Daggers and Weed Samuel Jinho Lee Individual Website

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Daggers and Weed Samuel Jinho Lee Individual Website

(Does This Really Count as One Page? Brilliant!)

1) Document how you decided on the subject and the steps you took to research and create your project As prior military service members, we have had to scrutinize terrorism in a way the average citizen does not. It will be interesting to dig into the past of the organizations we label our enemies. We will be taking a detailed looked into the "first" recorded accounts of terrorism throughout the world's history. Though many rebellions and revolutions occurred before the 1st and 11th century CE, none of those movements adhered to religious doctrines or ideologies. The first portion of our website will attempt to explain the differences between terrorism, insurgency, and guerrilla warfare. The second portion will cover the 1st century Zealots and Sicarii, whom were a Jewish faction of extremists revolting against the rule of the Roman Empire. The third portion will discuss the Assassins of the 11th century, whom were a sect of Shiite Muslims wanting to crush Sunni Seljuq power. The final portion of our website will reveal how ancient radicalism can be found in today's world.

2) Address any difficulties you faced and how you overcame them I only had ONE primary source to work with. The writing of Flavius Josephus who was the only Roman historian that deeply detailed the Jewish life under Roman rule. It is semireliable source in my opinion as Josephus originally began his career fighting the Roman empire and his writing reflect that. Once he was assimilated into their government, he began documenting everything under a completely different bias. Interestingly enough, even while he was under the Roman label, he occasionally described the Jews as valiant heroes. Ironic! One very interesting controversy I came across involved the final stand at Masada. It is almost identical to an event that Josephus went through, where he and his men were trapped in a

cave and surrounded by Romans. They chose suicide over capture, but it was against the Jewish religion to commit such an act. Instead, they cast lots to see who would kill who and who would have to end up killing himself. Josephus miraculously survived the ordeal and was then accepted into Roman ranks for his knowledge of Jewish culture. Also he prophesied that General Vespian would become emperor of Rome. Im pretty sure that had something to do with it.

3) Detail what you learned about group work and collaborative learning (if you worked in a group) My partner ran into some marriage troubles before he started school. I knew I would be doing most of this project by myself before we even began, but I was okay with helping out a battle buddy. I did not realize the severity of his problems when he no longer showed up to any of our classes or didnt respond to my messages. Basically I learned that marriage is the number one cause of divorce and it is a tradition that needs to die. Along with ignorance.

4) Explain how you might improve this project if you had more time I would have included videos and more pictures and a Flash-based point-and-click adventure and explosions! If I had even more time, I wouldve hired a British voice actor to narrate the entire webpage in a sultry James Bond-y type voice. I would have also gotten around to including the 11th Century Assassins and the 14th Century Thuggees. Maybe I could have achieved a book deal and I could have gone on a book tour and sign books for all 3 of my fans! Then cash in on a movie deal and cast myself as lead character AND token damsel in distress.

Awwwww Yeaaah!

5) Explain how you might apply the historical analysis skills used to create this project to better understand a modern day issue/development that you are interested in. I answered this in my Thesis and The (Final) Word. Stop asking me questions that you already know the answer to! Youre just avoiding the real problem. Yes I know all about your gambling addiction, we all know about it. Why dont yoooou?

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