Bazaars of Hyderabad

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1/1/2011 - Poetry Analysis of In the B About the poetess: To understand any poem, it is necessary to know alittle about the w riter's background.

Sarojini Naidu w as born on 13 th February, 1879 in Hyderabad and died on 2 nd March, 1949 in Lucknow. She w as a renowned freedom fighter and w as nicknamed 'Bharatiya Kokila' (The nightingale of India). She was born to a poetess and politician. She w as very interested in literature an w rote a number of books such as the "Golden Threshold". She spent much of her early life in Hyderabad before becoming the Governor of Uttar Pradesh. Summary: It is a beautiful poem written by Sarojini Naidu. She has used good language and fluent English which is quite surprising as she is an Indian poetess. She has described the beauty of a traditional Indian market or "bazaar". She has touched upon all five senses. W e can hear the music produced by our traditional Indian musical instruments played by the musicians and the chantings of the magicians. Delicious fruits like citron, pomegranate and plum are being sold by the fruit-men, w hile the vendors are weighing saffron, lentil and rice (Indian staple food). The pleasant fragrance of sandalwood an henna can be smelt. Also the smell of flowers w hich are w oven into chaplets and garlands is in the air. One can see the richness of w ares in the bazaar. The poetess has metiond colours such as crimson, purple, silver, amber, azure and red. The show s what all goods are sold in an Indian bazaar. Turbans of crimson and silver, tunics of purple brocade, , mirrors w ith panels of amber, daggers with handle of jade, chessmen, ivor dice, anklets, wristlets, rings, bels for the fet of blue pigeons, girdles of gold, and scabbards for the king are all examples of the expensive w ares sold in the bazaars of Hyderabad. Message: First of all, one must know that this poem was written during the freedom struggle of India, So Sarojini Naidu has been trying to unite the Indians to drive the British out of India. She is trying to encourage the Indians to buy goods from their traditiona bazaars rather than purchasing foreign goods. She is telling her country men to take part in Gandhiji's Swadeshi movement and boycott all British goods. At that time the publication of Indian new spapers w ere banned, so w riting a poem w as the best w ay to spread this message. Conclusion: It is a beautiful poem and is a must read for all Indians, whether young or old.


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