The State of FES, Spring 2012

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FES, or the Finance & Economics Society, started out as 2 separate entities in the 1930's at a university called City College of the University of New York. In 1976, the economics club merged with the finance club, a fitting combination given the growth in Mergers and Investment Banking at the time. We dont know whether it was a hostile takeover or not, but one would imagine a young Gordon IN 1976, THE ECONOMICS Gekko (whose character is FROM CITY COLLEGE) recommending that "Blue Horseshoe LOVES Economics Club." I'm being facetious of course, but this is how we came to be at the point where we are. Our alumni have gone on to great positions on Wall Street, and we often invite them to meet ambitious, smart and hungry students.


The Economy 101: Indicators and Scenarios The Economy 201: Outlook and Forecasting Recruiting 101:Networking and Email Etiquette Recruiting 201: The Dos and Donts of the Recruiting Process Investment Banking 101: Description and Behavioral Interviews Sales & Trading 101: Asset Classes and Markets Networking Your Way To Success Investment Banking 201: Corporate Valuation Fields of Finance: Overview and Description Hedgefunds, Private Equity & Venture Capital Firms of Finance



Corporate Events
*Finance Career Speed Networking KnowYour Field: Credit Risk Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Case Study
IB Case Launch *IB Case Study Presentations

Bloomberg Headquarters Tour Bloomberg Assessment Test Junior Achievement NY Volunteering Princeton Trading Conference

May 10, 2012 Spring 2012, Issue 1

Baruch Finance & Economics Society

What We Are Known For
We are known for improving the qualifications of members through mock interviews, resume reviews, professional development seminars, speaker series, networking events, newsletters, resources, financial training boot camps, mentoring, etc. Through the years, we have had speakers talking about diversity, government affairs, economic trade policy, recruiting opportunities and other topics that were relevant at the time. members internship and job opportunities through personal diligence and advice, as well as the referral of professional contacts in the fields of their interest. Members of our club have gone on to working for some of the most well-known firms; including Credit Suisse, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Blackstone, Fortress Investment Group, BMO, Citi, among others.





The Finance Society will present a Feature Flick entitled "THE STOCK MARKER" in room 1011, On Thursday, March 9,1972, at 12 o'clock. A pleasant time is guaranteed for all. The entire student body is cordially invited to attend.

The Finance Society will present Mr. Lewis Weston of Goldman, Sachs and Company who will discuss job opportunities in the Investment Banking field at 12:10 in 1010.

By providing numerous Most of our members have gotten to know us more for our weekly workshops than our events. We started that just last semester and now it is a great staple of FES. We have also been credited with getting many opportunities for networking, seminars on various topics, corporate presentations as well as case studies; FES gives students a significant advantage during corporate recruitment periods.
James C. Hill, vice-chairman and public member of the New York Regional Office of the Wage Stabilization Beard, will be the guest speaker at a meeting- of the Economics Society, Thursday at 12:30 in 1014. Mr. Hill will address the group on the topic, ''Are Wage Controls Compatible With Collective Bargaining. Dean Norton will introduce Mr. Hill to the group. During World War II, Mr. Hill was public member of the San Francisco Regional Office of the War Labor Board.

The Finance Society i s pleased to present Professor Zweig; of Baruchs Finance Department. He will discuss various aspects of Stock market trading. If you are interested in the Stock Market and willing to profit from a little advice, you are cordiallyr invited to attend this informative meeting. This meeting will be held on Thursday March 23, at 12:00 noon in- room 1011.

Baruch Finance & Economics Society

Recent History I. Winter Break II. Spring 2012- The Big Enchilada
The best way for me to go We blew off some steam and travelled to Pennsylvania to have some paintballing fun! This was a great bonding experience and, for me, a very memorable day. ( Car breakdown, Random Fall on Ice and Shoulder Injury that I will never forget) I think Jacob and Quan are still thinking about their great shooting records from the day! B. On-campus Recruiting Prep Day We took a day out of our schedule to prepare some members for their interviews and recruiting. We conduced resume reviews, mock interviews and went through important information to begin the process of working! Refined professional students came out of that Boot camp, and we will continue to hold these for those that are interested and have time to join us. **Look out for this in the summer months- likely in August! We went through tips on recruiting, scenarios as well as indicators of the economy and INVESTMENT BANKING. IB is an interesting area, because everyone wants to do it but very few know why or what it is. Nav explained it best with the following 2 pie charts: B. Speed Networking This was truly a group effort, we ended up getting professionals from all the fields of Finance: Asset Management, Sales & Trading, Risk, Investment Banking, We started the Beginner/Advanced workshop series this semester. This broke up our first few topics into "101 / 201". We did that for Investment Banking, Economics and Recruiting. We had food and a much larger and more spacious room to better suit the needs of our members! through this semester is either in chronological order or by sections. Let me break it up logically and you can more easily understand how the semester went for yourself! A. Workshops Further workshops included Firms of Finance, Fields of Finance, Hedgefunds and Private Equity, Sales & Trading 101 among others. Thank you to the PD TeamShawn, Jenny, Shiv and our contributing presenters Justin, Edward and Nav for a job well done!

