Math 1325 Final Review

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Math 1325


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Find the limit, if it exists. x-3 1) Find: lim x 3 x2 - 3x


A) 0

B) -

1 3


1 3

D) Does not exist

2) Let f(x) =

x2 - 16 if x > 0 x+4 x2 - 16 if x < 0 x-4



lim f(x). x 0


B) -4

C) 4

D) Does not exist

3) Find: lim h 0 A) 1

f(7 + h) - f(7) for f(x) = -x + 1. h B) 0 C) -1 D) Does not exist


Provide an appropriate response. 4) If the limit at infinity exists, find the limit. 5x2 + 7x - 9 lim - 6x2 + 2 x


A) 0

B) -

2 9

C) -

5 6


5) Find the vertical asymptote(s) of the graph of the given function. x2 - 100 f(x) = (x - 9)(x + 3) A) x = -9 B) x = 10, x = -10 C) y = 9, y = -3 D) x = 9, x = -3


6) Solve the inequality and express the answer in interval notation: A) (4, ) B) (-5, 0) (4, ) C) (-5, 0)

x2 - 4x > 0. x+5


D) (-5, )

Find dy.

7) y = 9x2 - 8x + 9 A) 18x + 9 dx

B) 18x - 16 dx

C) 18x dx

D) (18x - 8) dx


Provide an appropriate response. 8) The revenue (in thousands of dollars) from producing x units of an item is modeled by R(x) = 5x - 0.0005x2 . Find the marginal revenue at x = 1000. A) $4.00 B) $10,300.00 C) $104.00 D) $4.50


Solve the problem. 9) A company is planning to manufacture a new blender. After conducting extensive market surveys, the research department estimates a weekly demand of 600 blenders at a price of $50 per blender and a weekly demand of 800 blenders at a price of $40 per blender. Assuming the demand equation is linear, use the research department's estimates to find the revenue equation in terms of the demand x. x2 A) R(x) = 80x - 20x2 B) R(x) = 20x + 20


C) R(x) = 80x - 20

D) R(x) = 80x -

x2 20


10) Find f'(x) for f(x) = (2x - 4)(2x3 - x2 + 1). A) f'(x) = 12x3 + 30x2 - 10x + 2 C) f'(x) = 4x3 - 10x2 - 30x + 2

B) f'(x) = 16x3 - 30x2 + 8x + 2 D) f'(x) = 16x3 - 10x2 + 30x + 2


11) Find y' for y =

A) C)

x2 2 - 5x B) D)
-5x2 + 4x (2 - 5x)2


-15x2 + 4x (2 - 5x)2 5x3 - 10x2 + 4x (2 - 5x)2

(2 - 5x)2


Find the derivative. 12) Find:

dy 8 7 8x - 10 dx 7 8x7 - 10
56x6 (8x7 - 10)7/8


A) 448x6 C)

(8x7 - 10)7/8


D) 8

8x7 - 10

Provide an appropriate response. 13) Find f'(x) for f(x) = (x2 + 2)3 .

A) f'(x) = 6x5 + 24x3 + 24x C) f'(x) = 6x5 + 12x3 + 12x

D) f'(x) = 3x5 + 24x3 + 24x

B) f'(x) = 6x5 + 20x3 + 24x


14) Find

dy for y = ln (6x3 - x2 ) dx
18x - 2 6x3 - x B) 6x2 - x 6x - 2 C) 18x - 2 6x2 D) 18x - 2 6x2 - x


Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of the given function at the given value of x. 15) f(x) = (x2 + 12)3/4 ; x = 2

A) y =

3 x 2

B) y =

3 x + 11 2

C) y =

3 x+5 2

D) y =

3 x+5 4


Provide an appropriate response.

