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High tech TBM for the Cairo Metro Line 3 phase 2 project

Thomas Camus1

ABSTRACT Phase 2 of the Greater Cairo Metro Line 3 project consists in building a 7.2 km tunnel of an internal diameter of 8.35 m in the alluvial valley of the Nile. The EFJVC consortium that includes Vinci, Bouygues, Arab Contractors, and Orascom was awarded the civil engineering works contract from Egypts National Authority for Tunnels (NAT) and ordered a totally new TBM to NFM Technologies. In order to handle the jobsite specificities and complex geological context (alternating layers of sand and clay beneath trapped groundwater), this 9.47 m diameter TBM was designed as convertible from Earth Pressure Balanced mode to Slurry mode. Its design therefore allows for the installation of all required equipment in order to operate in either mode. The machine also houses two service trains in continuous operation and benefits from advanced functionalities such as the real time measurement of the excavated material mass flow (improving the excavation front monitoring), a roll-prevention system, and a high capacity bentonite circuit. The TBM that will cross 5 metro stations is designed with a modular backup in order to start tunnelling in pressurised mode in a reduced length configuration. It is then reconfigured to its nominal format as the TBM advances. Keywords: TBM, EPB, Slurry, convertibility

NFM Technologies,

URBAN TRANSPORTATION IN CAIRO AND PURPOSE OF PROJECT Current situation Cairo is currently the largest urban area of the African continent with at least 11 million dwellers in the inner city while the population of the Greater City is estimated to be of 20 million. It is planned that Greater Cairo will reach 23 million inhabitants in 2020 and 38 million in 2050 [1], although other sources indicate even higher figures, with 30.5 million today [2]. Such a record population and density raise numerous problems, as in most megalopolises in the world: traffic congestion with over 2 million cars per day in the Cairo streets is largely contributing to a disastrous level of air pollution and to a loss of productivity. Cairo is a member of the C40 group, which has signed an agreement with the World Bank during the Sao Paulo summit in 2011, aiming at funding energy efficiency improvement, renewable energy projects, and urban transportation infrastructure that provide services to the poor while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is commonly accepted that today cities are responsible for more than 80 percent of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions. For Cairo the focus on city climate action plans includes urban mass transit projects. In addition to an extensive bus system, Cairo hosts Africas only operational network metro rail system, with two lines totalling 53 stations along 65 kilometres of track. It was designed in the 1950s and its construction started in 1982. It first switched into operation in 1987 and has since been periodically extended. These lines (nr. 1 and 2) run NorthSouth along the River Nile, partly at surface level or elevated, partly underground (15% for line 1, 67% for line 2), as shown figure 1. They carry an average of 2.7 million passengers daily. A master plan for the Greater Cairo was developed between 1981 and 1984, with the support of the Paris Region Urban Planning & Development Agency (IAURIF), resulting in the design of additional metro lines [3]. The goal is to meet the expected daily use of 5 million passengers by 2020. Several reasons modelled the design of the third line: relieving the East-West axis from the capitals most severe most traffic congestion problems; implement several interconnections with the train network; connect the new towns in development such as Heliopolis; serve heavy business areas (Central Business District); reach the international airport. The Cairo Regional Area Transport Study (CREATS) conducted in 2002 confirmed Metro Line 3 is as one of the priority projects.

Figure 1 Cairo metro map showing the final layout of Line 3 under construction. Currently only Lines 1 and 2 are in service.

Extension works Line 3 In 1998, IAURIF led the feasibility study for Line 3 that defined a phased construction schedule. Construction was initiated in the first quarter of 2008, and planned to develop beyond 2015. The general concepts guiding the design have been mentioned above and can be summarised as follows: 30 km, mostly underground 26 stations Spans East-West Joins suburbs on the West side through a Y connection Connects the inner city to the airport on the East side Crosses the 2 branches of the River Nile Interconnects with Lines 1 and 2 1.8 million passengers expected per day

METRO LINE 3 PROJECT Following the feasibility study, the National Authority for Tunnels (NAT) awarded the contracts for phase 1 and later on, for phase 2 of the project to a consortium composed of Vinci, Bouygues, Arab Contractors and Orascom. It was decided that the tunnel sections would be excavated by Tunnel Boring Machines, while the underground stations would be constructed using the Cut and Cover method. The initial project was redesigned before the actual start of the phase 2 works, when the phase 1 tunnel under excavation suffered from an accidental heavy inflow of water and sands between El Geish and Bab El Shaaria. This led the consortium to flood the Slurry TBM behind a purposely erected sealing wall. The phase 1 works were then rescheduled to start in the opposite direction (to the West) with a second TBM launched at Cairo Fair. The same shaft was used to launch TBM 3 in order to excavate the phase 2 tunnel towards the East (see figure 2).


