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QUALIFYING EXAMINATION Harvard University Department of Mathematics Tuesday August 31, 2010 (Day 1)

1. (CA) Evaluate

sin2 x dx. x2

2. (A) Let b be any integer with (7, b) = 1 and consider the polynomial fb (x) = x3 21x + 35b. (a) Show that fb is irreducible over Q. (b) Let P denote the set of b Z such that (7, b) = 1 and the Galois group of fb is the alternating group A3 . Find P . 3. (T) Let X be the Klein bottle.1 (a) Compute the homology groups Hn (X, Z). (b) Compute the homology groups Hn (X, Z/2). (c) Compute the homology groups Hn (X X, Z/2). 4. (RA) Let f be a Lebesgue integrable function on the closed interval [0, 1] R. (a) Suppose that g is a continuous function on [0, 1] such that the integral of |f g| is less than 2 . Prove that the set where |f g| > has measure less than . (b) Show that for every > 0, there is a continuous function g on [0, 1] such that the integral of |f g| is less than 2 . 5. (DG) Let v denote a vector eld on a smooth manifold M and let p M be a point. An integral curve of v through p is a smooth map : U M from a neighborhood U of 0 R to M such that (0) = p and the dierential d carries the tangent vector /t to v((t)) for all t U . (b) Prove that any two integral curves of v through any given point p agree on some neighborhood of 0 R.
The Klein bottle is obtained from the square I 2 = {(x, y) : 0 x, y 1} R2 by the equivalence relation (0, y) (1, y) and (x, 0) (1 x, 1)

(a) Prove that for any p M there is an integral curve of v through p.

(c) A complete integral curve of v through p is one whose associated map has domain the whole of R. Give an example of a nowhere zero vector eld on R2 that has a complete integral curve through any given point. Then, give an example of a nowhere zero vector eld on R2 and a point which has no complete integral curve through it. 6. (AG) Show that a general hypersurface X Pn of degree d > 2n 3 contains no lines L Pn .

QUALIFYING EXAMINATION Harvard University Department of Mathematics Wednesday September 1, 2010 (Day 2)

1. (T) If Mg denotes the closed orientable surface of genus g, show that continuous maps Mg Mh of degree 1 exist if and only if g h. 2. (RA) Let f C(S 1 ) be a continuous function with a continuous rst derivative f (x). Let {an } be the Fourier coecients of f . Prove that n |an | < . 3. (DG) Let S R3 be the surface given as a graph z = ax2 + 2bxy + cy 2 where a, b and c are constants. (a) Give a formula for the curvature at (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0) of the induced Riemannian metric on S. (b) Give a formula for the second fundamental form at (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0). (c) Give necessary and sucient conditions on the constants a, b and c that any curve in S whose image under projection to the (x, y)-plane is a straight line through (0, 0) is a geodesic on S. 4. (AG) Let V and W be complex vector spaces of dimensions m and n respectively, and A V a subspace of dimension l. Let PHom(V, W ) Pmn1 be = the projective space of nonzero linear maps : V W mod scalars, and for any integer k l let k = { : V W : rank(|A ) k} Pmn1 . Show that k is an irreducible subvariety of Pmn1 , and nd its dimension. 5. (CA) Find a conformal map from the region = {z : |z 1| > 1 and |z 2| < 2} C between the two circles |z 1| = 1 and |z 2| = 2 onto the upper-half plane. 6. (A) Let G be a nite group with an automorphism : G G. If 2 = id and the only element xed by is the identity of G, show that G is abelian.

QUALIFYING EXAMINATION Harvard University Department of Mathematics Thursday September 2, 2010 (Day 3) 1. (DG) Let D R2 be the closed unit disk, with boundary D S 1 . For any = smooth map : D R2 , let A() denote the integral over D of the pull-back (dx dy) of the area 2-form dx dy on R2 . (a) Prove that A() = A( ) if = on the boundary of D. (b) Let : D R2 denote a smooth map, and let : D R2 denote a smooth map such that |D = . Give an expression for A() as an integral over D of a function that is expressed only in terms of and its derivatives to various orders. (c) Give an example of a map such that (dx dy) is a positive multiple of dx dy at some points and a negative multiple at others. 2. (T) Compute the fundamental group of the space X obtained from two tori S 1 S 1 by identifying a circle S 1 {x0 } in one torus with the corresponding circle S 1 {x0 } in the other torus. 3. (CA) Let u be a positive harmonic function on C. Show that u is constant. 4. (A) Let R = Z[ 5]. Express the ideal (6) = 6R R as a product of prime ideals in R. 5. (AG) Let Q P5 be a smooth quadric hypersurface, and L Q a line. Show that there are exactly two 2-planes P2 P5 contained in Q and containing = L. 6. (RA) Let C denote the space of smooth, real valued functions on the closed interval I = [0, 1]. Let H denote the completion of C using the norm whose square is the functional f (

df 2 ) + f 2 dt. dt

(a) Prove that the map of C to itself given by f T (f ) with


T (f )(t) =

f (s)ds

extends to give a bounded map from H to H, and prove that the norm of T is 1.

(b) Prove that T is a compact mapping from H to H (c) Let C 1/2 be the Banach space obtained by completing C using the norm given by |f (t) f (t )| f sup + sup |f (t)|. |t t |1/2 t t=t Prove that the inclusion of C into H and into C 1/2 extends to give a bounded, linear map from H to C 1/2 .

(d) Give an example of a sequence in H such that all elements have norm 1 and such that there are no convergent subsequences in C 1/2 .

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