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tek6 iryA
All Glory to the Divine Master
and the Supreme Lord r( K!@a Chaitanya
Ifeh U fehente3
The Holy Name
The ten offences to be avoided
IXvyp-sety h8] fb\ln
aevekdb obned ijd 1/ akeQtSyI-
Ih]o#kt mjeobk mdbkjeehl hxetei
chryyadev O^ Vi!@upd Jagad-Guru A!$ottara-ata-r(-
r(mad Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswm( Mahrj
His Divine Grace r(la Bhakti
Rak!ak r(dhar Dev-Goswm(
Mahrj, Founder-chryya of
r( Chaitanya Sraswat Ma$h,
and His most intimate and
beloved Servitor and Personally
Appointed Successor-President-
chryya His Divine Grace r(la
Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-
Goswm( Mahrj.
A Transcendental Relationship
shown to the world since 1947.
B< -
+.><p x <lk ~.\< r*< r .<# k 1
The Exalted Mantra of the Five-fold Aspects of r( Chaitanyadev
r( K!@a Chaitanya, Prabhu Nitynanda
r( Advaita-Gaddhara, r( Vsdi Gaura-bhaktavnda
<<- -<-
<.< + <.< + + + <.< <.< !
<.< <- <.< <- <- <- <.< <.< 1
The Supreme Mantra of the Holy Name of the Supreme Lord
Hare K!@a Hare K!@a K!@a K!@a Hare Hare
Hare Rma Hare Rma Rma Rma Hare Hare
- >i- +.<p</< !
.[ <l-.#cmTm--. 1
_ ^<.
The Divine Names Own Form
nma-chintma@i% k!@a-chaitanya-rasa-vigraha%
p)r@a% uddho nitya-mukto bhinnatvn-nma-nmino%
As the Lord and His Name
are one and the same,
the Name is K!@a Himself;
eternally pure, beyond the mundane,
Life, Joy and Love, full and complete,
sweet Holy Name,
wish-fullling Gem Divine.
<.<- <.<- <.<.- .+- !
+. .l .l .l <<p 1
_ <m<rl <.
The Glories of the Holy Name
harer nma harer nma harer nmaiva kevalam
kalau nsty eva nsty eva nsty eva gatir anyath
The Holy Name, the Holy Name, the Holy Name alonein this
age of Kali there is no other shelter, no other shelter, no other
<.< .+^ .k .r =o !
<l<i . <l < < *.< + 1
_ <m<rl<.
hare keava govinda vsudeva jaganmaya
it(rayanti ye nitya^ na hi tn bdhate kali%
The inuence of Kali no longer affects one who constantly chants
the Holy Names of the Lord, such as Hare, Keava, Govinda,
+..r.* <=m ..+ -< 1 !
+lQ.r + - #l < .=` 1
_ >-//>
kaler do!a-nidhe rjannasti hy eko mahn gu@a%
k(rttand eva k!@asya mukta-bandha% para^ vrajet
O King, this age of Kali is a reservoir of inauspiciousness, yet it
has but one glorious quality: in this age, simply by chanting the
Holy Name of r( K!@a, the soul is freed from the bondage of My
and attains to the shelter of the Lord Himself.
[r(mad-Bhgavatam 12.3.51]
<<- :< +<. x<+ <
m-.* - ~< < .^ - !
- #+ Q- < x.v< li < +. = 1
_ >-//88
Even the sins of previous births are destroyed by taking the Holy
Name of the Lord
yan-nma-dheya^ mriyam@a tura%
patan skhalan v vivao g@an pumn
vimukta-karmmrgala uttam^ gati^
prpnoti yak!yanti na ta^ kalau jan%
Even a person who is stumbling and falling, aficted on the
brink of death and helplessly passing away from the worldif he
somehow takes the Holy Name of the Lord he is liberated from the
bondage of karmma and attains to the Supreme Destination. Alas
The fools of Kali-yuga have no desire to worship that Supreme Lord.
[r(mad-Bhgavatam 12.3.44]
-<<+.#c +lQm^ <<- !