16) Find y' for y = y(x) defined implicitly by 3xy - x2 - 4 = 0. 3x -2y 3y - 2x 2 A) y' = B) y' = C) y' = x 4 3x 3

2x - 3y D) y' = 3x


17) Assume x = x(t) and y = y(t). Find

dx dy if x2 (y - 6) = 12y + 3 and = 2 when x = 5 and y = 12. dt dt


A) -

20 13

B) -

13 30


20 13


13 20

Find the elasticity of the demand function as a function of p. 600 18) x = D(p) = (p + 2)2
A) E(p) = C) E(p) =

B) E(p) = 1200p(p + 2) D) E(p) =

2p p+2
(p + 2)3 1200p

2 p+2

Use the price-demand equation to determine whether demand is elastic, is inelastic, or has unit elasticity at the indicated values of p. 19) x = f(p) = 1500 - 5p2 ; p = 10 19) A) Inelastic B) Unit elasticity C) Elastic

Solve the problem.

20) Given the revenue and cost functions R = 26x - 0.3x2 and C = 3x + 10, where x is the daily production, find the rate of change of profit with respect to time when 20 units are produced and the rate of change of production is 7 units per day per day. A) $77.00 per day B) $149.00 per day C) $156.80 per day D) $98.00 per day


Use the given graph of f(x) to find the intervals on which f (x) > 0. 21)


A) f (x) > 0 on (- , 2], f (x) < 0 on [2, ) B) f (x) > 0 on (- , -2] [2, ), f (x) < 0 on [-2, 2] C) f (x) > 0 on [-2, 2], f (x) < 0 on (- , -2] [2, ) D) f (x) > 0 on [-4, 4], f (x) < 0 on (- , -4] [4, )

Provide an appropriate response. 22) Use the first derivative test to determine the local extrema, if any, for the function: f(x) = 3x4 - 6x2 + 7. A) local max at x = 0 and local min at x = -1 and x = 1 B) local min at x = 0 and local max at x = -1 and x = 1 C) local max at x = -1 and local min at x = 0 and x = 1 D) local max at x = 1 and local min at x = 0


23) Use the first derivative test to determine the local extrema, if any, for the function: f(x) = 3(x - 4)2/3 + 6. A) f(x) has a local minimum at 6 C) f(x) has a local minimum at x = 4.


B) f(x) has a local maximum at x = 4. D) f(x) has no local extrema

24) Find the critical values and determine the intervals where f(x) is increasing and f(x) is 3 2 decreasing if f(x) = 1 + + . x x2 A) decreasing on (-4, 0); increasing on ( B) increasing on (-4, 0); decreasing on ( 4 C) increasing on - , 0 ; decreasing on 3 , -4) (0, ) , -4) (0, ) 4 ,(0, ) 3 ,4 3 (0, )


D) decreasing on -

4 , 0 ; increasing on 3

Solve the problem. 25) The annual revenue and cost functions for a manufacturer of grandfather clocks are approximately R(x) = 520x - 0.01x2 and C(x) = 200x + 100,000, where x denotes the number of
clocks made. What is the maximum annual profit? A) $2,660,000 B) $2,760,000 C) $2,560,000


D) $2,460,000

Find the intervals where f''(x) < 0 ir f''(x) > 0 as indicated. 26) f''(x) < 0


A) (-1, 0)

B) (-1, 0) , (1, )

C) (- , -1)

D) (1, )

Provide an appropriate response.

27) Find f"(x) for f(x) = (4x + 5)3 . A) f"(x) = 12x + 15 C) f"(x) = 24x + 30

B) f"(x) = 4x + 5 D) f"(x) = 384x + 480


28) Find y'' for y = x4 - 8x1/2 4 A) 4x3 x

B) 12x2 +

2 x x

C) 4x3 +

4 x

D) 12x2 -

4 x


29) Find the inflection point(s) for f(x) = A) (0, 6) and (2, -4) C) (0, 6) and (2, 2)

1 4 x - x3 + 6. 4 B) (0, 0) and (2, 2) D) (0, 0)


Solve the problem. 30) A company estimates that it will sell N(t) hair dryers after spending $t thousands on advertising as given by:
N(t) = -3t 3 + 450t 2 - 21,600t + 1,100, 40 t 60


For which values of t is the rate of sales N'(t) increasing? A) 50 < t < 60 B) 40 < t < 60 C) t > 40

D) 40 < t < 50

Find the limit, if it exists. 31) Find

x lim

x2 . + ex

31) B) C) ex D) -

A) 0

Solve the problem. 32) The total cost, in dollars, of producing x cell phones is approximated by the function x2 C(x) = 2000 - 30x + . Find the minimum average cost. 5 A) The minimum average cost is $75 when x = 875 cell phones. B) The minimum average cost is $10 when x = 100 cell phones. C) The minimum average cost is $875 when x = 75 cell phones. D) The minimum average cost is $74 when x = 20 cell phones.


