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5-Phase Diagnosis Lung Pattern

Major Reflex Area:

Light subcoastal area; pressure: ST-24 to 27 on Right

Secondary Pathway Points: LU-1; GV-12; CV-12; LU-9 Treatment Points: LU-9; SP-3

Typical Symptoms: Counterflow Qi; Frequent Colds; Asthma; Skin Issues; White Complexion; Large Spoon-shaped Nails

5-Phase Diagnosis Spleen Pattern

Major Reflex Area: Light and pressure around naval inside ST-25, from CV-7 to 12 Secondary Pathway Points: SP-3; SP-4; SP-13 to SP-15; left subcostal, swollen lower abdomen Treatment Points: SP-3; PC-7 Typical Symptoms: Digestive Issues; Heart Issues; Left Shoulder; Joint Pain especially with swelling; Lower Body Edema; Overthinking a/or Worrying

5-Phase Diagnosis Liver Pattern

Major Reflex Area:

Light Left side CV-8 to ASIS Pressure ST-24 to 27 on Left

Secondary Pathway Points: Left LV-9 to SP-10 area Treatment Points: LV-8; KD-10

Typical Symptoms: Blood Stasis Issues; Menstrual Irregularities; Musculature tight, swollen, other imbalances; Acute low back pain; Right Shoulder; Vision/Eye Problems; Headaches; Anger/Insomnia

5-Phase Diagnosis Kidney Pattern

Major Reflex Area:

Light and pressure below naval CV-7 to 3 inside ST-25

Secondary Pathway Points: KD-2; KD-3; CV-7; KD-16; and puffiness around KD-2, KD-3, CV-8.5, CV-7.5 Treatment Points: KD-7; LU-5; or LU-8

Typical Symptoms: Developmental Issues; Bone Issues; Knee a/or Ankle Pain; Head Hair Issues; Hearing Problems; Excessive Fear

Extraordinary Vessel Diagnosis of Dr. Manaka Yin Wei-Chong Mai

Major Reflex Area:

subcostal tension (usually on the right) PC-1; SP-21; GB-26

Major / Primary Reflex Points:

Secondary Pathway Points: CV-22; LV-14; ST-11; KD-16; ST-30; SP-13; SP-15; SP-16; GB-24 Treatment Points: Typical Symptoms: PC-6; SP-4 neurosis, spontaneous bruising, problems of the chest, heart problems / palpitations, insomnia, GYN symptoms

Extraordinary Vessel Diagnosis of Dr. Manaka Yin Qiao-Ren Mai

Major Reflex Area:

tension along the Ren Mai, especially above the naval LU-1 to 2 area; KD-16;

Major / Primary Reflex Points:

Secondary Pathway Points: ST-12; ST-9; KD-11; KD-8 anlso the treatment points of LU-7 and KD-6; and LU-3 to 4; ASIS Treatment Points: Typical Symptoms: LU-7; KD-6 Urinary problems. GYN symptoms, weak immune response (catch colds easily), KD and BL meridians, tends to cold feet, respiratory, dental issues, ear/nose/throat problems, hemorrhoids

Extraordinary Vessel Diagnosis of Dr. Manaka Yang Wei-Dai Mai

Major Reflex Area:

Tension along the Dai Mai from the naval to the lateral edge of the abdomen around to BL-23 area and pressure/pain at the ASIS Modern Mu Points for th Triple Warmer and Gall Bladder Meridians: ST25; GB-24 and/or GB-29

Major / Primary Reflex Points:

Secondary Pathway Points: KD-16; SP-15; LV-13; GB-27; GB-28; GB-21 Treatment Points: Typical Symptoms: TW-5; GB-41 GYN issues, ear/nose/throat/eyes, whiplash, neck/shoulder problems, back problems, thigh problems, hip pain, cold lower back/lower ab, sweating, trigeminal neuralgia

Extraordinary Vessel Diagnosis of Dr. Manaka Yang Qiao-Du Mai

Major Reflex Area:

Tension and pressure/pain athe ASIS (one side or both) Modern Mu Points for the Bladder and Small Intestine meridians: KD-11; ST-26

Major / Primary Reflex Points:

Secondary Pathway Points: SP-9 to 10 area; on the sides of the cervical spine; PSIS; along SI and BL channel, palpate treatment points themselves Treatment Points: Typical Symptoms: BL-62; SI-3 trigeminal neuralgia, insomnia, whiplash, shoulder pain, neurosis, speech disorders, epilepsy, TaiYang type symptoms

Extraordinary Vessel Diagnosis of Dr. Manaka Cross Pattern

Major Reflex Area:

Tension and pressure/pain athe ASIS on the Left side; subcostal tension on the Right side; lower Left abdomen (ST-25 to 27; KD-16, SP-15)

Secondary Pathway Points: Simialr to those for Yin Wei Chong Mai and Yang Wei Dai Mai Treatment Points: Typical Symptoms: PC-6 to SP-9 on the Right side; TW-5 to GB-45 on the Left side Blood stasis (easily bruise, GYN problems), LV/GB channel/organ disorders, digestive complaints (ulcer, constipation, etc.), LV related back pain

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