Theme Song of Your Seventh Grade Year

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Name __________________ Theme Song Day 1 The goal of this activity is to select a song that is representative of your 7th

grade school year. First, take the next minute to brainstorm as many events that have happened this year. Events from 7th grade

After you develop your list, think about some songs that would help explain the year through music. Remember you don't want to just pick a popular song or even a song that was released this year, instead thinking about the theme of the year and how a song best represents the theme. Jot down a couple of songs that instantly come to mind this will give you a place to start! __________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Example: If my theme for the year was friendship I might pick Everything I do I do it for You by Bryan Adams Homework look back at your list think of what the year has meant to you and select 3-5 events. Remember these events need to represent YOU and what YOUR 7th grade year. On the lines below write the event and perhaps a sentence or two explaining the importance. For instance it wouldn't make much sense to say Halloween. I should explain something more to go with it. Halloween with my 3 best friends. I tripped and sprained my ankle. My friends carried me home. Have your 3-5 events ready for tomorrow. This will allow you to go on to the next step selecting a song! Events 1. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________________

Day 2 Use this class periods to: Get your events checked ________ (teacher initial) start searching lyrics get your song approved (must be school appropriate in all ways!) __________ (teacher initial) print out the lyrics of your song Where to search for lyrics: AtoZlyrics metrolyrics directlyrics

Any more suggestions for a good place to search? Please share with the class so we can add some more sites to our list. HW Must bring your printed lyrics to class tomorrow you will not receive hw completion grade if you still need to print the lyrics in class!

Name __________ Class Period _____ Rough Draft Day 3 Rough Draft Write your rough draft incorporating your events and lyrics. Requirements: Minimum of 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph explains the event and connecting your event with at least one particular line from your song and explaining the significance. You may have more than 3 paragraphs if you choose to discuss more than 3 events. The very last line of your write up will be a summary of your seventh grade year. The last line should read: My Seventh Grade year was ______________./! HW complete rough draft for class tomorrow Day 4 & 5 Teachers will conference/check your rough draft __________ (teacher initial) You can begin working on your final product before being checked because there are other things to work on. Using construction paper fold in half to look like a folder. Cover: On the outside of the folder will be your album cover. You need the following on the album cover: My Seventh Grade year was ______________./! the title of your song: your name picture/symbol All in color and hand-drawn/creative (not computer generated) Inside left: Printed copy of song lyrics including: title of song artist/band name this will be the only computer generated item Inside right: Handwritten final draft explanation of your 7th grade year Back cover: Full - heading

Name __________________ Class Period ____________ Theme Song Rubric 40 points total Front Cover My 7th Grade Year was________ Symbol/picture that is representative of your year/theme song the title of your song: your name Cover is neat, colorful, creative with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation - All in color and hand-drawn (not computer generated) ________/10 points

Written Explanation 3-5 events Each event must include the following: Explanation of event and the significance Connection of event to a line(s) from song and explain the importance correct spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout write-up

________/30 points

Total _________/40 points

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