With Love From The Black Sugar Cafe Chapter Five

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WITH LOVE FROM THE BLACK SUGAR CAFE Chapter Five To describe Argyll Spencer was to say that

he was a man who wore many hats and wore them all well. Argie, as practically everyone called him (save, perhaps for his wife and mother on those extremely rare occasions he managed to piss them off), was the lead guitarist for the award-winning band Reckless Imprudence. At the same time, he was also the chef-patron which is to say he was head chef and part-owner of La Maison Reine-Claude, one of the most popular and respected restaurants in the city. Argie also had a degree in Public Relations and had worked in the field for the first few years after his graduation; he was quite good at it, as a matter of fact. But, more than anything else that he was, Argie was a family man first and foremost: son and brother, husband and father. He did not mind at all when this particular role overlapped with the rest of the things he did. He was busy directing his staff as they prepared for the upcoming dinner rush when a darkhaired and dark-eyed little girl poked her head around the kitchen door. She grinned toothily at him and wiggled her fingers in greeting. He smiled and beckoned her to come over. Hello, my little seedcake! he exclaimed, sweeping the little girl up into his arms. Hi, Daddy! Affectionately, little Mimi Spencer smacked loud kisses on both his cheeks. Mummy and me got your favourite food for dinner! Ah, so were having oyster cake and lemon chicken for dinner? Is that it? The little girl laughed and clapped her hands delightedly. Yes, yes, yes! she declared merrily. And Mummy also got broccoli and mushrooms. She made a face at this announcement. Do I really have to eat broccoli, Daddy? Argie laughed and playfully tweaked her nose. You have to, Mimi, he told her. Dont you want to grow up big and strong? I suppose Mummy didnt eat her broccoli when she was little. Better not let your Mummy hear that, Argie warned his daughter, an eyebrow raised. Oh, I heard that all right! Argie and little Mimi looked up and saw a petite woman barely five feet tall striding into the kitchen. She snaked an arm around the chefs waist and stood on tiptoe to kiss him. You, Chef Spencer, are a bad, bad man, she admonished him.

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But its true, love! he exclaimed with a laugh. You used to palm off the broccoli in your lunchbox to either Puck or Ginger when we were kids. He kissed her again. Not that Ive ever complained, of course. You and little Mims here are perfect as you are. Youre sweet, Ditas Gallego-Spencer laughed. How was work, dear? Argie asked her as he put Mimi down. Oh, it was fine. Im off to pick the boys up from school and I promised them wed pass by their Tita Hildas shop on the way home. Ditas grinned. They deserve a treat, after all; their grades stayed high this quarter. Tita says shell teach me how to make your favourite pineapple upside-down cake, Daddy, Mimi chimed in. Did she? Well, tell Tita thank you when she does. And, if youre going to her shop, get us a loaf of that marble pound cake of hers. Did you want the chocolate? Ditas asked him. Or did you want the green tea? Argie shrugged. Eithers good, he said. He grinned sharkishly at his wife. Actually, Im curious as to whats going on at her caf rather than what shes cooking up. Cal Fleming says his baby brothers come home. Ditas raised an eyebrow at this. Kent, you mean? she asked. Yep, theres the kid. I dont know all the details, but I overheard something this morning; he and his friends were here for brunch: seems like his girlfriend passed away recently. Ditas gasped at this. The pretty little blonde he brought back when he came to visit some time ago? she said. Im afraid so, dear. Poor kid. Oh, my. Argie looked thoughtful as he motioned for his assistants to take over for him. He led his family through the connecting door to the kitchen of La Reinette, the patisserie he co-owned with his friend and bandmate. In there, he found Ginger Algarme-Henstridge carefully icing the finishing touches on a most magnificent looking wedding cake. Mimi gasped, eyes big as saucers, when she saw the enormous confection. Ginger grinned down at them. Pretty thing, isnt it? she asked as she came down the stepladder. Its so pretty, Ninang! Mimi exclaimed breathlessly as she went to hug her godmother. And you can eat all of it, Ginger declared proudly. No royal icing or fondant here: just really dense chocolate cake inside, white chocolate and marzipan on the outside. She offered them

