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Dreu Dixon Prof.

Presnell English 1102 13 March, 2012

Evaluative Works Cited : Six Sigma and its relation to Engineering Mikel, Harry J. Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World's Top Corporations. 1st ed. New York: Currency, 200. Print. This article is all based on the whole Six Sigma "Phenomenon". The author of this text is obviously a radical supporter of the Six Sigma program. The first sentence states that quote "We believe that Six Sigma is the most powerful breakthrough management tool ever devised". From there on the author goes into detail on what Six Sigma really is, and how it produces good results. The article also gives real life examples using stories of popular companies that have used the company in the past and are reaping exponential benefits as of now. Overall, the article is just a summary of a book that goes into even deeper detail on Six Sigma.

The author of this book goes by the name of Dr. Harry and has been widely recognized and cited in many publications as the principal architect of Six Sigma, as well as the world's leading authority within this field. His book entitled Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the Worlds Top Corporations has been on the best seller list of the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and

[Type text] Peterka, Peter. "Six Sigma Jobs from" Six Sigma Jobs. Six Sigma. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. <>. This article is mainly based on how the demand for employees with Six Sigma expertise is increasing in the job market. Over the years, the number of organizations discovering the benefits Six Sigma contains has grown tremendously and this article's main focus is to point that out. It explains different types of Six Sigma Jobs, and how they don't always contain obvious titles such as "Six Sigma Consultant". It states that some titles include "Business Process Manager", or "Lead Analyst/Project Manager". Near the end it also goes into some detail on what types of attributes and experience you may need to qualify for a Six Sigma Job. The most important qualification stated was to be trained as a certified Six Sigma Black Belt. The following article was written by Peter Peterka, who is a renowned Six sigma master and the President of SixSigma-us. He has eleven years worth of experience as a Master Black Belt(highest level of six sigma) and over fifteen years of experience as an improvement specialist and engineer working with numerous companies such as; Dell, Hp, Motorola, Intel, Dow and even the U.S. Mens Olympic team.

Peterka, Peter. "Six Sigma for Small Business." ., n.d. Web. 15 Mar 2012. <ttp://>. There are a few misconceptions about Six Sigma based on the fact that mostly large corporations use it. Many people believe that only major companies can achieve Six Sigma process improvements and progressions. However, there are a number of advantages that come from implementing Six Sigma in smaller business and this article explains those things. The article explains how early implementation can actually lead to faster results. It also talks about some disadvantages that come with using Six Sigma in a small company, but how the good seems to outweigh the bad.

[Type text] The following article was written by Peter Peterka, who is a renowned Six sigma master and the President of SixSigma-us. He has eleven years worth of experience as a Master Black Belt(highest level of six sigma) and over fifteen years of experience as an improvement specialist and engineer working with numerous companies such as; Dell, Hp, Motorola, Intel, Dow and even the U.S. Mens Olympic team.

Hasenkamp, Torben. "Engineering Design for Six Sigma." Quality & Reliability Engineering International 26.4 (2010): 317-24. Academic Search Complete. Journal. 29 Feb. 2012. The concept of engineering design is well established and effective, however the design for six sigma(DFSS) is a new concept that is based on improving the design process. The book contains different engineering design models which characterize design stages. It touches on the contributions of DFSS that are usually revealed in most pieces of literature, and provides clarity on what design stages DFSS mainly contributes to in the systematic engineering design process. It also compares and contrasts the differences between old engineering designs and DFSS, and also the advances DFSS has added to engineering as a whole. Overall, it is a good book to read if aiming to gain more understanding on how Six Sigma, or any other design process/program affects production. Torben is a research licentiate in the area of Design for Six Sigma, and Robust Design Methodology writing a handful of instrumental pieces of literature. He has had much experience in a number of companies such as GM and LG.

"A History of Six Sigma." 02.12 Ieee-usa Today's Engineer. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. <>.

[Type text] Six Sigma's early roots can be traced back to Motorola, Vice President Bill Smith, and the development of a new idea called latent defect theory. The theory was based on a belief that variation in manufacturing is the main cause of defects, therefore eliminating variations will eliminate defects, and all the waste produced by those defects. This process management idea over time formulated into Six Sigma and resulted in vast success and production for the Motorola company. This article goes into even deeper depth as to how Six Sigma began, how it works and how it is implemented. Overall this is a great place to start for any research information needed for my paper. The author, Wole Akepose has written a variety of books all having to do with engineering of some sort. His teachings has lead many and inspired many as well. He also has a number of years in experience with Six Sigma.


1. I believe the hardest part of the Evaluative Works Cited was finding evidence that proved that each source was credible. Most books, websites, and/or articles don't give too much information on the author or the company, so usually to find evidence one must do even more research than required. 2. I liked doing the summary because it somewhat forced me to look deeper into my sources.

[Type text] 3. My group members are always understanding even if I am late with my work. They help me with ideas. 4. I never heard of an Evaluative Works cited so this is new to me as a whole. You seem to have left out the second paragraphyour response/reactionin each source. And citations need work to be correct. But you do have a good list of what look like solid sources from a variety of places, including the experts themselves. 7

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