrobeMediaPlayer-related tests projects. building the sample apps - these contain the current samples and other samples added by the user. building and running tests and create test reports - for more details about what tests are run, see specifications of the target "tests" in Appendix B. For more details about different ways to build the project as a whole or in part, and what targets from the main build script to use, see Appendix B.

Dependencies between projects at build are solved manually (for example, we compile VPAIDLibrary before VASTLibrary). For new added projects you may need to check the building order and solve any conflicts.

Installing and configuring command-line tools

Operating systems
The build tools have been developed and tested on the Windows platform, but should also work on Mac OS and other operating systems.

Software requirements
Flexunit (version 4.1) Flex SDK (version 4.5.1) Ant (version >1.7) Java JDK Ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar Optional: Subversion client

Installing the Java JDK

1. Download the JDK. Select the version according to your machine architecture and follow the instructions provided. 2. Make sure the JAVA_HOME variable is properly set:
set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk-

Installing ant
1. Download the binary (any later version than 1.7 should work) and extract the zip. 2. Set the environment variables. Assuming ant is installed in c:\ant , the following sets up the environment:
set ANT_HOME=c:\ant set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin

Setting up the environment

1. Bootstrap the project trunk. You might want to use a svn client to bootstrap the trunk (the svn checkout is ) We suggest downloading the full trunk instead of downloading only part of the trunk, in order to avoid any missing dependencies. If you do not download the full trunk, MAKE SURE your download does include /buildtools and the file from trunk. 2. In trunk, find a folder named "buildtools". You need to update this folder as follows: If you modified the default location of the buildtools folder, update the following line from the file so that it points to the new location of the buildtools folder


Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects


3. Install ant-contrib Download ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar download link and extract it in the "libs" folder In the buildtools directory create a folder named "libs" and extract the archive here or extract the archive in ant's /lib folder (you will find this folder in the location you extracted ant) 4. Install flexunit (optional, the needed flexunit files are already provided for ease of use): Download flexunit In the buildtools directory create a folder "flexunit" and extract the archive here You can choose to save the flexunit in a different location but remember to update the following line from the file so that it points to the folder you extracted flexunit

When adding a path in file avoid using backward slashes, instead use the forward slash or double backward slashes. 5. Install FLEX SDK 4.5.1. Download FLEX SDK 4.5.1 download link In the buildtools directory create the following folder structure "sdks/4.5.1" and extract the archive here Remove the older version of OSMF that is shipped with the Flex SDK (located at frameworks/libs/osmf.swc) You can choose to save the Flex SDK in a different location but remember to update the following line from the file so that it points to the folder you extracted Flex SDK

See Appendix A, "Build configuration parameters", for more details.

Use cases with command-line tools

Building the full project
1. Download the trunk from svn. 2. Verify /trunk/ file is correctly edited as described in "Setting up the environment". 3. From cmd in the trunk directory, execute:


Note. This calls the default target "all" from main build.xml and builds the OSMF framework, player, and other applications that have build.xml configured properly. It also runs test and creates test reports.

Building OSMF.swc
You can build the OSMF project on its own, either via the main build script or a local one. Main build script 1. Follow steps 1. 2. and 3. from "Building the full project". 2. From cmd in the trunk directory, execute:
>ant compile.osmf

Note. Target "compile.osmf" builds just the OSMF project and generates the corresponding .swc .

Local build script

Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

1. Download from svn the framework/OSMF project and the file from trunk. 2. Verify /trunk/ file is correctly edited as described in "Setting up the environment". 3. Copy in OSMF project directory (make sure you verify relative path values) and from cmd in the OSMF project directory execute:

Or, from cmd in the OSMF project directory execute the following, where { Path to file } is the location of a well-configured file.
>ant Dproperties.file= { Path to file }

Building and testing the OSMF framework

You can build and test the OSMF framework, either via the main build script or the local ones. Main build script 1. Follow steps 1. 2. and 3. from "Building the full project". 2. From cmd in the trunk directory, execute:
>ant core

Target "core" builds the OSMF project and runs tests from OSMFTests project. If needed, you can add more test projects by editing this target from main build.xml.

Local build script 1. From svn, download the framework/ folder found in the trunk and the file from trunk. 2. Download and edit the file as described in "Setting up the environment". 3. Manually build the OSMF project, and build and run all tests from *Test projects placed in trunk (see also, the use case "Building and running tests and visualizing the results").

Building Strobe Media Playback

Strobe media player is an OSMF-based application and you will need an osmf.swc to be able to compile the player.

You can build the Strobe Media Playback project on its own, either via the main build script or the local one. Main build script 1. Follow steps 1. 2. and 3. from "building the full project". 2. From cmd in the trunk directory, execute:
>ant compile.smp

Target "compile.smp" builds just the Strobe Media Player project and uses the OSMF.swc from the current trunk. You can change the OSMF.swc used at build by editing the value of property osmf.swc.path. For more details, see Appendix A.

