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September - October

year XXX
respecting the secular authorities
and praying for their peace, the
THE CREED only one worthy of worship is
interpretation 2 God.
Rev. Dr. Doru Costache Testifying of Christ’s lordship is
in full accord with the beginning
of the Creed, which states there is
only one God. Speaking of the
only one God, and by this
The second article of the Creed
designating the Father, also
speaks about the eternal identity of
speaking of the only one Lord, and
our Lord Christ. It addresses those
by this designating the Son, we are
opinions concerning whether Jesus
not confronted by a disaccord, the
was in fact the Son of God and
Father and the Son being ‘one,’ a
truly God. The Church
unity of being, life and honour (cf.
nevertheless affirmed that Christ
John 10:30).
prior to anything else was true
God. This affirmation was based Jesus Christ – It is interesting that
upon the divine revelation and the the fathers of the Church who
composed the Creed did not start
11th hour
experience of the Church. Anomalogue
speaking of the second person in
The text in the Creed which reads: http://www.livejournal.com/
the Holy Trinity from his divine
“And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the users/anomalogue/
eternal name, but from his human USA
only-begotten Son of God,
name, as it was assumed in
begotten of the Father before all People feel quite comfortable con-
history. This indicates that our
ages, light from light, true God demning the intelligent, who have
faith never delivers new teachings,
from true God, begotten not made, to work for years to arrive where
preferring to refer and to correctly
of one essence with the Father; simple people easily stroll.
characterise persons and facts
through him all things were
already known. We came to know So, what’s the point of intelli-
made,” may be analysed as
the Son of God under his human gence? The simple person says
follows: name, Jesus Christ. This name was there is none, that the wise have
One Lord – The first point symbolically chosen by divine been made fools, and that the first
regarding Jesus’ identity confirms providence. In Hebrew, Ieshua, will be last and the last will be
that he is our Lord and Master. transliterated in Greek by Iēsous first.
This qualification announces (Jesus), means ‘the Lord who
indirectly the full affirmation of saves.’ Similarly, the Greek term That is fine. Let the simple have
his divine identity. Of course from Christos (Christ) translates the what is theirs – the right to injus-
respect we call people ‘lord’ or Hebrew Mashiah, meaning ‘the tice.
‘master,’ but it is obvious that the anointed’ and ‘the one chosen’ by The first will be last – all the way
only true Lord and Master is God. By this association of the to the eleventh
Christ. Many of our services two names (Jesus Christ), his hour, at which
contain the call to worship (‘let us eternal identity (the Lord) and time the house is
worship and bow’) Christ, ‘our mission (the Saviour, the Chosen) rebuilt, and this
king and God.’ Eventually, even page 3 time on the most
solid rock.
pag. 2

Media Release - National Council of Churches in Australia (7 October 2005) the world at large
Further, there was unani-
■ The use of the methods
While all Australians are lian defenses against terror- cult of death, and it does of terror by any side in a
engaged in debates on the ism and religious fanati- not support the view that dispute
balance between civil liber- cism. somehow killing oneself, ■ So-called ‘suicide’
ties and the necessity to The Dialogue paid particu- and taking others with you, bombings as legitimate acts
properly protect all of us lar attention to the way in is a short cut to para- ■ The use of violence to
from the threat of terrorism, which Islam, Judaism and dise. When people take overcome violence
Australia’s Christians, Christianity understand the such a step they separate Objectives of the
Muslims and Jews have the term ‘martyr’. themselves from their faith, ANDCMJ are:
opportunity and responsi- “All true religion teaches and the effect is the oppo- ■ To be a model of how
bility to work together to you how to live well. That site of what they intend”. different faiths can live har-
strengthen the ethical foun- can include learning how to On behalf of the ECAJ moniously together in Aus-
dations of Australia, par- die well, in the cause of the representatives, Jeremy tralia
ticipants in a recent meet- basic tenets of faith, but it Jones concluded, “Genuine ■ To build understanding,
ing of the Australian Na- does not include planning martyrs do not choose mar- good will and a sense of
tional Dialogue of Chris- to kill others especially in- tyrdom. Martyrs are peo- community between people
tians, Muslims & Jews nocent persons by killing ple who, by living out what of different faiths
(ANDCMJ) concluded. oneself. Religion gives no they believe, suffer conse- ■ To explore and learn
The ANDCMJ expressed quences at the hands of about each other and our
strong support for the mandate to that. There can faith traditions
be no justification for such others which can include
"Peace and Harmony Con- ■ To share our knowledge
ference", organized by the actions and any attempt at their own death. They do
and insights with others
Australian Federation of this is the warped outcome not choose death as a ■ To work together to
Islamic Councils last week- of twisted reasoning, and means of justice, revenge, achieve common goals in
end and its aim of strength- although some try to justify or as a weapon to destroy Australia
ening essential moral and it through circumstances, it others”. ■ To support each other in
social tenets of Australian is never right”, Amjad Me- The dialogue partners times of difficulty
society. hboob, leader of the AFIC identified the following
At the meeting at the Great delegation stressed. important principles: Further information:
Synagogue, Sydney, the John Henderson, General ■ Accountability to God John Henderson, General
representatives of the Aus- Secretary of the NCCA for all our actions Secretary of the National
tralian Federation of Is- added, “The history of reli- ■ The centrality and truth Council of Churches in Aus-
lamic Councils (AFIC), the gious martyrs is a long and of religious teaching in per- tralia: 0419 224 935 or secre-
National Council of honoured one, but it re- sonal and community life tariat@ncca.org.au
Churches in Australia mains controver- ■ The necessity for believ- Amjad Mehboob, CEO of the
sial. Martyrs are inspira- ers to live by what they Australian Federation of Is-
(NCCA) and The Executive lamic Councils: 0408 234 434
Council of Australian tional examples of people believe
■ That true religion empha- or amehboob@afic.com.au
Jewry (ECAJ), offered their who live out what they be- Jeremy Jones, Spokesperson,
support to all serious initia- lieve whatever the personal sises good living and re-
Executive Council of Austra-
tives to breakdown racial cost. Their emphasis is on sponsible, caring relation-
lian Jewry: 0411 536 436 or
and religious stereotypes living, not dy- ships among family, ecaj@tig.com.au
and to strengthen Austra- friends, community, and
ing. Martyrdom is not a

