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With Love from the Black Sugar Caf

Chapter Six It was often said while they were growing up that the three Fleming boys were totally unalike. Calvin, the eldest, gave the impression of being an elegant yet rather manly gentleman. He was one of those rare souls who kept his temper even in the worst situations, the sort who dealt with trifles in a calm, logical, pragmatic manner. Hed inherited his fathers patrician features and deep blue eyes, as well as his height and bearing. His wife often said that he would not be out of place in a period drama along the lines of, say, Jane Eyre or maybe Pride and Prejudice; he looked so aristocratic, like a magistrate who was stern yet kind and merciful. He was a classic oldest brother: looking out for the younger boys when they were children and still looking out for them even now that they were all grown up. He followed their father into his profession and currently worked as a diplomatic consultant at the family firm while his wife worked as a magazine editor. Tavish, the second son, was as tall as his older brother, but had little of the elegance that came so easily to Calvin and their father. He was brutally frank, utterly no-nonsense, and had a tendency to have all his emotions playing out on his face and in his actions. Tav, as everyone called him, was broadly muscular, ruggedly built, and had inherited the rougher, sterner-looking features of his maternal grandfather and uncles who were hardy men from the Ilocos. With his coarse black hair cropped short, Tav grew his moustache and beard and kept both neatly trimmed. This made him look like one of those Ancient Roman generals: shrewd, calculating, and fierce but possessed of both good humour and sheer kindness. He was, to the surprise of those who but recently met him, a lawyer by profession and, despite being but 33, was a force to be contended with in the courtroom. Tav married his college sweetheart Cassandra who was a doctor and shared his spirit of fun and adventure. Finally, there was Kent. It was a family joke that Kendrick and Amalia ran out of materials by the time he came along. Only five-foot-seven, hed also inherited his mothers slight, slender build quite a contrast against his more muscular brothers. In Kent, the pale skin hed inherited from his father seemed to take on a rather alarming pallor against his dark hair but his blue eyes seemed more expressive than either his fathers or Calvins; friends would say that there was a wealth of emotion in their depths and shallows. He was also the median point between his brothers respective temperaments, balancing Calvins sometimes infuriating calm with Tavs irascible fury. But, despite these differences in appearance and attitude, there was no denying that the Fleming boys worked as a single unit, three men who seemed to read each others thoughts and shared each others opinions and ideas. They were close as children and remained close even when Page 1 of 13

Kent moved to England and even when each of the older boys married and started their own families. This was also why Tav descended on their kid brother like an avalanche when everyone came to their parents house for the customary Sunday visit. Bunso! he declared ebulliently, grabbing a startled Kent in a bear hug almost as soon as he opened the front door. Oh my goodness: look at you, boy! Welcome back! Get off me, Kuya! Kent choked. But Tav just squeezed harder before letting him go. Its great to see you, bunso! he exclaimed, delightedly slapping his brothers back, nearly sending him reeling into a nearby console table. Has Kuya seen you already? No, Kent gasped, clutching at the arm of the sofa. Nevertheless, he managed to grin at his brother. You beat him to it, for once. Tavs son Neil came trotting in alongside his heavily-pregnant mother, then tore in happily when he saw his uncle. Tito Kent! he declared, hugging his uncle by an arm. Hey, Neil! Despite his slight frame, Kent easily lifted him up. Look at you! Youre so big now! Yeah, and Im gonna have a little brother soon! Neil told him after kissing his cheek. In a couple weeks, Cassie, Tavs wife, chimed in. Hi, Ate Cass. Kent warmly embraced his sister-in-law with his free arm and playfully patted her enormous baby bump. Does he have a name already? Kendrick Ambrose, Tav declared proudly. After Dad and Cassies papa. Thats a good strong name, Kent nodded approvingly. Youve been to Mass? Tav asked as his brother led the way to the dining room. Mom and Dad went already, Kent replied, shrugging. I might go later. Tav regarded him sternly, then rested a hand on a thin shoulder. You know, he began in an uncharacteristically gentle tone, maybe you need to go. Why? Kent shook his head angrily. I dont see the point. Did anything happen when I prayed for Trix to get better? Tav sighed. He expected this. He could not blame his brother, though; what hed gone through was enough to make even the strongest of saints question his faith. Did it ever occur to you that maybe it was best that Trix would die so early in life? he asked Kent somewhat tartly.

