Dallas ISD Superintendent Mike Miles' "Destination 2020" Action Plan

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Destination 2020

Dallas Independent School District

The Dallas ISD Plan

DRAFT 10 May 2012

Introduction Year 2020 goals What it will take The Direction - Course 267, mark 5 Operating principles Key targets and indicators Key operational expectations Achievement targets Key Actions Attachments ABCDEFEffective District Planning Diagram Support-Results Diagram Superintendent's Cabinet Superintendent's Core Team Dept. of School Leadership Structure Strategic Feeder Group Structure 5 6 7 9 11 13 16 18 19 24

Destination 2020, The Dallas ISD Plan, revised 4 May 2012

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Destination 2020, The Dallas ISD Plan, revised 4 May 2012

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Destination 2020
The Dallas ISD Plan
The Dallas Independent School District has steadily improved over the last several years. Student achievement, as measured by the state TAKS exams, has improved in a number of core areas and the graduation rate has climbed from 62.5% in 2007 to 74.6% in 2011. The percentage of Dallas ISD students performing at college-ready levels (TAKS Commended) has increased in each of the last five years. Students, staff, and community members can be proud of the District's successes and the foundation school leaders have laid which will allow the organization to move from good to great. Much more to do We have much more to do. We still have a low graduation rate and many of the students who graduate are not college or career ready. Our achievement gaps are too large, and not all students are getting the best education we can possibly provide. A quick review of schools and an analysis of District data reveal that the quality of instruction can be improved and that leadership capacity is low. Dallas ISD is not working systemically and has the potential to be much more effective. The organization is fairly traditional and is far from adaptive. The last point is important because the educational landscape is changing quickly. It is also clear that the Year 2020 workplace will require different skills and enhanced abilities to think critically and work in teams. Given that a more global environment and flatter world require a higher level of education and rigorous, year-2020 skills, we must expect more of our students and challenge ourselves to prepare them for post-secondary education and the Year 2020 workplace. We need to create a collegegoing mindset.

We need to create a college-going mindset

We need to expect our students to have the skills and proficiency needed to continue their education after high school. We need to convince our parents and community that college is within the reach of our students. We need to follow through on the notion that a student who can read, communicate well both verbally and in writing, do math, and demonstrate proficiency in Year 2020 skills such as working in teams, information literacy, and economics, will not only be better able to enter college, but, should the student choose not to go to college, be better able to enter the vocational trades. A Destination 2020, The Dallas ISD Plan, revised 4 May 2012 Page 5

"vocational education" program can no longer mean that a student does not attain proficiency in the core subjects and a Year 2020 curriculum.

Graduate collegeand career-ready students by 2020.

Year 2020 Goals

At the end of the day, our job is to prepare students for college or for a Year 2020 workplace. A college- and career-ready student is what our parents want; it is also what our community wants. For the sake of our children, our goal is to have the highest college- and career-ready percentage of graduates of any large urban district in the nation.

By the Year 2020, Dallas ISO will have the highest college- and career-ready percentage of graduates of any large urban district in the nation.

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In particular, by September 2020, we expect: 90% of our students to graduate on time 60% of our students attain a 21 or higher composite score on the ACT exam or SAT of 1110 on Reading/Math 80% of our students to be proficient on the "Year 2020 workplace readiness assessments"1 90% of our students to enter college, the military, or a "career-ready job" straight from high school

What it will take

"Incremental change isn Vgoing to get us where we need to go. We've got to be much more ambitious. We've got to be disruptive. You can't keep doing the same stuff and expect different results." Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, November 2010 We will not reach our goal if we continue to conduct business as usual. A transformation is needed, and time is against us. We need to do things differently. We need to challenge ourselves, our students, our parents, and our community. Most of all we have to work together, and we have to work In short, it mil take leaders and heroes at all in reinforcing ways. We have levels. Nothing short of that will do. to commit to a common vision, common goals, and common beliefs. We will need Board members, Core Team members, and building level administrators who are willing to lead and make the tough decisions few others are prepared to make. We will need to place student needs above adult issues. And we will need to recruit, develop, and retain the best teachers and support staff in the nation. In short, it will take leaders and heroes at all levels. Nothing short of that will do.

