Love Stories: A Collection of Short Stories by Raj

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Preface: I started this love stories section after writing my first story Love in 2 Days and by following a person Mayur. He is also a wonderful story writer. Next, all the love stories which I have listed here are inspired from real life stories and from my classmates, colleagues and me. I love, love and the feeling of love and to be in love. So I do love the love stories and love the people who love, love. My only word to everyone in the world is love is a very good feeling and its great to love and be loved. Do not die or kill because of love. Since dying or killing is hatred not love! -- Raj

Dedicated to all my readers And Jaanu in Particular

Please give me feedback at I have created a facebook fan page for my love stories here ges/LoveStories-Raj-akaSandy/148543171847241

1. 2. Love in 2 days If Love becomes Possessiveness 25-32 3. A Geeks Love Story! 32-49 6 24


Aakash and Akshaya!


1 - Love in 2 days
The typical two days in my life in an year, I remember those are the days of my B.Tech 2nd year. And those two days are the day of sivratri and the next day . This first time in my life I said to my mom that, I will be fasting and will stay awake all the night , then my mom, she is very traditional lady said with a smile and with happiness on her face its ok my son. And my father(puzzled) stood there speechless .( I guess he thought some split personality entered me) The day in the morning It was 6.30 am sandy sandy ,.. come-on get up its already 6.30 . ( I thought its just 6.30 not even 9.30 as it was a holiday . remember these thoughts in brackets really follow till the end of 2 days ) my mom shouting from the pooja room .I woke up its really all new to me because its 6.30 and I dont know what the hell people do in this morning

Ok I woke up . I switched on the television with brush in my mouth . I saw all the programs named with jatakam , bakthi ,antaryami and all that stuff I didnt see any good songs , I switched on to hindi stop it came the voice I saw my mother we are doing pooja here please stop it Its ok I brushed my teeth had a head bath with the bad smelling oil on my head and then came out.. I thought **(again that as today I will go to temple then there will be good looking girls so I will wear a jeans and a good t shirt ) as really I am studying in another place from my home I dont have many jeans at home .. Literally I had only one jeans which is highly shaded I am planning to wear it.Again same voice from the pooja room came we need to go to temple so wear a good dress, dont wear that shaded jeans as you used it for 3 days. Ok mom and I wore a normal dress and made up myself for the temple .

I asked a cup of tea and my mom said after the darshan I said no mom please let me have a cup of tea after that we will go My mom was very kind on me thus gave a cup of milk and I had it and felt strong and took my bike out . The temple When I reached the temple I saw many people shouting 8 rs 10 rs for coconuts I got one . I unwore shoe and washed the legs and got into the temple . I was stunned I saw a very big line as if they are standing for tickets for megastars movie I said to my mom we will come after some time, she said only one thing shut up..(Again I thought why I came into this struggling phase unnecessarily). I stood there it was half and hour and I didnt move an inch.. I asked whats happening my mom folding her hands towards god said that this is some abishekam that we need to stop visiting god. Oh we have these things too????

Ok the line started moving I was silent... Suddenly I saw a friend standing in the line in front of 100 members and I went to him and I wanted me and my mom to join that line . I initially started towards him and I spoke to him , I suddenly noticed a tall kaki man coming towards to he is a policeman, then I said to my friend are yaar after the darshan please wait for me outside I will talk to you ok ( I thought I was really unlucky ) And again stood in the same old line .Then I got an idea ( Are yaar I forgot about girls) And looked around for girls I found many so I keep on looking to that girls and half an hour passed very fast. Then I saw my mom noticing me and she said we came to temple to visit god not goddess. And It was already that I have been in the line then suddenly I saw lord shivas idol and prayed and came out .. But the visiting was a second the pujaries over there are pushing us out .

Then at last I managed to reach home ( I really reached home with expectations like I can watch many movies and even I can have many juices). After Darshan I reached home , and my mom gave some fruits to eat and started TV, I was happy expecting many good movies but I need to watch all old movies I just managed to listen to music. There again came a sweet lady voice saying sandy My status hahaha JJ Priya, she lives besides us actually her parents left for some function and handed over that girl to my parents to take care for that one day she is even a Brahmin so she too is even traditional.( I am not saying that only Brahmins are traditional but I know only about them because I am one of them) Actually we both were classmates at our childhood , but when her father got transferred she had to waste a year studying the same class , now she is junior to me.. (But I am happy that she will not call me brother )

She came home wearing a blue saree and she was too good that day. She asked me can we go to temple .. I am stunned again temple standing in line for 3 hours and everyone will look at her and I will be jealous I am thinking all those suddenly my mom ordered me to take her to temple. But this time I managed to wear my shaded jeans and a rocking t shirt such that we both look equally good. Now again I started my bike with a dream . ( I thought that as this is lunch time then the temple will be closed and we can go out for ice-cream or anyplace to sit and speak ) The temple again! It was just 15 min but I was very happy traveling with that girl but the girl was adjusting her sari on bike even for almost 1 hour she is adjusting her sari ..( I thought girls naa never and ever they will be late)And we are about to reach the temple , as I guessed I have heard some one saying that temple is closed .. I was smiling internally.

