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With Love, From the Black Sugar Caf Chapter Four Chapter Four Good grief!

Max exclaimed as he entered the caf and found Kent weeping miserably at a corner table with Hilda Spencers arms around him. What happened? Jink turned sharply, his Rhapsody ending on a sharp, broken note. Hey! Both he and Max rushed to the corner and occupied the seats across from where their friend sat. Shh, its all right, they heard Hilda murmur into Kents ear. Its all right. I know it hurts, but wouldnt you rather that Beatrix was at peace? Isnt that better than letting her suffer for so much longer? But shed be alive! Kent exclaimed, his voice breaking. Id take care of her; shed get better! Hilda sighed and shook her head. She let go of Kent and pulled up a chair. When she sat down, she turned to Jink and murmured, Do you remember Vivian Alentejano? Sweet kid; MedSci, right? Viv? Jink frowned, then shook his head. Vivian was in LiACom, he corrected her. But, yeah, I remember her: she died so young. What happened? Max asked quietly. Viv was born with a hole in her heart, Hilda explained. Her parents were told that surgery would never be an option, something about the hole being too deep within the heart for surgeons to work on without killing Viv on the operating table. Viv grew up to be this sweet, delicate person who gasped for breath whenever we went upstairs for classes. I remember how she would sit on the bleachers and watch the rest of us at our PE classes with this wistful expression on her face. Kent looked up, his face ravaged but strangely calm. I remember she used to hang around you, he said. Hilda nodded, a sad smile hovering on her lips. She used to tell me that hers was a life she hated living, she said. She wanted to run around with the rest of us, to climb trees or dance; she wanted to eat ice cream and cake and deep-fried breaded pork chops all the things she couldnt eat because they were bad for her heart. Most of all, she just wanted to be able to grow up, get married, have kids, and grow old together with the guy she loved. Page 1 of 12

But she died before all that? Max asked. Too soon, Kent agreed, accepting a napkin from Hilda with which to mop his face. A week or so after we graduated from high school, she fainted. His face was grave and sombre. She never woke up. He sighed and sank back into his seat. Kind of like Trix but more sudden; for Trix, it was a long, slow, twisting road that caused her no end of pain. Turning to Hilda, he rather awkwardly patted her shoulder. Youre right, Spencer; now that youve gone and reminded us about poor Viv, youve made a point. Trix wouldve been in so much more pain. He shook his head sadly. It would have been cruel and selfish of me to insist that she went on living. But youll miss her terribly, Jink murmured sympathetically. I think Ill miss her every day for the rest of my life, Kent agreed quietly. Just dont do anything drastic, Hilda warned him in a dry tone. Define drastic, Spencer. Remember Vivs boyfriend Jose-Luis? Kent blinked. Oh, come on! he exclaimed. Sure I think Im set to be a bachelor forever but I am in no way inclined to enter the priesthood! Vivs boyfriend took Holy Orders? Max exclaimed in disbelief. Folks said it was crazy, Hilda replied with a shrug. But I, for one, couldnt blame him. Knowing him as I did, Jose-Luis would never love anyone else. He used to say Viv was the one perfect thing in his life. So, when she died, he chose not to love anyone else except, I guess, for the Church. But thats Jose-Luis for you, Kent grunted. He and Viv headed the Students Catholic Action org in school. It was a foregone conclusion. One that many of our batchmates hoped would never happen, Jink grinned wickedly. Jo-Lu was the best looking dude in school; you could hear the sound of hearts being smashed to the floor the day he got ordained. But since you arent so religiously-inclined, Max said, looking pointedly at Kent. Dare I ask what you intend to do now? Kent shrugged and shook his head. I dont want to think about it, he replied. Well, not yet anyway. Take your time, Hilda assured him, patting his shoulder. You wont get anything done right if you just rush into things. Page 2 of 12

