2011 Report Back Survey

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In addition to his other campaigning work outlined overleaf, George Lyon MEP has been dealing with a variety

of issues in Parliament. These include the fraudulent sale of property abroad, protecting the beef industry against potentially damaging trade deal with South American countries, fighting to end the shocking practice of discards in European waters, unrest in the Middle East, the cloning of animals, campaigning to scrap the Strasbourg seat of the European Parliament for the benefit of both the environment and to save tax payers money. Over the last year a number of key votes have taken place in Parliament where George Lyon has fought to protect Scotlands interests. Most notable was when it was proposed that a moratorium was imposed on deep sea oil drilling. If this had gone ahead, our North East industry would have been decimated. Thankfully, Parliament saw sense.

My first speech in 2009 as an MEP in Edinburgh accepting the position! Meeting children at Tarradale Primary School in the Highlands. Counting out the overwhelming number of responses to my petition regarding fair ferry fares for our island communities.

Published and promoted by the office of George Lyon MEP all at 9 Newton Terrace, Glasgow, G3 7PJ If you respond George Lyon MEP, the Scottish Liberal Democrats and their elected representatives may use the information youve given to contact you. Some contacts may be automated. You can always opt out of communications at any time by contacting us. Printed by Scotprint, Gateside Commerce Park, Haddington, EH41 3ST

In Parliament and the postbag...

Georges work in photos


Report back 2011

Coming up in the European Parliament over the next year will be many issues that will affect the people of Scotland. This includes the final decision for consumers to make it easy for them to see the country of origin of their food and drink, continued work on CAP reform will impact farmers across the European Union and agreeing the EU budget priorities for the coming years. You can keep up to date with all of Georges work via his website: www.georgelyon.org.uk

Visiting Cromarty Firth on a factfinding mission.


Scotland and you

George Lyon is one of six MEPs Scotland elects to fight for us in the European Parliament. George was elected in June 2009.

Want more information on what George is doing?

Ps are voting: To keep an eye on how your ME www.votewatch.eu www.itsyourparliament.eu ppening in For information about what is ha the European Parliament: www.europarl.org.uk work: To keep up-to-date with Georges www.georgelyon.org.uk

Joining up our Parliaments and working with Michael Moore MP, Secretary of State for Scotland. Speaking with farmers about my CAP proposals.

If you require this leaflet in a larger or different format, please contact the office on 0141 222 2480

Campaigning with Danny Alexander in Inverness to cut the cost of rural fuel prices in Scotland.

As a former MSP for Argyll and Bute, Deputy Finance Minister for Scotland, farmer on Bute and President of National Farmers Union, Scotland, George is well aware of the issues facing Scotland. Be it the need for fair fuel prices in our rural and remote areas, a strong Common Agricultural Policy across the EU or the importance of taking strong and urgent action now to tackle climate change, George is constantly fighting for Scotland. To keep up to date with all of Georges work visit:

Overleaf you will find a short survey to find out your views. Please take a few minutes to complete this and then send it back, free of charge, in the envelope provided.

...issues coming up

As your Liberal Democrat Member of the European Parliament, I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the work I do on your behalf in Brussels and here in Scotland. I also want to seek your views on a number of issues I am working on and ask what you consider to be the most important issues. I hope that you find this report useful. Should you wish to raise anything with me, please get in contact.


If your contact details are incorrect on the front, please correct them here and add in your telephone number and e-mail address. 2.3 It is estimated that Scotland could provide 25% of Europes renewable energy capacity. Do you support moves to make this happen? Yes I do No I do not

Reporting back on my activities:

Campaigning for fair fuel prices in rural areas
George has led calls for cheaper fuel prices to be introduced in rural areas in Scotland where driving is a necessity, not a luxury. Thousands have already signed his petition (www.georgelyon.org.uk). The new UK Government has now agreed to establish pilot schemes to trial cheaper prices. George is pressing the EU to allow these pilot schemes to go ahead.

Tel: E-mail:

3.1 Do you back George Lyons campaign to reduce the cost of fuel in rural areas in Scotland where driving is a necessity and not a luxury? Yes I do No I do not 3.2 Consumers are often misled by labels on food packaging which claim a product may be Scottish or British but it was only packaged here. Do you support George Lyons campaign for it to be mandatory for the country of origin to appear on our foods, so consumers can be confident about where their food has come from? Yes I do No I do not

Standing up for consumers rights

Scottish people want to support Scottish producers. George Lyon has voted to introduce a mandatory country of origin label on produce - no longer would it be possible for a product to claim to be Scottish but only packaged here. In addition, George is backing calls for the traffic light system to be adopted on food so we can easily identify the level of fats, sugars and salt in our food.

1.1 Have you made adjustments to your lifestyle because of the economic downturn? Yes I have No I have not

Backing the rights of the disabled

George visited Royal Strathclyde Blindcraft Industries (RSBI) - an assisted workshop facility providing opportunities for people with disabilities. Through an EU rule, governments and public bodies can set aside contracts targeted at companies employing over 50% of disabled employees. George is calling for more public bodies to use this rule so facilities, like RSBI, can keep helping disabled people into work.

1.2 If yes, what are the adjustments?

3.3 George Lyon is campaigning for UK banks to stop charging their customers when they withdraw their own money abroad. Do you back Georges campaign for free access to our funds? 1.3 Do you support the work of the European Parliament which has stopped bank directors walking away with excessive bonuses and goldplated pension pots if their bank fails? Yes I do No I do not Yes I do No I do not

Getting a fair deal for Scottish farmers

As a former farmer on Bute, George Lyon was best placed to be the author of the Parliaments proposals for reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). You can read the proposals on Georges website where he calls for a fair, green and sustainable CAP. In addition, George has backed calls for the farmers hand to be strengthened when negotiating with supermarkets.

4.1 Which party would you usually support at an election and who would be your second choice? Please mark a 1 against your first choice and 2 against your second choice. Liberal Democrat Labour SNP Conservative Other Do not vote

1.4 Do you agree that in these times of economic austerity, the European Parliament should stop moving to Strasbourg for voting sessions and should instead be permanently based in Brussels - saving 200 million pounds a year? Yes I do No I do not

2.1 Do you recycle waste from your home? Yes I do No I do not 2.2 If yes, what do you recycle? If no, what stops you from recycling?

4.2 Would you like to have a referendum on Scottish independence? Yes I would No I would not 4.3 How would you vote if such a referendum took place? For independence Against independence Dont know
Published and promoted by the office of George Lyon MEP all at 9 Newton Terrace, Glasgow, G3 7PJ If you respond George Lyon MEP, the Scottish Liberal Democrats and their elected representatives may use the information youve given to contact you. Some contacts may be automated. You can always opt out of communications at any time by contacting us. Printed by Scotprint, Gateside Commerce Park, Haddington, EH41 3ST

s... In the last year George Lyon MEP ha for Amended 30 reports in Parliament the benefit of Scotland. on Asked 75 Parliamentary questions debit issues such as using your credit and for cards whilst abroad, EU initiatives in missing children, Parliaments seat licy. Strasbourg and Common fisheries po as Made 18 speeches on issues such rising food prices, oil exploration, and . the crisis in the dairy farming sector

Key facts and figures

Contact George Lyon MEP

The Office of George Lyon MEP, 9 Newton Terrace, Glasgow, G3 7PJ T: 0141 222 2480 E: george@georgelyon.org.uk www.georgelyon.org.uk

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