Carlo 1

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A. Pt. Profile Name: Cinthia Age: 24 B-day: May 31, 1987 Sex: F Civil Status: Single Educ.

Attainment: H.S. undergraduate Position in the Family: only child S.O. : Cousins Parents : Father: Rodrigo Valentin = deceased Mother: Mary Jane Budomo = lost

B. Brief Description of the Case : Bipolar I According to the definition outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), Bipolar I Disorder, considered the most severe form of this mental illness, is characterized by one or more Manic or Mixed Expisodes, usually accompanied by Major Depressive Episodes. In a major manic episode of Bipolar I Disorder the patient may become delusional and even suffer from hallucinations, which are symptoms of psychosis. If this occurs, the condition is called bipolar I with psychotic features. Only bipolar I disorder, by definition, can include such psychotic features. Bipolar I can seriously impair dayto-day functioning. The essential feature of bipolar I disorder is a clinical course that is characterized by the occurrence of one or more manic episodes or mixed episodes. Often individuals have also had one or more major depressive episodes. Episodes of substance-induced mood disorder due to the direct effects of a medication, or other somatic treatments for depression, drug abuse, or toxin exposure, or of mood disorder due to a general medical condition need to be excluded before diagnosis of bipolar I disorder can be made. In addition, the episodes must not be better accounted for by schizoaffective disorder or superimposed on schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder, or a psychotic disorder not otherwise specified.

C. Summary of Activities: 1st session: - Orientation of the family related to our purpose - Orientation of the pt. about our purpose 2nd session: Interview to the S.O. of the pt. Building rapport c the peer & explaining the limit of the interaction Assessment of the pt.

3rd session: - Interview of our pt. regarding her life status - Sharing interest r/t the therapeutic way of working together 4th session Occupational therapy of our pt. doing bracelets & etc. Music therapy together c the pt. to fell relax & comfortable. Group therapy together c the t. for some recommendations to the pt.

5th Session Recommendation for the S.O. / Family Recommendation for the peer it self to be more improved Empowerment for both the Family & peer Group recommendation for more efficient / effective output or learnings. Explaining the peer & family the termination phase of the interaction.

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