Provide an appropriate response. 33) Find the absolute minimum value of f(x) =
places. A) 0.7439 at x = 3

ex for x > 0. Round your answer to three decimal x3


B) 3 at x = 0.7439

C) 1 at x = 2.718

D) 2.718 at x = 1

34) The percent of concentration of a acid absorbed in a new manufacturing process after x hr after 4x the acid has been mixed is given by A(x) = How long after the acid has been added is the x2 + 49
concentration a maximum? Round answer to the nearest tenth, if necessary. A) 4 hr B) 7 hr C) 4.9 hr D) 2.5 hr


Solve the problem. 35) The annual revenue and cost functions for a manufacturer of zip drives are approximately R(x) = 520x - 0.02x2 and C(x) = 160x + 100,000, where x denotes the number of drives made.
What is the maximum annual profit? A) $1,520,000 B) $1,720,000


C) $1,620,000

D) $1,820,000

36) The average manufacturing cost per unit (in hundreds of dollars) for producing x units of a product is given by: C(x) = 2x3 - 42x2 + 288x + 12, 1 x 5
At what production level will the average cost per unit be maximum? A) 1 unit B) 5 units C) 12 units


D) 652 units

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

37) A logo baseball cap manufacturer has a uniform annual demand of 25,000 caps. It costs $1 to store one baseball cap for 1 year and $500 to set up the plant for production of the logo baseball caps. How many times a year should the company produce the caps in order to minimize the total storage and set -up costs? (Assume that there are 250 working days per year.)


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Find the integral. 38) (2x5 - 7x3 + 9) dx 38)

A) 6x6 C)

7 4 x + 9x + C 3


1 6 7 4 x - x + 9x + C 2 3 7 4 x + 9x + C 4

1 6 7 4 x - x + 9x + C 3 4

D) 6x6 -


x3 - 7 dx x A) C)

B) D)

1 4 x - 7x2 + C 4
1 3 7 x + C 3 x-2

1 3 x + 7 ln x + C 3 1 3 x - 7 ln x + C 3


1 5ex dx x
2 A) 5ex +C x2 1 C) 5ex +C 2x2

B) 5xex - ln x + C D) 5ex - ln x + C

Provide an appropriate response. 3 1 41) Find f(x) if f'(x) = and f = 1. 5 2 x


A) -

4 -4 x + 13 5

B) -

3 -4 x + 13 4

C) -

3 -4 x +C 4

D) -

3 -4 5 x + 4 4

Solve the problem. 42) A company finds that consumer demand quantity changes with respect to price at a rate given 3500 by D'(p) = . Find the demand function if the company knows that 829 units of the p2
product are demanded when the price is $5 per unit. 3500 3500 A) D(p) = B) D(p) = + 129 + 129 p p3 C) D(p) =


7000 + 829 p

D) D(p) =

3500 + 829 p

Find the integral. 43) e7x +4 dx 43)


1 7x + 4 e +C 7

B) (7x + 4) e7x + 4 + C D) 7e7x + 4 + C

C) e7x + C


ln 8x dx x



(ln 8x)2 +C 8

B) (ln 8x)2 + C


(ln 8x)2 +C 16


(ln 8x)2 +C 2


t5 3 1 + t6


45) 1 6 t (1 + t 6 )2/3 + C 4 1 (1 + t 6 )2/3 + C 8

A) C)

12(1 + t 6 )2


B) D)

1 (1 + t 6 )2/3 + C 4

Solve the problem. 46) A manufacturing company is ready to introduce a new product with a national sales campaign. After extensive test marketing, the market research department estimates that sales (in millions of dollars) will increase at the monthly rate of S'(t) = 10 - 10e-0.2t for 0 t 24, t
months after the national campaign has started. What will the total sales be five months after the beginning of the campaign if we assume zero sales at the beginning of the campaign? (Round the answer to the nearest million.) A) $2 million B) $49 million C) $1 million D) $18 million