How do we get there?

While we need a clear vision and strong direction, the first thing we need to do is believe - believe that our students can achieve at high levels and believe that we can reach our destination. Great organizations work on "philosophy first." We will too. Dallas ISD's

'These assessments will be designed by the business and non-profit communities and will include critical thinking, communications, teamwork, information literacy, technology skills, and work ethic

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Core Beliefs will undergird its actions and keep us focused on students. When the chips are down, our Core Beliefs will keep us strong and keep us united. We will tie our actions and behaviors to our Core Beliefs, for if beliefs are not practiced, they will not become habit. If they are not manifested in observable behavior, they will remain words on a page. The following are our proposed Core Beliefs:2

Dallas Core Beliefs

Our main purpose is to improve student academic achievement. Effective instruction makes the most difference in student academic performance. There is no excuse for poor quality instruction. With our help, at risk students will achieve at the same rate as non-at risk students. Staff members must have a commitment to children and a commitment to the pursuit of excellence.

While an organization should continually work on its Core Beliefs, those beliefs will mean very little without a clear direction to our destination. Dallas ISD's new direction will be Course 267, mark 5.

The Superintendent will get input from the Board, key administrators, and teacher leaders on the Core Beliefs.

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The Direction - Course 267, mark 5

The metaphor connotes specificity even in the face of some unknowns - challenges and opportunities. We are going on a journey, not an exploration. Educators have known how to improve schools and reach rigorous academic goals for quite some time. The research is clear. Our direction will be founded on that research and on the experiences of high performing school systems. In general, for the next three years, our efforts will be focused on: Effective teachers. We will reach our destination by placing an effective teacher in front of every child. Effective principals. We will reach our destination if we make principals the key to reform. Professional and high-functioning central office. We will reach our destination if the central office staff is one of the most efficient and competent in the nation. Leadership density. We will reach our destination if we expand leadership density. Engaging parents and the community. We will reach our destination if our parents and community partners become engaged in graduating college- and career-ready students and if the various groups work in reinforcing ways.

Effective teachers
Our path to our destination includes placing an effective teacher in front of every child. We have to focus on improving the quality of instruction and raising student achievement. Mike Schmoker's Results Now on the importance of instruction (and how

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poorly it is monitored) preceded more recent research noting the primacy of effective instruction.3 The ultimate goal is to place an effective teacher in front of every child. While teachers in DISD are working hard and are committed to children, a quick review of instruction and discussions with instructional leaders in Dallas reveal that the quality of instruction is inconsistent and that good instruction is not pervasive in many schools. As curriculum alignment is the number one factor in raising student achievement (Marzano, 2005), we will ensure that teachers know what students are supposed to know and be able to do, that the lesson activities are directly tied to those standards and objectives, and that the student is able to demonstrate that he has learned what he is supposed to have learned. Aligning the curriculum is particularly important because Texas has new (STAAR) standards and objectives.

Effective principals
Our direction is also one in wliich we develop the strongest principal corps in the nation. I know of no large-scale education transformation that has taken place without the development of principals into effective instructional leaders. Principals are key to reform. Our principals will receive enormous support and professional development. The entire system will be geared to supporting principals and helping them improve the quality of instruction and raise student achievement. Attachment B provides a visual representation of how our system will be focused on support and results. (An excerpt from that representation is to the right.) The pressure of change and transformation will be greatest on the principals, and they need to know that up front. While we will provide the best support and professional development any principal in the State could hope to receive, they will have only one year to demonstrate that they have the capacity and what it takes to lead change and to improve the quality of instruction. PRINCIPALS

Student Achievement Metrics Quality of Instruction




The entire central office system will be designed to support schools as teachers and principals try to accomplish three main goals:

Results Now, Mike Schmoker, ASCD (2006).