As I reached the temple I again got stunned LL The temple is closed , but there are many people standing in line , waiting for the temple to open. And again as usually we stood in the line But the good thing , she is a good chatterbox ( usually girls are chatterboxes I thought ) We are chatting , na na just she is taking to me I am not getting any chance to speak to her , I have just a chance to change my expressions to justify her that I am listening to her. Then I had a chance she was having a glassful of water so I asked what are your plans for the rest of the day ?? She asked what are yours? ( I thought girls never answer properly) I said you should say .(assuming that she understood what I meant ) . But she replied no sandy you should only say . Then I said by taking a deep breath that my plans depend on what you say (got some guts to say this really)

She smiled and said so we will go to shop as I have to buy something.. I was happy and really jumping (this didnt last longer you will get it after sometime) Suddenly I saw a group of 6 people approaching me, they are my relatives and they all know about me and my doings. I hid myself but this priya called them and started talking to them as she knows them too. Then they all gave a serious look at me and a gently look at her ( I dont know how elders manage this ??) And they stood with us as I didnt have any chance to speak to her I stood in the line and had darshan for just half and hour but it was like 2 hours for me. The shopping We both are on fast that day, I lost all my energy that the milk and juice gave me so I said we will have something , so we had juice then we were into a shop needed to buy a dress for her for her upcoming birthday . Then I decided that in life again dont shop with girls

She took some 200 dresses and 200 dress materials and it was all 3 hours and she didnt buy anything and we went to another shop, there the same story At last after 5 hours of shopping she bought a dress which we saw in the first shop and we went to our home it was 8 pm.. Then my mom gave many fruits and sweet potatoes and milk juice and many more that we eat much as we were exhausted. I spent time playing caroms and shuttle with her. Then my mom watching a movie named Bhakta Kannappa(telugu movie) and that girl even is very much interested to watch that movie I was almost sleeping , suddenly some one splashed water on to my face it was priya What should I say to her ??? Then I woke up and struggled a lot to stay awake and however managed to stay till the girl explained all the experiences of the shopping because she was holding my hand everytime she explains something as I am feeling happy. I observed my mom observing me then suddenly the situation all changed my mom

asked to buy something from a shop nearby , priya said she will also come with me then my mom said nope I got that and even after that they are very much interested in watching movies so I ended up my wakening journey at 12 I happily slept till 8 in the morning /.. The Next Day I woke up at around 8 am and I enquired about that girl and she is in her house as her parents arrived she will not come here for food.( I thought ) Then my mom said priya s family is coming to our house as they traveled they are restless so they will be here for some time today (hurray!!!!) I had my bath and then wore a good dress and then they came and we had a lot of fun . And she came and spoke to me again such that I am very happy . Next in the day evening I went to a place where we meet our friends such that we all will smoke and will have fun.

I saw a group of 6 boys approached me and they enquired about the relation between me and priya ..They almost scared me and they are about to beat me my friends arrived at that spot. We argued, they gave us serious warnings.(who cares) Then at last we smoke had fun and about to reach the home . All of sudden I saw priya coming with her father to me (why this girl is coming here) Luckily I had mouth fresheners with me , I had one such that not to smell bad (or else buddy Impression is all gone) She came said just hai I spoke from nearly .5 meter distance thus she should not know about that .. She got to know about the warnings I received from her friends. She came to my room at 1 AM in the night , she had a glass of water she spoke nothing and left.

I fell in love with her when I saw her in my house with a blue sari the other day, I wanted to propose her !! On discussing with friends, I decided to propose her on, on her birthday!! March 10th! It was her birthday; I am eagerly waiting for this day. I had few questions for myself, Do I love her ? I had no answer but my friends and my heart forced to propose her the next day. The 10 day gap between Sivratri and her birthday we didnt speak much, thats to communication we didnt had mobiles phones, infact we have but they are not affordable by us. They were too costly. I went to Archies to buy a gift for her , I am gifted with nice selection of gifts especially to girls ( my friends comment , I dont know how true it is ) but selecting a gift to Priya reminded me her shopping for her birthday dress. I am into many discussions with my gang, how to propose, we infact had discussions on how to kiss too!!

The day arrived, it was March 9th ,I wanted to be the first person to wish her (You know these stupid things will come to mind if people like/love someone) I started dialing her number from 11.55 PM , it was busy. My mom asked me whom I am calling at time , I had to say Mom tomorrow is Priyas birthday , I want to wish her. My mom gave a serious look and left ( I observed it , but acted as I didnt notice) Luckily the call got connected at 12.05 AM , Me: Hi, Is it Priya? Priya: Yes, Tell me Sandy. (Bad me I didnt recognize her, but she did!! a point lost) Me: Many many happy returns of the day! Priya: Thanks Sandy actually I am waiting for your call. Me: Am I First , Am I first (Dude , this is not a running race) Priya: No rey, Rajesh wished me first!

