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Introduction Research Plan Respondents Demographics Analysis Brand Awareness and Usage Conclusion Brand Performance Conclusion Brand Image Conclusion Brand Judgments Conclusion Brand Resonance Conclusion Point of Parity Point of Difference Recommendations Limitations

The project is based on the survey conducted to perform a comparative analysis between the two detergent brands Surf Excel and Ariel. The purpose of the survey is to analyze the comparison between these two brands on the basis of points of differences and point of parity and to judge different aspects of the brand which make customers loyal, associated and in favor of one brand more than the competing one.

Surf Excel
Surf Excel is the product of Unilever. Surf Excel is the oldest detergent brand to be present in Pakistan since 1960. The company has always believed that dirt is a valuable way to enrich our lives, both young and old. To ensure that everyone, anywhere in the country, can share in this initiative, company investing heavily in developing a range that suits the pockets of all income groups. This has included launching affordable packs that not only offer the top-clean advantages of Surf Excel, but also reduce the time, physical effort and amount of water needed to wash clothes by hand. Surf introduces innovations that challenge laundry conventions. We believe that by giving consumers more than what they would expect out of a laundry detergent, we help brighten up their day.

Ariel is the product of P&G. Ariel detergent gives you impeccable cleaning in stain removal. Ariel contains unique ingredients that cannot be found in other detergents, thus it is designed to remove a multitude of stains better. Ariel is perfect for your everyday washing needs. The unique formula has been designed to give brilliant cleaning and long lasting freshness. Clothes will keep that just-washed freshness for longer (for up to 8 hours).

Research Plan
Research Objectives
Following are the objectives that are to be met through this research project. Analyzing the brand awareness and usage of the two detergents. Analyzing the point of differences created by the two detergents and how much successful they are in communicating theses differences to the target market. Checking the customers ultimate loyalty with their preferred brand..

Research Technique
In our project we have used a descriptive research technique, to find out the consumers evaluation of the attributes of the one detergent brand versus the attributes of the competing detergent brand.

Research Tool
To conduct a survey the research tool used is questionnaire. By questionnaire method we have find out the in detail view of the respondents on the purpose under research.

Research Methodology
Overall survey consists of 60 questionnaires. There are 5 members in the group and 12 questionnaires are assigned to each group member. After collecting data based on these questionnaires each individual group member has to write his/her individual analysis


Questionaire 1. Name :2. Occupation :3. Have you ever purchased surf excel or ariel as your laundry detergent? YES ( ) NO ( ) CANT SAY ( )

4. DO you think Ariel created a effect on sales of Surf Excel? YES ( ) NO ( ) CANT SAY ( )

5. Do you think the pricing of Ariel is lower? YES ( ) NO ( ) CANT SAY ( )

6. The pricing of Surf Excel is high and its the cause of its sales decrease as compared to Ariel? AGREE ( ) DISAGREE ( )

7. What do you find attractive in Surf Excel? PRICE ( QUALITY ( QUANTITY ( PRODUCT ( 8. What do you find attractive in Ariel? PRICE QUALITY QUANTITY PRODUCT

) ) ) )

( ( ( (

) ) ) )

9. How do you come to know about the product and offers of Surf Excel?

10. Which brands brand image is higher according to you? Surf Excel ( ) Ariel ( )

11. Which brands packaging you find more at attractive? Surf Excel ( ) Ariel ( )

12. Which brands advertisement is adequate according to you?

Surf Excel (

Ariel (

Respondents Demographics
The demographic sample was carefully chosen to maximize the relevant responses for the survey. After the completion of survey we got 50 complete valid questionnaires all were Surf Excel and Ariel users. Social class that we are targeting is upper middle and middle middle class. A huge percentage of the respondents were female. Our main focus was on female respondents because females in a household usually make decisions about laundry detergents. Keeping this in mind, we went to households with the perspective of getting the female members to fill the questionnaires. At the same time, we also got some questionnaires filled from the male population to get a feel for their responses and their points of view. From out of all these female respondents, another important thing that had to be kept in mind was whether the women filling out the questionnaires were housewives, or workingwomen. This information is important to deduce whether the women actually use the products themselves . Housewives are more likely to actually use the products themselves, and wash their own laundry. On the other hand, workingwomen are more likely to have their laundry done by servants or maids. This means that these women do not come in direct contact with the use of these products, and rather base their decisions on the views that they get from the actual users of the products from their homes. It can be seen that, in our sample 70% of the respondents were females, and 30% were males.

1. Have you ever purchased surf excel or Ariel as your laundry detergent? Conclusion As per our survey we have analyzed that our entire respondents are user of laundry detergent. Surf Excel consumers are 50% Ariel consumers are 35%, other brand users are 15%. 2. DO you think Ariel created a effect on sales of Surf Excel? ConclusionAs per our research we conclude that 40% respondents say that Ariel created a effect on sales of surf excel because of basic reason of good quality.30% of respondents said that there is no sales effect on surf excel. Other respondents say that they have no opinion on this question. 3. The pricing of Ariel is high and its the cause of its sales decrease as compared to Ariel? ConclusionWhen we raised this question sales decrease of Ariel the maximum respondents answered the prices are high. As the figures are concerned 70% people said the prices are high so we dont purchase Ariel ,30% of respondents said that prices are high but the quality is also very good as compared to other brands.

4. What do you find attractive in Surf Excel? ConclusionThe respondents mainly found attractive in surf excel is its prices and quality. 85% of respondents answered both prices and quality is attractive. 15% said that only prices are attractive.

5. What do you find attractive in Ariel? ConclusionThe respondents only found the quality is attractive. The 70% respondents found the quality is attractive. 30% of respondents answered that quality, quantity attractive thus the prices are reasonable. 6. How do you come to know about the product and offers of Surf Excel? ConclusionAs the advertisement part of surf excel is very strong our maximum respondents were aware about its offers, tagline, and quality

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