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1) Improve the quality of instruction 2) Raise student achievement 3) Create a positive school culture and climate

Engaging parents and the community

While most people would agree that it takes a village to raise a child, very few communities are successful at collaborating strategically to significantly improve academic outcomes for most of the students. We will be much more purposeful in helping community supporters work in reinforcing ways. Dallas is at a unique point in its history with a great number of legislators, foundations, non-profits, and other stakeholders expressing a commitment to help the District move forward and expecting us to do what it takes to improve. We cannot squander this opportunity. At the same time, we cannot have 100 different partners spraying reform initiatives on our schools. That would diffuse the efforts and take us off our direction. Thus, we will help channel the support and ensure the major educational initiatives work in reinforcing ways.

Operating principles
A struggling organization will work more effectively with clear vision and clear direction. But that will not be enough. A struggling organization will not be able to move quickly toward the destination unless it attends to and follows some key operating principles. The best urban school district in the nation will: Reinforce Core Beliefs. An organization not only needs to identify its Core Beliefs, but it must coach staff members on how those beliefs manifest themselves in the workplace.

Expand leadership density. Leadership matters; it is the glue that holds the whole system together and ensures mission accomplishment. An effective organization works to expand leadership at all levels. It ensures that it has strong "bench strength." Raise the level of accountability. Some level of accountability is necessary to maximize performance. We must build an organization that will seek selfDestination 2020, The Dallas ISD Plan, revised 4 May 2012 Page 11

accountability. Additionally, an effective organization holds people and departments more accountable for results than the accomplishment of processes.

Work toward defined autonomy. People work best when they have some control over their work environment. Strong organizations establish clear expectations and parameters and then allow individuals or groups of individuals to figure out how to meet those expectations. Of course, until leadership capacity is developed, the organization may have to have less autonomy and more directives. Work systemieally. Effective organizations ensure various departments do not work in silos. They attend to system connections, focus on leverage points, and ensure alignment throughout the organization. Build an adaptive organization. The educational landscape and Year 2020 workplace is changing quickly. Organizations need to continually learn and be adaptive. They will have to develop a problem-solving culture and push decisionmaking to the level of implementation.

Develop channels for sense-making. An organization undergoing tremendous change needs to have clear lines of communication and have strong processes for disseminating accurate information and for helping people at all levels make sense of decisions and information.

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Key targets and indicators

Superintendent and School Leadership
Goal By 1 August 2013 At least 80% of the staff correctly 1. Ensure staff members identifies all of the Core Beliefs understand the direction of the At least 75% of the staff agree, strongly District and the Core Beliefs agree, or are neutral with the Core Beliefs as measured by the climate survey At least 75% of the staff agree, strongly agree, or are neutral with the direction of the District As measured by at least 50 independent 2. Improve the quality of spot observations per school, 80% of the instruction schools will be partially proficient (1.5) or higher in each of four areas: lesson objectives, demonstrations of learning, purposeful aligned instruction, and multiple response strategies At least 80% of teachers are "Progressing II" or higher as measured by the teachers' evaluation At least 60% of teachers are "Proficient" or higher as measured by the teachers' evaluation At least 50 school leaders graduate from 3. Develop principals into the 2012-2013 School Leadership effective instructional leaders Academy At least 80% of principals are "Progressing II" or higher as measured by the principals' evaluation or the entry performance

By 1 August 2015
At least 90% of the staff correctly identify all of the Core Beliefs At least 75% of the staff agree or strongly agree with the Core Beliefs as measured by the climate survey At least 75% of the staff agree or strongly agree with the direction of the District As measured by at least 50 independent spot observations per school, at least 80% of the schools will be proficient or higher in each of four areas: lesson objectives, demonstrations of learning, purposeful aligned instruction, and multiple response strategies At least 90% of teachers are "Progressing II" or higher as measured by the teachers' evaluation At least 70% of teachers are "Proficient" or higher as measured by the teachers' evaluation At least 50 school leaders graduate from the 2014-2015 School Leadership Academy At least 90% of principals are "Progressing II" or higher as measured by the principals' evaluation