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Kent said nothing, but quietly deposited little Neil in one of the dining chairs. Without another word, let alone another glance, he marched out of the dining room. Tav and his family heard footsteps going up the stairs followed by the loud slamming of one of the doors upstairs. What was that? Kendrick asked as he came in from the kitchen. Hi, Dad. Tav respectfully took their fathers hand, pressing the knuckles to his forehead. Im afraid I managed to insult Kent. He quietly explained how hed just asked if Kent had gone to church, but got a rather angry rebuff in the process. What do you mean? He just asked if Kents already gone to Mass, Cassie chimed in. And Kent went into this regular fuss about God and pretty much everything bad thats happened recently. Kendrick glanced up towards the ceiling. There was a blare of sound that startled everyone, a blast of music from the second floor.

Don't hate me for being me, 'Cause it's how I'm supposed to be. Mad or bad, Silly or sane Ain't none of your beeswax What I'm gonna do. How appropriate, Tav muttered dryly. Tavish, leave your brother alone, Kendrick quietly advised him, patting his shoulder in sympathy. But, Dad! Tav turned to him in consternation. Dad, its been over forty days since Kendrick simply held up a hand to quell him. Tavish, you leave Kentigern alone, he repeated. It really is hard to lose someone you love. He smiled as Amalia came in, slipping an arm about her tiny waist as she drew nearer. Id feel just as bad much worse, as a matter of fact if anything of the sort happened to your mother. He threw Tav a knowing smile. And I am sure it would be the same with you if anything happened to Cass. Almost absently, Tav put an arm around his wifes shoulders; she leaned in close to rest her head on his shoulder. His other arm he wrapped around his son. His father hit a nerve. The music from upstairs suddenly stopped. They heard a door slam open followed by the rapid tattoo of footsteps bouncing down the stairs. However, instead of heading towards the dining room, the patter of footsteps veered away, moving towards the front door. Whats gotten into him? Amalia exclaimed, eyes widening.

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They heard the front door slam open, then click shut. pedestrian gate as Kent shouted, Oi, Spencer! Whats wrong?

They heard the clang of the


Kent supposed he shouldnt have snapped that way at his Kuya Tav. After all, Tav was just worried about him. As the door slammed behind him, he took his iPod off the foot of his bed and slammed it into the audio-dock on his desk, turning the volume up really loud as Reckless Imprudences Does Not Play Well With Others began to play.

Don't hate me for being me, 'Cause it's how I'm supposed to be. Mad or bad, Silly or sane Ain't none of your beeswax What I'm gonna do. Don't mess with what I'm doing I don't poke my nose in yours! A little madness, A bit of hellfire Whatever it is, mate, It'll all be good. Don't push me around; I'm not as weak as you think. Better watch your back, Better think twice, Better start running, mate, 'Cause I will fight back. There was, Kent admitted to himself, something about the bands music that made it such a perfect match for the way he was feeling at the moment. So much, in fact, that he seriously considered sending Puck Henstridge, the bands front man, a thank-you present. He could easily course it through Max, seeing how he was currently living with his famous cousin and his family over in Rockwell. Heck, he could even hand it over himself! Kent curled up in the window seat and stared down at the street below. He could almost see himself as a child tearing up and down the street with his friends.

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I remember how Jink and I would zip down the sidewalks on our skateboards, he thought sombrely. And Hilda would go chase after us on her bike He blinked when he actually saw Hilda on the sidewalk below. Even from where he sat, he could see she was sad, somewhat upset. It was at that point that Kent suddenly remembered something. Good Lord! he thought, leaping to his feet. I almost forgot! He switched off the iPod and dashed out of the room, went clattering down the stairs, and burst out of the front door. Oi, Spencer! he shouted as he opened the pedestrian gate with a loud clang. Hilda stopped in her tracks and stared at him. Kent saw that her face was tear-stained, eyes red-rimmed and puffy from crying. Oh, hi, Fleming, she greeted him, hiccupping slightly. Whats wrong? he asked, his voice going all soft and quiet. Its your birthday; why do you look so sad? I just had to get out of the house, she said, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. Mama and Daddy threw a party for my 30th and pretty much invited all our relatives. Kent looked puzzled by this. But dont you like that? he asked. I seem to remember you were always the sociable sort. I do and I still am, Hilda agreed. But my aunts and cousins are driving me crazy! Seeing how Ive just turned 30, theyve been making fun of me for still being single! The tears began to fall again. I dont understand why its such an issue to them! Kent regarded her gravely and shook his head. I dont understand why people make such a fuss about it! he exclaimed. I mean, seriously: for you chicks, fucking biological clocks

