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Many Online Tests Exams for India

Sample Test papers Model Question Bank Previous papers For India 1. In case of dynamically induced emf, direction of induced emf is given by (a) Flemings rule (b) Lenzs law (c) Faradays first law (d) Faradays second law Ans : a

2. Emf induced in a coil due to current change in it is called _______________ induction. (a) Mutual (b) Self (c) Dynamic (d) Static Ans : b

3. Emf induced in a coil due to current change in neighboring coil is called__________ induction. (a) Mutual (b) Self (c) Dynamic (d) Static Ans :a 4. Co-efficient of self induction is also called as (a) self- induction (b) Inductance (c) Self- inductance (d) Induction .

Many Online Tests Exams for India

Sample Test papers Model Question Bank Previous papers For India Ans :c 5. The property of a coil due to which it opposes the change of current flowing through itself is called of the coil. (a) Static inductance (b) Dynamic inductance (c) Self inductance (d) Mutual inductance Ans : c

6. (a) Ammeter

is used to sense the flow of current in a electric circuit.

(b) Voltmeter (c) Wattmeter (d) Galvanometer Ans : d

7. The phenomenon of the self induction is felt only when the current in the coil is (a) Changing (b) Increasing (c) Decreasing (d) All the above Ans :d

8. The negative sign in the induced emf of self induction indicates that energy is being absorbed from the electric circuit and stored as _______ (a) mechanical (b) Electronic (c) electric (d) Magnetic Ans :d energy in the coil.

9. Unit of co-efficient of self induction of the circuit is

Many Online Tests Exams for India

Sample Test papers Model Question Bank Previous papers For India (a) ) Volt (b) Ampere (c) Henry (d) Linkages Ans : c 10. Unit of induced emf is (a) ) Volt (b) Ampere (c) Henry (d) Linkages Ans :a

11. The property of one coil due to which it opposes the change in the other coil is called. between two coils. (a) Dynamic inductance (b) Static inductance (c) Self inductance (d) Mutual inductance Ans : d

12. The unit of mutual inductance is (a) Volt (b) Ampere/ Volt (c) Henry (d) Linkages Ans : c

13. In the expression e = M dI1 / dt , M represents (a) Mutual induction (b) Mutual inductance (c) Number of lines of force (d) None of these

Many Online Tests Exams for India

Sample Test papers Model Question Bank Previous papers For India Ans : b

14. If 0.75 V is induced emf and resistance offered by the coil is 200 ohm then induced current is (a) 3.75 A (b) 3. 75 mA (c) 3. 75 micro Ampere (d) 37.5 mA Ans : b

15. If magnetic flux changes from 0.8 Wb to 0.3 Wb, then change in flux is______ (a) 1.1 (b) 0.5 (c) -0.5 (d) -1.1 Ans : c


15. If Number of turns of coil is 200 and if the current is 1 amps, then MMF is ________ (a) 2000 AT (b) 200 AT (c) 20 AT (d) 0.5 AT Ans : b

16. Leakage factor can be called as (a) Fringing (b) Coefficient of inductance (c) Magnetic coefficient (d) Hopkinsons coefficient Ans : d

17. Movement of electrons are called as

Many Online Tests Exams for India

Sample Test papers Model Question Bank Previous papers For India (a) MMF (b) Current (c) Voltage (d) Flux Ans : b

18. Flux density is equal to ________ of flux and area of cross section. ( a) Sum (b) Difference (c) Product (d) Fraction Ans : d

19. NI expression is called (a) MMF (b) EMF (c) Flux linkage (d) Magnetic intensity Ans : a 20. Expression NI/L is called (a) MMF (b) EMF (c) Flux linkage (d) Magnetic intensity Ans :d 21. Expression for mutual inductance is (a) L dI/dt (b) MdI / dt (c) N2 2/ I1 (d) N/I Ans : b 22. Faradays law of electromagnetic induction is e=

Many Online Tests Exams for India

Sample Test papers Model Question Bank Previous papers For India ( a ) Nd /dt (b ) MdI / dt (c ) N2 2/ I1 (d) N/I Ans : a

23. The constant K in case of mutual induction is equal to (a) 1/2 (b) 2/1 (c) 1/I1 (d) 2/I2 Ans : b 24. Product of the permeability 0 r is equal to (a) Magnetic flux (b) Magnetic field (c) Magnetic intensity (d) Magnetic field / magnetic intensity Ans : d 25. Expression for self induced emf is (a) L dI/dt (b) MdI1 / dt (c) N2 2/ I1 (d) N/I Ans : a

26. (a) (b) d /dt (c) N (d) /I Ans : c

is normally termed as flux linkages.

Many Online Tests Exams for India

Sample Test papers Model Question Bank Previous papers For India

27. The term N/I is generally called as (a) Self inductance (b) Mutual inductance (c) Flux linkage (d) Induced emf Ans : a

28. In the expression for reluctance S = L/A of a conduced, letter A represents_________ the conductor. (a) Total area (b) Surface area (c) Cross- sectional area (d) None of these. Ans : c


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