[i+<. T =.< # 1
_ N<.
mahptaka-yukto pi k(rttayann ania^ harim
uddhnta%kara@o bh)tv jyate pa&kti-pvana%
If the greatest sinner constantly chants the Holy Name, his heart
becomes puried and he attains to the status of the twice-born.
=<` << </< <- !
~*lU-.-<[ .-r+lQ- 1
_ k<.
etat !a#-varga-hara@a^ ripu-nigraha@a^ param
adhytma-m)lam etadd hi vi!@or nmnuk(rttanam
Constantly chanting this Holy Name of Vi!@u is the root cause
for destroying the forces of birth, death and the transformations
of the body, and conquering the six terrible enemies, that is, lust,
anger, greed, illusion, insanity and envy. It is the root of transcen-
dental self-knowledge.
<<- =l.+ .+ M.+ xu +<
V +. .c +i <+- !
-4lQ +T i . < r- 1
_ kl<.
The Holy Name gives all the opportunity the reach Vaiku@$ha
sarvvatra sarvva-kle!u ye pi kurvvanti ptakam
nma-sa&k(rttana^ ktv ynti vi!@o% para^ padam
By the power of Nma-sa&k(rttana even a compulsive and
habitual sinner can be puried and attain to the Supreme Abode of
Lord Vi!@u.
+.< . -+lQ * ^ *l
=<m_--;<-+.<- !
. < <.<-r+lQ- 1
_ -/>/>
Chanting the Holy Name is both the means and end for all
etan nirvidyamnnm ichchhatm akutobhayam
yogin^ npa nir@(ta^ harer nmnuk(rttanam
O King, the continuous hearing, chanting and remembering of
the Supreme Lords Divine Name and Qualities has been
ascertained by the previous chryyas to be the Supreme means
{sdhana} and end {sdhya} for allwhether those desiring enjoy-
ment, heaven, liberation, etc., the self-satised yog(s, or the exclu-
sive devotees who are naturally indifferent to the world.
[r(mad-Bhgavatam 2.1.1]
.<< .^.#
-4lQ x^- !
x.- a^- -- << <- 1
_ >-/>/-
The last word of the Great r(mad-Bhgavatam
nma-sa&k(rttana^ yasya sarvva-ppa-pra@anam
pra@mo du%kha-amanas ta^ nammi hari^ param
I bow unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead r( Hari, by the
congregational chanting of whose Name all sins are destroyed, and
by offering obeisances unto whom all sorrow is dispelled.
[r(mad-Bhgavatam 12.13.23]
r.- < -6l.-<.r *>- !
=l< +.B<rZ.-r<+lQ- 1
_ ^<.
idam eva hi m&galyam etad eva dhanrjjanam
j(vitasya phala^ chaitad yad dmodara-k(rttanam
This chanting of the Divine Name of Dmodara is the only
auspiciousness, the only wealth and the only fulllment of life.
<^.^ <-^< . -.+ .< <.
~ =.i - >\# -<. . -< =-.< 1
<` ` r .r - li ~m- #- !
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The Vedic Scriptures declare that the Holy Name holds the highest
position of Transcendental Wisdom
o^ sya jnanto nma chid viviktan
mahas te vi!@o sumati^ bhajmahe
o^ tat sat o^ pada^ devasya namas vyanta%
ravasyavarava pannam k tam
nmni chiddadhire yajiyni
bhadryante ra@ayanta% sa^d!$au
o^ tam u stotra% p)rvva^ yathvida
tasya garbha^ janu! piparttana
sya jnanto nma chid viviktan
mahas te vi!@o sumati^ bhajmahe
O Vi!@u, since all the Vedas are born from it, this Holy Name of
Yours is Your living Divine Form, the illuminator of all that be; Your
Name is the Supreme Ecstasy and the Divinitys Own Form,
approachable by all, and the Embodiment of Transcendental
Wisdomthus contemplating this Holy Name, non-different from
You, we chant it again and again, worship and adore it.
