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UEP Home Country Final Report Due April 20, 2012 to your HCPAC Representative.

Name: Elena Bersadschi Country: Moldova Email Address: Phone Number: (+373) 69435823 Project Title: DiversitARTe HCPAC Contact Name: Diana Marian The purpose of this HCP Summary Form is an overall assessment of your Home Country Projects effectiveness and achievements. It reveals whether the project did what it was designed to do, and gives an insight into your personal experiences while you were implementing it. This report consists of two parts: Narrative Report and Financial Report. Please complete the following questions on this form and return it via email. PART ONE: Narrative Report Your narrative report should be between 2 and 4 pages total. 1. Briefly describe your Home Country Project as it was actually carried out. Did you meet the goals stated in your project proposal? The project was designed to increase the awareness of people from Moldova towards minority groups living in the country, one of the goals being to stimulate discussions regarding the subject among groups with different beliefs and opinions. The project consisted of two parts: the contest and the exhibition that presented photos of pre-chosen finalists. At the contest participated 41 artists with 113 pictures. At the end, 15 photographers were exposed in the art gallery and 25 photos in total were shown at the exhibition ( All visitors of the exhibition had the chance to vote for best pictures. As a result, 5 participants were awarded (, which actually exceeded the nr of winners stated in the initial project proposal. We got featured in Ziarul de Garda newspaper and Weekend de dimineata tv show on Jurnal TV, a famous local tv channel. The exhibition was visited by 390 people, 191 people came to see contests results on the opening day. With the help of our partners we managed to bring new elements to the exhibiting event, such as live music.

2. Did your proposed timeline differ from the way the project was carried out? If so, please describe the major changes. The proposed timeline did not differ too much from how the project was carried out. The only big shifting from the original plan was the actual organization of the exhibition. It started two weeks later than originally proposed and lasted two weeks and not only one. 3. At what point in your Home Country Project are you at now? If you have not completed your project, what do you plan to accomplish before the Commencement Conference in July? My project is completed 100%. 4. With which organizations or individuals did you partner or consult? Please list organizations names and the role of each partnering organization or person. Organizations Non-discrimination coalition the major partner of our project. It provided us with all necessary support such as consultancy in the field of anti-discrimination, volunteers and informational materials that were distributed among visitors of the exhibition. They also helped us to find financial awards for winning participants and borrowed us the projector. UNDP offered $200 as award for five winning participants; Casalot printing services agency offered us 40% reduction price for pictures printing. Art-Labyrinth NGO gave us all free music equipment for the event. Also, the drums band, members of Art-Labyrinth, interpreted several songs during the event. Lobby and Advocacy program (LGBT community)- intensively disseminated the information regarding the contest and exhibition. German cultural association offered us the Art in the refrigerator venue for free for the event. Individuals Nicolae Pojoga photography professor at the Academy of Arts, member of the photography selection committee Marioara Onu helped us with the execution of thank you bags for participants. 5. How satisfied are project participants (volunteers, presenters etc) with their involvement in your HCP? I received positive feedback from project participants, at least I tried to make their experience as better as possible. 6. How can you tell that your project has made an impact on your community or beneficiaries? What changes can you see? Please cite reasons for these beliefs. The project questioned people about tolerance and equality. It started discussions regarding the subject. Some people were against, others supported the idea. It is very important that once again everybody had a chance to express their feelings. People were allowed to comment on the DiversitARTe blog or on the facebook page. New arguments for tolerance were brought. 2

390 people who visited the exhibition were once again convinced that equality between everybody should be respected and they are the one to change everything. In the future they will be more active in defeating their uniqueness. Beside the above, we received numerous feedbacks from people regarding the exhibition and we are really glad that we could attract peoples attention to it. 7. Has the HCP contributed in any way to your personal or professional development? Did you gain some new skills/knowledge? If yes, please describe. This is the first time I implemented a project from the beginning till the end and I was responsible for any output of it. I am not afraid anymore of my ideas. All ideas, crazy, creative or simply impossible can be brought to live. It just requires a little bit of perseverance and passion. Ive gained such skills as ability to listen and speak effectively listen to your partners, your colleagues, your beneficiaries and talk to the general audience regarding the sensitive subject of diversity. 8. Knowing what you know now and going through the whole project again, what would you do differently next time? I am truly happy for how the project developed, because I had to learn a lot from it. The only thing I would change, however, is that I would try to disseminate the information about the contest more in other regions. The project was more famous in biggest cities, but it would be also very useful for smaller villages where people are not that exposed to the anti-discrimination information. 9. How would you describe the role of the HCPAC representative in carrying out your project? Diana was an amazing HCPAC. Besides giving valuable advice, she was always there for us. Calm and rational, she was helping me to find alternative solutions for challenges that appeared during the projects implementation. 10. Was the support provided by OSI and HCPAC sufficient? What could have OSI and/or HC-PAC done to better support you or your project? The support provided by OSI and HCPAS was more than sufficient. Thank you for all your suggestions and help! 11. What, if anything, will happen to your Home Country Project after the Commencement Conference this summer? Do you plan to continue to work in this field? A big and respected NGO from Moldova (CReDO) offered me to continue the project in the framework of Connection of Transnitrian and Moldovan youth project. The ideas are still being discussed so there is always a chance for me to continue to work in this field. 12. What is the most important thing you have learned from the overall HCP experience?