A. Paintball in PA

Baruch Finance & Economics Society

Controllers & Treasury. We got the great Library Building Conference Room 750.

If you've spoken to me in the last 2 weeks, chances are you've heard me tell you about how successful the IB Case Study was and link you to the Ticker article. Well, too bad I'm going to do it again! Our mentorship program expanded further this semester. The returning VP of Mentorship, Justin Serioux, continued to contact potential mentors and market the program to mentees. They also had weekly assignments; which included interview questions, article summaries, and a trading simulation. t/2.8218/first-ever-investmentbanking-case-study-comes-tobaruch-1.2734728 But regardless, it was really great and it was a whole lot of work to put together, work with the teams and bring it prominence throughout the student body. Thank you to Nav and Edward for all of your help throughout the process, including contacting Judges that were both professors and professionals. Students were able to get reallife experience in putting together reports for a Merger & Acquisition and present it in front of real-life The event kicked off with a mixer where our upperclassmen mentors met with underclassmen and described their vast internship and work experiences and were able to choose who they would mentor throughout the semester.

Students were able to learn about different fields, expand their personal networks and improve their communication skills. Thank you to Nav and the rest of the board for volunteering their contacts, working with us to plan and put together the event. Also thank you for those that contacted professionals and helped me pick up food--> Justin!

C. IB Case Study


Thank you to Ed, Justin, Karishma, Nav and Fernando as D. Mentorship Program

Baruch Finance & Economics Society

well as all the Mentors for helping us out!

understanding of the market as well as the economy and business environment from doing so.

presentations. This is in keeping with our ages-old tradition of having speakers explain their careers and present on specific topics. Special thanks to everyone that came out and to Edward, Justin, Shawn and Nav for helping setup and giving me ideas for great questions to ask the speakers!

E. Newsletter The Newsletter started off this semester with a bang. We've had 13 issues throughout the school year after just starting the program. Thank you to our 5 contributors and former contributors, outside contributors and VP (Kimberly, Suhail, Ruchi, Joseph, Kevin, Karishma, David, Di Wu, Pavel F, Shawn I, Mark). We had 2 speaker events this semester. One was a Managing Director from Credit Risk at Bank of America- Merrill Lynch and the other was a Global Head of Prime Services at BMO Capital Markets. The FES Weekly Newsletter created articles about the business world from companies we all like such as Netflix and Apple to the European Debt Crisis and the Economic Upturn. Many members enjoyed reading it and felt that they gained a better Students learned a great deal from these speakers and were able to speak to them after their Marketing Promotions went great this semester. We were able to get around 150 membership applications and keep up F. Speaker Events G. Special Mention Our volunteering event took place in a low-income neighborhood within an elementary school. FES volunteers came in as a part of JANY and helped the students learn about how to start your own business and gave practical life skills! Thank you to Funlola for making it happen and Jordan for referring us to Junior Achievement.

Baruch Finance & Economics Society

attendance at many events. Thank you to Ann for the amazing flyers as well as Allen and everyone who posted flyers and told their friends about our events! Networking Your Way Into Success was an event we held where we used improvisational techniques. Thank you to Jordan and his actor friend!

Baruch Finance & Economics Society

Plans for Next Year
Fall 2012 Board Name Edward Velasquez Justin Serioux Karishma Ruparel Jacob Kelman Fernando Lopez Josuel Reynoso Shiv Adhlakha Suhail Zalia Nav Ghuman Jenny Yescher Alona Bilokha Terence Thai Kevin Joseph Michael Kim Salihe Redzovic

Position President Vice President Secretary Treasurer VP of Mentorship VP of Marketing VP of Membership VP of Publication VP of External Relations VP of Professional Development Chair of Membership Chair of Mentorship Chair of Publication Chair of Professional Development Chair of External Relations

Baruch Finance & Economics Society

After an amazing last year in FES, we are going into the summer and fall and are going to be even BIGGER and BETTER! Our new Eboard, whom I am very confident in, will listen to the constructive criticisms, suggestions and ideas and improve the club. Thank you to everyone for coming to events, Specific Initiatives that are in the works: 1. New workshops on different topics- they will be done by request of the majority of members! 2. Larger mentorship program, with differing assignments that build on a variety of skills 3. More social outings for members, corporate trips for the Baruch population 4. Newsletter with consistent sections( M&A, Politics, Economics, Opinion) , opportunities for members as well as different Eboard members to contribute articles 5. Setting up resume review and mock interview schedules and adding availabilities to answer recruiting questions and connect members to great networks. 6. Keeping a "running tally" of events for Members so that they are aware of their level of activity and know the amount they must improve by to stay active 7. Have monthly member-only speaker events with top executives in the field 8. Partner with administration, STARR, EOC, Zicklin and other clubs to make Baruch the primary destination of more large Financial firms helping out and we hope you continue to be a part of the Finance & Economics Society. Regards, -Greg Dutov President Be Ambitious, Be Prepared, Be Humble I would like to congratulate the new Board members and thank all the Board members from this semester. We all have worked hard to help others and I believe strongly in the value of giving back and continuing to improve personally!

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