Video Journalism Project (Edited For Teacher)

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Topic sentence : Communication and Lifestyle of students / teenagers from Singapore and Taiwan (Comparison) Group members : Mun,

Khor Yi Xuan (leader), Ong Bin Ren, Sim Liang Kuok, Chee Ken

Henry Wu

Group name : KOSCH

SCENE 1 - School life in Singapore and Taiwan

Khor Yi Xuan : Good morning, teachers and fellow schoolmates. We are KOSCH from class 205. Today, we will be presenting on the different aspects of entertainment and culture in Taiwan. Based on our research and surveys, we have found out that most of the students in Taiwan lead a life considered more relaxed to that of Singaporean students. Liang Kuok : During school days, they are granted frequent breaks and after each hour of lessons, which is believed to aid the students in their learning and concentration. As such, Taiwan students are better equipped with the necessary knowledge to ace their examinations. Moreover, most Taiwan schools have more than an hour of Physical Education lessons weekly. This helps develop students who are not just academically inclined, but good in sports as well. Khor Yi Xuan : Thats right. The situation in Taiwan has a huge contrast with that of Singapores. In Singapore, students have to live up to the high expectations of their parents and are constantly pressurized in belief that in this way, students achieve better in their exams. This is a misconception that affects the students mental health, which may worsen the students performance during examinations. In addition, Singapore students spend more time during weekends at home than at outdoors, solely because students have to complete their homework and revision for upcoming tests. Hence, it can be concluded that Singapore students lead a more stressful and busy lifestyle compared to Taiwanese students.

SCENE 2- Entertainment aspects in Singapore and Taiwan (Media)

Henry : Moving on towards the media aspect, I believe everyone has watched Taiwan drama series and variety shows broadcasted on the television. This includes famous drama series like and and variety shows like which is still airing in Singapore now. Most Taiwanese dramas are known to drag for a few hundred episodes unlike standard Singapore drama series where most end at around 20 episodes. Bin Ren : They normally focus on topics like romance. They may include first teenage experiences with dating. Characters often have a dark secret or painful past that makes it difficult for them to form lasting relationships, and the drama may show characters finding a way to work through their deep personal problems. Love triangles are a common feature. They focus less on crime dramas, police dramas, lawyer dramas, and doctor dramas.

Ken Mun : Many Taiwanese drama series have been given the thumbs up and praises from audience, but may occasionally be criticized for the ridiculously long and complicated storylines. Taiwanese dramas are packed with suspenseful and storylines which engages the audience. On the contrary, Singapores drama series are considered by all to be lackluster because most dramas have plain and boring storylines. The only drama series that can be vividly remembered and has good reception from the audience is The Little Nonya where there was high viewerships and ratings because of the unique Peranakan culture reflected and good plot in the story.

SCENE 3 - Social networking sites/ Internet

: I believe most of us are familiar with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. Did you know that a staggering 2 million Singaporeans own a Facebook account(which is about 40% of Singapores total population)? Statistics have also shown that teenagers ranging from age 18 24 make up 30% of Facebook users in Singapore, with numbers expecting to climb in the future. Singaporeans use these networking sites to voice their view about social problems, for instance Stomp. In Taiwan, they are no far off than us. There are a whopping 9.8 million accounts in Taiwan, about 42% of their population. Young adults ages 18-24 and 25-34 consisted of 56% of the Facebook users in Taiwan. Social networking sites nowadays have evolved from being a place where we communicate and share about ourselves but a trend where we play games and get the best out of these sites. In conjunction with the internet where we surf to find out information and search according to our needs, we can also obtain a variety of information from social networking sites. With the click of a like button, you are able to get a variety of information from the page or group on Facebook without really searching the web. .

SCENE 4 - SMSing/Telephone/Messengers (Communication)

: As you can see, many phone users switched from the original phone brands they are using to Apples Iphone. Just one glance when boarding a public transport and you will see many commuters hogged on their iphone. . According to statistics in 2009, it is known that Singapore an estimated 6652000 mobile phones which is more than the countrys population which is pretty staggering. In Taiwan, their population is estimated to be around 23.2 million. However, just like Singapore, mobile phone users are also beyond their population. All these statistics exclude conventional telephones and already it proves that mobile phones are just a part of daily life. Whether it is business, communication or just for surfing the web with the phone, we are taking such things for granted.

With a wide range of uses with phones now, such as cameras and the capability of 3G and wi-fi, we are able to connect with each other wherever we are. Moving on, Internet growth has been phenomenon in Taiwan. The proportion of the population who are internet users have exceeded 60%. And some 70% of all homes in Taiwan own desktop computers and around 60% of homes have Internet connections. Taiwan is indeed a country leading in technology use. Statistics has showed that at the end of June 2004, there were 10.2 million Internet subscribers. Just imagine how many people would have already subscribed to the internet by the end of 2011 ! Though so much are being discussed about telecommunications and how to further improve it to serve better services to the customers, it plays an important role as to improving peoples lives.

SCENE 5 - Conclusion
Hey Henry ! Have you learnt a lot of things through this video and research ? Indeed I have. Not only that, through this video we can also share our views with friends around us and apply these knowledge into our daily lives ! We have also learnt more knowledge about both countries through this project and we hope that the school can continue this to let the future Sec 2s to learn from this enriching experience we had. We hoped that you have truly enjoyed watching our video presentation.

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