Local build script 1. Download from svn the framework/StrobeMediaPlayer project and the file from trunk. 2. Download and edit the file as described in "Setting up the environment". 3. Specify the path to the osmf.swc lib by setting the property osmf.swc.path to the corresponding value. You can pass this value: a.

Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

3. a. in cmd line:
> ant Dosmf.swc.path= { Path to osmf.swc }

b. or, in the file 4. Copy in the StrobeMediaPlayer project directory (make sure you verify relative path values) and from the StrobeMediaPlayer project directory, execute:

Or, from cmd in the StrobeMediaPlayer project directory, execute the following, where { Path to file } is the location of a well configured file.
>ant Dproperties.file= { Path to file }

Building a sample application

All sample applications need osmf.swc in order to build. Some applications might need additional libraries, which can be found in trunk/samples and are identified by the name of the project directory *Library. The paths for the additional libraries are specified in projectName-build-config.xml in the <library-path> tag. You might want to keep the default values and build the application after downloading the full trunk and keeping the folder structure, or edit these values according your needs and specify another path for these libraries.

1. From svn, download the application and all related projects. (To find related projects you can view projectName-build-config.xml and look for <library-path> tag. All needed libraries are specified here.) 2. Download and edit file as described in "Setting up the environment". 3. Resolve any dependencies with other projects or libraries. For osmf.swc library: Keep the default location /trunk/framework/OSMF/${output.bin}/OSMF.bin. You will need to make sure the project is compiled and, if neccesssary, manually compile it before building the current application. Specify a path by setting the property osmf.swc.path to the corresponding value. You can pass this value either in the file or via the cmd line:
> ant Dosmf.swc.path= { Path to build osmf.swc }

For other libraries: Keep the default locations (view projectName-build-config.xml to see these values). You will need to make sure all needed libraries are previously compiled either by manually building each library project (go into their directory and execute ant) or, use main build.xml target "compile.libs", which compiles all application libraries that are properly configured for the build tools (meaning they have a well-configured build.xml and projectName-build-config.xml) Specify paths to these libraries. To do so, edit the current projectName-build-config.xml (edit the paths placed in the <library-path> tag) 4. Make sure the additional libraries are compiled and verify the paths to these libraries from projectName-build.config.xml; make sure they are correctly set or edit them according to your needs. 5. Copy in your current project directory (make sure you verify relative path values) and from that directory, execute:
>ant [-Dosmf.swc.path= { Path to osmf.swc }]

Or, from cmd in your current project directory, execute the following, where { Path to file } is the location of a well-configured file.
>ant Dproperties.file= { Path to file } [-Dosmf.swc.path= { Path to osmf.swc }]

Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

Building and running tests and visualizing the results

1. Follow the steps from the use case "Building a sample application". 2. From cmd in your current project directory, execute one of the following: if you want to build the project only
>ant build [Dproperties.file= { Path to file }] [-Dosmf.swc.path= { Path to osmf.swc }]

if you want to build the project and run tests

>ant [run] [Dproperties.file= { Path to file }] [-Dosmf.swc.path= { Path to osmf.swc }]

3. Keep in mind that the local build file contains the default target "run" that rebuilds the test project and runs the tests, creating test reports. By default, test reports are saved in the test project directory, in a subfolder called test-results. You can edit this location by editing the value of the reports.dir parameter. (See Appendix A, for more details.)

For testing, we use flexunit. Test reporting is based on junit reporting, and the format of the reports is .html. You will also have the .xml generated by flexunit in the report directory, in a subdirectory called /xml-format.

Configuring the test suite

The test suite is configured in a separate .as file, usually placed in project/src/* If you want to edit which tests are run, you can do one of the following: edit the current file or, create another file ( that describes the test suite you want to run and modify the .mxml of the current project to run the other test suite or both of them. We suggest you keep the same structure for the new test suite file as the existing one.

Creating a new application project

In order to build a new project you must generate a new build.xml and a new projectName-build-config.xml. We suggest following the structure of the existing build.xml and projectName-build-config.xml and adapting them to the needs of your new project. Basic steps for editing build.xml: 1. Change compiling macro definition according to the project nature. 2. Set the property "project" with the corresponding project name. Basic steps for editing projectName-build-config.xml: 1. Edit included libraries (edit the paths placed in the <library-path> tag). 2. Edit used theme (edit value placed in the <theme> tag). 3. Edit source paths (edit the paths placed in the <source-path> tag).

Activating logging
To activate logging you only need to set the "logging" property to true. There are two ways to do this: From cmd, execute:
>ant -Dlogging=true

Note that this overrides the value from the file. Or, edit the file and set the logging value to true.

Building in debug mode

Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

To activate debug mode you only need to set the "debug" property to true. There are two ways to do this: From cmd, execute:
>ant -Ddebug=true

Note that this overrides the value from the file. Or, edit the file and set the debug value to true.

Building with a specific version of Flash Player

To build against a given version of Flash Player, you must edit the value of the parameter "" to the specified version and/or set the bool value of the parameter "flash.use.10.1".