Provide an appropriate response. 47) Find the particular solution for the differential equation y' = 4x + 7; y(0) = -12. A) y = 2x2 + 7x - 6 B) y = 4x2 + 7x - 12 C) y = 4x2 + 7x - 6 D) y = 2x2 + 7x - 12


Evaluate the integral. e 5 16x - dx 48) x 1 (Express your answer in terms for e.) A) 8e2 - 13 B) 8e2 - 8


C) 8e2 - 5

D) 16e2 - 5


0 (Round to three decimal places.) A) 1.040 B) 1.778

4x2 + 2x + 2

4x + 1



C) 1.199

D) 2.398

50) 1

(2x3 - 9x-2 ) dx B) 34 C) 76 D) 58


A) 52.5

Provide an appropriate response.

51) Find the average value of the function g(x) = 32e0.04x over the interval [10, 30]. Round your answer to two decimal places. A) 1462.63 B) 73.13 C) 2.29 D) 45.71


52) Find the area bounded by f(x) = x2 - 4x - 5 and y = x + 1. 343 23 A) 54 B) C) 6 6


301 6



Solve the problem. 53) The Lorenz curve for the income distribution in a certain country is given by f(x) =

3 2 1 x + x. 4 4


I) Find the Gini index. II) Use the answer found in I) to determine if the income of this country is more equally distributed, less equally distributed, or distributed the same as a second country having an index of income concentration of 0.2. A) I) 0.33 B) I) 0.33 II) more equally distributed II) less equally distributed C) I) 0.25 D) I) 0.25 II) more equally distributed II) less equally distributed

54) Find the total income produced by a continuous income stream in the first four years if the rate of flow is f(t) = 500e0.03t . (Round answer to the nearest dollar.) A) $2486 B) $2125 C) $18,792 D) $564


55) Find the equilibrium price and quantity,producers' surplus for p = D(x) = 71 p = S(x) = 35 + 1 x. 20

1 x and 10


A) p = 47 q = 240

B) p = 50 q = 240

C) p = 47 q = 180

D) p = 47 q = 288

56) Find the consumers' surplus and producers' surplus for p = D(x) = 71 p = S(x) = 35 + 1 x. 20

1 x and 10


A) CS = $14,160 PS = $1440

B) CS = $15,160 PS = $1440

C) CS = $2880 PS = $1440

D) CS = $2880 PS = $1660

Evaluate using integration by parts. 57) 2xex dx A) 2xex - 2ex + C B) 2ex - 2xex + C C) xex - 2ex + C D) 2ex - ex + C 57)


58) 2

6x ln x dx B) 6.70 C) 55.2 D) 40.2


A) 9.48

Find the indefinite integral using a table of integration formulas. 1 59) dx 2-4 x


A) ln x + C)

x2 + 4 + C

B) ln x + D)

x2 - 4 + C

1 2+x ln +C 4 2-x

1 x-2 ln +C 4 x+2

Provide an appropriate response. 60) Use the integral table to find x e3x dx . 60)

A) x e3x C)

e3x +C 3

B) D)

x e3x e3x + +C 3 9 x e3x e3x +C 3 3

x e3x e3x +C 3 9


Answer Key Testname: MATH 1325 FINAL REVIEW

1) D 2) C 3) C 4) C 5) D 6) B 7) D 8) A 9) D 10) B 11) B 12) C 13) A 14) D 15) C 16) D 17) B 18) A 19) B 20) A 21) C 22) A 23) C 24) C 25) D 26) B 27) D 28) B 29) C 30) D 31) A 32) B 33) A 34) B 35) A 36) B 37) The company will minimize its costs by making 5000 caps five times during the year. 38) C 39) D 40) D 41) B 42) A 43) A 44) D 45) C 46) D 47) D 48) A 49) C 50) B 13

Answer Key Testname: MATH 1325 FINAL REVIEW

51) B 52) B 53) D 54) B 55) A 56) C 57) A 58) D 59) B 60) C


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