Catharanthus Roseus

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Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. Synonym _ Vinca rosea L. Lochnera rosea (L.) Reichub. Family _ Apocynaceae.

Habitat _ Commonly grown in Indian gardens. English _ Madagascar Periwinkle (Vinca major L. Pich. and Vinca minor Linn. are known as Greater Periwinkle and Lesser Periwinkle respectively). Folk _ Sadaabahaar, Nayantaaraa, Nityakalyaani. Action _ The cytotoxic dimeric alkaloids, present in Madagascar Periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus L. Don, Vincea rosea L., and used for the treatment of certain type of cancer, have not been found in V. major. Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar Periwinkle) : cytostatic, anti-neoplastic, slows down growth of cells by supressing immune response. Vinblastine and Vincristine are said to prolong remission of leukaemia to more than five years. These chemotherapeutic agents are toxic to the nervous system. Vinblastine is also used for breast cancer and Hodgkins disease. Vinca major L. Pich. (Greater Periwinkle): astringent, anti-haemorrhagic; used for menorrhagia and leucorrhoea. Contains indole alkaloids including reserpinine and serpentine; tannins. Vinca minor Linn. (Lesser Periwinkle): astringent; circulatory stimulant. Leavesstomachic and bitter. Root hypotensive. Used for gastric catarrh, chronic dyspepsia, flatulence; also for headache, dizziness, behaviours disorders. A homoeopathic tincture is given for internal haemorrhages. Nasturtium officinale R. Br. Synonym _ Rorippa nasturtiumFamily _ Cruciferae; Brassicaceae. Habitat _ Cultivated in Bengal, Orissa and Punjab. English _ Watercress. Folk _ Piriyaa-Haalim (Punjab), Latputiyaa (Maharashtra). Action _ Leavesantiscorbutic, expectorant (used in catarrh of the respiratory organs), diuretic (used in kidney and bladder disorders), detoxifying. A lotion of leaves is applied to blotches, spots and blemishes. Fresh herb is used as a blood purifier. Key application _ For catarrh of respiratory tract. (German

Commission E.) Watercress contains vitamin A IU, ascorbic acid g / g, also m thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and biotin; mineral matter calcium . % , phosphorus iron g/ g, also , . m sulphur, iodine, manganese, zinc, arsenic and copper; proteins .%, amino acid composition includes leucine, phenylalanine, valine, lysine, tyrosine, alanine, threonine, glutamic acid, serine, aspartic acid, cystine, methionine sulphoxide and proline. Theglucosinolate phenethyl isothiocyanate, which is released upon chewing the leaf, is a chemopreventive agent against lung cancer. (cited in Expanded Commission E Monographs.) Watercress is contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers and inflammatory kidney diseases. ( Pastinaca sativa Linn. Synonym _ Peucedanum sativum Benth. & Hook. f. Family _ Umbelliferae; Apiaceae. Habitat _ Native to Europe; grows in cool climate in India. (Hollow Crown, Student and Large Guernsey are Indian horticultural varieties.) English _ Parsnip. Action _ Above ground parts diuretic, carminative (eaten as a vegetable and salad), used for kidney disorders. Rootused for kidney disorders, fever and as a diuretic and analgesic. The parsnip is a rich source of coumarins (.% dry weight). The coumarin fraction of the fruit extract inhibits growth of cancer cells (HeLaS )cultured in the dark. The fruit contains small amounts of photoactive furocoumarins which are phototoxic. (Severe dermatitis results after contact with the furocoumarin in the presence of light.) The fruit contains xanthotoxin (.%), imperatorin (.%) and bergapten ( ) . Coumarin, pastinacin, . % isolated from the fruit, showed spasmolytic action. Pastinaca secacul Linn. Family _ Umbelliferae; Apiaceae. Habitat _ Native to Europe. English _ Wild Parsnip. Unani _ Shaqaaq-ul-Misri. Action _ Rootgalactagogue, aphrodisiac, spermatogenetic. An important ingredient of Unani compounds for oligospermia, low sexual drive and debility. Shaqaaq-ul-Misri has also been equated with Trachydium lehmanni

Benth. In Kashmir, Eryngium caeruleum Bieb (Umbelliferae) and in Chakrata, Polygonatum verticillatum All. (Liliaceae) are known as shaqaaqul (also Dudhaali). Polygonatum verticillatum rhizomes are used in Tibetan medicine for emaciation and senility. The dried rhizomes contain diosgenin Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Airy-Shaw. Synonym _ Apium crispum Mill. Family _ Umbelliferae; Apiaceae. Habitat _ Native to Europe, now cultivated throughout India. English _ Parsley. Unani _ Fitraasaaliyum, Karafs-eKohi. Action _ Diuretic (used for bladder disorders, painful urination, retention of excess fluid in the tissues), antispasmodic, uterine tonic, emmenagogue, sedative (used for PMS and menopausal hot flushes, also in prostatitis), carminative, expectorant, aperient, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. Key application _ For flushing out the efferent urinary tract in disorders of the same and in prevention and treatment of kidney gravel. (German Commission E.) Contraindicated in kidney inflammations. The British Herbal Compendium approves the internal use of the herb for flatulent dyspepsia, dysuria and rheumatic conditions. The leaves and roots contain furocoumarins psoralen, and methoxy psoralen, imperatorin, oxypeucedanin, iso-pimpinelin. Myristicin has been isolated from the leaf oil. The plant gave flavonoidsapiin, luteolin, apigenin--glucoside, luteolin--glucoside among others. Myristicin showed high activity as an inducer of the detoxifying enzyme system, Glutathione S-transferase (GST) in the liver and small intestines of female mice (may be considered as a cancer chemoprotective agent). The flavonoids, particularly apigenin, have been shown to be antiinflammatory, to inhibit histamine release and to act as a free radical scavenger. Apiole, a constituent of the volatile oil, is reportedly antipyretic and phthalides of the root, seed and leaf are sedative in mice. Both apiole and myristicin exhibit aquaretic and uterine stimulant activity, while sodium retention has been

observed. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, .) In homoeopathy, the herb is used for the treatment urinary disorderssudden urge to urinate with severe pain, dribbling of urine after urination, gleet discharge and for amenorrhoea and neuralgic dysmenorrhoea.

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