The most important thing that Ive learned was that in every situation you have to have a plan B and C and D Ive learned how to deal with different types of people and how to motivate them. As talking about my projects colleagues, Ive learned how to hear them and how to trust them. Finally, everything turned really well. PART TWO: Financial Report Each project was eligible for two forms of funding from OSI. The first funding was $100 start-up costs and the second funding was up to $400 for your project. We ask that your final financial report include all funding spent on the project, including the $100 start-up funding. Please also include funding received from other sources. Using the following example as a guide, please complete a final financial report. Youll notice this format is very similar to the format you used to request funds from OSI. The only addition is a Spent column. You are encouraged to edit previous budgets to make this financial report as easy as possible.
Activity/Item Bus Fares Conference Printing & supplies Room Rental* Honorarium Awards Beverages & candy Description
Travel for meetings and coordination Planning via Skype Training materials For 2 day event For specialist to present for 2 hours Prizes for trivia games to raise awareness Bottles, cups and bags of candy/ snacks for event

Month October Oct-Dec February March April April April

Cost of 1 item $2/ trip $0 $12/person $40/ day $50 (flat fee) $5 $50 total

# items 10 4 20 2 (days) 1 3 1


Total $20 $0 $220 $80 $50 $15 $50

Spent* $55 $0 $200 $0 $100




$500 $1200

*In-kind donation

Please keep these points in mind while completing the form: Please include the activity/item, the description and the month in which the payment was made. The OSI? Column is mean to indicate whether OSI is covering the costs of this item. YES indicates that OSI money funded this activity (or you had the intention that OSI funding would cover this item). NO means you received funding from another source. NEW indicates that you had additional costs which OSI funding covered. Costs listed in the Spent Colum are actual costs money you actually spent. Please do not estimate or guess at the amounts.

Your financial report should include all items for which you request OSI funds and for which OSI funds covered the cost. o For items which you originally requested OSI funding but then did not have any costs, list $0 in the Spent Column. See the line for Room Rental below for an example. o For items which you didnt request OSI funding but needed to cover, please include these in the budget form, too. List them as NEW in the OSI? column. Please see the line for Materials below for an example. You do not need to update Cost of 1 item or # items columns. These are leftover from the budget proposal (see your interim report). The Total Column is meant for your budget estimate. It should not change from your budget proposed in your interim report. You may submit this report as an excel spreadsheet, if you wish.

Please note that OSI would like you spend the full amount given on your project. Thus, please list all costs on your project to total the full amount granted you. If you have questions, please contact your HCPAC advisor.
Activity/Item Phone calls Evaluation meetings Posters Description Calls to partners and team members Meetings for the evaluation of the every stage of the project The posters are aimed at promoting the contest within the universities and at professional photography courses It is necessary for the transportation of exhibition materials to the destination Art Gallery of German Cultural Center. The money were spent on decorating the venue Printing made on the qualitative paper in order to make the exhibition look professional Small accessories connected to the main idea of the project that would carry the idea of the project further into the masses Every picture will be framed into a white matt The gala was organized in a local caf. Participants, partners and professional photographers had the chance to interact and Month OctoberMarch March October Cost of 1 item 2.1 9.22 0.97 # of items 25 5 20 OSI YES YES YES Total 15 55.1 20 Spent 50.95 46.11 19.53

Transportation The venue

February February

3.02 72.77

8 2 weeks


9.9 72.77

24.23 72.77








Accessories for all participants and partners Matting Awards gala







February March

3.44 3.54

25 16


50 56.72

37.53 56.72

Financial awards Tea and cookies for the opening event Meeting of independent experts for choosing the finalists of the contest

share their impressions about the nondiscrimination subject and the project as a whole. provided by UNDP A small fourchette of tea and cookies was arranged for the visitiors of the exhibition During three hours, a group of three experts analyzed all the pictures and chose the best 25 to be shown at the exhibition

March February

1st place - $85 2nd place - $68 3rd place - $34 0.23

5 190



250 44






500 750,9

498.95 750,9

Final report is due April 20, 2012 to your HCPAC Representative.

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