Me: Ok, Have a good Night take care and I hung up. (Rajesh = +1,Sandy= -2 points ) This Rajesh guy is a good guy, a nice friend of both of us. But the problem with this guy is he too loves Priya. I started feeling jealous, I want to go to Rajeshs home and kick him, but I slept thinking how to propose the next day. I washed my clothes and made sure they get dry by the next day, I slept dreaming. The day arrived I ironed my clothes, recited what has to be said to her. She is coming to invite me and my friends to her birthday party, she invited everyone except me. She saw me gave a smile and left! (oh! God whats this?) Even my friends got stunned by this behavior, but nobody came to help. Thousands of questions in my mind, whether she already knew that I am going to propose to her?

Whether Rajesh already proposed and asked not to call me? Whether she is not interested in me? With thousands of questions in my mind, I stayed home. To add fuel to fire she invited Rajesh also!! I am confused what to do next :) The Proposal: My heart is filled with rage, I got really frustrated. Why did Priya do this? Why did she make me a fool in front of all my friends? If she didnt like me she should not be so close to me on the other 2 days? Am I thinking too much? (My brain answered, stop thinking and start acting) I decided to attend the party uninvited.

I took my gift, wore the same dress which I washed the other day with a grim on my face I entered the party house. Everybody assembled at the centre of the hall, everybody gave gifts. I was the last one to attend and to gift her. Priya to my surprise! Put a big piece of cake in my mouth! Priya: Sandy why are you so late? Me: In a serious tone , you didnt invite me na? Priya: You should be invited? Me: surprised. She took the gift and was very happy , she was with me till the party completed. Everybody in our gang was happy except Rajesh! At last I had sometime to talk to her alone I decided to propose her. Me: Priya, I have to talk to you. Priya: Tell me rey , do you need permission?

Me: I think I am in Love with you , infact I love you I guess. Priya: I know yaar , I have observed it in those 2 days itself. Me: I am confused now , She didnt say anything. Priya: She said , Sandy , my father got transferred and Iam going along with him tomorrow. In fact we planned to go earlier itself but want to give a party for everyone so we stayed. ( my feeling: this crap doesnt answer my question) I left home cheerfully with few doubts in my mind. She called me at 1 AM , I was still awake we spoke for around 15 min, I hid under our table not to get noticed by my mother. She finally said YES But twist in the story we didnt get married. Priya got transferred to another place the next week of her birthday , Even though we continuously kept in touch through phone we used to talk weekly once for an hour or so. We used to exchange our ideas our day-day to things and there were sweet nothings too.

We were deeply immersed in love(we thought we were in, truly I thought) we planned to meet many times but all schedules got missed. We never met again after her birthday for about 6 months. Rajesh, on the other hand started drinking , he was a very good guy in our group but he started to change finally became a lazy guy.( Guys, mind it he almost failed in love) Initially I ignored because he was in same terms with me and Priya ,but slowly I understood his intensity of love towards Priya. (Priya also understood something out of it) I had a chance to speak to Rajesh regarding his love on Priya on a night when he is drunk , generally drunken people speak truth Rajesh is no exception he expressed his love and his helplessness as we both are friends and I am the person loving Priya. I had to rethink on my love, I was actually not sure whether I love Priya or not, its just my friends forced me into it. My love is not at all bad but I never feel like being in love. One fine day I traveled to Priyas place and wanted to know her reaction on this! Me: Priya, I guess you know the Rajeshs status.

Priya: Yes I do. Raj, do you really think we love each other. Me: Surprised!! I too have the same dilemma in my mind. We discussed on it , finally concluded its just a hype created by our friends and nothing else. We were happy to be friends , Priya took 4 months to accept Rajesh into her life. Now Priya and Rajesh are happily married. I visit them often and its all fine. Finally I remember a famous sentence by Tolstoy We live for ourselves only when we live for others My friends call what I have done as a sacrifice , but I call it proper conscious decision. What ever it is both of them are living happily now, more important is three of us are happy by our decision.

2 - If Love becomes Possessiveness

Priya was turning restless on her bed, it has been an hour she was trying to get some sleep but she was not able to! She was still thinking of the evening, she was still feeling embarrassed when she thought of the kiss in the evening in the garden near Durgam cheru. She was thinking frame by frame what actually happened, what made Rajesh to kiss her in the garden in front of everyone? She was still feeling him, oh! Boy it was her first kiss. Still shyly thinking about the evening she opened her album and saw a smiling photograph of Rajesh in her album, it was dated Aug 2006! It was the day, Rajesh proposed her, they met accidentally in an exam center while they were writing GATE exam Feb- 11th 2006, Rajesh reluctantly applied and came for the exam hall , he is not at all interested in studying any more. He has been studying since 16 years and its time to chill or join a software company and enjoy life. Priya on the other hand wanted to pursue her, then complete PhD. and then wanted to settle down