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a taste from the plate of trimmings she had close at hand; Ditas and Mimi gleefully ate with impunity. Beats any of those over-iced commercial things hollow, I think. Thank you! Mimi exclaimed around a mouthful of chocolate cake and almond paste as she hugged her godmother again. What brings you to this side of the kitchen? Ginger asked Argie, an eyebrow raised inquisitively. Well, were looking at a bit of goss, he said. Then he went on to tell Ginger about Kent Flemings return to the Philippines following the death of his fiance. Max filled us in on it, Ginger replied, citing her younger cousin-in-laws friendship with Kent. Poor kid; its Jo-Lu Mondejar all over again. Without the whole Adieu, cruel world; Im entering the seminary schlock, Argie agreed. The Flemings were never really that religious, and Kents even less so. Yes, but hes taken it quite badly, Ginger continued. According to Max, hes given up his career, sold his London flat, and pretty much washed his hands of his fiances family. Mans gone tabula rasa, then, Argie murmured. A clean slate, Ginger agreed. What better way to start over after so much grief? And would tabula rasa involve your sister? Ditas chimed in, eyes narrowing speculatively. Argie looked thoughtful at this, remembering that horrible day nearly a decade and a half ago when he rushed to the hospital with Ditas in tow. He remembered how he found his parents in the waiting room of the ER, his teary-eyed mother trying to calm down an angry, borderline hysterical and bloody-faced Kent. He squeezed his eyes shut and, somewhat absently, placed a protective arm around his little daughter. I am of the opinion, he began slowly, that any man brave enough to beat the bull crap out of the bastard who nearly killed my sister deserves a second look. Ginger grinned knowingly. Even after all this time? she asked. Argie nodded. Yes, he said in agreement. Even then.


Hi, could I get a slice of apple pie and a latte macchiato, please? Hilda turned around and saw Kent grinning impishly at her. She raised an eyebrow, but nevertheless took a large apple pie out of the display case and cut a slice from it. Ala mode, I presume? she asked archly. Page 3 of 10

Um Kent peered at the chalkboard menu. Then, Warm with a slice of smoked Cheddar, please. Hilda smiled at this. Not many people went for that option; most people preferred their pie just out of the chilled display box with a scoop of ice cream. Then again, Kents tastes were never conventional by Filipino standards; and she liked it that way. Grab a chair and Ill have someone carry it out to you, she said, gesturing around the caf. She tilted her head to one side and studied her pallid friend. Are you all right? she asked him. You look rather peaked. Cant sleep, he admitted, yawning. He blinked, and Hilda noticed the dark plum-tinged smudges beneath his eyes. Jet lag? she asked. He shrugged, blinking rather sleepily in the process. I just dont feel energetic, he admitted. I cant blame you, Hilda thought as she watched him head for the corner table. She remembered the time when Kent told her he was leaving for England. She didnt believe him, at first; hell, she didnt want to believe him at all. But he was gone after less than a fortnight and the next time she heard from him was a postcard that arrived a month later bearing an Oxford postmark. Before it arrived, however, Hilda went through a serious personal version of Hell that involved a total loss of appetite and sleep as well as some serious apathy that sapped her energy. She figured that Kent was going through the same thing had been going through the exact same malaise since Beatrixs death. And, again, she couldnt blame him and she knew that it was much worse for him than it had been for her. A soft ding from the microwave told her that the pie was ready; on opening the little white machine, the slice of pie wafted a heavenly, mouth-watering aroma of cinnamon-sugar overlaid with a savoury smokiness from the generous slice of cheese that had melted into a sauce on top. She could tell that Kent could smell it from where he sat because he seemed to perk up. Its American smoked Cheddar, she confessed sheepishly as she brought the pie to his table. So Im not sure if youll like it. Smells a treat, though, he said as he eagerly sank the tines of his fork into the slice almost as soon as Hilda set the plate before him. Arent you at least going to wait for your coffee? Hilda asked him. Kent popped the forkful into his mouth and shook his head. Nah, he replied. Im famished. You didnt eat breakfast? Hilda exclaimed in horror. Page 4 of 10

I did, he replied between forkfuls. Mom laid on a proper spread this morning: tapa, sinangag, two kinds of longganiza, eggs fried sunny-side up, achara, tsokolate eh, and pan de sal with butter. Hilda whistled admiringly. But youre still hungry? she exclaimed incredulously. Kent grinned. Yeah, he said. Weird, huh? Nah, not really, Hilda replied with a cheeky grin. I remember you were the kid with the overstuffed lunch box in school. She giggled. Remember how Jink and Jo-Lu used to beg to swap their ulam for yours? Kent laughed at the memory. Yeah! he exclaimed. Were you there when they fought over the lumpiang Shanghai? Hilda had to pull up a chair and sit down lest she keeled over from laughter. Oh my God! she declared. And Jink was all Tinamaan ka ng magaling, Mondejar! That roll is mine! And Jo-Lu went Yeah? Has it got your name on it, then? And Jo-Lu told me to drizzle their names on the lumpia in ketchup next time I brought any to school! Oh, and wasnt that also the time when Jink snitched a cookie from your lunch box? Hilda grimaced at that. First batch of oatmeal chocolate-chunk I ever baked, she said, narrowing her eyes at Kent. And they were meant for you, as a matter of fact! He split it with me, Kent continued, snickering. After tasting it, though, I went and stole the rest of it from right under his nose. Hilda got a warm and fuzzy feeling from that particular announcement. But, as usual, she kept her feelings to herself. Would you like me to play the piano for you today? Kent asked her. Only if you dont mind. He smiled. As forlorn as he looked, though, Hilda swore it was like seeing the sun come out of the clouds after a rainstorm.