That sounds like perfect advice from an architect. Which is what I am, Hilda said, grinning. But it applies to anything: you rush headlong into anything, and you end up crashing or burning or both. Take it slow, Fleming. Kent pursed his lips thoughtfully, and then stared out of the window for a moment. Then, Can I order another cupcake, Spencer? Sure: what would you like? Chocolate-butterscotch, Kent replied without another thought. He turned to the others. You two want anything? My treat, seeing how you guys picked the tab up for lunch. A London Fog would be nice, Max told Hilda. And one of your BBCs. Whats a BBC? Kent asked. Blueberry butter cupcake, Jink replied, nodding. Ill have one, too, Hilda plus an Amaretto latte. Another coffee for you, Fleming? Hilda asked Kent as she got up. Just water, thanks. Hilda stole a glance at Kent, and then glared at both Max and Jink. She shook a warning finger at the two, wordlessly saying: If he cries again, I will rip your innards out! You seem to have fit in quite well, Kent now told Max. Honestly, I wasnt sure how youd take to the Philippines. My cousin pretty much thrust me into the spin of things, Max laughed. I agree that the governments crappy, the cities are polluted, and things look bleak if you listen to the news, but I look at how happy people are despite everything and realized that maybe the locals are on to something. Were virtually recession-proof, man, Jink said with a grin. I noticed that. So long as theres faith, food, music, and humour, we manage. He looked at Kent gravely. And so, my friend, will you. Maybe, Kent replied noncommittally. He stared out again. What are you looking at, Kent? Jink demanded, his curiosity piqued. Kent jerked his thumb at the tall residential developments outside. wondering if I should get a unit, seeing how Im going to be stuck here for a while. Why? Max asked. Dont you like staying with your parents? I do, Kent replied. Only, its so far from here. Page 3 of 12 I was just

Given your current emotional state, I dont recommend living alone at the moment. Max expression was stern. Not unless he decides to live close to all the rest of us, Jink said. Well, my brothers live here in Makati, Kent continued. Just on the other side of town over in Legaspi, near Greenbelt. He turned to Jink. Does anyone from the barkada live in this part of Makati? Jink managed a wry smile and pointed to Hilda behind the counter. Then, he pointed out to a particularly graceful looking structure just across the street from the caf. Just Hilda, he said. The unit she lives in up there? She designed it. Hell, she practically designed most of the buildings that have risen over the past half-decade in this part of town. Sliding a glance towards Hilda, Jink leaned forward and lowered his voice. Actually, she didnt have to pay a single centimo for that unit of hers. Kent raised a speculative eyebrow at this. Whod she fuck to get it? he asked bluntly. To the best of my knowledge, no one. Seriously?! Jink glared at Kent. Kent, do you honestly think Hildas that sort of girl? he demanded. Abashed, Kent mutely shook his head. Hilda worked as primary architect for that developer for years, but never got recognized for it, Jink continued, keeping his voice down lest Hilda heard him. Instead, the name that appeared on her designs was that of her immediate superior who, apparently, talked big but had the architectural talent of a cross-eyed and severely retarded orang-utan. Hilda was due for a big promotion around a couple years ago, but her boss passed her over for some new kid just out of college whom hed been bedding on a regular basis. Hilda decided she wouldnt stand for it, tendered her resignation, and marched out. Did she tell the company owners about what her boss did? Kent asked. She didnt have to. A month or so after she left, the boss and his new kid was asked to design an office building. Jink chuckled evilly. The foundations were shot to hell. It was so bad that dozens of workmen got killed in an accident. That was when the owners launched an investigation where they discovered that it was Hilda who designed every single successful development theyd built only, her boss never gave her credit for anything. All she got was her pay check and the occasional bonus; she got none of the fame, none of the design-mag interviews. Page 4 of 12