in a research. They met accidentally in the exam hall where the doomsday the exam day for Rajesh became a gifted day , as soon as he saw her he approached her and started introductions. Priya, she was in lot of tense became a bit cool after his funny talks before exam. After their exam is done, they went home casually with no much talk. After few days, both Rajesh and Priya met in a theatre watching Rang de Basnati after the movie is over they were talking about the movie. Thanks to Mehra who evoked patriotism, Rajesh decided not to join software as it is US based and wanted to join in a Government company! Both exchanged their phone number, they started talking, it started once in a week to once in every hour in just 6 months! Rajesh proposed, Priya accepted life is running well for them! BTW forgot to mention both of them joined in software companies, Rajesh in Satyam Computer Services and Priya in HCL Technologies. Both were in love, every weekend was like last day of the world, they used to watch movies, eat at

restaurants spend some good time in parks what ever, every minute of the weekend both were together! Days were going good, until a new character appeared in the story named Rahul. Rahul is a very nice guy, joined HCL 6 months after Priya joined but both are from same academic year! They became good friends, same project no work though, same food taste moreover Rahul didnt have any girl friend so he had lot of time to spend with Priya at office. They started talking on phone once in every two days precisely not so intimate discussions. Priya said everything about Rajesh to Rahul and few things about Rahul to Rajesh. Rajesh was not much interested in their relationship getting close, he was loosing time he used to spend with her, but she was enjoying Rahuls company. Rajesh started getting possessive about her, he is not sleeping well at night, started drinking talking less to everyone, smoking more, not working well at office all things added Rajesh is getting tortured in every mode of his life! On the other hand, Priya is not talking much, she became busy as she got some work at office, thus she

is not caring Rajeshs situation much, but Rajesh is getting even worse. Clock is striking 2 AM, Priya is still restless she woke up and called Rajesh to talk to him, but he didnt pick the call. With some hesitation she called Rahul, he was working on something, so they were talking something. At the same time Rajesh called Priya and he was suddenly furious by finding that Priya was talking to Rahul at that hour. He was in high rage, abused her insulted her and hung up! Priya spent whole the night awake crying, where as Rajesh just spent his time cursing Rahul and smoking packs of cigarettes. The next day morning Rajesh called Priya apologized and everything was fine , the intensity of their love made everything normal. Priya was talking about the incident at Durgam cheru where she felt embarrassed when he kissed her in front of everyone; actually the question was why did you do that? He answered I want to prove that you are my girl. She was in a shock by that answer, took it easy and was back in hostel.

She was remembering all the things which Rajesh has done to her , He scolds her when ever she goes out with Rahul , he scold when she talks to him more than required, he scolds her when she says something important about Rahul. She didnt realize that she was only thinking negative things about Rajesh and decided to give a second thought about their relationship. That night she slept peacefully, was normal at office and abruptly stopped talking to Rajesh. Rajesh called many times, sent messages saying sorry pleading her but she didnt respond. He tried for 15 long days all the days he said I love you, forgive me please mostly, but in the initial days he abused her by relating her to Rahul. After 15 days he stopped sending mails, messages and calls. Priya as she truly loved Rajesh was getting upset by her decision day-by-day and feeling bad , at last after one long month she called Rajesh but to her surprise there was no response from him. Sent an email which gave an error Message undelivered, mailbox does not exist She called Rajeshs parents no sign of him, she called

Satyam office no response from there too, and she was getting more worried about Rajesh and crying at office. Moreover, she was not in close touch with any one that one month. On observing this, Rahul approached and asked her about the problem, on hearing the story properly he understood the situation of Rajesh and his mentality. They discussed about what Rajesh said, Priya: He dont like, me talking to you, he doubt me. Rahul: May or may not be, you should have clearly mentioned about our relationship because he doesnt know about me, he dont want you in false hands. Priya: He wanted to prove to people that I am his girl? Rahul: Ofcourse every boy wants that to prove! On discussing about everything Priya found LOVE and POSSESSIVENESS rather than any doubt , and getting even worried about Rajeshs situation! What happened to Rajesh? Rajesh tried very very hard for 15 days , still getting no reply , he was becoming a maniac. He resigned his job , cancelled his mobile connection and didn't keep in touch with anyone!

He started introspecting himself , he thought about all his actions towards Priya in Rahul's issue. He was thinking on it , for some peace of mind he left for Banglore to meet his friend Dev. Dev was his classmate and his best friend in college. But Rajesh was not in touch with Dev since a year as he was busy with Priya. Rajesh discussed everything with Dev , He said everything even about he kissing her. "Rajesh was supporting his argument" Dev observed it , as he already knew the egoism of his friend he wanted to let his friend understand what actually his words mean. Rajesh: I scold her if she talks to Rahul because I am worried that guy may take advantage of it. I scold her when she spoke at 2 AM in the night. I scolded her when she went out with him for the above said reason. Dev explained in a pragmatic approach , all these situations of you scolding her send a feeling of doubtful ness , where as it is possessiveness , there is

a small gap between the two . If you dont say what you feel clearly it will create a feeling of doubtful to her. Rajesh though for a while , took Dev 's mobile called her and just said "I love you , I am sorry! will you marry me?" Priya said , "YES!!" , No more talks Rajesh , I want you in my arms now , I too want to prove my friends and everyone "You are my boy"

3 - A Geek's Love Story!