L2 TBM 1




Phase 1

Phase 2

Figure 2 Phasing of Line 3 works. Phases 1 and 2 are in progress. The contracts for the sections in dotted lines have not been awarded.

TUNNEL PROFILE AND GEOLOGY The phase 2 tunnel has an internal diameter of 8.35 m and is lined with 400 mm thick concrete rings made of 8 segments (5 + 2 counter keys + 1 key). It is 7.2 km long, and bored in a geology of clay swelling in some areas - , sand and sandstone, with a 20 to 30 m overburden. The clay Plasticity Index is particularly high between Cairo Fair and Kolleyet El Banat (average 60, peaks at 90), with a risk of clogging in the TBM, leading to specific features for the TBM. The general geological arrangement is a complex scheme of alternating layers of sands and clay. Along most of its course, the tunnel is therefore excavated with a mixed front (see figure 3 for an example close to Kolleyet El Banat).

Figure 3 Geological profile on the west side of Kolleyet El Banat station

TBM TYPE SELECTION AND SPECIFICITIES The following describes the TBM used for the excavation of the phase 2 tunnel sections. General characteristics Based on the geology of the phase 2 section, the CMLIII consortium selected an EPB machine. However, in order to handle potentially more complex areas and potential future works, it was required that this TBM should be convertible to Slurry mode. This would in particular apply to the 100% sandy grounds found in the majority of the Cairo underground. The TBM is designed for mixed ground conditions and therefore the cutter head can be equipped with both disc cutters and drag bits. In either mode, the machine is designed to work up to 4 bar of ground pressure. It is equipped with a passive articulation that allows meeting the requirements for short radius curves, down to 180 m. The TBM characteristics are as follows: Type of tunnelling Excavation diameter Overall length (including back-up) Number of gantries in backup Max number of 17 disc cutters Max number of drag bits Drive unit power Nominal thrust Unlocking thrust Nominal torque Unlocking torque Variable speed (both directions) Single Shield TBM 9.46 m 175 m in both modes 12 32 224 2 436 kW 65 000 kN 74 300 kN 21 000 kN.m 27 300 kN.m 0 to 3 rpm

Table 1 Main characteristics of the NFM EPB (TBM3)

Figure 4 Final assembly stage in the NFM factory

Cutter head The cutter head includes ports for foam / water / bentonite / polymer injection, offering a wide range of ground treatments against clogging. It is also equipped with ports for probe drilling. It is translatable along the longitudinal axis by 150 mm to allow an easily cutter change, and rotate in the transverse directions allowing for a 25 mm overcut. It is also equipped with a copy cutter giving a 60 mm radius extension. Service trains management A dual service train system ensures the delivery of segments to the TBM and the transport of excavated material to the surface. It operates by half-rings, each train (A and B) carrying in 4 segments (and mortar and other consumables) and carrying out the corresponding muck. As the excavation progresses a single track is laid inside the tunnel, while the TBM backup houses a switch (in the next to last gantry) and 2 short sections of parallel tracks (tracks 1 and 2). The muck chute (hopper) can be positioned to deliver muck above either track 1 or 2. It can also be translated longitudinally so as to avoid dropping muck between muck cars. Overall the hopper design allows a continuous flow of muck with minimal train moves. The system is managed by dedicated operators who also control the traffic lights intended for the train drivers. The service train scheme ensures a smooth and efficient cycle of operations as described in table 2:

Train B Switch is positioned to track 1 Train A reaches and enters the TBM on track 1 Train A moves to the foremost position and drops the mortar tank The segments unloader lifts the 4 segments, releasing the train The hopper is tilted to the track 1 position Train A moves to the rearmost muck loading position Muck loading begins by the foremost front muck car (a) Train A moves progressively forward so as to distribute the muck evenly in the muck cars When Train A has filled muck cars a and b, it clears the switch and the switch is positioned to track 2 Train A continues moving forward so as to distribute Train B reaches and enters the TBM on track 2 the muck evenly in muck cars c and d Train A waits for train B to board the TBM Train B moves to the foremost position The segments unloader lifts the 4 segments, releasing the train Train B picks the now empty mortar tank Switch is positioned to track 1 Train A leaves the TBM The hopper is tilted to the track 2 position Muck loading begins by the rearmost muck car (d) Train B moves progressively backwards so as to distribute the muck evenly in the muck cars Before Train B has filled muck cars d and c, it clears the switch and the switch is positioned to track 2 Train B continues moving backwards so as to distribute the muck evenly in muck cars b and a When full, Train B leaves the TBM Table 2 Sequence of dual service train operation Settlement control The TBM is equipped with a dual muck estimation system offering an increased reliability in detecting over excavation situations by estimating the weight of excavated material: A belt weighing system installed in a specific section of the belt conveyor. This system includes two stations equipped with two load cells each, which are combined to offer a high accuracy measurement. A bulk flow measurement unit installed over the belt conveyor. This system includes a radioactive source and a radiation sensor that measures the absorption of the muck being transported, from which the flow is derived. From the combination of these two measurements, a more reliable weight value can be computed, which is monitored continuously: an increase is likely to reflect an over-excavation situation. In this case, an alarm is triggered and reported to the TBM operator for decision making concerning the excavation parameters, or even a machine stop. Safety Safety is a major concern in tunnelling and has been thoroughly addressed during the design phase of this TBM, resulting in a series of specific equipment and associated measures. The TBM is equipped with a set of gas sensors for methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. It also houses extensive fire prevention and fighting equipment, with a combination of smoke, flame, and heat detection sensors, as well as water curtains for smoke protection. Inside the TBM a water curtain (wall and ceiling) follows the main personnel transfer path, allowing them to escape from the rear of the machine. Isolation can also be required between the TBM and the tunnel e.g. to avoid propagation of smoke from TBM to the tunnel or vice versa. This is implemented by a transverse water curtain in the last gantry. The hydraulic groups and electrical cabinets incorporate fixed fire extinguishers (respectively powder and carbon dioxide) and associated sensors that report an alarm in case of an abnormal heat rise. Activating these extinguishers is a simple push button operation that remains a TBM operator decision. This equipment is complemented by manual fire extinguishers and hoses.

