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Performance of Pakistani Employees Abroad Amongst Racism


The fieldwork in this report uncovered the continuing presence of discriminatory practices against foreigners and immigrants and black and ethnic minority workers whether or not they are national citizens across a range of workplaces, but principally in the transport industries. We take the LONDON TRANSPORT COMPANY to find the result of the above mentioned topic. The research contain many issue and their solution facing the racism problem from them

INTRODUCTION The study gives a complete description about the performance of Pakistani employees abroad amongst racism. Over a year ago Pakistani people go abroad and fill the shortage of the employees. But the people of Pakistan always face the problem of racism. Basically the racism affect the performance of the employees working abroad. Taking the country UK to research on the above topic. This research offers a rare insight into the plight of Pakistani victims of racism in different towns and areas of the United Kingdom like London, Manchester and Southampton. Moreover, the report reveals that the Pakistani community suffers from levels of racism that are not only unacceptable but also, given the prevalence of under-reporting within the Pakistani community, there are perhaps even higher levels of racial violence or harassment than those experienced by any other minority group.
On the London buses half of all workers (48 per cent) were black and ethnic minority in 2003, and among the drivers the proportion was over 60 per cent. Among managers, the proportion of minority workers was just 13 per cent. British citizens from Northern Ireland, the Caribbean and India and Pakistan had been recruited to London Transport in considerable numbers during the labor shortages that lasted from the 1950s through to the 1970s. During those years the majority in a few garages changed from national ethnic origins to becoming largely Irish, or Indian or Afro-Caribbean. This effect was largely local. So garages in Kilburn had a high proportion of Irish, in Hackney, a high proportion of Black Caribbean, and in West London a high proportion of Indians. Thus the sector has had a significant minority presence for a very long time, and today its staff includes both second or third generation migrants who are British nationals and were born in Britain and new migrants without British nationality who were born outside Britain.

Performance of Pakistani Employees Abroad Amongst Racism

Modernizations of human resources

The new management that came in 2001 not only changed the way in which the company was organized, but also the morale of the staff, which is reflected in its policy statement: From a culture principally based on the respect for your superior and on seniority the firm now wishes to evolve towards a system based more on the valorizing of competences, and the delegation of responsibility. The modernization of human resources management involves basing the remuneration system on performance and skills more than seniority, and on making workers feel they share the responsibility for the companys results. This new philosophy is put into practice by means of a new corporate culture that extols values such as: enthusiasm, responsibility and commitment, openness of mind, transparency and team spirit. It severs all links with the culture that has prevailed since the sixties: the family atmosphere (that the workers frequently allude to), primarily a product of the fact that the close relatives of staff members used to be taken on before anybody else; few requirements in terms of qualifications; seniority-based promotion (starting out from the bottom of the ladder and sting selection exams, assessment report24); the social role that the public transport had as a major employer in the region.

Literature Review

Racism from fellow workers

Our research confirmed the presence of racist attitudes among the national Majority workers. Many white London bus workers, it was reported, are often 32 overtly racist when talking amongst themselves

Management and supervision

The large size and public accountability of the urban transport companies means that management racism is generally much less evident than other forms of racism. However, the power conferred by the employment relationship means that its consequences are often farreaching. It is here that the concept of institutional racism is important. For what appears to take place is that without deliberate racist intent, the best routes and jobs, training and promoted posts as controllers, inspectors and managers are allocated to those who resemble most closely the existing holders of these posts.

Work transformation
Since the arrival of the new management in 2000, administrators have embarked on a course spelled out in the new objectives set in the latest management contract20. This led to important developments at several levels in 2002: organization of the services, values, business plan, performance indicators and management structure. We shall go into the developments that have had a direct impact on the workers working conditions, especially those of drivers.

Performance of Pakistani Employees Abroad Amongst Racism

Minority workers interviewed described experiences of racism at the workplace. These covered a range of different issues. Some of them are quite obvious. I have interview from the workers of the London Transport company to find the affect of the performance of the employees facing racism. 1. Roughly how many workers of different minority ethnic backgrounds are there in your workplace/firm? In the workplace/firm (locality) - any/many/proportionate numbers of women, black or minority personnel or union representatives Working conditions Jobs, pay, status and responsibilities, promotion, training 2. Do you face racism while working in the organization from management or co-workers? Yes No

3. How would you describe the social relations between ethnic minority workers and other workers, their supervisors and managers? Social relations Friendship groups - inside / outside work Segregation of ethnic/racial groups Conflicts between ethnic groups/with whites Attitudes Managers, foremen Fellow workers in same occupation Other fellow workers Examples of fairness / unfairness 4. Speaking frankly, do you feel there are real problems related to race and/or ethnic issues inside your workplace? Examples of specific problems inside work Discrimination in: Work-skill mix Qualifications Language Training Overtime / holiday Promotion Racial harassment and/or attacks Successful and successful Initiator of grievance Different role and reactions of different groups Racism/discrimination

Performance of Pakistani Employees Abroad Amongst Racism

5. Speaking frankly, do you feel there are real problems related to race and/or ethnic issues in the community around the workplace? Examples of problems outside work: 70 Immigration / residence status Family re-unification Housing Childcare Healthcare Dealing with these issues Successful and successful Initiator of grievance Different role and reactions of different groups Definitions of problems Racism/discrimination Hatred/distrust 6. In your opinion, how can discrimination best be challenged?

Self-organization Alliances Leadership qualities Anti-racist campaigns 7. What is the way to enhance the performance of the Pakistani Employees working abroad? Avoid racism Give importance Treat like British Employees

8-Does racism affects the employees performance working in the London Transport? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

Performance of Pakistani Employees Abroad Amongst Racism

RESULTS: The London Transport Company has many Pakistani Employees working since years. The employees being interviewed are of the sample size 30. The survey questionnaire is the proved that the people of Pakistan working there are victims of the facing racism. 90% of the respondents are agreeing that the racism effect their performance and they cannot work with full independence.

During our interviews many of the respondents made recommendations about how to deal with these difficult issues facing the union nationally and in the London Transport Company. We discuss the major ones in terms of responses to questions about how change can be introduced into the union, about whether the union should get involved in policing promotion procedures, and concerning the case for positive discrimination. The problem can be resolved by change the work policies for the migrants and providing the better environment to them. To have the better performance from the Pakistani Employee, London Transport Company should give same protocol and importance to them and avoid racism.

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