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Words for Emotional Scale

Joy / Knowledge / Empowerment / Freedom / Love / Appreciation / Passion This is bliss I just know that I can Its heaven when I love me I love you So this is how my IB sees Whatever, whatever, whatever - yeah! All is well I am so glad that The better it gets, the better it gets I love it here I feel such appreciation for I love knowing that It feels so good to be alive in this physical body Theres plenty Theres an abundance Its so easy I feel powerful. I feel all expansive. _____________________________________________________________ Enthusiasm, zest, keenness, interest Im really enjoying I am happy that I have a lot of energy for I am immersing myself in Im so excited about I really appreciate Its great that This feels so good Call me Pollyanna! Wow, I want to nd out more. He adores doing that. It's wonderful to see... Eagerness, excitement, zeal I feel such a buzz. I am really ready. It's time now. He wants to go ahead with this. I can feel it is going to be exactly wonderful as I expect. Happiness, delight, pleasure This pleases me greatly to think like this. Ohh, these thoughts feel wonderful. Wonderful sensations are running through my body. I am satised. He is gratied. Wow, I feel full of life. This is amazing. _________________________________________________________________ Positive Expectation, good prospects Im looking forward to Its all good I can see that Itll be interesting to see Yes, thats it I feel really good about I can let that happen while I Pretty soon Better Good Better Good Belief, faith, trust I am convinced that.. I am starting to believe that. I have faith in that. I see that this and that good thing is happening, I believe that. I can nally see that..... __________________________________________________________ Optimism, cheerfulness, buoyancy, condence I am really happy about I feel upbeat about What if This is a good sign... I have seen people who I think it might actually I love the thought that Im really enjoying the prospect of Things are looking better It really uplifts me to think.... I am sure

about....... He has lots to feel good about. Things do work out in the end, I know that. Every cloud has a silver lining. _____________________________________________________________ Hopefulness, quite positive about(!), looking forward, anticipating, daring to believe You know it might I think I could I always felt like I was meant to Im enjoying the thought of Maybe I love the idea that I feel better about Its good that He is full of hope about.... _______________________________________________________________ Contentment, pleasure, satisfaction, ease Ahhh At least I do like I do have I can I know Sometimes Generally speaking I am where I am I am what I am I like that Its nice to know Things are starting to ow well now. Mmm, I feel comfortable about this now. I am content with how things are at the moment. It's OK as it is. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Boredom, tedium, dullness, monotony, world-weariness Ive had enough of this I cant be bothered to Whats the point of Its too much like hard work Not this again Its always the same Im not interested in Same old, same old On and on Ive seen this all before I really am fed up with all this now, I give up. _______________________________________________________________ Pessimism, gloom, distrust, cynicism, sarcasm, scepticism, negativity Its so unlikely that How can I possibly expect Yeah right oh yeah, sure he will xxxxx. Ill always be It wont work that way for me I havent done it right Im wrong about Its so ingrained, Ill never I cant do I cant see how Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely I'm highly sceptical that..... Call me cynical but..... __________________________________________________________________ Frustration, aggravation, annoyance, hindrance, obstruction I admit I am frustrating the process. I see so many blocks in my way. I want to hold back. I am standing in my own way. It is so frustrating that... Its so annoying that I feel so aggravated, stirred up about this.

Impatience, intolerance, haste, Its about time I cant wait for Why is it taking so long? Hurry up. Why hasnt it happened yet Why again Its too slow Why am I left behind Why am I the only one still When will When When When Irritation, exasperation, bother, pest, niggle Something is really bothersome about this. I feel like something is really getting at me. On my last nerve I wish that Its not their business ohhh, it so irritates me that... _____________________________________________________________________ Overwhelmed, snowed under, weighed down, inundated It feels like too much How can I possibly No time I dont know what to do anymore I just cant seem to I cant manage Too much to do I cant handle Too much to cope with Enough to deal with as it is Ive had enough __________________________________________________________ Disappointment, dissatisfaction, disillusionment, regret, discontentment, disenchantment, anti-climax, let down Im disappointed in the way that turned out Im disappointed in him for Im disappointed in myself for I regret that She let me down by Its such a let down I was hoping, but I cant imagine Im sad that Why Why Why Doubt, reservations, misgivings, suspicions, hesitation, uncertainty, mistrust, disbelief, query I cant see how No one else has Its hard to believe that It seems unlikely that Why would Am I able Does it really Am I right Can that be true It might be wrong Instead Or Or Or Worry, concern, anxiety, bother, lose sleep, apprehension, care, agonise over, disquiet, unease, nervousness, discomfort What if this just carries on What if she doesnt What if I get hurt What if it happens this way instead of that way Im concerned about It makes me feel uncomfortable Im nervous that they might The whole thing bothers me I really care that What if What if _____________________________________________________________________ Blame, fault, responsibility, criticise, think badly of She should never have Its my fault, I Its about time they Its his fault, he always Of course, if the government would only I dont have a choice, he keeps If only I had

I should have Its because my parents Its down to me, I If I were better Id Its my own fault I Why couldnt they have? Why dont they support me You should have I hold you responsible. You have so many faults, this is wrong, that is wrong. It is the system that is to blame, it has so many faults!! You should be different. How could you do that?, it is really bad of you! I can nd many errors, cracks, weaknesses (etc) in you. That problem belongs to them, they should do something about making it better! I am the one that knows best, I will judge what is right or wrong...I am the critic who decides whether YOU are right or wrong.

