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UNDER SECTION 66 OF THE KARNATAKA STATE UNIVERSITY ACT 2000 PREAMBLE: Banking Services are in the fore front of this dynamic sector. UCBs/Cooperative Banks/Co-operative Societies constitute a sizable chunk within the banking industry with over 98000 units in India and more than 1,50,000 staff strength. Karnataka has more than 838 UCBs with a work force of over ten thousand with an annual turnover of Rs.12,000 core. UCBs are currently in a transitory stage and need to imbibe professionalism, to remain competitive and efficient. The banking sector is witnessing a major structural change and these co-operative banks are confronted with the new challenges. Upgrading the skills and competencies of the staff of UCBs is therefore a present day priority. It is necessary to facilitate the skill up gradation through a rigorous but flexible course module, keeping in mind that all those opting for the course would be the staff/members of the UCBs. We would like to introduce The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (LPT) model provides for flexibility and helps choosing courses based on ones aptitude and interest. There would be greater leverage both for the teacher and the taught. The K H Patil Institute for Cooperation and Banking started by the Karnataka State Cooperative Urban Banks Federation, Bangalore is willing to operationalize such a model . The Karnataka State Co-operative Urban Banking Federation has already established collaboration with the University of Mysore for offering Certificate and Diploma Courses at present to its employees. The mandate of the federation is not only to bring in professionalism to meet the emerging challenges in Co-operative Banking sector but also to pioneer the human resource development efforts in the country. At present there is no institutional arrangement. The Federation in collaboration with the University of Mysore initiated this unique program which can be enlarged to other regions in the country. This is in tune with the philosophy and objectives of the UGC, NAAC etc, which have been emphasizing institutional/industrial partnership with the University. This comprehensive Advanced Diploma in Banking and Finance (ADBF) program shall be offered in collaboration with University of Mysore . 1. Name of Institution: Karnataka State Co-operative Urban Banks Federation Ltd, #132, K H Road, Bangalore-560 027

2. Purpose for which recognition is sought for

a. To improve the competencies of the employees/members of Co-operative Banks/Co-operative Societies and Co-operative Institutions b. To make available competent managerial manpower


Nature of Research or Specified / specialized studies, sought to be conducted: To offer Advanced Diploma In Banking & Finance (choice based model) LTP Model

4. Number of intake proposed for each course: 100 5. Details of financial resources and the managing committee Financial statement enclosed for the year 31.03.2011 & Provisional estimates for the Course also enclosed

Managing Committee Consisting following members Sri H K Patil, The President, KSCUBF Sri B S Paramashivaiah,Dircetor,KSCUBF Sri S V Timmaiah, Director, KSCUBF

.. Chairman Member Member Member Member Member .. Member

Dr Bruhadamba. M V, Director, KSCUBF Sri Rudregwda,Director,KSCUBF Sri Bharath Bhushan S J, Director,KSCUBF Sri Pundalik N Kerure, The Chief Executive Officer

6. Details of teaching arrangement: List of Faculty enclosed


Details of accommodation: 8 rooms are available for faculties/students to stay during the cases and dining room, canteen are presently available .Three Lecture halls being constructed and at present one mini conference room is being used for the said purpose & other 3 Lecture rooms would accommodate at least 100 members

8. Details of library facilities Well established Library with latest Books on Banking ,Finance, Management Steps are initiated to shift the library to 5th Floor along with sophisticated computer lab, when we propose to expand our office which is already planned in Building renovation plan. : Chief Executive Officer (i/c),KSCUBF

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