Ditas smiled as her blond twin sons scampered over to the counter almost as soon as they got to the cafe. Not to be left behind, Mimi tore after her older brothers. Tita Hilda! Gabriel and Mimi chorused when they saw their aunt. Tita! Tita! Gabe and I got gold stars in Math today! Oh, did you? Thats brilliant! Yes, and Mummy said Raph and I can pick any cake we want today! Page 5 of 10

Did she? Yes, I did, Ditas declared as soon as she was at the display case. Affectionately, she hugged her much-taller sister-in-law as the latter stepped out from behind the counter. Hello, Hilda! Argies got a hankering for some marble cake if its available today. Aww, hes not in the mood for pineapple upside-down cake? Hilda pouted playfully at this, but burst into laughter. Well, hes in for a treat, though. I just took out several loaves of a new flavour Im trying out: hazelnut cappuccino marble cake. Oh, goodness! Ditas looked up at her in surprise. I might end up polishing that off before hes even seen it! You and your coffee, Hilda teased her. She went back behind the counter and showed her assistant where to put the still-steaming loaves of cake. Ditass mouth watered at the smell of coffee, butter, and hazelnuts wafting from the loaves. So, you want your usual? Iced coffee done your way, yes, Ditas nodded as she shepherded her brood to a table. Milk for the little ones, naturally, Hilda grinned impishly at the kids, with flavoured straws, then. Strawberry for me, please! Mimi piped up. Ill have strawberry, too, Tita, Gabriel said. Chocolate for me, Tita, Raphael chimed in. And thank you. It was while the children were picking out cakes for their merienda that Ditas noticed a young man playing the piano in the corner. She recognized the tune: an old song that had been a hit for her husbands band. Called I Feel a Little Lost, it spoke of broken hearts, of untimely partings, of grieving and loss. She heard the young man singing softly, his voice a standard baritone was sad, somewhat forlorn, as he sang.

They say, Weep not. They say, Fret not. But what the hell do they know? What the hell do they care? Why the hell should they care? I feel a little lost, I feel so disoriented, I dont know where to go, I dont know what to do How about you?

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Ditas narrowed her eyes at the singer, but they widened with a start when she realized who he was. Well, bless my soul! she murmured to herself. Kent Fleming is back. Can we play the piano, Tita? she heard one of her twin sons ask Hilda. Someones beat us to it, was the plaintive comment of the other. Hey, he sounds good! Ditas watched intently as her children went over to the piano to watch Kent Fleming play. They were silent as he played and sang, two pairs of green eyes and one brown pair gazing awestruck at his mastery of the instrument. It was only when he finished that the three applauded enthusiastically. The young man turned and smiled at them. You play good, mister! Gabriel declared. And you sing nicely! Mimi enthused. You sound as good as our Ninong Puck! Raphael chimed in. He and our daddy are rock stars. You must be the Spencer kids, then, Kent noted. Kuya Argies lot. You know our daddy, mister? Mimi asked. I grew up in the same neighbourhood, Kent agreed, nodding. Your Tita Hilda was my classmate and your ninong and I had the same piano teacher. Wow! the twins exclaimed, eyes widening. Are you are rock star, too, mister? No, hes a writer and hes currently on vacation, Hilda replied on Kents behalf as she brought him a cup of tea. What do you write about? Gabriel asked, his curiosity piqued. Food, Kent replied almost instantly. I write about whats there to eat in different parts of the world and how to cook them. Oh, like Ninang Laine? Mimi piped up. My ninang writes cookbooks. Sort of. Youre a chef, too? Nah, I just write about food. Whats your name, mister? Kent smiled. You can call me Tito Kent, seeing how Im a friend of your titas, he replied. And what are your names? Im Gabriel. And Im Raphael. Raphael grinned toothily. Were twins. I can see that, Kent replied soberly. Page 7 of 10