notwithstanding, and for all the rest of us. Hell, times are hard dont any of those idiots understand whats actually involved in getting hitched? If you get hitched, you have to think about where youre going to live; Lord knows you shouldnt mooch off your parents! And theres utilities and stuff to think about: food, shelter, clothing and dont get me started on petrol and water and power! Then, if you decide to have kids, it becomes a totally different ball game. Visits to the doctor, nappies, baby milk, cots, and stuff; youll soon be worrying about tuition fees, too. Thats a fairly realistic way of putting things, Hilda murmured, managing a very small smile. Well, if were talking about cash, I can afford it, Kent admitted with a shrug. He tilted his head to one side and smiled at Hilda. Thats the easy part. Honestly, I think the most difficult thing

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about getting married is being mature enough to deal with anything and everything that happens afterwards. Thats Gods own truth, Hilda agreed. I think Id be a lousy husband and a worse father. Aw, Fleming! Youre just saying that Because I lost Trix? Kent shrugged. Maybe. Ive seen you deal with my nephew Gabriel, Hilda reminded him. That kids a livewire; he doesnt listen to most grown-ups and his dads given him quite a hiding at times for being too cheeky. One instance doesnt prove anything, Spencer. Maybe, Hilda agreed. But I daresay youd be better at it than me. She sighed rather dismally. I guess Im probably not good wife or mother material. Hey, dont give up just yet, Kent advised her, companionably patting her arm. Come on in for a bit and have some dayap juice. Moms baked a brazo de Mercedes, by the way. Hilda shook her head and checked her watch. Thanks, but Id better get going, she said. Heading back? No, I thought maybe Id go catch the eleven oclock Mass. Kent pursed his lips and considered the situation. Then, he gave her hand a squeeze. Come on in, anyway, he said, pulling her in through the gate. You can wait in the sala for me. Ill just go put my shoes on and we can go to Mass together.


Mimi Spencer looked worried as she watched her aunt step out of the gate, tears running down her pretty face. Because she was only four, it was easy to assume that the little girl did not understand the barbs her other relatives had so callously tossed at her aunt earlier that morning. Unfortunately for all those relatives, nothing could have been further from the truth. Hoy, Hilda! one particularly scrawny cousin had snapped. My God, look at you! Youre so fat! Hildegarde! another shouted. How are you? Are you still single? Still?! Oh my

goodness! If you arent careful, youll find yourself an old maid! It went on and on from various aunts and cousins until, finally, Tita Hilda finally rose and excused herself in as quiet and as graceful a manner as possible from the living room. Page 6 of 13

Mimi followed her aunt to the kitchen where the latter leaned against the fridge and began to cry. Whats wrong, Tita Hilda? Mimi asked, reaching up for her aunts hand. Oh, hi, Mims. Tenderly, she squeezed the little hand that had been offered. I just feel really sad right now. But why are you sad, Tita? Its your birthday; you should be happy. Id like to be, Tita Hilda agreed. But what everyone said really hurts. Its mean of them, Mimi said fiercely. You dont mess with their business; why should they mess with yours? Its how they are, kiddo. But thats mean! I know, but sometimes we cant help it if other people want to be mean. It makes them happy. I have no idea why, but some people are like that. I dont want to be like that! Mimi declared. Youre not like that. Mummy and Daddy arent like that. Lolo, Lola, and my Kuyas arent like that! Theyre bad. By they I take it you mean your other titas and lolas? Yes! She hugged her aunt adoringly. Youre the loveliest tita in the world and I want you to be happy! Tita Hilda knelt down and put her arms around little Mimi, hugging her as tight as she could. When she rose, she was still crying, but there was a faint smile on her face. Ill just step out for a bit, she told Mimi. Where are you going? Well, I havent gone to Mass yet, so Ill go walk down to the parish. Do you want me to go with you? Youve gone to Mass already, right? No, you dont have to. Stay here; in case anyone looks for me, tell them what happened. Okay? Mimi nodded and watched silently as her aunt exited the house through the back door. Sighing, the little girl went out of the kitchen and made her way to where her parents were. She found them in the library, a small room just a few steps away from the main dining room. They were talking to her grandparents, her daddys parents Hal and Alice. Youre aware that Tito Rickys youngest is back in town, Mimi heard her father tell her grandparents. Kentigern? Lolo replied. He laughed that jolly belly laugh of his. I actually ran into the boy at the supermarket yesterday. Pale as a sheet and looking rather peaked; though I daresay Page 7 of 13

