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Use Case No Use Case Name Description

UC 4 Student Drop Course This use case allows students to drop any courses.

Primary Actor STUDENT Secondary Actor Trigger None The Use case will start when the actor clicks on the View Registered Subject.

Pre Condition Actor is logged in. Primary Flow Depending on the privileges assigned to the actor, system would display the following page to view: 1. Actor selects the Subject Code. 2. System will highlight the Subject. 3. Now, students will click Drop Course. 4. The system will prompts Are you sure you want to drop this course?. 5. If the student click Ok button the course will be dropped automatically by the system and prompts The course (eg WMES 2111) has been dropped. 6. If the student click Cancel the system will go back to drop course page. Alternate Flow: Post Conditions None 1. If the actor clicks the Close button, then the system would

respond with the message, Do you wish to close the page? If the Actor confirms, then system would close the Drop Course page and the actor would be brought back to Main Screen. 2. Otherwise, the actor would be brought back to where he was before clicking the Close button. Priority Business Rules Exceptions High The field for Subject Code are mandatory to justify which course to be dropped. Students also can drop many course in one time. 1. By just click at the box near the subject code so that the system will highlight/mark it. 2. Then, students have to do the same thing. Click on the Drop Course button to proceed and so on. Relationships Is Extended by: None Extends: Main Screen Uses: Login Page External Subjects Details will be viewed from the database.
UC 5

Measurable Results
Use Case No Use Case Name Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor Trigger Pre Condition

View Class Schedule This use case will list the Subject class schedule STUDENT
None The Use case will start when the actor clicks on the View Class Schedule link. Actor is logged in.

Primary Flow

Depending on the privileges assigned to the actor, system would display the following page to view: 1. Actor selects the Subject Code from the drop down box provided or type it in the box. 2. System will display the Subject and it class schedule respectively according to the Subject Code selected. 3. System will display the Class Schedule in the grid in a read only mode: Subject Code Subject Name Students Group Subjects Credit Hour Day , Time , Venue 4. If Actor clicks on Close button the form will be closed. None 1. If the actor clicks the Close button, then the system would respond with the message, Do you wish to close the page? If the Actor confirms, then system would close the Class Schedule page and the actor would be brought back to Main Screen; otherwise, the actor would be brought back to where he was before clicking the Close button. High The field for Subject Code are mandatory and cannot be left blank 1. If the Actor attempts to Print, when the Subject Code drop down box has not been selected, then: -The system will display an error message Please select the Subject Code. -The actor will select the Subject Code from the drop down box provided. Is Extended by: None Extends: Main Screen Uses: Login Page External Subjects Details will be viewed from the database.

Alternate Flow: Post Conditions

Priority Business Rules Exceptions


Measurable Results

Use Case No UC 7 Use Case View Lecturer

Name Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor Trigger Pre Condition Primary Flow STUDENT list the subjects lecturer STUDENT None The Use case will start when the actor clicks on the Home button. No subjects lecturer is viewed Depending on the privileges assigned to the actor, system would display the following page to view: 1. The STUDENT type and enter the Subject code 2. The information about the subjects lecturer of the Subject viewed no matter the STUDENT is registered for the subject or not Alternate 1. The STUDENT type and enter the Subject code Flow: 2. The SYSTEM pop-up a window that state there are no SUBJECT with that code is available in the SYSTEM 3. The STUDENT clicks OK button 4. The STUDENT return to HOME screen Post Conditions Priority Business Rules Exceptions Relationship s Subjects lecturer is viewed Low The field for Subject Code are optional to justify which subjects lecturer to be view. None Include: Login Uses: Home Page Subjects Details will be viewed from the database.

Measurable Results

USE CASE FOR PRINT CONFIRMATION SLIP Use case no Name Primary Actor Secondary Actor Summary Basic Path 8 Print Confirmation Slip Students None This use case gives the details on the process between the user and the system on the process of confirmation slip printation 1. The system prompt for users id and password.The Login button also display as well. 2. Student enters the Students ID 3. Student enters the password. 4. Student press the login button 5. The system bring students to the students roster and subject enrollment page. 6. Student will check whether the subject they enroll is correct or not.The print slip button is placed at the top and bottom of that page. 7. The student click the PRINT CONFIRMATION SLIP button. 8. The system will pops up the small windows displaying PRINTING IN PROGRESS 9. The system will print the slip for the students None If in 6,the students subject is wrong,the EDIT SUBJECT button is located at the bottom of the page that bring the student to the add,drop subject page In 7,if the printer is not connected,the system will display THE

Alternate Flow Exception Path

PRINTER IS NOT CONNECTED message Priority Medium

Trigger Business Rules Exception Measurable Resuls

The use case start when the student/user click the print button None None The student and subject details are viewed from the Database

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