4. Tie teacher and principal evaluations to student achievement data

Design a teacher evaluation system that ties evaluations to student achievement and that creates pathways for career advancement In a survey of teacher and school leaders, at least 70% agree or strongly agree that the new evaluation system will be "fair, accurate, and rigorous" In a survey of teacher and school leaders, at least 70% agree or strongly agree that the new evaluation system creates effective pathways for career advancement Implement a principal evaluation system that ties evaluations to student achievement

At least 75% of principals are "Proficient" or higher as measured by the principals' evaluation At least 80% of all classroom teachers are placed on a pay-for-performance evaluation system At least 60% of teachers on the pay-forperformance evaluation system agree or strongly agree (does not count neutral) that the pay-for-performance system is "fair, accurate, and rigorous" At least 75% of all principals agree or strongly agree that the principal pay-forperformance system is "fair, accurate, and rigorous" 100% of principals are placed on a payfor-performance evaluation system

Other Superintendent targets and indicators Goal 5. Create a professional and highfunctioning central office team By 1 August 2013
In a survey of members of the Board and the Board standing committees, 75% of respondents agree or strongly agree that the department is more professional and more effective than a year prior to the survey

By 1 August 2015
Create a rubric to assess the professional behavior and effectiveness of each major Central Office department (use an independent company to assist) In an assessment by members of the Board and the Board standing committees, each major department receives at least a proficient rating on the rubric

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6. Restructure the Department School Leadership


7. Create a career-ready


8. Create the Strategic Group


Reorganize the School Leadership department into five academically congruent divisions 100% of principals receive an annual evaluation At least 95% of principals receive a minimum of 10 school instructional visits, a mid-year review, and a systems review At least 70% of the Executive Directors (who oversee feeders) are rated Proficient or higher as measured by an instructional coaching rubric or performance tasks (if a new hire) Coordinate the creation of a "careerready" certificate At least 1000 graduates receive employment for which only "careerready" graduates may apply Create two Strategic Feeder Groups

In an assessment by members of the Central Office staff, each major department receives at least a proficient rating on the rubric 100% of principals receive an annual evaluation 95% of principals receive a minimum of 10 school instructional visits, a mid-year review, and a systems review At least 90% of the Executive Directors (who oversee feeders) are rated Proficient or higher as measured by an instructional coaching rubric

At least 3000 graduates receive employment for Which only "careerready" graduates may apply

Create four Strategic Feeder Groups The average achievement score (fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades) for the schools in the strategic feeder groups is at least 30% higher than their 2011-2012 scores.

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Key Operational Expectations


By 1 August 2013
Tie learning objectives to STAAR standards Create curriculum maps for science, math, reading, writing, and social studies at all grade levels Create mid-year and end-of-year district common assessments for science, math, reading, writing, and social studies at all grade levels

