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Approved by the 2nd WFTU International Conference of Working Youth, Havana 29-30 April 2012
Under the current conditions of capitalist crisis there is a generalized attack to working rights and the historical achievements of the working class, especially for the youngest generations of workers. The capitalists want the new generation to be flexible, cheap and subjugated and they take advantage of the unemployment, the low degree of organization and lack of experience. For this reason young workers must give an organized answer and to struggle through trade unions so as not to be exploited and not to pay for the capitalist crisis. The WFTU Youth Secretariat will struggle for the rights of young workers around the World and we present here an ambitious and rich action plan for the next period. All together, members and friends we will turn it into action, we will work to materialize it. For this it is necessary that the affiliated trade union organizations give financial support to youth initiatives and to appoint at least one young trade unionist to be responsible to promote and participate in the WFTU Youth Secretariat. ACTION PLAN Main Initiatives of the WFTU Youth Secretariat 1. Regional Meetings. After the 2nd International Conference of Working Youth we will work to strengthen our presence at regional and subregional level. For this reason we propose to organize regional and sub-regional meetings of working youth and also at sectoral level. We have very successful examples of such meetings like the two meetings organized in Central America the last two years. Every region will decide when are they going to hold their regional meeting. In Buenos Aires, Argentina it is already programmed to hold a WFTU Meeting of Working Youth for the South Cone in Latin America on June 29-31, 2012.

2 In Nicaragua the 3rd Meeting of Working Youth of Central America will take place this year. Besides, on May 14th will be the action day of WFTU working youth in Central America. 2. WFTU International Action Day on October 3rd 2012: The WFTU International Day of Action will promote the needs and the demands of workers for everyone to have food, housing, clean water, free and public health care system and education system, free medicines. The WFTU Secretariat will promote the participation in this important initiative. 3. Internationalist Solidarity: The Youth Secretariat will express its solidarity with the struggles of young workers in every country through solidarity messages and actions of protest such as demonstrations in front of embassies, memorandum, etc. 4. Trade Union Education and Training: We will promote the implementation of trade union seminars addressed to young workers in the trade union institutes of the WFTU affiliated organizations. 5. International organizations: We will strengthen our presence at the ILO, UNESCO, FAO and UN in New York taking part in the meetings and initiatives dedicated to Youth, with emphasis on the ILO program for Youth Employment (YEP). 6. We will have a close cooperation with the WFTU Central Offices, the Regional Offices and the TUIs. 7. The Youth Secretariat will hold meetings and it will organize International Actions for the release of Cuban 5, for the recognition of the Palestinian State, for the strengthening of the anti-imperialist struggle. 8. Lessons on the History of the International Trade Union Movement to be implemented. 9. Struggles against unemployment, for full social security, labor and salary rights, against the labor relations promoted by the capital such as labor flexibility.

10. We accept with enthusiasm the proposal of the comrades delegates from South Africa to hold the 3rd International Conference of WFTU Working Youth in their country. Dear comrades, We are optimist that through the above mentioned rich activity we will strengthen the role and presence of the WFTU Youth Secretariat, and above all we will contribute to reinforce the struggles of working youth around the World.

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