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THE COSMIC ANTAHKARANA It might be added that the factual ceremonial admits the disciple into full fellowship

with the Hierarchy; that the symbolic representation indicates to the disciple the Way into Shamballa, and that illumined revelation presents to the initiate the bridge between our cosmic physical plane and the inner subjective and cosmic worlds; this entrance to the bridge (I am speaking in symbols) reveals the existence of the cosmic Antahkarana, created by the Lord of the World and His group of Executives. RI 533 The planetary antahkarana is built through the gradual alignment of three Wills Humanity, Hierarchy and Shamballa. The human being adds its small thread to this antahkarana when then wills of the personality, soul and monad are atoned. For instance, brother of mine, when the third eye, the inner eye, and the Monad are brought into direct alignment with "the Eye of God Himself," so that what the planetary Logos sees can be partially (at least) revealed to the initiate, who can tell what that revelation will bring of results and enlightenment? When the true nature of the will is comprehended and the self-will of the personality (of a very high order, necessarily), the will of the soul (as demonstrated by the activity of the highest tier or circle of the egoic petals), atma, expressing itself as the spiritual will, and Sanat Kumara are also brought, through initiation, into direct alignment, who, again, can predict what the revelation will be? DINA II 349 Gradually the planetary antahkarana will be completed and the Lord of the World will then take possession of His creation externalizing representatives of Shamballa within the sphere of Humanity as well as Hierarchy. The aligning of wills within the cosmic physical plane has a higher correspondence within the lower three cosmic planes.

When we speak of the Planetary Logos of the Earth Scheme we are speaking of a Being that is expressing on the lower three cosmic planes. Sanat Kumara is an embodiment or incarnation of the Logos on the earth globe but the Logos himself is not limited to his embodiment and functions on higher levels. The "Silent Watcher," that great Entity Who is the informing life of the planet, and Who holds the same position to the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, as the Ego does to the lower self of man. Some idea of the high stage of evolution of this Great Being may be gathered from the analogous degree of evolutionary difference existing between a human being and a perfected adept. From the standpoint of our planetary scheme, this Great Life has no greater, and He is, as far as we are concerned, a correspondence to the personal God of the Christian. He works through His representative on the physical plane, Sanat Kumara, Who is the focal point for His life and energy. He holds the world within His aura. This great Existence is only contacted directly by the adept who has taken the fifth initiation, and is proceeding to take the other two, the sixth and seventh. Once a year, at the Wesak Festival, the Lord Buddha, sanctioned by the Lord of the World, carries to the assembled humanity a dual stream of force, that emanating from the Silent Watcher, supplemented by the more focalised energy of the Lord of the World. This dual energy He pours out in blessing over the people gathered at the ceremony in the Himalayas, and from them in turn it flows out to all peoples and tongues and races HIS 105 At the first two initiations it is the Christ who presides. At the third and fourth it is Sanat Kumara. At the fifth and sixth it would seem an aspect of the Planetary Logos presides while at the seventh it is the Logos Himself acting on behalf of the Solar Logos who initiates. During these five initiations those two great beings, the

Bodhisattva first, and then the One Initiator, the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, are the administrators or hierophants. After these ceremonies, should the initiate choose to take the two final initiations which it is possible to take in this solar system, a still higher type of energy in expression of the One Self comes into play, and can only be hinted at. At the seventh initiation that One of Whom Sanat Kumara is the manifestation, the Logos of our scheme on His own plane, becomes the Hierophant. At the sixth initiation the expression of this Existence on an intermediate plane, a Being Who must at present remain nameless, wields the Rod and administers the oath and secret. In these three expressions of hierarchical governmentSanat Kumara on the periphery of the three worlds, the Nameless One on the confines of the high planes of human evolution, and the planetary Spirit himself at the final stagewe have the three great manifestations of the Planetary Logos Himself. Through the Planetary Logos at the final great initiation flows the power of the Solar Logos, and He it is Who reveals to the initiate that the Absolute is consciousness in its fullest expression, though at the stage of human existence the Absolute must be regarded as unconsciousness. HIS 92 Thus we have three levels of being, three wills which are really one Will that comprises the manifest Purpose of the Logos of the Earth Scheme throughout His creation. We might equate these to the Logos of the Scheme, the Logos of the Chain and the Logos of the globe. In terms of the planes we would locate them upon the cosmic mental, astral and physical planes respectively. On the third subplane of the cosmic mental plane we find the causal body of the Planetary Logos. On the fourth subplane of the cosmic astral plane we find the polarisation of the Planetary Logos and on the first and second subplane of the cosmic physical plane we find the embodiment of the Planetary Logos in Sanat Kumara. If we combine the alignment of the three Wills of the Logos on cosmic planes with the alignment of three Wills on the cosmic

physical plane we have an antahkarana that embraces both planetary and cosmic , reaching from the third subplane of the cosmic mental to the fifth subplane of the cosmic physical. The chart below gives an idea of these relationships. It can be seen that the Existence on an intermediate plane referred to above relates to the Logos in his astral vehicle or desire body positioned at the exact centre of the system. At the seventh initiation the initiate is able to contact however briefly the Planetary Logos in his causal body on the cosmic mental plane. At the fifth degree ( or perhaps the sixth as mentioned in the above reference ) the initiate is able to reach to the Logos in his cosmic astral body.