By 1 August 2015

Human Resources

Talent and Innovation

Align the curriculum o At least 80% of the schools will receive a proficient score (7-10) on the curriculum alignment rubric o In a survey of teachers and school leaders, at least 75% of the respondents agree or strongly agree that the curriculum maps are aligned with the state standards and district common assessments o Create curriculum maps for all subjects o Create mid-year and end-of-year district common assessments for all subjects Streamline me hiring process Streamline the hiring process o For 90% of the new hires, the maximum length of o The average length of the hiring process for a the hiring process (from the time he hits the submit teacher (from the time he hits the submit button to button to the time he receives a job offer) will be less the time he receives a job offer) will be less than five than five weeks weeks Less than 1 % of all teachers who are not proficient are Less than 1% of all teachers who are not proficient are moved to another teaching position in another building moved to another teaching position in another building 95% of all known teacher vacancies are filled by 1 85% of all known teacher vacancies are filled by 1 June 2015 June 2013 85% of leaders at all levels in the four Strategic Feeder 75% of leaders at all levels in two Strategic Feeder Groups have proficient evaluations Groups have proficient evaluations The average score on principal candidate performance The average score on principal candidate performance interviews increases by 10 points interviews increases by 20 points The community creates or identifies 1000 positions for The community creates or identifies 3000 positions for graduates who have a "career ready" certificate graduates who have a "career ready" certificate In a survey of teacher and school leaders, at least 70% At least 80% of all classroom teachers are placed on a agree, strongly agree, or are neutral that the new pay-for-performance evaluation system evaluation system will be "fair, accurate, and rigorous" At least 60% of teachers on the pay-for-performance In a survey of teacher and school leaders, at least 70% evaluation system agree or strongly agree (does not

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Operations and Finance


agree, strongly agree, or are neutral that the new evaluation system creates effective pathways for career advancement In an opinion poll conducted by an independent survey company, 70% of community members agree, strongly agree, or are neutral with the direction of the District In an opinion poll conducted by an independent survey company, 70% of community members agree, strongly agree, or are neutral that teachers and principals are more effective At least 75% of the staff agree or strongly agree in the Core Beliefs as measured by the District climate survey At least 70% of the staff agree, strongly agree, or are neutral with the direction of the District No school in the District's loses an instructional day as a result of any system failure that could have reasonably been avoided through a preventive maintenance plan In a survey of principals, at least 65% of principals agree or strongly agree that the facilities department supports the principal in mamtaining a safe and clean learning environment In a survey of staff in the schools, 70% of respondents agree or strongly agree that the school they work in is safe and clean Receive $20,000,000 of E-rate monies owed to the District

count neutral) that the pay-for-performance system is "fair, accurate, and rigorous" In an opinion poll conducted by an independent survey company, 70% of community members agree or strongly agree with the direction of the District In an opinion poll conducted by an independent survey company, 70% of community members agree or strongly agree that teachers and principals are more effective At least 75% of the staff agree or strongly agree in the Core Beliefs as measured by the District climate survey At least 75% of the staff agree or strongly agree with the direction of the District No school in the District's loses an instructional day as a result of any system failure that could have reasonably been avoided through a preventive maintenance plan In a survey of principals, at least 75% of principals agree or strongly agree that the facilities department supports the principal in maintaining a safe and clean learning environment In a survey of staff in the schools, 85% of respondents agree or strongly agree that the school they work in is safe and clean Receive 100% of the E-rate monies owed to the District

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Achievement Targets and Indicators

Achievement Metric
Commended performance on STAAR Longitudinal growth measurement for STAAR 8th Grade national reading assessment 10m Grade PS AT District Common Assessments Advanced Placement High School Graduation Rate 11 th or 12th Grade SAT/ACT

3x 3x 2x lx

Percentage of all tests (grades 3 - 1 1 ) which resulted in a Commended rating TBD - increase in the growth measurement Increase in the average score on the 8 th Grade national reading assessment Increase in the average PS AT score Increase in the median composite score (reading, writing, math, and science) Increase in the number of students scoring at least a 3 Increase in the high school graduation rate Increase in the average SAT or ACT score (reading and math) for juniors and seniors Percentage of graduates who are "college ready" (ACT of 21 or SAT of 1100) Percentage of graduates receiving a "career readiness" certification