And I suppose there was hell to pay, Max chimed in, his smile grim. And then some, Jink agreed. Hilda hadnt wanted anything and was on the verge of not accepting a single bit of largesse from her former employers, but when they offered her the site for the caf she had in mind, some capital, and the unit she now lives in, her parents told her shed be stupid to refuse. He smiled and gestured around them. And look at what shes got now. As Jink spoke, the merienda crowd had begun to come in. As soon as the cuckoo clock on one wall chimed three, all the tables were occupied and there was a steady stream of people coming in and no one seemed to leave without a bag, a box, or a large paper drink tumbler in hand. Hilda was so occupied with orders that it was an assistant who carried the guys orders to their table: Kents massive chocolate-butterscotch cupcake glistening with cross-hatched caramel atop a thick layer of chocolate ganache, two enormous butter cupcakes magnificently marbled with swirls of deep purple blueberry coulis, a mug of coffee that smelled deliciously of almonds, and a tall latte glass that perfumed the air with hints of bergamot and vanilla. Dispensing with the cutlery, the young gentlemen tore into their cupcakes with their bare hands, sweeping up wayward crumbs and spills of frosting or coulis with eager fingers. By the time they were nearly done demolishing their cupcakes, Hilda rejoined them with a look of amusement on her face. You three eat like your mothers never fed you, she teased them. Oh, my maman fed me well enough, Max replied. Just not with cakes as lush as these! You have a girlfriend to do that for you, Max. Yeah, speaking of whom, I promised Id get her a couple lemon-curd cupcakes. Hilda smiled. No problem, she assured him. Ate Lennie will love you more for the gift. What, no jewellery or fancy presents? Kent exclaimed, staring in consternation at Max. Some boyfriend you are, mate! He actually did that one notch better, Jink snickered teasingly. He bought Ate a couture outfit for our cousins wedding clothes, jewels, and shoes, pare! You didnt! I did, Max replied, blushing; but he looked very happy. And Melaine was so beautiful that she outshone the bride. He regarded his friend candidly. She was worth it. Page 5 of 12

Kent said nothing, but simply nodded. Max, however, caught a hungry, envious look in his friends eyes. He could not blame him, not after how hed lost his fiance.


Are you riding back to Rockwell with us? Max asked Kent later that afternoon. Kent shook his head as he watched his friend pay for the lemon cupcakes he ordered for his girlfriend. I told Dad to come over for a spot of tea before the drive home, he replied. And I promised Mom Id get her a surprise. Give her a half-dozen of these, Hilda replied as she slid a fresh tray of cupcakes into the display case. Apple-walnut; its my featured flavour for this month. She gestured towards the rest of the cakes in the display. Or take your pick from anything in here. He threw her a rather teasing smile. You know, you actually look like a chick now, Spencer, he told her. Hilda rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. Why? she snapped at him. Because Im in a goddamned dress? Hey, dont snap at me! Last time I think I saw you in a dress was when your kuya got hitched and then, Ate Ditas just bullied you into bridesmaid duty! Hilda grunted indecorously and went back to work. She cleans up nice, Kent remarked somewhat absently to the others. I wouldnt know, Max admitted with a shrug. I only met her recently so Ive no memories of her to compare to. He dimpled. Besides, no one can be prettier than my Lennie. Kent frowned and muttered to Jink, Your sisters turned the mans head, pare. Whatd she feed him? Jink shrugged. I think that banana tarte Tatin of hers did the trick; well, either that or all the custard shes been feeding him has pretty much melted his brains. I resent that, Max shot back, narrowing his eyes dangerously at them. Chill out, mate, Kent chided him with a smile. We were just teasing you. Personally, though, having seen you and Ate Lennie in action at LEtoile, the chemistrys always been superobvious. Page 6 of 12

Has it? Yeah, but you two were the last to notice, I think. Max smiled. Well, I started getting sick when she left the restaurant and I was at the helm, he admitted. At first, I thought it was because Id taken too much on. It turned out that I was, in more ways than one, pining away for her. And you only admitted it when? Recently very recently. Better late than never, Id say, Jink chuckled. True, Max agreed. Say, its Wednesday tomorrow, Kent. Lennies got the day off; maybe youd like to go hang out a bit. Kent politely declined and shook his head. Id start crying, he confessed. Seeing you so happy just talking about her was enough to turn me green with envy. If I saw you two together, Ill be blubbering in seconds. Max winced at that. Sorry I even asked, he apologized sincerely. Its no problem, mate. Hilda handed Max a small white bakery box. Ive thrown in something for Ate Lennie to try, she told him. Its a strawberry-lemon cheesecake cup. Melaine will be mad for it, Max assured her. strawberries and lemons. Not ordering anything, Jink? Hilda asked him. None for me, but thanks, he replied. You guys are leaving? Kent asked. Its pushing five, Jink explained. Max is dropping me off at Casa Palmera; I usually help Mamita and Eric with the dinner rush. And Im fixing dinner back home, Max added. Its the least I can do for Puck and Ginger since they were sweet enough to take me in. Solemnly, Kent shook hands with his friends and they exchanged assurances of either phone calls or meet-ups for a good game of soccer any time during the week. As he watched the others leave, Kent grew aware of a hand resting on his shoulder. He did not need to look behind him to know who it was. Spencer, he said softly. What? Page 7 of 12 You know how she is about