O Vi!@u, with our undivided concentration upon You, we wish
to behold Your Transcendental Self, so we bow down again and
again to Your dancing Lotus Feet, of inconceivable Potency, that
purify Your devotees; we hear Your glorious renown sung in all four
directions, and constantly singing Your Glories amongst us we have
taken shelter of Your Transcendental, all-auspicious and worship-
pable Holy Names.
[i] Oh You know that all-renowned Original Supreme Per-
sonality of Godhead to be r( K!@a, so sing His Glories accordingly.
He is clearly the Objective of the Vedas, the concentrated Form of
Eternity, Consciousness and Bliss. By chanting His unending
Glories your life will be successful.
[ii] Fully describe the Transcendental Qualities of the Lord who
appears in many Incarnations.
[iii] To our best capacity, we constantly sing Your unending
Glories, making our lives successful. We have clearly concluded
that Your Holy Name is Super-eminent, above everythingYour
all-conscious Divine Form, the illuminator of all that be, the
Supreme Ecstasy, approachable by all; thus, we, in Your Trans-
cendental Service, continually chant Your Holy Name.
[Hari-Bhakti-Vils 11.274-276, Vedic Scriptural quote]
<<- << < ^ - #+.<
<.-<S-al<l<=<r4=i !
~ - #+.^- << <<- - 1
_ +.-l+< -.+ >- .+
The Holy Name is the Essence of the Vedas and the worshippable
objective of the liberated souls
ayi mukta-kulair upsyamna paritas tv^ hari-nma sa^raymi
The Crown of all the Vedasthe garland of jewels that is the
Upani!adseternally worship, by their brilliance {as an rati cere-
mony}, the tips of the toes of Thy Lotus Feet. O Holy Name, Thou art
ever worshipped by the great liberated souls {Nrada, uka and
others, who are completely free from all mundane desires}. So in
every time, place and circumstance, O Name Divine, I surrender
unto Thee.
[r( Nm!$akam, loka 1, r(la R)pa Goswm(]
<<- ..r< ~*+
- ^.> - = < - - +B !
..k< <.<- . <l^ 1
_ k<.
The Holy Name surpasses even the Vedas
m cho m yajus tta sma pa$ha kichana
govindeti harer nma geya^ gyasva nityaa%
O my beloved, you have no need to chant the prayers of such
Scriptures as the k, Yaju%, and Sma Vedas. You need only chant
the Holy Names of the Lord like Govinda, so please sing those
Names always.
<<- <l.< ~*+
<l.+v< <l.+v^< > !
< l.v< .- +lQ` 1
_ -<.
The Holy Name is superior even to all the Holy Places
t(rtha-ko$i-sahasr@i t(rtha-ko$(-atni cha
tni sarvv@y avpnoti vi!@or nmni k(rttant
Chanting the Holy Name of Lord Vi!@u awards one the fruit of
serving billions of Holy Places of pilgrimage.
x< ` ~.r^
x .+<< = -<- ! < = . +< l 1
< .<.< [ <. < ! . * < ~< 1
_ .> -*l -/
To chant the Holy Name is the direct instruction of the Lord
prabhu bolekahil& ei mahmantra
ih japa giy sabe kariy nirbbandha
ih haite sarvva-siddhi haibe sabra
sarvva-k!a@a bolo, ithe vidhi nhi ra
The Lord said, I have told you this Mahmantra, so everyone
now chant it in proper measure. By doing this, you will attain suc-
cess in all respects. There is no other rule but to chant it at every
[r( Chaitanya-Bhgavata Madhya 23.77-78]
+ ^. + .=. + =<. ! ~<^ >i + < r. 1
_ .> -*l -/-
ki ayane ki bhojane, ki v jgara@e
aharnia chinta k!@a, boloho vadane
Whether resting, eating, or wakingday and night think of
K!@a and call His Name aloud.
