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Surname Name Course code Tutors name Date Symbolism in Othello

Symbolism is of great importance in Othello for it has been used well by Shakespeare to bring out meaning in the play. The use of symbolism allows the readers to have a better understanding of the play. The most important symbol that dominates Othello is the handkerchief which we see circulating throughout the play. It serves various functions depending on the circumstances or context. At first, we learn that Othello gave the handkerchief to his lover Desdemona as a gift and a sign of love. Here it symbolizes love between the two characters (William, 1988). The handkerchief further symbolizes the inexplicable past of Othello. He informs Desdemona that an Egyptian charmer had given a handkerchief to his mother to use it as a charm that would keep Othellos father faithful under his mothers spell. Here the handkerchief acts as a magical charm (3.4.10). The handkerchief is a small object but has been presented by Shakespeare to carry enormous significance of jealous feelings while at the same time signifying betrayal and love. The fact that it is given to Othellos mother by the charmer clearly brings out the issue of lack of trust. It kind of portrays the character of men in the play who tend to be perceived as unfaithful and have to therefore be contained in the relationships through any means including charms (William, 1988). According to Lago, he has the perception that the handkerchief would symbolize unfaithfulness in his fiance Desdemona for his intention is for Othello to see the handkerchief and relate it to the purported relationship between Cassio and Desdemona. This seems to be another negative presentation of the handkerchief that aids in developing the

Surname tragedy in the play. From the play, we learn that the white napkin is has red strawberry spots that were done using a thread that had been dipped into blood that came from virgins blood.

This is so to symbolize chastity hence the handkerchief has to be in Desdemonas possession all the time as a sign to Othello that she is chaste. The plan by Lago to still it and place it in Cassios room is meant to create the impression that Desdemonas chastity has been lost and it is open betrayal to her fianc Othello (Othello, 3.4.10) Throughout the play, it is evident that the handkerchief symbolizes different things to different characters. To Desdemona, it is a sign of her love to Othello because it is the first gift that she received from him hence it is something she holds in high value. Lago manipulates the same handkerchief to imply unfaithfulness but the basic idea is that everyone has his or her interpretation of the handkerchief (William, 1988). Another important symbol is the song willow which as we read, was taught to Desdemona by Barbary who was her mothers maid. The words of the song imply that there is a lot of unfaithfulness in both men and women who are in love relationships. To Desdemona, the song signifies the difference in feelings and liking of Othello. Through the song, we get to learn of Desdemonas fear that Othello would desert her in the near future. The lyrics imply that unfaithfulness is a serious issue for it says, I call'd my love false love but what said he then? Sing willow, willow, willow If I court more women, you'll couch with more men (William, 1988) The willow song further serves as a pointer to Desdemona that indeed something is wrong with Othello of which she seems not to be aware of for she is deeply in love with the man. It is through Emilia that we get to learn this. In her state, Desdemona gets a premonition of her death and even tells Emilia, ...If I do die before thee, prithee shroud me / In one of those same sheets"

Surname When Desdemona sings the willow song, it gives the indication that Othello will become mad and that she may end up disappointed in her love for him. In the song, the scenario seems to resemble her situation for it is the male lover who is unfaithful to the

woman. Emilia comforts and reassures Desdemona throughout the scene just to give her hope in the tough life (William, 1988).

Cassios dream is also symbolic in Shakespeares play. While asleep, cassio dreams being with Desdemona where they seem to have a secret affaire that he is not ready to be known. Unfortunately Lago happens to overhear him dream and decides to use it as another point of convincing Othello that Desdemona was unfaithful to him by secretly having an affair with Cassio to an extent that he dreams. Lago says, In sleep I heard him say sweet Desdemona, Let us hide our lovesthis is a direct implication that Cassio does not want their affair to be publicly known for he would be punished by Othello (William, 1988). Lago uses the dream as a pointer to how disloyal Desdemona is to her fiance hence its significance in acting as proof to Othello over his doubts. Lago describes the whole events that took place during the supposed Cassios dream where while lying besides Lago, he wrapped his legs around Lago and made out the scene of making love with the assumption that it was Desdemona. The events seem to have taken place while in a military camp. This was to clearly show how the relationship was serious to the extent of Cassio dreaming a lengthy scene (William, 1988). The dream acts as a tool that is used by Lago to fix Cassio now that he had every reason to make Othello regret his decision to prefer Lago over him for promotion. With such a scene, it would definitely elicit hate and bad feelings in Othello and provoke him to take a radical decision towards his fiance and Cassio whom he thought was better than Lago. The dream further helps develop the theme of jealousy in the play for it acts as a catalyst to the


eventual reaction and final tragedy that occurs in the play. For Othello to strangle Desdemona to death, it must have been an extreme reaction that was as a result of a serious matter (William, 1988). The description of the scene by Lago is meant to imply the relationship between Cassio and Desdemona but in real sense but instead brings out a moment shared between him and cassio. This only puts to question how Othello could be jealous just as a result of a dream that is being given as proof rather than a real scenario that could be more acceptable. It is a point of contention that a dream may actually reflect the truth or somehow the real situation that takes place (William, 1988). In conclusion, Othellos judgment may be considered as vague from a readers point of view for we seem to know much more and better than the way he does. This is not the case in his mind but Shakespeare has used it as a technique of developing the play towards tragedy. If at all Othello knew the truth, maybe a lot of things would not have happened for all the plans by Lago would have failed terribly. In fact it would have been Lago that maybe Othello would have eliminated for falsely accusing other characters because of selfish interests. These symbols are therefore of great significance in developing the themes and plot of the play besides other symbols which are also important for they subordinate these in the play.



William, S. (1988). Four Tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, kinglear, Macbeth. bantam Books.

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