Yes, this is the story of a geek , he is not an IIT grad, but missed it in couple of marks, thus joined a GradeA college in city called Hyderabad! Yeah, he is almost an IIT'an and he has lot of qualities , he looks average , thin , pale white , loose trousers , spects , bookish and he never talk to girls. Forgot to mention he has neatly combed hair(exception) with a liter of oil on it. (Disclamir: These are not essential qualities of an IIT'an or a geek) The only character of his that few people befriend him is his intelligence, he was topper from day-1. He is the favorite student of every lecturer , to prove everything true he was awarded "Best Student of Year-2002" He was never ragged in first year as his looks and appearance on first look makes people feel pity him. He was a person with strong determination , his was not able to afford a long term coaching so he joined in Engineering through EAMCET, but he determined

himself to do at least MBA or Mtech from IIM s or IIT s. People respected him, and befriended him because he was very intelligent. His name is Ram Chandra but people call him Einstein, because he carried a book with Einstein as its cover page. For Ram there is no difference between a girl and a boy, both are living creatures with some flesh on them but with different shapes here and there! He never looked a girl as a girl; he even never opened any conversation with anyone. He remained silent even if there is no lecturer in the class, nobody talks to him casually they only approach him if they need something. Only one person in the classroom looked at him beyond his thick glasses his shining black eyes, he has very beautiful eyes, very calm and very attractive. She decided to make him his friend not for because he is intelligent but because he was left alone in the classroom. She is Aashima, Aashima biswal a north Indian but very nice Telugu speaking

girl. She joined in 2nd year of Engineering after her diploma in electrical engineering! She is very beautiful that every other boy in the college fell for her! Making friendship with that guy was not an easy task for her, Aashima: Hello, Ram I am Aashima how are you doing? Ram: I am fine, what do you want? Aashima: Shocked, said nothing and left. And Ram again went to research mistakes in books! I mean to read like a worm. She held back and left home disappointed, but was seriously thinking about Ram, she Wanted to try again but fearing the same answer she didnt try for about a month! After a month she tried again. Aashima: Hello Ram, can we have some coffee? Ram: No I dont drink coffee! Aashima: Its ok, can you give me come with me?

Ram: I am going to library now; if you want I can join you after 15 mins. Aashima: *very angry* said OK, I will wait here! Ram joined her after 15 mins and they were walking towards the canteen, getting a table at the corner she wanted to give him a class. Once they sat there she observed him he was wearing the same loose pant from about a month? She ordered 2 coffees and requested almost pleaded him to have it, and said why dont you come neatly, shave regularly and come to college like all other boys? She suddenly observed tears flowing through his eyes; he left the coffee there and left her! Aashima was shocked and determined not to talk to him again! But she was feeling guilt to make him cry; just she wanted to say sorry to him. But Ram didnt come to college for a week, he was not absent at least for one day in year-1, he was even present in the college library on Saturdays, Sundays

everyone was surprised but nobody cared to find the reason. After a week on Monday morning he came to college neatly shaved, just like he has changed considerable about of his appearance that everyone didnt recognize him in the first look , but later after seeing his note book with Einstein poster on it people recognized and surprised! He went straight to Aashima and asked for coffee! She got perplexed, but happily went with him to the cafeteria! Ram: I am sorry, Aashima to leave you that day! Aashima: Its ok, why didnt you come to college for one week? Ram: I am an orphan, my parents dead when I was 5 years old , my relatives took our property but none cared for me , I grew up in a temple so I dont have money to buy clothes etc.. That is the reason I said I dont want to have coffee! The last week, when you said those words with me, I was in fact very happy that out of 500 students in this

college no body treats me as a friend but you did, so I wanted to do what you said! So I went there searched for a part time job for teaching few students and bought these things! Thanks for talking to me! After hearing this long story, Aashima was flattered they were good friends. Everybody in college thought Our comments and behavior didnt change a bit of him past one year but sweet words from a girl changed him in a week Most of people forgot about it , few people who are friends of Ram felt happy for his change but few other people felt sad as they were trying to get Aashima. Einstein was made his official name by the end of second year; he passed it with 95 percent, highest in college history. He scored highest marks in each and every subject; he helped Aashima in few of the subject where she was weak. He became star of the college. Everybody greeted him, he is a changed man, talks nicely with

everyone and he is no more a GEEK, but this victory never crept into his head. People used to comment a lot about their affair, it spread in college like cholera J but Aashima and Ram had good understanding between them, they never thought of love until the first day of their third year engineering! July -15th 2004, not a very special day for the world but is a special day for Aashima because its her birthday, she wore a sari that day to college; she didnt say it to anyone because she wanted to surprise everyone! Ram was already in the library , he is done with updating his current affairs. It was the first time in his life he looked almost stared at Aashima, he looked her as a girl and was shocked, amazed and he was in a feeling almost equal to the feeling when Einstein invented E =Mc2. He told to himself, love = Friendship* boy*girl. He wished her and was completely out of the world!