[ri Chaitanya-Bhgavata Madhya 28.28]
~<*^p <. < +- ! + -< + < + *x 1
_ #.r +<
apardha-)nya haye laha k!@a-nma
k!@a mt, k!@a pit, k!@a dhana-pr@a
Offencelessly go on taking the Holy Name of K!@a; K!@a is
mother, K!@a is father, K!@a is our treasure, our life and soul.
[r(la Bhaktivinoda hkur]
++. -+. + ~<< ! - .<.< < =` < 1
_ .> > ~r >/--
kali-kle nma-r)pe k!@a avatra
nma haite haya sarvva jagat nistra
In this age of Kali, K!@a has incarnated in the Form of His Holy
Name; through the chanting of the Holy Name, the whole world is
[r( Chaitanya-Charitmta di 17.22]
- ++. < ~< * ! -< -= ^ - 1
_ .> > ~r /8
nma bin kali-kle nhi ra dharmma
sarvva-mantra-sra nma,ei stra marmma
In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy there is no other religion
but the chanting of the Holy Name; this is the essence of all
Mantras, this is the purport of all the Scriptures.
[r( Chaitanya-Charitmta di 7.74]
+- = =l ~< -. ! .< - ~. . 1
_ +.< ~.Q<^<-
k!@a-nma bhaja j(va ra saba michhe
palite patha ni yama che pichhe
O soul, serve the Divine Name of Lord K!@a All else is decep-
tion, and nothing else can save us from impending death.
[r( r( K!@era a!$ottara-ata-nama]
[- -<* ^ -.< +.r
.-+ > << .V- <
[ [ l<<<<< <<.<l <l- !
u m+=+ ^l3.-V x 1
_ ^<.
The different results of the pure Name, offence to the Name, and the
twilight Name
nmaika^ yasya vchi smara@a-patha-gata^
rotra-m)la^ gata^ v
uddha^ vuddha-var@a^ vyavahita-rahita^
trayaty eva satyam
tach ched deha-dravi@a-janat-lobha-
nik!ipta synn aphala-janaka^
(ghram evtra vipra
O brhma@a, if only one Holy Name of the Lord appears on ones
tongue, in the mind, or in the range of hearing, He [the Name]
certainly delivers that person. Perfect or imperfect pronunciation or
discrepancies in following the injunctions of the Scriptures do not
effect the Potency of the Name. However, although the Name is full
of all Divine Potencies, if we cast it upon the rocks of our mundane
affairs such as body, house, wealth, society, greed, etc., He will not
deliver His gracious reward immediately. [There are two kinds of
obstaclesone lesser, one greater. In the case of the lesser, one
may be not advancing on account of chanting Nmbhsa or the
twilight Name; whence the attainment of the fruit of chanting the
Name may be delayed. But in the case of the greater, one chants
Nmpardha, offence to the Name, which can only be mitigated by
continuously chanting the Name.]
-<* # -.p <<il^- !
~ix# <.p+< > 1
_ ^<.
nmpardha-yuktn^ nmny eva haranty agham
avirnta-prayuktni tny evrtha-kar@i cha
The Name itself dispells the offence of its offendersif they chant
it without cessation they can attain the proper result of chanting,
which is K!@a-Prema, by the Grace of the Holy Name.
><x+< -
.4<l << . .<.- !
.+ M-/<-.^^<< a 1
_ /-/>8
Four kinds of hazy chanting or Nmbhsathe twilight dawning
of the Holy Name which occurs before offenceless chanting
s&ketya^ prihsya^ v stobha^ helanam eva v
vaiku@$ha-nma-graha@am ae!gha-hara^ vidu%
A person might chant the Name when {1} addressing another
whose name is a name of the Lord, {2} in jest, {3} singing or in con-
versation, or even {4} without proper care or faithyet, by somehow
taking the Name of the Unlimited Supreme Lord, endless sins are
destroyed; this fact is known to those learned in the Scriptures.