thats expected, given the circumstances. But he was still the same polite boy weve always known. He grinned hugely. He also gave me a new recipe for Thai-style noodles with a tofu and peanut sauce. I hope he comes along with his parents tonight, Lola chimed in. I asked Kendrick and Amalia over for dinner along with your parents, Ditas dear. Who else is coming over for dinner, Mamma? Mummy asked. Oh, the usual suspects: Puck and Gingers parents, Joeys and Keis as well. Poch and Pura Valeriano, too. Ah, the old crowd, then. Mummy smiled. This ought to be fun. Mimi trotted into the room and her grandmother held her arms out to her. Once she was comfortably settled in Lola Alices lap, the little girl dropped the bomb. Tita Hildas crying, she declared. So she had to go away for a while. How the grownups stared at her when she said this! What do you mean? Lola asked, narrowing her eyes at Mimi. Titas upset, Mimi told her candidly. Tita Shelby said she was fat and Lola Carrie said she was going to be an old maid Mimi parroted everything her aunts and great-aunts uttered in the living room. As she talked, she noticed how Daddys hand gripped Mummys shoulder; it was as if he wanted to stop her from flying off the handle and going off to hurt someone! Lolo, on the other hand, had gone pale and he looked very angry. Lola was also angry, but she gained the redness of a cooked lobster by the time Mimi finished talking. Lola pressed her lips into a thin line, and then rose to her feet, gently handing Mimi over to her father. She looked at Mummy, and then tilted her head curtly in the direction of the living room. Mummy looked fierce; then she nodded and rose to follow her. Did your tita tell you where she was going? Daddy asked worriedly. Mimi nodded. She said she was going to church, she told her father. The Fleming house is right on that path, Lolo quietly advised Daddy. Maybe shes gone to talk to Kent. Why would you think that, Dad? Lolo smiled and pressed a finger to the side of his nose. Call it a hunch, he said. You know how those two work as sounding boards for each other. From the living room, they heard Lola screaming in a regular fury.

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I invite you all over to help celebrate Hildas birthday, they heard her snarl, and what do you do? You deliberately insult her! You insulted my girl in my house! Get out! Get out all of you, get out!


I have a confession to make, Kent murmured sheepishly to Hilda as they entered the church. Well, theres a priest in the confessional, she remarked dryly, jerking her thumb towards the confessional in the corner. Make it to him. Not that sort of confession, Kent snapped. But, well, yeah: Im going to have to tell a priest about it sooner or later. So, what is it? I havent been to church since Trix died. Hilda stared at him in disbelief. They genuflected in the aisle, then slipped into one of the back pews. Seriously? she exclaimed. Kent nodded. Yeah, he said. Would you believe I actually got into a snit with Kuya Tav about it earlier? At this point, Im ready to believe anything! Well, I stopped going because I felt that God let me down, Kent admitted shamefacedly. I prayed every single day for Trix to get better but she just got a lot worse as time went by. Whenever she took a nap, Id leave the house and go to this tiny church near our place in North London. Id get down on my knees and pray as hard as I could for Trix to get better. As time passed and she grew progressively weaker, Id pray even more desperately. In the end, when she died, I hated God for taking her away. Since then, I havent attended Mass. Ive not said any prayers. He looked at Hilda as if seeking either her approval or her sympathy. Was I an idiot for doing that? No, she replied. And why would you be an idiot for it? Youre only human, Fleming. Its wrong, of course, but you just lost someone whom you loved very much. You had every right to be angry at the time. In the end, though, Kent sighed, I guess it was for best. Well, Im pretty damned sure you wouldnt have wanted Beatrix to be an invalid all her life, Hilda said rather bluntly.