And this is our baby sister Mimi. Im not a baby! Mimi snapped at the twins. Im four! Kent turned to Hilda, a somewhat amused expression on his face. Im not sure if thats the Spencer in her or the Gallego, he said. A little of both, Ditas chimed in as she joined them. affectionately. Welcome back, kid. Thanks, Ate Ditas. He planted a sisterly kiss on her cheek. You look great; I take it Kuya Argie treats you like a queen! So long as I stay out of his kitchen! Ditas laughed. Then, more soberly, she regarded him with great sympathy. Argie told me why youre here, she said quietly, squeezing his hand again. Im so sorry, Kent. Thanks, he replied gratefully. So, youre staying here in Makati? Kent shook his head. Not at the moment, he replied. Im staying with my parents back in Alabang. Ah. Though Ive been flying out to Makati with my dad every day, Kent admitted. Mom insists that I leave the house every day; says itll keep me from brooding. I agree with your mom, Ditas remarked nodding. Its a wise decision; helps you recover faster. Hows Jillian? he asked her. Ditass younger sister was a classmate of both Kent and Hilda in grade school and high school; they all remained friends. Busy! She just got promoted to senior manager of product development. Still with that makeup company, I suppose? Yeah, you know how it was a dream job of hers. It was either that or go into food. Ditas managed a wry grin. Though her husbands mighty pleased about her cooking. Youll see Jill and the poor unfortunate soul she suckered on Friday, Hilda informed him. Hilda! Ditas declared in a chiding tone. Hilda merely shrugged. Oh, I agree that Phils nice enough, she admitted. But, really: you yourself have said you wished Jilly married a guy with more personality. Ditas sighed and nodded in agreement. Well, yes, she conceded. But you didnt have to describe him as a poor unfortunate soul, though. I call em like I see em, Ate, Hilda murmured with a sniff. Have the rest of your friends seen you yet? Ditas asked Kent. Page 8 of 10 She squeezed Kents hand

Just Hilda, Jink, and Max Balfour, Kent replied between sips of tea. I wont see everyone else till Friday. Ah, all right. Ditas excused herself and the children as she caught sight of a waitress setting down their orders on their table. For the twins, there were magnificent slices of their aunts upside-down apple-and-candied-ginger cake and chocolate almond cheesecake. Mimi, on the other hand, had a massive Red Velvet cupcake all to herself. For Ditas, there was a huge slice of lemon-syrup loaf cake with a scattering of poppy seeds along with a tall frosty tumbler of creamy iced coffee made even more decadent by the addition of chocolate and almond syrups, whipped cream, and crushed almond brittle. As she and the children ate, Ditas frequently slid sidelong glances at her sister-in-law and Kent. Despite the fact that both were now thirty (well, close to it for one; Hilda wouldnt be thirty for another week), they still bantered as if they were still in high school. You ought to take a cue from your kuya, Spencer, she heard Kent tell Hilda. On what? Hilda snapped back. Marriage. Kids. You know: the whole nine yards well, thats if you manage to find a guy your size. Ditas looked up when she heard Kent yelp. She saw him holding his shoulder as if in pain, but he had a mirthful look on his face. Hilda, on the other hand, was livid. Ditas half-rose from her seat, ready to step in just in case and bother the fact that both were much bigger than she was! But Hilda simply turned her nose up and marched back to the kitchen. Kent, on the other hand, smiled as she left. Then, he turned back to the piano and began playing Chopins Minute Waltz. I wish I could play piano like that when Im bigger, Gabriel sighed admiringly. Kent suddenly stopped playing and turned. He narrowed his eyes at the little boy. Would you like to learn? he asked Gabriel. To Ditass surprise, in light of the fact that food normally held her brood in its sway, Gabriel dashed to the piano, cake and milk rendered uninteresting by the possibility of learning how to play. Yes! the tow-headed seven-year-old declared enthusiastically. Yes, I do! I want to be as good as Ninong Puck someday! Dont you want to study guitar like your dad? Kent asked, amusement lighting his eyes. Most rock stars start with the guitar, you know. Gabriel emphatically shook his head. Raphael does, he said, pointing to his brother. And so does Mims, but its nice whenever my mummy plays piano at home but she rarely does. So, maybe I could learn how. Page 9 of 10

So you can always enjoy the piano, I suppose? Gabriel nodded solemnly. Yes, sir. Well Kent seemed to consider this and looked over to Ditas. What do you think, Ate? he asked her. Ditas beckoned her son back to her. She smoothed back his hair and looked him in the eye. Only if youre sure, she said sternly. If you arent, then you might only be wasting Tito Kents time. Im sure, Gabriel replied determinedly. Please let me, Mummy! Well, if your mother doesnt mind and your aunt, too I can teach you after school, Kent said, smiling. Itll give me something to do while Im wondering what to do next with my life. Whats this? Hilda asked as she emerged from the kitchen. Tito Kents giving me piano lessons! Gabriel declared ebulliently to his aunt. Wait. What? Hilda turned to Kent in consternation. Fleming, you dont know what youre getting yourself into! she chided him. She levelled a stare at Gabriel. Can you honestly handle a seven-year-old kid with a smart mouth? To Ditass surprise and amusement, Kent looked at Hilda seriously. Then, Woman, dont ask questions whose answers may surprise you. Watching her sister-in-laws face, Ditas could tell that she wanted to say something and there was a lot she wanted to say. But, for some strange reason, the normally articulate and verbose Hilda Spencer seemed tongue-tied. Interesting, Ditas thought, narrowing her eyes at the pair. Methinks Argie and I may have to work our magic here

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