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Welcome In His book, The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonheoffer wrote, "Christianity without [being a disciple] is always Christianity without Christ." While that seems like a polarizing statement, it is a very true statement. Tonight we will talk about what it really means to follow Christ. Opening Prayer Pray that we would experience the full potential of our calling to Jesus Christ.

May 13-May 19, 2012

Family Time What is your most important priority in this world? How is that reflected in your daily living? Kids Time MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS AHEAD OF TIME TO UNDERSTAND THE ACTIVITY. The purpose of this is to bring the understanding that when one puts on a uniform one represents ideals which must be upheld or risks making all of those in that uniform look bad. Show your kids the picture of the policeman from the next page. ASK, who is this person? What does he do? How does he act (is he nice or mean, helpful or difficult, etc)? Why do you think this man is that way? Most likely your kids will view this person based on the uniform and the fact this uniform represents a concept beyond the persons individual personality. ASK, what would you think if this man wasnt nice? What if he broke the laws? What if he didnt help people? You may try this again with the Dr. picture or with the chef picture included in this pack! When we become Christians, we put on a uniform of sorts. It doesnt have a fancy hat or a special jacket, but we are supposed to look different because we follow Jesus. The way we love God and the way we love others should look like the way Jesus loved. By this people will know we are Christians. What are some ways that you can show you love God? How can you show His love to others? Adult Time Ask your group to respond to the Bonheoffer quote in the Welcome section. It may seem to some that Bonheoffer was promoting a works-based salvation (i.e. you must work at being a disciple to be saved). The statement actually refers to the very definition of being a Christian. A Christian is a person who has identified themself as saved by grace through Jesus Christ, and it is out of an overflow of a redeemed life (thanks to our Lord's grace) that they honor God with our obedience as He transforms their life. The point is that being a disciple is not some deluxe version of Christianity, but rather Christians are those who are being changed into Christs likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18). Bonheoffer also states, "Nothing on earth, however sacred, must be allowed to come between Jesus and the man he has called-not even the law itself. What do you think about this quote? How does this apply to your own life or your families? Why do we separate our beliefs from our actions? How can you help each other grow in Christ-likeness? Prayer Time You may use this as a sample prayer, God give us the strength to respond to the call of Jesusto deny ourselves, to take up our crosses, and to follow. Surround us with Your love, fill us with Your grace, and strengthen us for obedience. Make us Your disciples. Amen

Adult Time Next Sunday, May 20th, we will have a special time in our worship services to commission our summer mission teams. Please join us in prayer today, this week, and this coming Sunday as our people prepare to god beyond!

Pantego Bible Church

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