He was crossing his rules which he made in the rule book before joining college, there was a rule made by his master in temple, never love any one! But he kept answering his puzzles mind that Aashima is his type of girl , she is good looking intelligent and importantly respects him and knows everything about his past , as soon as the topic PAST entered his mind , he felt uncomfortable in fact very uncomfortable there was one more incident in the past which is bothering him. He determined not to say and kill his love towards her! Aashima wanted to treat Ram specially thus asked him for dinner that day. Aashima: Hey Ram, when is your birthday? Ram: Its on Oct -6th Aashima: Had you born before 4 days, you would be listed with great personalities like Gandhi. Ram: without second thought, I want to make Oct 6th also a special day to remember for our world! They enjoyed the dinner and left for their respective homes.

Aashima was still thinking about the behavior of Ram, he changed big deal , his looks and touches changed she can feel them and thinking about his birthday answer she felt proud and she slept happily. On the other side, Ram was not able to sleep he is getting the old bad memory into his mind again and again, he tried very hard to forget even he was not able to! He woke up, opened his vest saw the old slightly torn photograph with tears in his eyes he promised to himself I will not love any one in fact I am not eligible and slept. Ram started behaving strangely from next day; he is not talking to Aashima and not even concentrating well in the classroom. The intensity of closeness reduced as exams approached, Aashima became a silent observer didnt say a word to Ram. They wrote their 3-1 exams and left home for holidays. One by one joined the college after the semester holidays, Aashima discovered that she is in love with Ram, she went straight to him and proposed!

Ram said, I have something to say. When I stayed in temple, I had a sister named Puja, she loved a low caste guy. Her father didnt accept her love. She along with that boy committed suicide From that day my master said to me Dont love any one just concentrate on your studies So Aashima, I can love you on one condition if some one dont accept our love we should be friends as usually She with a blush on her face said its ok! From that day they were in love! The couple was the happiest couple in 3-2 they studied together, enjoyed every moment of their life! With heavy hearts they bid good bye to each other in the semester holidays! They decided to talk to Aashimas parents after they complete their final year and join some job or higher education. The 30 day holidays are very long days for Ram, he worked part-time in a school to teach mathematics to students and he also taught Engineering 1st and 2nd year subjects in coaching institutes such that he is earning good amount of money to support himself.

The final year of engineering started. Ram was very happy coming back to college, on the first day he waited for Aashima she didnt turn up, he waited for almost a week till she interrupted him from his favorite class. *Something is wrong* he understood as he saw Aashima, he enquired whats wrong? She said We are shifting to Banglore Ram: Did your parents didnt accept our love? Aashima: Its nothing because of our love, I didnt even say them anything , my dad got transferred and we are going.. He requested her not to leave , he was crying like a kid , he pleaded her for phone number and contact details she didn't give said that she will give once she reach there! She hugged him and kissed him for the first time and with tears in her eyes and left !!! Final year study was like a 4 year study yet again from Ram.. He was missing Aashima a lot.He felt depressed , he

stopped talking to most of his friends, but the best part is he never neglected his studies! He was still hopeful that he gets a reply for his mail , but until he completed his final year he never got any mail. He just lived in past every time , thinking of Aashima. He just concentrated on studies and nothing else! He diverted his mind towards his aim in life to study his MBA , he practiced exams and with so much effort he was able to afford GMAT exam , which gave his a seat in ISB Hyderabad! He was very happy, he mailed his regular updates to Aashima but she never replied. Ram never lost hope , he kept on sending mails of he getting seat in ISB and his favorite module Finance Management , he even mailed her about getting full scholar ship from Reliance for his education and living expenses at ISB. Life was very hectic at ISB , he was never second to anyone at ISB too! He was elected as student representative for club he was representing , he was given a job in ICICI Bank Banglore as Insurance Manager Finance with a very high salary! While he was in ISB , his master dead due to heart

attack as he has no one to complete the formalities Ram was his adopted his son , Ram was given the possession of his master's property too. Getting lucky with many things Ram was thinking about Aashima, he never heard anything about her since 2 years now. With all her thoughts in her mind , he went to Bangalore and joined his branch at Electronic City. Days were going fine for Ram , he was working well and improving his business. His job responsibilities include few important things, getting new insurance customers , providing insurance the insurance amount needed to be given with respect to the disease and its effect. Check the maturity date of the customers etc etc.. He was working fine a very fine day he was observing the disbursed amounts to the customers. His job also involves paying to the customers based on their insurance premium paid, their relationship with the bank and more importantly the severity of the disease of the customer! He received a application at his desk , he jumped from his seat suddenly after watching the name of the customer as Aashima Biswal...