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Yeah, Kent murmured. Impulsively, he kissed her cheek the way he used to when they were kids and shed talked him out of one of his blue funks. Back then, hed always felt a little flutter in his chest whenever he did so and expected not to feel it anymore now. He was definitely startled when he felt his heart skip a beat, but he said nothing about it. Instead, It still feels awful, though. I went through a similar phase, Hilda murmured almost absently. I was silly enough to fall in love with someone years ago well, not that anything ever came out of it. Kent raised an eyebrow at this. He and Hilda had been friends since they were babies and, as far as he could remember, theyd never held any secrets from each other. However, this totally threw him for a loop. Hilda fell in love with someone while I was away? he thought incredulously. Whoa; I didnt see that coming! Hed always been of the opinion that Hilda was too much of a no-nonsense person to believe in love and all its attendant fripperies. It was unrequited, you know, she continued, staring resolutely at the altar far ahead. Still is, as a matter of fact. But when he left years ago, I couldnt bring myself to pray or go to Mass. Because you felt that God let you down, too? Kent asked, his voice soft. Hilda nodded and sighed. I was a wreck, she confessed. I couldnt eat, couldnt sleep, and Id jump whenever the phone rang at home. Why? I was worried sick! she exclaimed. He packed up and left and I didnt hear from him for months on end. I didnt even know if he was still alive; he was rather suicidal, see? So there was always that risk involved. Finally, I got a letter from him telling me that he was okay and that hed settled in well. She smiled rather ruefully, but still did not look at Kent. I went to Mass almost as soon as I read that letter. He was okay he was fine! and that was good enough for me. He must have meant the world to you, Spencer. He did, she said, her voice subdued. Still does, as a matter of fact. Kent grinned wickedly at this confession. But you wont tell me who he is, he teased her. Of course not! Hilda snapped at him, her face as red as a ripe strawberry. Its for me to know, but not for you to find out! Kent smiled like a cat that got both the cream and the canary. Remember what I said about setting you up with a boyfriend, Spencer? he reminded her. I think Ill keep myself busy finding out who this mystery man is then, Ill set you up with him. Hilda threw him a look of sheer panic, but before she could say anything, a white-cassocked priest emerged from the confessional. He was a tall, handsome young man with distinctly Castilian Page 10 of 13

features and a look of deep, profound sorrow in his dark eyes that made him seem rather oldish and world-weary. The sorrow, however, disappeared when he saw Kent and Hilda. The rumours are true then! he exclaimed, clapping a hand on Kents shoulder. Kent stared up at him in consternation. Jo-Lu?! he exclaimed. He gripped the priests hand as he rose to hug him. Pare, youre our parish priest? This is your parish?! Im assistant parish priest, pare, Fr. Jo-Lu Mondejar corrected him, cheekily ruffling his hair. Kuya Nate Saavedra you remember him, dont you? Big guy, bald with tats? Hes parish priest; Im just the vicar. Good Lord, its like being assistant to someone like Jamie Oliver or Gene Simmons! The parish priest was a well-known motivational speaker and author. Jo-Lu laughed at this. Affectionately, he bestowed brotherly kisses on Hildas cheeks in greeting. Happy birthday, Hilda, he greeted her. Thats from me and dear ol Viv. Kent thought his heart would break at this pronouncement. Jo-Lus girlfriend died on her seventeenth birthday just days after they graduated from high school. As a result, his friend lived each day for them both, entering the priesthood because he knew he could never love anyone else. At least Trix lived till thirty, he thought. She was able to do so many things Viv was never able to do. Poor Viv The situation gave him a lot of food for thought. You guys are here for the 11 AM? Jo-Lu asked them as he pulled on a chasuble handed to him by a brown-clad churchwarden. Yeah, Kent replied. Youre the celebrant? I thought that was pretty obvious, Jo-Lu replied with a smirk. Hilda, you may as well walk him through this one: its a Tagalog Mass. Kent winced at this; hed completely forgotten about the Tagalog liturgy. Hilda, however, simply laughed.