[r(mad-Bhgavatam 6.2.14]
<<r +.<.. .< r ! r ~< <.-< < 1
.><.x<<r< < ^ ! r .<. *+~r <+^ 1
. .-r<. ~r< ! r .+. + .r < .x.-r 1
_ .><p><<-< ~il />-
haridsa kahen,yaichhe s)ryyera udaya
udaya n rambha tamera haya k!aya
chaura-preta-rk!asdit bhaya haya na
udaya haile dharmma-karmma-di paraka
aichhe nmodayrambhe ppa-dira k!aya
udaya kaile k~!@a-pade haya premodaya
Harids said, At twilight, the dispelling of darkness begins before
the sun has risen. The fear of thieves, ghosts and evil forces is also
dispelled; and when the sun has fully risen the nature and move-
ment of things becomes revealed. Similarly, with the initial or twi-
light appearance of the Holy Name, our sins and obstacles are dis-
pelled; and when the sun of the Holy Name rises fully, Love for the
Divine Lotus Feet of the Lord awakens within the heart.
~.^ m +lQ.< <.+ !
- ->l.< _ <V.-.< 1
_ ^<.
avaenpi yan nmni k(rttite sarvva-ptakai%
pumn vimuchyate sadya% si^ha-trastair mgair iva
As deer ee in fear of the roar of the lion, all sins immediately flee
from one who chants the Holy Name, even by chance.
=< =< -k+ -<.<<-<=**l=rS- !
+- +rQ -#r x ` <---<.-+ =l .- 1
_ >/>/>
jayati jayati nmnanda-r)pa^ murrer
katham api sakd tta^ muktida^ pr@in^ yat
paramam amtam eka^ j(vana^ bh)!a@a^ me
Forever and ever, all Glory to the Embodiment of Ecstasy, the
Holy Name of Murri. Through chanting that Holy Name, we lose all
interest in our attempts at conditional religion {var@rama-
dharmma}, meditation and worship. Even if this Name is somehow
chanted only once {hazily or as Nmbhsa}, it grants liberation to
the living beings; it is the exclusive Supreme Nectar, it is my life, it
is my most precious jewel.
[Bhad-Bhgavatmtam 1.1.9]
<<.-< ~^ `+.< ~i1. ~*+
..+vr /<. x.6r++ !
@< .-^r .k+l.Q - ^<.^ 1
_ k-<.
The slightest glimmer of the twilight Name is innitely greater than
all pious activities
go-ko$i-dna^ graha@e khagasya
yajyuta^ meru-suvar@a-dna^
govinda-k(rtter na sama^ at^ai%
Making a gift of ten million cows on a solar eclipse, residing for a
millenium at holy places, like Prayg, where the sacred Ganges ows,
performing ten thousand sacrices and giving away a mountain of
goldhundreds of such pious activities can ever equal the slightest
attempt to sing the Holy Name of the Supreme Lord Govinda.
= -.*! - k.! =<D <-<+.<!
T-r<r -1rl<< ./<vl 1
_ +.-l+< -.+ - .+
jaya nmadheya munivnda-geya
jana-rajanya paramk!arkte
tvam andard api mang ud(rita^
nikhilogra-tpa-pa$al(^ vilumpasi
All Glory to You, O Holy Name You are eternally sung by the
sages; You are the joy of the hearts of all, and You have graciously
appeared in this form of the Transcendental syllables to bring all
good to the souls suffering in this world. If even without proper
devotion a person just once calls out to You in his time of need, by
Your slightest appearance all the terrible sins accumulated in the
form of the mundane subtle body are destroyed in a split-second.
[r( Nm!$akam, loka 2, r(la R)pa Goswm(]
-*<-*<.-<o6 -6 +-l`+ >`+- !
+r <l< [ .< 1< <-V <<.` + - 1
_ k-<.
madhura-madhuram etan ma&gala^ ma&galn^
sakala-nigama-vall(-sat-phala^ chit-svar)pam
sakd api parig(ta^ raddhay helay v
bhguvara nara-mtra^ trayet k!@a-nma
Of all that is good,
this Name is its goodness.
Of all that is sweet,
this Name is its sweetness.
The Vedas are a vine
bearing nectarine fruit,
and that fruit divine
is this Holy Name.