He with tears in his eyes rushed to the Wockhardt hospital located near by IIMB. He have few friends at IIMB such that reaching that place in his new Swift Dezire was easy for him. He reached the hospital and went straight to doctor to find out the information about her , he was in lot of tension because the client name Aashima Biswal appealed already 2 times for her treatment. Patient Name: Aashima Biswal. Father's Name: Sudeep Biswal. Treatment for: cerebral hemorrhage Stage: Advanced.. By reading this he feel onto his knees and was crying aloud for the very first time in his life. He cried once when his parents left him , he with lot of courage faced many problems financially and personally but never cried. But missing Aashima is the reason for his crying. He went to the room where she is sleeping , went straight to her and hugged her still crying! She was very happy seeing him , but she said him to leave as she no longer want to talk to him as she is going to die in at max one year! Ram said , its ok I want each and every second of the

time you live from now! He went straight to her father and asked him "Sir, I love your daughter , I want to marry her" Sudeep said OK. They were happily married now!! A point by the author here "All love stories will not have a happy ending, but making it happy or living happy till it ends is great!!" Ram felt very very bad , but he made his mind to marry her , they married and living happily , Ram took a leave for 1 long year to make his wife's life memorable. They have visited many places in that year, they enjoyed every day of their life in that 1 year! Aashima is feeling a bit better than the way she was feeling a year earlier. Both were enjoying and Ram anyway knows that Aashima dont have many more days to live. Finally the day arrived! Oct 5th of 2009 after a year long relationship , Aashima suffered a severe head ache followed by unconscious ness. She was admitted in the hospital and doctor's called Ram in as there were few more minutes left for Aashima.

Ram wore Aashima'a favorite white shirt , went near her and started crying! Aashima asked Ram to kiss her he kissed and say I love you! Aashima said "Ram , keep in mind the promise we made in 3rd year engineering,I love you" and left him forever! **********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***********!!!!!!!!!!!!!** *************!!!!!!!!!!!!*************!! Present: Ram did what exactly Aashima asked him to do , he was happy and doing everything better , he achieved many milestones in his office, he does everything on time. He goes to office at 9 and comes back at 6, then he mails all the things happened in the day to Aashima , he never gets any reply but he never waits for any reply too! He write blogs, books and he helps people! He is leading a normal life, but the girl who died a 4 month back is still with him healthy talking to him at every moment of his life from his heart! He never needed another girl to occupy the void , because the void is never created!

Some love stories have some sad ending but LOVE is anyway LOVE.

4 - Aakash and Akshaya!

Prologue: Aakash is a cricket freak , he watches every match even county cricket matches, ranji trophies , women cricket too. He loves Sachin next to his wife , and never misses any match or highlights of the match in which Sachin plays.. He is a software engineer turned writer , he is writing a book "India developing and corruption" which is in progress. He is an excellent blogger too. Aakash was watching a cricket match highlights, India Vs Pak in world cup 2003 where Sachin was at his best scoring some 97 runs which helped India to win easily. He is watching the match with the excitement as he is watching a live cricket match , he not even noticed his wife Akshaya sitting beside him for 10 mins. 10 min wait is very long for Akshaya , she switched off the television and stared seriously at Aakash! Aakash : Dear, please switch on the TV.

Akshaya: I have to talk to you , I need a favor from you! Aakash: Tell me *smiling* Akshaya: Leaned towards him, her lips almost touching his ears "Write about me in your blog" Aakash: He leaned towards her to feel her lips and answered sure darling , what do you want me to write? Akshaya: Write about our love story , about you winning my love the problems we faced etc..etc.. And more over write what you would have done if I rejected you If I am a bad girl! Aakash: I think I cannot write bad about you , but I can write what would have happened if you have rejected me. Akshaya: Ok once you write something let me see it and kissed him and left to her kitchen to cook something ! Aakash: Resumed his match and watching the match seriously thinking where to start! I = Aakash!

I was travelling back to Mumbai , after spending my fantastic holidays after 1st year Engineering with parents , My parents are proud of me and all my relatives believe that I will get a good earning job once I complete my graduation. I have been remembering the blessings given by my parents and relatives , I believe I am lucky because all my relatives irrespective of their financial position loves me and helped me in paying my fee! I was back to present when we stopped at a Dhaba to have some food, I am travelling by a Volvo bus, so the journey is a bit uncomfortable! I had food, I observed a cute girl in her twenties getting down the bus, and the best part is she came alone :) I wanted to talk to her , but the *so called gentlemen* feeling made me dumb! I thought she should be my junior at my college or atleast tomorrow I will follow her secretly to find out the details or may be I will talk her tomorrow while leaving or may be.... and I slept !! I was awaken by a phone call by my over excited and over tensed mother asking If I was fine! I said I am

fine and hung up , I observed what the girl was doing! OMG! she was talking on phone with some one *So sweet of you* , *I miss you too* I thought she might be talking to her boy -friend *I am feeling sleepy, lets talk tomorrow, I love you! And hung up* .. Now I have lost my sleep because its confirmed that she has a boyfriend . I dont know why but I am hating her now, a feeling of jealous crept in me. She was sitting parallel to me in the bus , the bus is half full generally Volvo has only 2 seats side by side in 2 columns , but the seat beside me and seat beside her are vacant ! I was looking her very often, She is not sleeping she switched on her i-pod , smiling and staring at the black sky. I was staring at her since 5 mins now , continuously looking at her and her doings. She is so cute with that sleeve less white top with a black long skirt ! she is looking stunning , her top is a bit shorter thus I could see her beautiful tummy there when ever she is moving J She looked at me eye-eye , my face turned red , I turned to the other side!

