Temple of The Sacred Torch: Factions

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Factions: Temple of the Sacred Torch Fire Priest Fire/Lava protection while wearing Diamond armor.

or. Full suit = 100% protection. Seems good Fireball spell. 3 second cooldown. 1 gunpowder. Good for setting an enemy on fire as you're rushing towards them. Seems good Torchbearer (Balance Suggestions Needed) Ability to create an expanding ring of flame that ripples out around you. Recommended use: Long range special attack. Long cooldown. High reagent cost. 3 min cool down. 1 flint and 25 gunpowder Ability to heat up the air around you, burning nearby enemies. Recommended use: Short range AoE damage field. Medium cooldown. Low reagent cost. 1 min cool down. 5 gunpowder. Range: 5 block radius Lasts for 5 sec. 4 hearts damage if in range for the whole time (if possible) Ability to set enemies aflame with diamond weapons. Passive buff. Short burn time. Burn for 3 sec. Can be lit on fire every hit. Diamond picks burn hot enough to smelt items as you mine them. Great if the bug has been fixed. People could still mine stone in protected areas. Miners' Guild Miner Access to the mining & excavation skills. Use of all mcMMO mining & excavation abilities. Great. When you switch classes then back to this the levels stay right? Geomancer

Ability to see through stone in a small radius. Recommended use: Utility. Short range. Medium cooldown. Medium reagent cost. Could be abused, well I guess if the range is under 8 radius it would be cool. 2 min cool down Ability to light your path, illuminating the darkness. Recommended use: Utility. Low reagent cost. Low cooldown. This is good but if you have a good enough quality screen and full brightness you can see well with no light. Because of this 5 coal, lasts for 1 min. Cool down is 2 min. Diamond picks allow blast mining, can either be a spell or a command. Balance suggestions needed. Does not ignore block protection, so don't worry about griefing. Strength of 1 tnt (if possible) and 4 min cool down. Costs 4 gunpowder.

Mages' Guild Mage (Balance Suggestions Needed) Heal. Heals other players at range. Range: 5 block radius. Cool down: 2 min Heals: 5 hearts Cost: 5 redstone Prayer. Heals the caster Cool down: 1 min Heals: 4 hearts Cost 5 redstone Gills. Self explanatory. Lasts for 40 sec. Cool down: 2 min Cost: one empty bucket Confuse. Causes mobs to attack any nearby targets, including eachother. Range: 10 radius. Cool down: 30 sec Cost: 5 redstone Lightning. Causes a bolt of lightning to strike where the player is aiming. Cool down: 3 min Cost: 10 redstone 20 glowstone dust Freeze. Throws a freezing ball of ice that slows and damages any player it hits. Cool down: 2 sec Cost: 2 redstone Battlemage (Balance Suggestions Needed) Spell Reflect. Reflects all spells that hit you back at whoever cast it. Cool down: 1 min. Lasts for: 3 spells (if possible) if not, 10 sec. Cost: 10 redstone Bound Armor. Temporarily summons and equips a suit of armor.

Full iron armor which lasts for 20 sec. Cool down: 2 min. Costs: 5 iron, 10 redstone. Disarm. Forces whoever it hits to drop their currently equipped item. Cool down: 2 min. Cost: 10 redstone. Leap. Throws you forward a great distance. Cool down: 20 sec Cost: 10 redstone. Cripple. Slows the target down temporarily. Cool down: 40 sec Lasts for: 5 sec Cost: 5 redstone Forcetoss. Launches the target up in the air. Cool down: 30 sec Person goes 10 blocks high. Cost: 10 redstone, 5 glowstone dust.

Engineers' Guild Engineer Can create all non-exploitable Falsebook ICs. Can build a Lava Furnace. These have been toned down quite a bit, and now only burn for the equivalent of a bucket of lava. These are still more useful than normal furnaces however, having the ability to use production chests in addition to not consuming the bucket when refilled. No changes needed. Architect Can summon a glass carpet to help survey their building site. Can create Falsebook-powered bridges and gates. Can use a limited version of WorldEdit. Uses blocks from the player's inventory. Max size: 64 blocks per use. Restricted to conventional building materials. Every command use will be logged in a file that monitors worldedit usage. Accidents can be undone provided the player uses //undo within 30 personal worldedit uses, or 1 hour. Griefing will result in a permanent IP ban. No changes needed. Assassins' Guild Assassin Can enter sneak mode. Toggled.

Can pick locks. 25% success chance. Uses iron shears. No damage on failure. Cool down between tries: 15 sec Rogues and Assassins can use special arrow types. In fact, this plugin has a lot of features that make ranged combat more powerful. mcMMO's handling of archery was pretty plain in my opinion. It adds things like damage bonuses for shooting while crouched, damage penalties for wearing armor, and more. It might be worth considering. mcMMO's archery function can be disabled easily. These sound like cool ideas. We should try them out and see how it all fits.

Wraith Invisibility spell. Closest alternative to smoke there is. Renders the player temporarily invisible to players/mobs. Cool down: 2 min Lasts for: 20 sec Protected from fall damage while wearing diamond boots. Seems good. Backstab damage. 3x damage boost when attacking from behind. Lower to 2x the damage because of the next skill. Shadowstep spell. Warps the player behind the target. Cool down: 20 sec. Cost: 5 bread Volley spell. Fires a volley of arrows. Cool down: 30 sec. Cost: 10 arrows, 5 bread

Once I get some more input from you guys I'll write up a revised version of this list with updates/fixes included. After that's done, I'll set to work getting the permissions and groups ready. After that, they'll need to be tested on the dev server to make sure they work. In addition to that, the structures required will need to be built. If some of the server's better builders could be comissioned to design the guild structures inside the city, that'd be an excellent time saver, as that'd be one less thing I have to personally take care of prior to changing everything over. Once the structures are built, secondary "members only" zone included, the command signs and access gates can be placed. How that'll work is: Players who purchase the class packages will have nodes added that will let them enter the area and use the sign that sets their premium class.

Eagerly awaiting input.

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