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96. Which of the following statements by a client during a group therapy session requires immediate follow-up by the nurse? 1. I know Im a chronically compulsive liar, but I cant help it. 2.I dont ever want to go home; I feel safer here. 3. I dont really care if I ever see my girlfriend again. 4. Ill make sure that doctor is sorry for what he said. 97. A client newly diagnosed with Alzheimers disease is admitted to the unit. Which of the following actions by the nurse is BEST? 1. Place the client in a private room away from the nurses station. 2. Ask the family to wait in the waiting room while the nurse admits the client. 3. Assign a different nurse daily to care for the client. 4. Ask the client to state todays date. 98. A female client visits the clinic with complaints of right calf tenderness and pain. It would be MOST important for the nurse to ask which of the following questions. 1. Do you exercise excessively? 2. Have you had any fractures in the last year? 3. What type of birth control do you use? 4. Are you under a lot of stress? 99. A mother calls the well-baby clinic to report that her 4-month-old son has an upper respiratory infection (URI) with a temperature of 104F (40C). The infant is scheduled to receive his DPT and TOPV immunizations later that day. The mother asks the nurse if she should bring him in for his scheduled immunizations. Which of the following responses by the nurse would be MOST appropriate? 1. Keep him at home. Well give him a double dose next time. 2. Bring him in. His illness will not interfere with his immunizations. 3. Keep him at home until his temperature and infection resolve. 4. Bring him in. Well give him some antibiotics with the immunizations.

100. The nurse in the postpartum unit cares for a client who delivered her first child the previous day. During her assessment of the client, the nurse notes multiple varicosities on the clients lower extremities. Which of the following actions should the nurse perform? 1. Teach the client to rest in bed when the baby sleeps. 2. Encourage early and frequent ambulation. 3. Apply warm soaks for 20 minutes every 4 hours. 4. Perform passive range-of-motion exercises 3 times daily. 101. A man fractures his left femur in a bicycle accident. A cast is applied. The nurse knows that which of the following exercises would be MOST beneficial for this client. 1. Passive exercise of the affected limb 2. Quadriceps setting of the affected limb 3. Active range-of-motion exercises of the unaffected limb 4. Passive exercise of the upper extremities 102. The nurse plans care for a client receiving electroconvulsive treatments (ECT). Immediately after a treatment, the nurse should take which of the following actions? 1. Orient the client to time and place. 2. Talk about events prior to the clients hospitalization. 3. Restrict fluid intake and encourage the client to ambulate. 4. Initiate comfort measures to relieve vertigo. 103. A client is to receive 35mg/hr of intravenous aminophylline. The nurse mixes 350mg of aminophylline in 500 mL D5W. At which of the following rates should the nurse infuse this solution? 1. 20 mL/hr 2. 35 mL/hr 3. 50 mL/hr 4. 70 mL/hr

104. The nurse prepares an adult client for instillation of eardrops. The nurse should use which of the following methods to administer the eardrops? 1. Cool the solution for better adsorption. Drop the medication directly into the auditory canal. 2. Warm the solution. Flush the medication rapidly into the ear. 3. Warm the solution. Drop the medication along the side of the ear canal. 4. Warm the solution to 104F (40C). Drop the medication slowly into the ear canal. 105. The nurse is inserting an IV catheter into a clients left arm. Suddenly the client exclaims, It feels like an electric shock is going all the way down my arm and into my hand! What is the FIRST action the nurse must take? 1. Instruct the client to take slow, deep breaths. 2. Remove the needle from the clients arm. 3. Tell the client this is a common response to IV insertion. 4. Withdraw the needle slightly and then push it forward.

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