The Dog Rambler E-Diary 09 May 2012

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The Dog Rambler E-diary

To 09
May 2012
Walk In and out of Saltoun Wood Length 6.25 miles Dogs on walk Cyrano, Dylan, Finn, Jolie, Phoebe, Struan, Talaidh

What a surprise for the dogs today as Struan and Talaidh tagged along. A long time since some of them have seen them. Finn particularly excited was leaping up at the car window to say hello to Talaidh. He was not so keen once I opened the door for him to squeeze in. She was hogging the window seat. Struan customarily barked at each one as they got in. Once loaded up we made for Saltoun Wood. A dizzy start for Jolie as we met Ross another dog walker in the car park. He takes her out on other days. Once she had thrown herself at him several times we were able to set off. Phoebe the one to throw herself at Finn next. Wrestling him along the track with Jolie looking to get a hold on them too. Finn puts up with a lot from Phoebe. Particularly later on when she totally upended him. For now though it was an even contest. Dylan and Struan had scampered away at the front following the track as it wound along near the edge of the wood. Quite open trees here with birds flitting between them. Cyrano stopping to slurp from a deep water filled rut in the track. The brown liquid quenching his thirst. He was now prepared to run on.

Having travelled up the side of the wood, a couple of fields just visible beyond the trees on our left, we walked out of it and into more fields. A good track continuing to take us around them. A few time I had to stop the dogs from running in the strengthening crops of wheat or barley. Their stems now quite sturdy with drooping slim leaves, like bamboo. There was plenty of space for them to run down the track beside the edge of the woods. As Phoebe proved, taking Finn with her. So preoccupied were they all that they missed the deer, outlined dark against the waving green field. It, however, saw us and had no qualms about leaping through the fresh crops. Some of the dogs did see or scent a hare, sitting still in another field. Just its head and long ears rising through the regimented crops. With Phoebes ears pointing upwards it decided it was time to go. Phoebe thankfully listening to me and not her heart came away and did not dive into the middle of the crops. With the gentle undulation of the Lammermuir Hills beyond the rolling fields and a sky filled with ruffled clouds falling and folding over themselves, we cut a pattern of squares around the edge of the fields. Turning back toward the wood and the more staccato outline of the Pentland Hills way off in the distance. Struan picking up a half pine tree branch with pliable side twigs. Jolie made a passing attempt to grab it and then when Struan dropped it Cyrano half fancied his chances. But all were a bit wary of his legendary growl. It did not come but they were taking no chances. Back into the woods and we stumbled over chopped and discarded branches to find a slim path. The dogs having to leap over the paw clasping twigs. Before we snaked back round to a wide track. Churned over by the recent passage of logging trucks, carrying away the many felled trees, leaving only broken stumps and shattered branches. By now Finn was getting himself agitated for no clear reason. Running on ahead and then stopping still looking intently ahead. Even Phoebe could not knock him out of it. We began to close up into a more respectable group. Dylan and Struan dropping back toward the rest of us and Jolie and Phoebe beginning to slow. We weaved around several tracks catching the odd glimpse of one or two other people in the wood but never quite stumbling upon them. And then round one last corner and the car park was back in sight. The dogs ready to jump in the car having had a fun day out. Nick

Photo slideshow from the walk

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