She ignored it and started humming some bollywood number! loose control is she singing for me to loose my control as a so called gentlemen? I didnt talk anything (Bad ego factor here) I am still unable to sleep, I wanted to look her, gosh what is this feeling? I turned towards her , it was just 5 mins ago I turned away and but now again started staring at her, this time she is a bit serious and started looking towards me! I managed to give a smile , she smiled and said Hi.. Hi I am Aakash , studying in IIT-B now 2nd year (IIT tag helps in flirting with girls dude :)), I am back from vacation! Hi I am Akshaya , doing my Btech in a college at Hyderabad , name CBIT. Aakash: Great , its also a good college you get good number of campus placements.( point 1- we should begin with crap first)

Akshaya: Yeah , you get even more opportunities being in IIT-B a premier Institute! Are you a geek like all the IITans? Aakash: (Now , I got her) No nothing like that , generally people at IIT-B are a bit more intelligent so they look like geeks! they analyse things much blah. blah... Akshaya: Oh! stop please , dont give a lecture! On observing somebody awake she came and sat beside me. Aakash:( I am surprised , I had a chance to observe her closely , she has very nice silky hair , and attractive black eyes , she has the smile of an angel! woha what a girl !!) Ok , lets discuss something other than studies! Aakash: Where do you live? Akshaya: I am coming to the IIT-B lane, my father stays there and my mother at hyderabad , actually my parents were divorced a 2 year back! Aakash:Oh! I am sorry! I stay at hostel , I can guide you there!

Akshaya: Thanks, I am feeling sleepy! we slept one beside the other , blood in my body is pumping at high speed! almost a hundred times. She leaned towards me and this one made my breathe to stop for a moment! Without disturbing her , I slept happily until we were awaken by a loud noise followed by a fracture! you got it correct our bus had an accident with a truck at high speed and we people got scattered here and there! I stood for that pain and I am in search of Akshaya, I was surprised on seeing her unconscious on the road with blood flowing through her stomach! PS. This is again present after the first post, ** I went straight to my bed room to find out Akshaya , she is happily sleeping ! I kissed on her forehead and slept happily!! I was infact shocked by seeing her in pool of blood , I rushed to her, feel on my knees. I was not knowing what was happening for 1 hour. My fractured leg cooperated with me pretty much

that I didnt even have had any pain. I was in the ambulance after an hour with Akshaya in my lap. Being experienced many difficulties in my child hood , I never cried. But with Akshaya in my lap unconscious tears are flowing uncontrollably..! All of sudden I was with mixed feelings , joy and sad! sad because she was in danger and joy because I understood what is love! I believed and understood that I am in love with Akshaya! "Bhaiya jaldi chalo"(still I crying) I was shouting and pleading the ambulance driver at the same time , she was still unconscious but breathing! After reaching the hospital , doctors rushed and admitted her at ICU , I had a bandage to my leg! After some 4 hours of sound sleep , I was awaken by a uncle in his forties! He had the same eyes as Akshaya had so it was easy to recognize him! I was moving in a wheel chair , and I went to Akshaya's room. "She is fine , said the doctor!" "Sir, Please come to my room" Akshaya's father went inside! I slowly moved towards Akshaya to watch her

sleeping , "She is very beautiful even she is sleeping". (wow! love makes everyone beautiful!) She woke up and gave a smile with a bit of difficulty and said Thanks! Aakash: No problem , how are you feeling now? Akshaya: Ok , now no pain because of anesthesia. What happened to you? Aakash: Leg fracture a minor one, nothing to worry about! Akshaya: Oh! even then you carrier me all the way to the hospital in your lap? Aakash: How did you know that? you were unconscious.. Akshaya: I woke up in the mid way and saw you crying , thought I would not live longer and slept in your lap! Aakash: No! you are fine now , dont talk like that! Akshaya: Just smiled!! With a worried face Akshaya's dad entered the room , seeking the serious ness and with unavoidable curiosity Aakash was the person to ask what happened uncle? Uncle: Nothing I am just worrying because she is hurt!

They left to their respective places, with mobile numbers exchanged! Aakash wanted to propose her, he called and went to her home and asked her hand! Akshaya said nothing but her father said to Aakash , Son GET OUT! I was shocked by the harsh answers given by Akshayas dad. I was thinking why did it happen? I wanted to try again , I went to their home and surprised to see it locked so early in the morning by 6.On enquiring , I found that they went to Banglore hospital , I went there to see what actually happen! Series of doubts entered my mind. 1. May be Akshaya loves me and because of her dads strange performance she may have done something stupid. 2. Or the same argument may lead to any heart problems for her father. On thinking on possible scenarios I reached the hospital and after an hour I found why her dad reacted so violently the other day. Akshaya had a operation on her uterus on the day when we had accident and she giving birth to

children is almost impossible, so her father reacted accordingly. I went to her father , pleaded to give his daughter, even Akshaya also resisted , but finally we got married and to everybodys surprise Akshaya gave birth to a baby-boy after 3 years of marriage! This story is inspired from a true story

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