Do you suppose Ill be okay? Why are you asking me? Because youre one of the few people I know wholl give me an honest answer. He felt her squeeze his shoulder; it hurt, given that Hilda always had a heavy hand. But he found the pain reassuring, comforting even. Youll be fine, she said. Just dont let yourself give in to despair. Ill try not to, he assured her. You know, just for the sake of keeping busy, I think Ill start finding you a boyfriend. He looked up with a smirk. Of course, I doubt if Ill be able to, but at least you cant say I didnt try. Hilda scowled and cuffed him lightly on the back of the head. Grief sure hasnt changed that smart mouth of yours, she grunted. Seriously, though: a gal like you ought to have lots of prospects. Not in this country, Hilda admitted. Im still taller than most guys. Yeah, I can see that, Kent thought, looking up at her. And, with your temper He also noted that Hilda Spencer was a serious armful of woman, practically too much for most men to handle. For, apart from being six feet tall, Hilda was also shapely in the same way screen-siren Marilyn Monroe and pin-up queen Bettie Page were built: slender waist but with quite an ample bust and curvy hips. He seriously wondered if he could palm her off to those Italian chefs of his acquaintance, seeing how they loved their women big and shapely. But, then again Youre open everyday? he asked her. Seven in the morning to seven in the evening Monday to Thursday, she replied. Seven A.M. to nine in the evening on Fridays, and Im closed over the weekend. Jink said something about you wanting me to play the piano, Kent murmured, remembering the line from his friends email some months before. Only if you want to, she said. Kent got up and cracked his knuckles. Im sort of rusty, he admitted. The last few months Trix was sick, I didnt have the heart to play. But he went to the piano and drew a deep breath as he took his place on the bench and rested his hands on the black and white keys. He turned to Hilda, What would you like to hear?

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She tilted her head to one side, studying him. Then, I remember you playing Debussys Clair de Lune in senior year. That was for a play, Kent murmured, smiling at the memory. Yeah, English class. Kent flexed his fingers, then began to play that sad, haunting melody that evoked moonlit nights spent staring out of ones bedroom window, wishing that there was a way out of the encroaching loneliness that threatened to smother ones spirit. When he finished playing, there was the soft patter of applause. Startled, Kent turned and saw the patrons clapping appreciatively. As for Hilda, she was leaning on the main counter, a faint smile on her lips and a glass of water in her hands. She came over and handed him the glass. Kent drank gratefully; his throat had suddenly gone dry for some reason. Would you like to play at least twice a week? she asked him. I can pay you and You dont have to pay me, Kent replied gruffly. Ill be glad to do it. I insist, Fleming; dont argue with me. Im not arguing with you. They stopped and glared at each other. Then, they smiled. Just like old times, he murmured. With less hitting, Hilda chuckled. I wont thank you if you end up dragging me by the ear again. All right: I promise, I wont do that but only if you quit teasing me about my size. Your size is fine, Spencer; at least, youre still smaller than an elephant. He quickly ducked when she took a swipe at him and would have run if she hadnt wrapped her arms around him. She gave him a squeeze that pretty much threatened to choke him and said, Im glad youre back. As she went back to the caf kitchen, Kent was at a loss for words.