O best of the Bhrgavas,
know it for sure,
from the heart who does sing
K~!@as Name but just once,
innocently, without offence,
no matter their mind,
whether faithful or casual,
the Lords Name will save all
from suffering eternal.
<<.- x< #`l x+^
^.-<` x [ .- rm< !
.X.k< _.&^ + - _<- 1
_ -<<.<
A revelation of the Lords affection for His devotee, through the
Grace of His Holy Name
@am etat pravddha^ me hdayn npasarpati
yad govindeti chukroa k!@ m^ d)ravsinam
Feeling My separation, Draupad( called out to Me, Oh Govinda,
and I have become more and more indebted to her for that; so much
so, that the memory of it never leaves My heart.
`.6 [
~*.6 +- < < !
-< << .v < - + 1
+ - < r -~<* !
= =. + #< * 1
r +<. +- *6 +< !
#-#[C _.< <<< 1
`r^ ~<*' <l= -~- !
~.#l D ~< < + - 1
+ #< ~r+ +<< l+< !
+#< x<+ +< <<< 1
[=l. + +<' + .< - !
+=l. r +<' + .< .<*- 1
=+i <. = .<= !
<. <' . + >< 1
.<= 6 +< .<6 !
`<.<+ ' - > > 1
~>.< . -.x-* !
< .< x< .r' = ~- 1
_ .x-.Q
Chanting the Holy Name is successful in the association of the true
asdhu-sa&ge bhi, k!@a-nma nhi haya
nmk!ara bhirya ba$e, tabu nma kabhu naya
kabhu nmbhsa haya, sad nma-apardha
esaba jnibe, bhi, k!@a-bhaktira bdha
yadi karibe k!@a-nma, sdhu-sa&ga kara
bhukti-mukti-siddhi-vchh d)re parihara
daa-apardha tyaja mna-apamn
ansaktye vi!aya bhuja ra laha k!@a-nm
k!@a-bhaktir anuk)l sab karaha sv(kr
k!@a-bhaktir pratik)l sab kara parihr
baddha-j(ve kp kari k!@a haila nm
kali-j(ve day kari k!@a haila gaura-dhm
eknta sarala-bhve bhaja gaura-jan
tabe ta pibe, bhi, r(-k!@a-chara@
gaura-jana sa&ga kara gaur&ga baliy
hare k!@a nm bolo nchiy nchiy
achire pibe bhi nma-prema-dhan
yh bilite prabhur nade gaman
But you cannot obtain the Name of K!@a without the company
of the saintly devotees; one may chant superciallythe syllables of
the Name may be present, but not the Name proper. Chanting
without devotional association may at best be a hazy aspect of the
Name {Nmbhsa}, but offence to the Name {Nmpardha} is
Dear brother, you must be aware that these things are obstacles
to Devotion for Lord K!@a. So if you want to take the Holy Name of
the Lord, take the association of the pure and saintly true devotee,
and cast out from your heart all desires for exploitation {karmma},
liberation {jna} and mystic powers {siddhis}.
Cast away the ten offences, forget your honour or dishonour,
take only what you need in this world to keep body and soul
together and go on chanting the Holy Name of K!@a. Accept all that
is favorable for Devotion to K!@a, abandon all that is unfavorable.
Being gracious to the conditioned souls, K!@a appears in the
Form of His Holy Name. Being merciful to the souls of Kali, He came
as the Abode of all Transcendental Qualities, r( Gaurasundar.
So with all your sincerity, serve the beloved ones of Gaura. Then,
my brother, you will reach the Lotus Feet of r( K!@a.
Associate with the devotees of Gaura, sing the Name of Gaura,
chant Hare K!@a and dance. Very soon, my friend, youll receive
the golden gift of Divine Love; and thats why Prabhu came here to
Nad(yto give that to you.