June 2012 Baseline

1 August 2013

1 August 2015

2x lx 2x

College readiness Career readiness P<UJV-~ ^


2x 2x

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2012-2013 Key Actions

1. Ensure staff members understand the direction of the District and the Core Beliefs It is harder to change beliefs than it is to change how one operates. However, if the District is to reach its destination, belief in that destination and adherence to the Core Beliefs will be paramount. Too many districts leave this to chance; we will be purposeful about getting people on the same page and to act upon the Core Beliefs. Some actions associated with this Key Action are: Create an easy-to-understand brochure on the vision and direction of the District Destination 2020 Convene several different focus groups - teachers, principals, central office staff, parents - to receive input on the proposed Core Beliefs Conduct Core Belief exercises at each principal and assistant principal meeting o Ensure principals conduct Core Belief exercises with their staffs Strengthen the internal communications system and disseminate information about Destination 2020 and the Core Beliefs Strengthen the external communications system and disseminate information about Destination 2020 and the Core Beliefs Assess understanding of and adherence to the Core Beliefs at the mid-year review and spring systems review Include "philosophy" as part of the climate survey, principals' evaluation, and reviews

2. Improve the quality of instruction If instruction is the "main thing," then we must focus our efforts in improving the quality of instruction and the teachers' ability to teach with high levels of engagement and rigor. The system has to be designed to help teachers become experts at their craft. Improving the quality of instruction will become the main metric for all principals and all of the other leaders in the School Leadership chain. Some actions associated with this Key Action are: Develop a spot observation form Begin mandatory classroom observations o Open classroom doors when we teach

o Ten observations for every teacher, who is in his first three years; six for all others Align teacher performance instrument with key practices o Lesson objectives, demonstrations of learning, effective lesson planning, curriculum alignment, multiple response strategies Train teachers in good, first instruction Train teachers in key practices of effective teaching

3. Develop principals into effective instructional leaders Principals are the key to reform (see Attachment B). Without strong instructional leaders we will not be able to develop teachers, improve instruction, or evaluate teachers effectively. As the capacity of instructional leadership throughout the District is low, we have to take steps to build capacity quickly. Some actions associated with this Key Action are: Conduct a School Leaders' Academy o Train 60 school leaders for an entire year Develop a principal evaluation system o Determine achievement metrics and progress monitoring metrics o Evaluate principals and assistant principals Implement principal coaching model Conduct mid-year reviews and system reviews Train principals and assistant principals o Conducting instructional feedback o Curriculum alignment o Lesson planning, lesson objectives, demonstrations of learning, multiple response strategies o Evaluating teachers o Conducting performance interviews and hiring teachers o Systems thinking and action planning o Leadership o Change theory 4. Tie teacher and principal evaluations to student achievement data In the end of the day, our job is to raise student academic proficiency. One cannot be a great teacher or a great principal unless he can also raise student achievement. We will begin to tie teacher and principal evaluations to student achievement data. Destination 2020, The Dallas ISD Plan, revised 4 May 2012 Page 20

Some actions associated with this Key Action are: Coordinate and align current efforts with the Destination 2020 plan Identify principles and parameters of effective evaluation systems Formulate a draft teacher evaluation system o Identify draft achievement metrics o Identify performance metrics o Conduct initial (dry run) of teacher evaluations, using the new system "no harm, no foul" Partial evaluation with regard to achievement Develop a data platform that can tie achievement data to individual teachers given several key parameters See Key Action number 3 for actions to develop principal evaluations tied to student achievement data 5. Create a professional and high-functioning central office team Only a strong central office team will be able to guide a system as large as Dallas ISD. This team must revamp the current structure into one focused on instruction and support of schools. It must design the processes necessary to ensure we are working in reinforcing ways and working effectively. Some actions associated with this Key Action are: Hire a first-rate cabinet Create a rubric to assess the professional behavior and effectiveness of each major Central Office department Train central office instructional leaders o Organizational effectiveness, systems thinking, leadership, instruction 6. Restructure the Department of School Leadership The Department of School Leadership will be responsible for three major objectives: improving the quality of instruction, raising student achievement, and helping the schools maintain a positive school climate. In order to support and monitor effectively, the Department must be reorganized to enable leaders to coach principals effectively and to provide professional development and resources in a more focused way. Destination 2020, The Dallas ISD Plan, revised 4 May 2012 Page 21