__________________________________________________________________ Discouragement, caution, restraint, hindrance, impediment, dismay, disappointment What if it never What will I do if I thought, by now, that Why hasnt When will Hell never Ill never Ive tried and tried, but Im so tired of I wish it was easier Im not sure that I cant possibly That really gets in my way. I feel held back by.... I don't reckon it will ever... I need to hold back here. I have to be very careful. _______________________________________________________ Anger, annoyance, irritation, antagonism, ill feeling, ill will, hostility I just want to smack him Im so angry, I could Why doesnt he just Why should she Im so mad at you for How could they Its out of order that I cant stand I really wish bad things for her. Arggh...I really really don't like him, he really pisses me off. I am so irritated that xxxxx _______________________________________________________ Revenge, vengeance, retaliation, punishment Just you wait Shell be sorry I want them to suffer like I have He should pay for what he did Youll see I want to punish you now for what you did. He always punishes me. I am going to get you back at last. I am going to tell you off now. You really hurt me...I want to do xxx to you for doing that to me. _____________________________________________________ Hatred, loathing, revulsion, disgust I hate that Im (always) What did I do? I dont deserve How dare they Why should they , when I I cant stand Id like to wipe that grin off his face Id like to see them Its disgusting that I am furious with.It makes me feel sick. I want to get away from this.

Rage, fury, temper, wrath I am boiling up inside. I am incandescent. I want to explode at him. She makes me want to scream and shout. He had such a temper on him. I am absolutely furious that this has happened.... I want to hit out at everyone and everything. ______________________________________________ Jealousy, envy, greed They have it all Shes doing the right thing, Im doing the wrong thing.. . Hes so perfect Theyre not dealing with what I am Its all right for herI'm the only one who hasnt/cant Why am I always Why havent IIt is not fair they have got that thing that I want. Resentment, suspicion, distrust I really resent him for... I object to. He begrudged her. I have hard feelings about.. She takes umbrage. The whole thing offends me. I don't have proof but I think something is wrong. I absolutely don't trust that..... Bitterness, spite He is so acidic. Wow, she is so unkind and hurtful. I am so sharp and unpleasant. There is such a sting in her tail. I am so harsh. He is so distasteful. It is such a harsh situation, difcult to bear. ____________________________________________ Insecurity, lacking condence, timidity, uncertainty Everything seems so impossible, everything is bad for me. I feel on such shaky ground all the time, things are bound to keep going wrong, they always do, I'll end up in such trouble. I am so unsure of life, myself, everything. I'm not up to it. Maybe I just dont deserve What about me? How am I ever going to...? I not (xxx) enough... What if I am never good enough? Guilt, blame, fault, shame, self-reproach I feel so ashamed of myself. It is such a shame how badly things go for me. If only I/she had somehow done better or managed things better. It's all my/his fault. I blame myself. I blame them. He should be guilty for all he has done. I feel so guilty for being so bad. Maybe they are right about me. What if they ARE right about me? Am I that bad? What have I done to deserve this? I should never have.... Unworthiness, shamefulness, disgrace, dishonour, lesser, humiliated I am no good. I am unimportant. Others are much better than me. They do much better at things than I do. I am useless. He is no good at all. He should be ashamed of himself. She

is a disgrace. I feel dishonoured and treated disgracefully. I feel so humiliated by the way they treat me. There is nothing good about me. Obviously there is something about me that.... ___________________________________________ Fear, terror, dread, panic I am so frightened by the idea. I am terrorised by thinking about. I so dread having to... The idea of having to do X lls me with panic and terror. OMG, what will happen? Grief, anguish, pain, misery, regret, sorrow, anguish, woe, heartache, heartbreak I feel such loss. I wish it hadn't happened that way. I miss him/her so much. I feel such a deep hole of loss. I am all alone. No one there for me. Depression, hopelessness, melancholy, dejection Nothing I can do and I feel so down about it. I feel totally crestfallen. Why bother? I might as well totally give up. I can't go on. Despair, gloom, despondency, desolation It all seems so bleak, nothing good at all, all black. I feel ripped apart inside. It is all bad. Nothing positive to say about it. What if it never changes? Why me? I'm all alone. Why does this always happen to me? Oh NO! no no no. It will all end up terribly. I am desperate, can't see a way out. Powerlessness, inability, weakness, hopelessness My body feels weak and lifeless. I feel so bad about myself, I am so weak. Nothing will ever change, why bother? It's like this forever, I feel totally unable to move or do anything about. Everything is wrong about this situation. Nothing I can do. It is all against me. Everyone is against me. I have no where to turn. Why me No to this No to that No to it all

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