Train A

Finally the TBM personnel can in an emergency enter the rescue chamber located in gantry 9, which offers full protection against external hazards. An autonomous air system supplies this smoke proof and gas tight room accommodating 20 people, with a worst case autonomy of 18 hours should the external air line be non operational. Convertibility The main feature of this TBM is that it was designed so as to be convertible from EPB to Slurry mode. The shield is for example pre-equipped with its complete slurry pressure regulation chamber, brackets for installing the crusher, etc. The backup can accommodate both configurations with provisions for the slurry equipment installation. The only major change required in the backup is the installation of the slurry circuit extension module that takes a completely different gantry, which is inserted as a replacement for the one carrying the muck hopper in EPB mode. The conversion work needs to be performed while the TBM is stopped inside a station and can be performed in three weeks. The following sequence of operations is then performed: Removal of screw conveyor gate Installation of crusher Removal of screw conveyor Removal of belt conveyor in all gantries Installation of the slurry circuit extension gantry in the place of the muck hopper gantry (nr. 6) Installation of other slurry equipment (slurry pumps, gate valves) Ducting of slurry circuits Reconfiguration of PLC software Validation tests


EPB configuration

b) Slurry configuration

Figure 2 TBM conversion from EPB to slurry. The pictures show the main changes to be performed The cutter head used in slurry mode can either be the EPB one after reconditioning and adaptation to the coming geological conditions, or a specifically designed new one. Other features The TBM is also equipped with anti-roll fins that can be pivoted and penetrate the ground, akin to the leeboards of old-time Dutch sailboats. These devices are activated by powerful hydraulic cylinders and controlled from the operator panel. They may be used to prevent TBM roll as a complement to a periodical change of the cutter heads rotation direction, and should of course only be used in very soft grounds. A special automated sequence was developed for the ring erection process. This guarantees that the ring key is securely and reliably inserted before resuming excavation. Particular attention was given to the risk of clogging due to the high plasticity clay. In addition to the common approach of bentonite injection at the tunnel face and in the excavation chamber, bentonite can also be injected around the periphery of the shield, lubricating the contact surfaces.

PROGRESS OF WORKS TBM launch The NFM TBM is named Imhotep after the famous Egyptian architect, engineer, and physician who designed and constructed the step Pyramid of Djoser (Zoser) in Saqqara, as a necropolis for Pharaoh Djoser. The TBM was launched on 24 January 2011 in the presence of the Minister of Transport. A special procedure was designed so that the TBM can effectively operate in pressurised mode right from the start. This is achieved thanks to a modular design of the backup equipment. Initially 8 gantries were installed down in

the launching shaft together with the shield, while the other 4 remained at surface level. As soon as the TBM had progressed sufficiently, the 9th gantry was lowered down in the shaft. Ultimately all 12 gantries were installed as part of the 175 m long EPB TBM. Immediately after the TBM was commissioned on site, the upheaval in Egypt and other Arab countries led to shutting the jobsite down for several weeks.

REFERENCES [1] Oyebanji Oyeyinka (coordinator), Cairo, a city in transition, UN-HABITAT, ISBN Number (volume): 978-92-1-132353-5, 2011 [2] Jean-Pierre Sueur, Villes du futur, futur des villes Quel avenir pour les villes du monde ?, Information Report nr. 594, Paris, June 2011 [3] Anne Grillet-Aubert and Sabine Guth, Architectures du transport Rapport final Volume 1/4: Prsentation gnrale et actions transversales, IPRAUS (Institut Parisien de Recherche: Architecture Urbanistique Socits), Paris, December 2005

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