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The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School

11th May 2012

65th Anniversary Celebrations

Thank you to all the staff, pupils, parents and OTs for helping us have such a fantastic weekend of celebrations. Monday was a lovely day despite the weather. We were thrilled that our very first boy at Tockington, Alistair Rattray, was able to join in the fun. Look out for our celebratory Tracker at the beginning of next week which will highlight the celebrations in photographs.

Football Medal
Congratulations to Alex Grocott who represented his club, Bristol City, in a tournament at Bournemouth at the weekend. Alex was presented with a team medal by Ray Wilkins, ex Manchester United player.

Lower School
Presentations Congratulations to Iona Campbell and Isabelle Preston for their fantastic presentations. They have set a very high standard for the rest of Year 2. Well done, girls. Letter to the Queen Year 1 have painted portraits of Her Majesty The Queen to celebrate her Jubilee. We wrote to the Queen this week and enclosed a copy of our portraits, we are sure she will be thrilled with them!

Friends of Tockington Manor

Sapphire Ball With only three weeks left for the summer ball early bird offer please may I ask you to let us know if you would like tickets for our Sapphire Summer Ball. Arrangements are well underway and this event promises to be a wonderful finish to the school year. Do hope you can come and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Questionnaires I would like to thank everyone who has sent in their completed questionnaire about past Friends activities. We are very grateful for your much valued feedback which will be very useful in the planning of future Friends events. For anyone still wishing to help us get things right by filling in their questionnaire, please may I ask you to return it to the school office as soon as possible. AnitaWilliamson FOTMChairman 07968 508941

Upper & Lower School The school photograph is due to be taken on Tuesday 15th May. Boys in the Upper School should wear grey shirts, ties and blazers to school that day and girls should wear their blazers over their summer dresses. Girls in Years 7 and 8 should wear white blouses and ties with their kilts and blazers. Lower School children will wear their blazers over their usual summer uniform for the photograph. Nursery Nursery photographs will be taken at 10.00 am. Please make sure your child is at the Nursery in good time. Owls and Robins should wear their Nursery sweatshirts.

Lost Property
Lost on Saturday morning a gold swimming medal with a glass centre either in the pool complex or possibly in the rear car park. Please contact John Dengel via the School Office if you find this.

New Governors
We would like to say welcome to Mrs Helen Holloway and Dr Paul Hutchinson who have joined the governing body. Mrs Holloway is a former parent and Dr Hutchinson is an Old Tockingtonian.

2012 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School

11th May 2012

Swimming News
TMS v Rose Hill Westonbirt was the first gala for a number of brave Year 3s. Jonathan Baguley won the Under 9 backstroke in some style and with huge confidence. James Allen swam the entire afternoon with a smile on his face! There were winning individual and relay swims for Alex Grocott, Alex Jacobi, James Allen, Louis Clevett, Olivia Banks, Poppy Carter, Max Curtis, Charlie Sanzo, Andres Benito, Zac Portch and Harvey Jones. There were 2nd place swims for Olivia Campbell, Abi Blackwell, Seren Clayton, Ella Howard-Robinson and Jessie Sanzo. All the swimmers looked a little nervous at the start but with some calm and effective leadership from Charlie Sanzo, who won his breaststroke race in a very focused manner, the team became more focused as a whole. The Under 9 boys won their section as did the Under 11 boys but with some key swimmers poorly and unable to swim, the girls struggled to gain enough 1st places to beat Rose Hill especially in the relays. The final score was TMS 87 Rose Hill Westonbirt 102. Well done to all of you! Mrs Hinchliffe

Art Days
On Monday 14th May Year 6 will visit Bath Aqua Glass as part of their Art Day. Year 7 will take part in an Art Day on Friday 18th May. Mrs Winter-Smith

Year 5 Traffic Study

Year 5 collected data on the type and volume of traffic on Washingpool Hill Road on Thursday 10th May for the Geography enquiry. One hundred and sixty six vehicles passed us during the hour with the period 8.30-9.00 am being far busier (122 vehicles) than the 9.00-9.30 am slot (44 vehicles). The highlight of the morning was Oldie, the schools roller; Charlie Gents all-time favourite vehicle! BMW was the make of car that passed us the most regularly, accounting for 17 of the 143 cars. Year 5 worked extremely hard all day during the data collection and in the ICT room. They were a pleasure to teach. Mr J Jones & Mr E Jones

Animation Assembly
Last Friday, Mr E Jones gave an assembly showcasing the animation work carried out by members of Years 5, 7 and 8, during ICT lessons last term. To show off the pupils work, Mr Jones created a video (with a Star Wars theme as it was May 4th!) which he played for the whole school. If you would like to view the video and see what our young animators have been up to, you can find it on the school website.

2012 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

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