We may be able to get some idea of the building of this lower half of the cosmic antahkarana which links the cosmic astral and physical planes by examining how it has been expressed in the life of the planet as a whole. The Christ completed the work of the Buddha by manifesting in its fullness the nature of love, thus permitting the full expression of love-wisdom in its dual aspectthe one aspect demonstrated by the Buddha and the other by the Christ. But His greatest work has not yet been emphasised in the worlds of thought and of religionthe revelation of the Way of the Higher Evolution. This entails the bringing through of pure divine will and the relating of the spiritual Hierarchy to the great Council at Shamballa. It will be apparent to you, therefore, that He was the first to carry throughfrom stage to stagethe complete revelation of humanity to the Hierarchy and of the Hierarchy to Shamballa. This He did by virtue of a completely finished and constructed antahkarana, and thus He facilitated the work of all future aspirants and disciples. He made possible their unimpeded progress, as far as the opening of each stage of the planetary antahkarana is concerned. He presented the "first thread of living substance, irradiated by love, intelligently woven and energised by will" which any human being of our Earth humanity had interwoven with the planetary antahkarana. RI 528 He then focussed in Himself the two major divine attributes and aspectswill and love (atma-buddhi)and because of this, His consciousness became extra-planetary as is the consciousness of the Lord of the World, and He could then touch certain heights of awareness and contact certain solar Agencies which had never before been contacted by man. This achievement enabled Him to put Humanity in touch with the Spirit of Peace. He thus

Himself became the Light of the World and the Prince of Peace. In this manner, Shamballa and the Hierarchy were brought into a close relationship and two great streams of force were blended and a definite interplay set up between them. The Buddha, through His achievement of illumination, established the first major link with the Forces of Light. The Christ, through His ability to express the will of God in love and as world salvage, established the first major link with the Spirit of Peace HIS The chart below traces the dual alignment of love wisdom from the mental plane of the cosmic physical to the intermediate existence of the Planetary Logos on the cosmic astral plane. The human soul is dual comprising the fusion of mercury and venus, the fourth and fifth hierarchies. The fifth hierarchy is also dual expressing as both manas and atma and thus we have the human soul as the triad. The alignments put in place by the Christ and Buddha reflect the venus and mercury alignments respectively. The zigzag green and blue lines represent pathways through the planes that this consciousness takes. The green line of Venus moves from the third subplane of the cosmic astral to the fifth subplane, to the atmic plane, to the mental plane. Consider the astrological rulerships of this line. Venus is exalted in Pisces and a ruler on one level of Taurus, Libra and Capricorn. Pluto the hierarchical ruler of Pisces is brought into relationship with Venus, the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn. The solar angels leave the Fathers house, under law, and descend to retrieve their reflected light. The blue line is the Mercury alignment and descends from the fourth subplane of the cosmic astral, via the sixth, to the monadic plane and thence to the buddhic. Mercury rules each of the four signs involvedAries, Gemini (which remember is ruled by Mercury, Venus and Earth), Virgo and Scorpio. This line brings the energy of Uranus, hierarchical ruler of Aries, into relationship with Mercury, hierarchical ruler of Scorpio.

The human Hierarchy awakens to Life. The Tibetan has this to say about Mercury:
Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, carries to humanity a certain type of force and this precipitates a point of crisis; it brings about the next great revolution which will lead mankind on to new experience, and to the revelation of the divinity which it is the destiny of man to reveal. (EA, p.549)

Initiated man is the combination of two Hierarchiesthe divine hermaphrodite created from the union of Mercury and Venus, the Fourth and Fifth Hierarchies. These are the energies involved in building the antahkarana because we ARE the antahkarana. Two astrological triangles are involved:

. Returning to the chart we must now focus on the red line that represents the sushumna thread of this antahkarana. It links three crucifixionsthat of our Planetary Logos on the fourth subplane of the cosmic astral, the Fifth Hierachy, and the Ninth (or Fourth) Hierarchy who is ourselves as we approach the Fourth Degree. It was at the Fourth Initiation that Jesus on the buddhic plane was overshadowed by the Christ on the monadic. The link then extended to Sanat Kumara (consider the central point of the chart as a crown chakra), and thence to the Planetary Logos polarised upon the fourth subplane of the cosmic astral. Thus a great alignment of Will took place. Between the fifth and the seventh intiations this cosmic antahkarana is extended from the cosmic astral plane to the cosmic mental creating a triple alignment between the three Wills of the three levels of manifestation of our Logos. The Christ and the Buddha took the third initiation together ( RI 386 ) and when the Christ completes his work of the seventh initiation the cosmic antahkarana will find its place within the consciousness of mankind and the great Sound of the Planetary Logos will reach forth on to the physical plane of this earth globe. This is concerned with the realisations of the overshadowing Christ as He registered the Voice which is heard at the third, fifth, sixth and seventh initiations. The Gospel story gives us the

five Initiations of the Master Jesus, beginning with the first and ending with the fifth. But it also gives the initiations of the Christ, starting from the second and ending with the seventh. The latter is left incomplete, and the Voice is not recorded, because at the Resurrection and Ascension we are not told of the hearing of the affirmative sound. That will be heard when the Christ completes His work at the time of the Second Coming. Then the great seventh initiation, which is a dual one (love-wisdom in full manifestation motivated by power and will), will be consummated, and the Buddha and the Christ will together pass before the Lord of the World, together see the glory of the Lord, and together pass to higher service of a nature and calibre unknown to us. RI 84 The Christ and the Buddha took the third initiation together ( RI 386 ) and when the Christ completes his work of the seventh initiation the cosmic antahkarana will find its place within the consciousness of mankind and the great Sound of the Planetary Logos will reach forth on to the physical plane of this earth globe. Bruce Lyon

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