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School of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering EEGR 215 Electronic Materials and Devices

Project 1 Schrodingers Project

02/20/2012 1)

The general stationary state solution for the Schrdinger equation for the stationary wave is given by (x) = A eikx + A eikx -----------(1) with V(x) = 0 12 This equation represents the superposition of two waves traveling in the +x direction with amplitude of A1 and other traveling in -x direction with amplitude of A2 Also, the one dimensional Schrdinger equation is given by

---------------------- (2)

For V(x)=0 since it corresponds to the free particle,

and Now, rewriting the eqn 1 using the Eulers relation, (x) = A1 (cos kx + i sin kx) + A2 {cos(kx) + isin(kx)} = ( A1 + A2 ) cos kx + i( A1 A2 ) sin kx For x = 0, (0) = A1 + A2 or, A2= - A1 Hence, (x) = 2iA1sin kx = C sin kx-------------- (3) k can be any number, to satisfy the boundary condition kL = n so,

Hence, for V (0) equation (2) becomes

Using the De-broglies wave length,

Now, substituting the value of k in eqn 3


The normalization condition for the particle to exist between x = - and x = + must be equal to 1, i.e

Now, plotting the graph for (x) for the three wave functions and energy levels, Using the equations, 4 and 5 The data points are obtained on MSExcel, We know, h= m= L= 6.67E-34Js 9.31E-31kg 10000000000m

The values for x was obtained from 0-10 in an interval of pi/6 which is shown

6 below, and the corresponding (x) was obtained for n=1 to 3

Similarly, the Energy was obtained for n= 1 to 3 nE . 1 2.35815E-56J . 2 9.43261E-56J . 3 2.12234E-55J The Graphs were obtained, which are listed below,

8 2) The distance of the well was extended to 1000A so the interval for x was also extended this time at the interval of 60. The data points and plots for the three energy levels are shown below:

3) Given, Potential height (U0) = 2.4 eV

10 Energy (E) = 2.1 eV The probability of the tunneling is given by,


Therefore, by comparing the probabilities, the probability of finding the particle at

11 a distance of 12A is more than 48A. Plotting the Probability Curve, The data points were first obtained in Excel and then the graphs were plotted as shown below:




Observing the decaying probability curve, it is clear that the probability is decreasing exponentially as the length of the tunnel, or width L increases. Also, the probability of finding the particle at the barrier is very high, from the graph. Considering the particles kinetic energy and the width L there is a probability of finding the particle at the right of the barrier after the tunneling phenomena. At such case the probability T has to be proportional to the square of the ratio of the amplitudes of sinusoidal wave functions on the two sides of the barrier. 4) Given,


The probability of finding the particle are as follows: (a) 0<x<a0 Using the normalizing condition,

= 0.393 Hence, the probability is 39.3% (b) a0/4<x<a0/2 Using the normalizing condition,

= 0.238

16 Hence, the probability is 23.8% (c) 0<x<a0 Using the normalizing condition,

Hence, the probability is 86.4% 5) Here, 0<x<a 0<y<a 0<z<a The Schrdinger equation for the three dimensions x, y, and z for time independent is given by

Separating the variables,

17 Now, dividing both sides of equation 1 by

Now, we know that, for the one dimension Schrdingers equation

Since, the particle has three different component of momentum given by px, py and pz Hence, the kinetic energy is given by,


For, n=3 and a= 10 the 3d graph obtained in Matlab is shown below:


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