No? Perhaps you haven’t died, yet. I’m nobody, nobody is perfect,
It is always

You don’t think you can be born and therefore I’m perfect.
the Apocalypse again without dying first, do you? If I save time, when do I get it
Anomalogue It has always been the Apocalypse. back?
http:// Take my advice, I don’t use it
www.livejournal.com/users/ Have you seen the New Jerusalem anyway.
anomalogue/ hanging from Heaven like an over- War doesn’t determine who’s right.
USA ripe fruit, about to fall – any minute War determines who’s left.
now? Living on Earth may be expen-
Have you seen the New Jerusalem No? Perhaps you should die again. sive...but it includes an annual free
hanging from Heaven like an over- You don’t think you can be born trip around the Sun.
ripe fruit, about to fall – any minute again without dying first, do you? Your future depends on your dreams.
now? It is always the Apocalypse. So go to sleep!

Parochial Life | september - october 2005 |

pag. 3

The creed page 1 past, but it is an eternal Through him all things were made
relationship: the Father is giving – The Creed begins to speak of the
are therefore indirectly asserted.
birth to the Son now and ever, and Son’s action in the world.
Son of God – The human name of the Son is born now and ever from Suggesting John 1:3 and
the Saviour is followed by the the Father. The Creed’s affirmation Colossians 1:15-18, the syntagm
explicit affirmation of his divine intends only to point out to the fact asserts that being uncreated the
identity. Christ is not only human, that this relationship cannot be Son is (together with the Father)
but before everything a God. considered under the temporal the creator of the whole seen and
According to our faith concerning species, like in the case of created unseen world.
the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ is the things.
In Christian theology, beginning
human name, assumed after the
Light from light, true God from with the prologue of the Gospel of
incarnation, of the second divine
true God – Coming eternally from St John, the name of the Son
person. Being a true God, he could
the Father, the Son is truly God, involved in the action of creating
not be confused with the Father
like the one from whom he the universe is Logos (Reason,
and the Holy Spirit; the name Son
originates. The Creed makes Principle, Word or Meaning). The
reveals his personal difference.
appeal to an analogy in order to Creed does not mention this name
Although we cannot know in what
express in an articulate way the because during the fourth century
manner this difference consists of,
manner the Son comes from the there developed serious
we understand that this name
Father: when one lights a candle philosophical controversies
indicates his origin in the Father
from another candle, neither the regarding the identity of the Logos.
and his relation with the Father.
light of the first diminishes nor the
The only-begotten – This term light of the second is weaker. Seeing a tree
confirms Jesus’ characteristic as Anomalogue (USA)
Begotten not made – The Creed
the eternal Son: he really is the http://
comes back to the issue of the
Son, involved with the Father in a www.livejournal.com/
manner that the Son comes from
relationship called begetting users/anomalogue/
the Father, drawing our attention to
(whose content we do not know).
the difference between the eternal
The statement is confirmed and A looks at a tree and says “I see
birth of the Son and the way the
developed by the words begotten this tree.”
worldly things come into being by B says “It isn’t the tree you see,
not made (see below).
creation. Originating eternally by but light reflecting from the tree.
Simultaneously the term alludes to birth from the Father, the Son has The tree itself is never seen.”
the faithful who are graced by God no similarity and natural relation A insists, “No. I see this tree
in becoming ‘sons of God’ (cf. with creation (the world). when I see its light.”
John 1:12-13; the text is read B says “Sight is a paradox – an
Of one essence with the Father – illusion of consciousness.”
during the liturgy of the Pascha).
The previous expression, true God, C agrees with A. “Man, by his Na-
We are not sons of God in the way
is confirmed: the Son is really by ture, sees the tree itself as he
Jesus is; we are adopted by God
through the very fact that his Son
nature what the Father is, though sees its light.”
this does not mean that the Son A insists, “No. I see its light when
descended to us and sent us the
could be confused as the person of I see this tree.”
Holy Spirit, the Spirit of sonship, D agrees with A. “Man, by his Na-
the Father. Furthermore, given the
who teaches us to call our God ture, sees only his senses.”
fact the Son is together with the
Father. A insists, “No. I see this tree
Father truly God, this does not
Begotten of the Father before all when I see its light.”
means they are two Gods. It is only
ages – Against those believing that one God, the divine persons
A points at a tree and says “I
the Son is not eternally with the (including the Holy Spirit) sharing know something about this tree...”
Father and created by the Father, the same divine nature. We could
the Creed clearly testifies that the approach this mystery by means of editor:
Son has no other origin than being an analogy with humanity: there Rev. Doru Costache, PhD
begotten from the Father. The are many human persons, but only layout design:
Son’s birth is an ‘event’ occurring one human nature. The difference Ion Nedelcu (Bucharest)
before time, the universe and address:
consists in the fact that whereas the 64 Linthorn Ave,
history. In fact, the relation divine persons are living together Croydon Park,
between the Father and the Son is their common nature (in NSW 2133.
not something consumed and communion) people are living their phone: (02) 9642 02 60
reserved as something from the human nature individually. www.geocities.com/
Parochial Life | september - october 2005 |

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