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The ten offences to be avoided, as taught by the Scriptural Word of
the Padma-Pur@a
{1} sat^ nind nmna% param apardha^ vitanute
yata% khyti^ yta^ katham u sahate tad vigarhm
{2} ivasya r(-vi!@or ya iha gu@a-nmdi-sakala^
dhiy bhinna^ payet sa khalu harinmhita-kara%
{3} guror avaj {4} ruti-stra-nindanam
{5} tathrthavdo {6} harinmni kalpanam
{7} nmno bald yasya hi ppa-buddhir
na vidyate tasya yamair hi uddhi%
{8} dharmma-vrata-tyga-hutdi-sarvva-
ubha-kriy-smm api pramda%
{9} araddadhne vimukhe py a@vati
ya chopadea% iva-nmpardha%
{10} rute pi nma-mhtmye ya% pr(ti-rahito nara%
aha^ mamdi paramo nmni so py apardha-kt
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Daa-vidha Nmpardha
hari-nma mahmantra sarvva-mantra-sra

dera karu@bale jagate prachra

sei nma-parya@a sdhu, mahjana

hdera nind n kariha kadchana [1]

vrajendranandana k!@a sarvvevarevara
mahevara di t

ra sevana-tatpara
nma chintma@i k!@a-chaitanya-svar)pa
bheda-jna n karibe l(l-gu@a-r)pa [2]
guru k!@a-r)pa han strera pram@e
guru-r)pe k!@a kp kare bhgyavne
se gurute marttya-buddhi avajdi tyaji
i!$a-lbha kara, nirantara nma bhaji [3]
ruti, ruti-mt-saha stvata-pur@a
r(-nma-chara@a-padma kare n(rjana
sei ruti-stra yeb karaye nindana
se apardh(ra sa&ga karibe varjjana [4]
nmera mahim sarvva-strete vkhne
atistuti, hena kabhu n bhviha mane
agastya, ananta, brahm, ivdi satata
ye nma-mahim-gth sa&k(rttana-rata
se nma-mahim-sindhu ke pibe pra?
atistuti bale yeisei durchra [5]
k~!@a-nmval( nitya golokera dhana
kalpita, prk`ta, bhveapardh( jana [6]
nme sarvva-ppa-k!aya sarvva-stre kaya
sr-dina ppa kari sei bharasya
emata durbbuddhi yra sei apardh(
my-pravachita, du%kha bhuje niravadhi [7]
atulya r(-k!@a-nma p)r@a-rasa-nidhi

ra sama n bhviha ubha-karmma di [8]

nme raddh-h(na-janavidht vachita
tre nma dne apardha sunichita [9]
uniyo k!@a-nma-mhtmya apra
ye pr(ti-rahita, sei nardhama chhra
aha^t mamat yra antare bhire
uddha k!@a-nma tra kabhu nhi sphure [10]
ei daa apardha kariy varjjana
ye sujana kare harinma sa&k(rttana
ap)rvva r(-k!@a-prema labhya tra haya
nma-prabhu tra hde nitya vilasaya [11]
All Glory to the Divine Master
and the Supreme Lord r( K!@a Chaitanya
The Ten Offences
to the Holy Name
[to be carefully avoided by the devotee]
By His Divine Grace
r(la Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswm( Mahrj
1 Hare K!@a Mahmantra
of all mantras the best,
Throughout the world is preached
by saints potent grace behest;
Such saints to the Name devoted,
such pure souls great:
Never dare offend them
dare not show them hate.
2 Lord K!@a, son of Nanda,
of all lords the Leader
The great iva and all the gods
serve His feet forever;
The touchstone of the Name
is K!@a incarnate
His Pastimes, Nature, Form also
think not separate.
3 Gurus a form of K!@a
the Scriptures corroborate;
In the form of Guru,
K!@a blesses the fortunate.
Never offend that Guru
by thinking him mere mortal;
Gain your highest objective
serve the Name for time eternal.
4 The Vedas with Mother Gyattr(
and r(mad-Bhgavatam
Illuminate the Lotus Feet
of r( Haris Name;
Whoever vilies
those Holy Vedic Scriptures
Never keep their company,
know them as offenders.