The ant property value is immutable; once the value is set you cannot change it.

From cmd, execute:

>ant -Dflash.use.10.1=true

Or, edit the file.

You can also change the version Flash Player used by altering the value of "". For more details, see Appendix A.

Common errors
Missing library
If any of the needed library .swc files are missing or located at an unknown path, you get the following error: [mxmlc] Adobe Flex Compiler (mxmlc) [mxmlc] Version 4.5.1 build 21328 [mxmlc] Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Adobe Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. [mxmlc] [mxmlc] C:\Users[UserName][ProjectLocation][ProjectName]-build-config.tmp.xml(59): Error: unable to open 'C:\Users[UserName][PathToMissingLibrary][LibraryName].swc' [mxmlc] [mxmlc] </library-path> [mxmlc] Solution Identify the project of the missing library, compile the project, make sure the path set in your project's -build.config.xml file points to the location where the compiled library is to be found.

Missing file

The file is needed at build. By default the build tools expect this file to be in the current directory near the build.xml script. If the file is missing or the path to this file is invalid, the following error occurs: BUILD FAILED C:\Users[UserName][ProjectLocation]\build.xml:10: Cannot find C:\Users[UserName][ProjectLocation]\${buildtools.dir}\utils. xml imported from C:\Users[UserName][ProjectLocation]\build.xml Solution 1.

Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

1. Copy the file from trunk in the current working project (make sure to edit/verify relative paths). 2. Or, supply a path to a well-configured file by editing the value of the properties.file property. You can give this value at run in cmd:
>ant Dproperties.file= { Path to file }

Running out of space in the memory heap

The error shown is: [mxmlc] Error: PermGen space Solution: Increase the size of the heap by setting the environment variable as shown here : Variable Name: ANT_OPTS Variable Value: -Xms512m -Xmx786m -XX:MaxPermSize=786m

Appendix A. Build configuration parameters

These properties and their default values can be found and edited in the /trunk/ file. Alternately, they can also be passed from the command line. Property trunk.dir buildtools.dir FLEX_HOME FLEX_UNIT_HOME reports.dir flash.use.10.1 Default value ${basedir} ${trunk.dir}/buildtools ${buildtools.dir}/sdks/4.5.1 ${buildtools.dir}/flexunit ${dist.dir}/test-reports/ 10.2 ${}.0 true Description Path to main trunk Path to buildtools directory Path to Flex SDK directory Path to flexunit directory Location of the directory where the test reports are saved Base of targeted flash player, used for adding corresponding external libraries Targeted flash player used at build. Sets CONFIG::FLASH_10_1 value. Note: CONFIG::FLASH_10_1 : makes the Flash Player 10.1 features (DRM, HTTP streaming) available Sets CONFIG::LOGGING value. Note: CONFIG::LOGGING : configures the framework to send log traces; set this to false for release builds



debug mock platform

false false true Sets CONFIG::MOCK value (see platform parameter) Sets CONFIG::PLATFORM value. Note: CONFIG::PLATFORM and CONFIG::MOCK control the mocking of stageVideo for unit tests. They are usually in opposition (one true, the other false). To use stageVideo, use the above recommended configuration; to run unit tests, negate the values Required for stageVideo support



Building OSMF & OSMF-based projects

output.bin "bin"/"bin-debug" Name of the folder where the compile result is stored. Note: When debug is set to true, the default value becomes "bin-debug", otherwise the value is set at "bin" Path to OSMF.swc library used at compile Path to StrobeMediaPlayer.swf library used at compile

osmf.swc.path smp.swc.path

${trunk.dir}/framework/OSMF/${output.bin} ${trunk.dir}/framework/player/StrobeMediaPlayer/${output.bin}

Appendix B. Build script targets

Targets from the local build script: Target name clean-bin build run Description Cleans the content of the output bin Compiles the current project Note. Appears only in test projects. Rebuilds the project and runs the current test suite.

Targets from the main build script: Target name all build core player test compile.osmf compile.smp compile.libs compile.extended compile.plugins compile.samples compile.zeri run.unittest run.integrationtests clean Description Calls the following targets "build", "test" and "dist" in order to build and test the full project Builds the entire project (calls compile.osmf, compile.libs, compile.smp, compile.extended and compile.zeri) Compiles framework and compiles and runs framework tests (depends "compile.osmf") Compile strobe media player and compiles and runs framework tests (depends "compile.smp") Runs specified project available tests (calls "run.unittests") Compiles OSMF project Compiles Strobe Media Player project Compiles all libraries projects. When adding a new libarary, you must resolve all the dependencies with other libraries. Compiles all application plugins and samples (calls "compile.plugins", "compile.samples") Compiles all plugin projects Compiles all sample projects Compiles zeri certification projects Runs specified unit tests. Note. The target rebuilds the corresponding test project and then runs the tests. Runs specified integration tests. Note. The target rebuilds the corresponding test project and then runs the tests. Deletes the output directories and their content

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