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Kimberly Tsung Mrs. Perluss Advanced Placement English Language and Composition 1 September 2011 Secrets drive society and people living in it. Without them there is no sense of privacy and the ability to keep a private life. In a sense, they act as security and are attempts to hold on to what is not there. In Khaleo Hosseinis novel A Thousand Splendid Suns readers are given a look into the lives of women in Hosseinis country Afghanistan where, unlike the United States, women need to endure excruciating pain, exhaustion, and hold life changing secrets. These aspects are clearly demonstrated in A Thousand Splendid Suns through the eyes of Mariam and Laila who are forced into marriage during war and keep a dangerous truth that put their lives in jeopardy. Confidentiality binds Mariam and Laila together towards the middle of the novel when Laila reveals her daughter was not from their husband Rasheed. Suddenly, leaving was no longer an option [] she saw her baby, Tariqs baby [] how could she run now? [] Something in her former life remained, her last link to the person she had been before (195 196). From the beginning Laila knew. Her reason to marry Rasheed was not for love but for the daughter she would soon have, even though it was not his. If this truth was exposed it would be detrimental to her and her child so enduring all that was to come was her only option. Laila desperately reached for something that would allow her to return to the life she had before her former life was demolished by a bomb. The last half the novel focused on her attempts to restart life and build an environment that she yearned for. A path to serenity, comfort, and joy soon found its way to Mariam and Aziza, her daughter. Her ability to retain her clandestine relation

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and child with Tariq was the difference between life and death, as Rasheed believe in violence to train wives into obedience. Its an interesting eye color she has, Aziza. Dont you think? Its neither yours or mine said Rasheed (252). That was the first sign he knew. Laila had worked to ensure Rasheed would not find out Aziza was her and Tariqs daughter. AND YOU DIDNT LIE TO ME? You think I didnt figure it out? About your hamramiI? (301). That was said right before Rasheed swung the belt at Laila [beating her until it was obvious] he meant to carry this through (308-310). His actions signified the beginning of what Laila feared from the beginning, an inability to return to normality and begin life anew. She wished to cradle her child in love but disclosing a furtive truth forced her life into turmoil. The treat of Rasheed ties into Hosseinis purpose. To emphasize and bring into light what Afghan women endure on a daily basis - violence and brutality in such an undeserving manner. After escaping death, the strength of both Mariam and Laila not only defeat Rasheed but also gave Laila a chance to pursue her dream. Secrets can kill. The effect of unveiling one can either help or harm someone. In Lailas case divulging a covert message put her in harms way but then allowed her to live happily. This is not always the case. Caution should be exercised and precautions should be noted when choosing to keep something surreptitious. In modern society, discovering shady information on a person can permanently damage their reputation; thus, the idea of being introverted is popularized. Though it may be true in some cases, when referring to the ideas brought forth by Hosseini the subjugation and the inability of expression by women in Afghanastan is an alarming truth. Steps should be taken to improve the livelihood of all human beings. Relief in the form of free speech should be promoted to allow all the chance to fulfill their desires and live life without the burden of a secret.

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Works Cited Hosseini, Khaled. A Thousand Splendid Suns. New York: Riverhead, 2007. Print.

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