5 The Glories of the Name
all Scriptures exaltation,
Dare not think their praise
to be exaggeration;
Agastya, Ananta, Brahm,
iva, etc., ever
Sing the Glories of that Name
with full-hearted fervour.
Who can cross the ocean
of the Glories of that Name?
Whoever says exaggeration
have their sin to blame.
6 The Holy Names of K~!@a
eternal wealth of Goloka:
Who thinks those Names imaginary,
mundanehes offender.
7 All Scriptures claim the Name
all sin it can destroy,
But those who spend their time in vain
making it a ploy
Such a wicked attitude
is that of an offender
Drowning in delusion,
perpetually to suffer.
8 Incomparable Name of K!@a
the treasure of ecstasy:
Never dare compare it with
auspicious piety.
9 Those whore faithless tward the Name
deceived by Providence:
Giving them the Holy Name
surelys an offence.
10 Despite them hearing the innite
Glories of K!@as Name,
Those whose hearts dont melt in love
are rascals of ill fame;
Only pride and avarice
their thoughts and words do yield
The Pure Name of K!@a
to them is neer revealed.
11 Casting off these ten offences,
leaving no exception,
Those pure souls who chant the Name
in Holy Congregation
The miracle of Love for K!@a
they will surely savour,
The Name Divine Himself will shine
within their hearts forever.
English translation of the original Bengali poem that was written
on 2nd April, 1989 by His Divine Grace r(la Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswm( Mahrj
1l<+ 1^.<^l<
>il>il-.r +jr- !
.k*- <<r #ln< k<
.k 1^B rl`.x-. < l=xr- 1
gurvvbh(!$a-sup)raka^ guru-ga@air (!a-sa^bh)!ita^
chintychintya-samasta-veda-nipu@a^ r(-r)pa-panthnugam
govindbhidham ujjvala^ vara-tanu^ bhakty anvita^ sundara^
vande viva-guru^ cha divya-bhagavat-prem@o hi b(ja-pradam
He perfectly fullls the deepest wishes of his Gurudev, He is
splendidly adorned with the blessings of all his Gurus; adept in the
perfect conclusions of all the Vedas, both conceivable and incon-
ceivable, He is the faithful follower in the Line of r(la R)pa
Goswm( Prabhupda; His Name is r(la Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswm( Mahrj, of superexcellent charming Form so radiant
to behold; His heart is lled with Pure Loving Devotion, He is the
Divine Master of the whole creation, and the Gracious Bestower of
the seed of Love Divine. Ever singing his Transcendental Glories, I
offer my obeisances unto His Holy Lotus Feet.
e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e
The Holy Name and The ten offences to be avoided sixth edition
In the Service of Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami
Maharaj, our most beloved and revered Acharyyadev who is mercifully carrying
the Teachings of the Holy Name all over the world, fullling the Divine Wish
of The Guardian of Devotion Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar
Dev-Goswami Maharaj
Translated, revised, amended and electronically published by Sri
Swarupananda Dasadhikari from London, 19th November, 2001, Holy
Disappearance Day of the Merciful Distributor of Holy Name, His Divine Grace
Srila Bhakti Vedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupada.
Acknowledgements: r( Jaiva-Dharmma, r( Gau#(ya-Ka@$hahra
e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e
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r(-sarasvat(-priya^ cha bhakti-sundarraya^
r(dhara^ nammi bhakti-rak!aka^ jagad-gurum
I bow down unto the Guru of the entire world,
my Divine Master O^ Vi!@upd
r(la Bhakti Rak!ak r(dhar Dev-Goswm( Mahrj.
He is the gracious carrier of the Conception
of r( Swar)pa, r( Rmnanda, r( R)pa and r( J(va;
He is the Saviour of all, regardless of caste or creed;
He is the most beloved intimate servitor
of r(la Bhakti Siddhnta Saraswat( Goswm( Prabhupda.
He is the Supersubjective Potency {raya-vigraha}
of the Sweetest Transcendental Devotion
{Parama Mdhuryyamaya Bhakti}
and the only shelter of
r( Bhakti Sundar Govinda Mahrj.

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