Some actions associated with this Key Action are: Restructure the School Leadership Department into five academically congruent divisions and vertical feeders Consolidate professional development activities and align professional development with this plan See Attachment E 7. Create a career-ready certificate Some students drop out of high school because the diploma does not carry much value for them. We have to convince students that we will get them either "college ready" or "career ready." That means that they will be able to enter a regular four-year college without remediation or enter the Year 2020 workplace with the skills and knowledge necessary to acquire and hold a "career-ready" job. We will take advantage of the enormous community support that DISD has at the moment. Some actions associated with this Key Action are: Work with key community groups to develop "career-ready" metrics Apply those metrics for the students in the Class of 2013 Identify and acquire, in collaboration with the business community, 1000 careerready positions for the graduates of the Class of 2013 Assign career-ready positions to academic divisions; give priority to Strategic Feeder Groups (see below) 8. Create the Strategic Feeder Group There is tremendous interest from various community partners and individuals to help move DISD forward. However, the various efforts are diffuse and not aligned. If we were to focus and channel the various efforts, we would have plenty of resources to apply to the transformation of a couple of feeder groups. In this way, we would work with those interested in both economic and educational renewal. We would, in effect, establish a "beachhead" from which to expand. Some actions associated with this Key Action are: Work with the community to identify two Strategic Feeder Groups by 1 Sep 2012 Identify additional resource needs and specific community support by 1 Nov 2012 Work with the community to assign projects and tasks by 1 Feb 2013 Destination 2020, The Dallas ISD Plan, revised 4 May 2012 Page 22

Create action plans for various partners and projects by 1 April 2013 Restructure Strategic Feeder Groups by 1 June 2013 to create career pathways (link this structure to pay-for-performanee) Recruit and restaff (if necessary) to fill positions by 1 June 2013

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Attachment A ~ Effective Districts - Planning Diagram

(J) Philosophy


What are you prepared to act upon?

Actionable picture of success


Guiding frameworks

Theory of Action

Operational Framework

Systems Thinking

-- System connections - Leverage points - Archetypes

( 3 ) Needs Assessment

Needs Assessment
/ Achievement Data Quality of Instruction

\ System Evaluation

( 4 ) District Action Plan Key Actions

District Action Plan Indicators of Success

Specific Actions

( 5 ) Empowerment and Accountability

Goals and metrics for Central Office Targets and Parameters for School Leaders
Student achievement Quality of instruction Human capital management

Dept. Action Plan

School Action Plan

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Attachment B ~ Support - Results Diagram

Central Office
| Support )




School Supervision

Other departments

Student Achievement Metrics


Quality of Instruction Philosophy/ Culture


Support Metrics Metrics

Attachment C - Superintendent's Cabinet

Superintendent Mike Miles

Chief of Staff Alan King

Chief Of Operations

Chief Academic Officer

Chief of Human Resources

Chief of Talent and Innovation

Kevin Smelker

Chief of Communications Jennifer Sprague

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Attachment D - Superintendent's Core Team

Superintendent Mike Miles

Chief of Staff Alan King

Chief of Operations Kevin Smelker

Legal Services General Counsel

Student Service* Exec Director

School Safety Exec. Director

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Attachment E - Department of School Leadership Structure


| Chief of School Leadership |

ExccDfr. Dir

| | face Dir.

Exec Dir.

[ | Exec Plr. ~| | | Exec Dir. |

1 B*ecOir. j | Bcec Dfr. | | ExecDir. | Exec Dir. Dir.

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Attachment F - Strategic Feeder Group Structure

Strategic Feeder Group Structure Principal I Other Oepts. Dean

Math Dept. Leader Science Dept. Leader ELADept. Leader SSOept. Leader


| Support staff |





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