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2012-05-08 UPSA Meeting

Roll Call
Cecil Laqui, President Hang Nguyen, Vice-president Andy Reker, Secretary Mandy Leung, Alumni & Professional Outreach Chair Vanessa Quiroz, Mentorship Chair Kim Nguyen, Transit Advocates Greg Wiley Jessica Magana Bravo

Not in attendance
Sam Mesuro, Treasurer Chien-ya Hsu, International Chair

Pre-discussion for meeting with MURP Administrators

We hosted a small discussion to discuss issues of importance to current MURP students so that we can give the MURP administrators as well as the faculty a better idea of what is on students minds with respect to academics. The following is a summary list of points that came up in the discussion. 1. 2. 3. 4. Class size, choices & availability concerns Internship for credit Program Representation & Marketing of the MURP program in venues outside of UCI Planning Accreditation Board Changes

Social: End of year events

PPD End of Year Reception -- UPSA Awards
We discussed an UPSA contribution to the PPD End of Year Awards Reception on Friday, June 8, 2012 at 4:00 PM at the University Club. We will continue with the tradition started by last years UPSA group of handing out Faculty awards but also wanted to award an Alumni with recognition as a great support of students.

UPSA End of Year bash!

We also put down the date of Thursday June 14 as a student end-of-year celebration. It will be a time to wish our graduating 2nd year students farewell and bid adieu to an academic year gone-by. We also discussed starting a new tradition: a gift for graduating MURPs from continuing MURPs.

Social: Beginning of 2012-13 Academic Year events

We started discussing social events and activities for the beginning of the 2012-13 Academic year to welcome the new students. Below is a list of proposed events for Academic Year 2012-13: September MURP Olympics/Welcome Back Party & Pecha-Kucha September 21 Park(ing) Day(APA-Orange Section & UPSA joint event) October Cal APA Conference in Rancho Mirage April 2013 APA National Conference in Chicago

UPSA Administration
We also started a discussion on a succession binder system for the UPSA organization. More details will be hammered out about making sure that there is a significant succession year-to-year.

UPSA/MURP Newsletter Untitled Spring Quarter 2012

We continued discussion on an UPSA/MURP newsletter and expanded this to include a discussion on a theme and a title for our newsletter. We chose to have no particular theme for the Spring 2012 newsletter and we are soliciting feedback on a name via a Facebook poll. An e-mail which will detail submissions from alumni, faculty, and current students will be sent this week. We set an expectation that this will be published in the last week of this quarter and are planning on producing an edition at the end of each quarter from this point on. Help is needed with writing articles on a current planning topic or personal projects in which current students, alumni, and faculty are engaged.

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