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Twitter community discusses Revlons new Pharell advert

1. Prompts of conversation for Revlon

Pharrell advert


Deals and o ers


Product colours

Product reviews

Customer opinions


Competitions for Revlon prizes


2. Sentiment towards Revlon

Love 7.1% Like 14.4% Balanced 71.5% Dislike 6.7% Hate 0.3%

n = 837
The new mascara advert featuring musician, Pharell Williams, appears to have gained the most attention from the Twitter community, as 100% of conversations regarding the new eye product occurred on this microblog. Customers expressed excitement and anticipation for new product colours, particularly for lip and nail ranges. Many of the competitions discussed online were giving away hair products as prizes. Beyond those mentioned above, how to makeup tutorials (4.4%), recent product purchases (4.1%) and products currently worn (2.8%) were popular conversation prompts.

n = 1156
Details on deals and o ers appear to be circulated for informational purposes only, largely explaining the prominence of balanced sentiment. However, positive statements outweighed negative ones, possibly due in part to both spontaneous consumer opinions (see speech bubble 3) as well as good product reviews. The Pharell ad was also received more positively than negatively in this analysis.

3. Most discussed product categories


4. Locations of Twitter users

17.7% 25.8%

5. Bio interests of Twitter users

Canada Beauty






Fashion 21.8% 16%

Music 16%

Writing 9.8%

n = 657
The buzz surrounding the plumping mascara advert featuring Pharrell may largely explain the prominence of eye products in this analysis. Conversations regarding face products appear particularly product speci c; many explicitly name Revlons PhotoReady foundation. Hair products (12.9%), beauty tools (7.0%) and perfumes (3.8%) were less prominent than those listed above.

n = 524
Revlons American roots may partially explain the brands prominence in west ern countries. Results also appear to verify the brands global reach, as Twitter users represented a total of 30 countries, including South Africa (2.9%), the Philippines (2.1%) and Malaysia (2.1%). -

n = 275
Musics importance to Revlon consumers may explain the high number of responses to an advert that features a popular recording artist. Bio interests may also reveal that Revlon may anticipate further online product reviews and commentary due to their consumers interest in writing. Beyond those listed above, other interests include: photography (5.1%), travel (4.0%) and lm (4.0%).

Methodology: woohoo my Revlon Color Beam Sheer Nail Enamel in Lavender Light made an awesome top coat over After Dark - i have metallic purple nails now!

Seeing Pharrell Williams on a Revlon commercial de nitely makes me want to buy their product #nojoke #sexy

I'm in love with EVERYTHING #Revlon



The search used to form this analysis ran on 20 August 2011 to 22 August 2011 focused on global English language content and produced 1,440 results, 1,156 of which were relevant. A 'result' refers to the raw material our system generates when it scours the web. A 'relevant result' is a result that is deemed relevant to the subject of the analysis. 'Data' refers to a re ned relevant result - a result that has been considered, and topics and values applied to produce a piece of data. The 1,156 relevant results used in this analysis produced 3,449 pieces of data, a ratio of 2.98 pieces of data per relevant result. It should be noted that data is not linear, and not every result provides data to every topic. The 'n' value (n = X) indicates the volume of data used in answering each topic.

Copyright Tru enet 2011. All rights reserved.

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