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PART 1: Directions to prepare Agar Dishes:

1. Dissolve Growing Medium in 1 cup of hot water. Stir well to make sure it is completely dissolved. 2. Measure out cup (4 ounces) of the mixed solution into a microwavable bowl or cup. 3. Add 1 packet Agar and tsp sugar. Stir well until completely dissolved. 4. Microwave on high for 30-45 seconds. The solution should be bubbly (boiling) If you dont see bubbling on the top, continue heating on high for 10 seconds at a time until the solution is boiling. Watch carefully to avoid boil-over.


5. Allow the solution to cool for a few minutes. 6. Divide the mixture into your Petri Dishes. Tilt as needed to ensure even coverage. 7. Cover immediately with the lids. Allow the mixture to set (1-2 hours). Refrigeration is not required.

PART 2: Growing Bacteria:

1. Touch the Agar prepared dish with dirty fingers or wipe a moist cotton swab on any surface. Rub the finger/swab on the Agar dish.
A Z pattern is easy to recognize when the bacteria begin growing.

2. Put the lid on your Agar dish and turn it upside down. 3. Place the dish into a ziplock bag to control odors and prevent further contamination. You wont need to open the dish again. Look through the clear lid for results. Opening the dish will contaminate the experiment with additional bacteria. 4. Store in a dark and warm place to incubate. (cupboard, paper bag etc) 5. Check for spots daily. This can take 2-6 days, depending on the bacteria.

PART 3: Disposal:
ALWAYS KILL THE BACTERIA YOU ARE GROWING BEFORE DISCARDING THE DISHES! Spray your dishes with disinfectant or bleach and wait several minutes. The Petri Dishes can be washed in very hot soapy water and reused or discarded. * Do not boil plastic dishes they will melt!

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