Kendrick smiled as he entered the Black Sugar Caf and found his son bantering rather snarkily with pretty Hilda Spencer. Page 9 of 12

While it was still an hour to closing time, Hildas staff was already starting to clean up the place. The refrigerated cases were all empty save for a few scattered crumbs. Trays with soiled dishes and cups were being ferried to the kitchen by smart-looking waitresses in French maid-inspired uniforms. But, at the table where Kent sat, there was a plate holding several slices of different kinds of pie and cake along with a steaming mug that exuded the nutty, somewhat grassy aroma of Japanese matcha. Hi, Dad. Kent got up to press the back of his fathers hand to his forehead. Hey, Kendrick hugged the young man, then waved hello to Hilda. And heres young Hildegarde! Stop teasing me, Uncle Ricky! Hilda protested, but she was smiling as she came up to hug him. I got Mom a box of cupcakes, Kent informed his father, holding up the bakery box Hilda had prepared for him. And Ive ordered merienda for you. Aye, well, it looks mighty good, Kendrick commented as he sat down. He took a good sip of the matcha latte and was delighted by the creamy bittersweet flavour. And what do we have here? Apple streusel pie, mango crumble pie, prune-walnut cake, and rum butter cake, Hilda replied, pushing the plate towards him. Happily, Kendrick took good forkfuls of each slice and pronounced them all as smashingly good and asked Hilda for her business card. Calvin says he orders from you quite often, he told the young woman. He does, she agreed, grinning. So, you just do cakes, cupcakes, and pies? Hilda nodded. I cant do what Ate Ginger does, all those fancy French treats she makes, she confessed. And Im all thumbs with chocolate, so I cant do what Ate Heck does, either. That said, I just stuck to the stuff I can do well. I was telling her I never knew she cooked, Kent said, grinning slyly at Hilda. Well, he never asked! Hilda protested, jerking a thumb at Kent. She glared at him. You do realise it was inevitable, given how my dads a chef and my mas 100% Cabalen. Kendrick grinned as he took another sip of his latte. The lass has a culinary pedigree, son, he told Kent. Speaking of which, Ive an idea for a new book for you. Kent raised an eyebrow at this. What is it? Page 10 of 12

Youve done books on the regional cuisines of Europe and the British Isles as well as parts of Asia, Kendrick continued. Why not a book on regional Philippine cuisine? Dad, Gilda Cordero-Fernando, Gene Gonzalez, and Claude Tayag have gone and done that already! Aye, but you can write it from a Western perspective. Grinning, Kendrick tapped his right temple. Back to your roots, lad; and seeing how your mothers from the north, you can do a parallel comparison between the frugal cuisine of the Ilocos region and the equally thrifty cuisine of Scotland. Kents eyes widened with great interest at that; it was a sight that warmed his fathers heart. If my laddie can snap to attention with a good idea, Kendrick thought, then Ive great hopes that hell get over his grief soon and well enough. That ought to keep you busy, Fleming, Hilda mused. Ill think about it, Kent murmured, but Kendrick knew that hed lit a spark in his son. The young man leaned back in his seat and drawled, Can I get the bill, Spencer? Hilda waved it off. Its on the house, she insisted. Its your first visit here, after all. Dont be a clot, Spencer! Kent protested, pulling out his wallet. I insist on paying my way. Hilda glared at him. Its the least I can do for you at the moment, she snapped at him. Nevertheless, Kent slapped two crisp 1,000-peso bills on the table. Take the money, he insisted. Keep the change, even. Hilda turned to Kendrick in bewilderment. He sighed and simply patted her arm. Just charge him like any other customer, he murmured to her. He noted the conflicting emotions flickering in Hildas greenish-gold eyes. He could tell that she was angry that Kent refused her hospitality, sad that he was in such a dark mood, yet somewhat pleased that he paid her a visit. He could also tell she was worried about him very worried, as a matter of fact. In the end, Hilda handed back one of the bills. When she rang up the check in the till, she only charged him for what their friends had ordered earlier, Kendricks meal, and the box of cupcakes Kent now carried. As she handed Kent the change, Hilda looked him in the eye and said, Youre so pathetically scrawny that Ill take it upon myself to feed you.

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Kent glared at her, but the look softened into a wry smile when he saw that she was sincere about that offer. Id appreciate that, he said quietly. But I hope you remember that I never did get any plumper no matter how much I ate. I know, she said, smiling back. But at least I cant say I didnt try. Kendrick hid his own smile at this little exchange.

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