Hi, Calvin. Hi, Tav. Have you seen my sister? We were thinking she may have passed by here on her way to Mass. Calvin and Tav stared at Argie Spencer for a moment. Then, Calvin spoke up. Hilda was here a few minutes ago, he replied. She looked really upset. Just had time enough to sip some lemonade before Kent whisked her off to church, Tav chimed in. She looked really bummed out, Kuya. Page 11 of 13

She was, Argie admitted shamefacedly. Our cousins werent exactly diplomatic with their choice of words to the birthday girl. Let me guess: oh, you poor kid! Thirty and still unmarried, tsk, tsk, tsk? And then some, Argie agreed, grinning at the way Tav mimicked the tone of a rather bitchy girl. Well, we can tell you straightaway that Kents got her and theyve gone to Mass, Calvin assured his friend. You know those two: theyll bitch at each other all day, but when push comes to shove, they run to each other for help. Kent wasnt actually planning to go to Mass, by the way, Tav added. He told Argie about how Kent lost his temper when he asked if hed gone to church with their parents. Afterwards, he went upstairs and locked himself up in his room with the music blaring. Suddenly, he went rushing out of the house and, next thing we knew, he was walking your sister to church. Argie considered this bit of information. narrowed theirs at him in response. Hildas unattached at the moment, right? Calvin asked Argie. Shes absolutely unattached, Argie replied, grinning wickedly. Tav regarded them somewhat dubiously. Ill have no part of whatever it is you two are plotting! he declared. What makes you think were plotting? Calvin asked innocently. Dont lie to me, Kuya, Tav warned him. Im a lawyer; I know when people are up to something and that look on your face wont stand in a court of law. Depends on the judge, Tav, Calvin reminded him smugly. Besides, its kind of early to do any serious plotting, Argie chimed in. What with your kid brother in mourning and all. He smiled in that rather sharkish fashion that everyone who knew him recognized as a sign that he was up to something. Theres time enough. I suppose hes not leaving any time soon? Tav raised an eyebrow at this, but Calvin promptly replied with, No, of course not. The lads still thinking about what to do next. Well, that ought to give us plenty of time, then. As Argie took his leave of the Flemings, Hilda and Kent came walking towards the house accompanied by Fr. Jo-Lu Mondejar. Why dont you guys come over for dinner later, they heard Hilda say. Lord knows weve plenty. Bring Kuya Nate along, too, Fr. Jo. He narrowed his eyes at the Flemings who

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Well probably come in around 7:30, Jo-Lu said. Last Mass of the day ends by then, so well scamper over. Thanks, birthday girl. What about you, Fleming? Mama says your mom and dad are coming over; you may as well haul your scrawny arse over, too. My arse isnt scrawny, Spencer, Kent protested. It isnt exactly well-padded, though, Tav chimed in teasingly as the three came closer. Still pinchable, though. Kent rolled his eyes as everyone laughed. He excused himself and told Hilda to wait for him as he was just going to get something from inside the house. Happy birthday, Hildegarde! Calvin affectionately hugged the tall girl whom theyd long considered a sister because they all grew up together. Thanks, Kuya Cal, Hilda replied graciously. Rumour has it that you fled the premises thanks to some godawful bitches on the home front, Tav told her with a smirk. Said bitches are gone, by the way, Argie added, grinning. Mimi told us what happened. Mama and Deetz went on a regular rampage and threw everyone out of the house. Hildas eyes widened in horror at this. Youre kidding! she exclaimed. Nope, Mama was seriously put out with the brood of vipers camping out in the sala, so out they all went. Argie sympathetically pinched his sisters cheek. You know how Mama is: fiercer than a rabid dog when it comes to you and me. Presently, Kent returned bearing a wooden stool. He placed it near the gate and told Hilda to sit down. Whats this? she demanded, raising an eyebrow at him. Just sit down and close your eyes, Spencer, Kent exclaimed in a long-suffering tone. When Hilda was seated and her eyes shut, Kent winked at the others and took a velvet choker bearing an antique cameo pendant out of his pocket. Carefully, he placed it around Hildas neck. Open your eyes, he commanded her. Hilda gasped in surprise when she felt the choker around her neck. With a startled look on her face, she fingered the pendant admiringly. Kent! she exclaimed. What Why To everyones amusement, Kent put an arm around her shoulders and kissed her cheek. Happy birthday, he said simply, then went back inside the house.

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